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I. Executive Summary
Our objective for this years 2014 DECA Rebranding Project is to rebrand a
business of our choosing; our team chose the Bal theatre.
II. Introduction:
My team and I decided to take Bal Theater, a local privately owned movie theater,
to a whole new dimension of success that it has never seen before. By implementing our
plan we will be able to bring the Bal Theater into the 21
century. Bal Theater is known
for its historical qualities and its classic movie showings, and concerts. Recently the Bal
Theater has made efforts to a primary venue for entertainment by creating a website and
hosting community events.
III. Research Methods Used in the Study:
After we completed this, we moved on to writing what processes we are going to
use in our study of Bal Theater. We concluded that the most effective way to go about
our re-branding opportunity was to study articles on branding, research information about
the theater on Bals website, conduct an interview with Daniel Dillman (an experienced
employee at Bal), and conduct a survey with our community.
IV. Findings and Conclusions of the Study:
Several things we recognized were that Bal Theater wasnt well-known in its
community. It isn't peoples first choice for a place to go and watch a movie due to the
fact that the Bal Theaters current branding efforts arent sucessful. Reoccurring
adjectives people associated with Bal included classic, old fashion, outdated, and family
V. Proposed Rebranding Plan:
Although we enjoyed the current branding efforts of being family oriented, we
realized five new rebranding ideas that we believe have to be implemented. These
consisted of creating a logo, reaching out to the community, developing a trust in other
markets; being recognized as historically hip and becoming peoples initial choice. The
thought process for our logo was that it would be a symbol and constant reminder of Bal.

The best way to improve our relationship with the community would be by
hosting events and giving a percentage of our profits back to the host who rented out the
Theater. We shall develop trust by establishing a fusion marketing campaign with a local
business by implementing a policy where if you spend twenty dollars at Bal you get a
percentage in spending money at that business. By playing a weekly free movie night and
getting Bal Theater an account on Netflix, they would open a door to a new target market
and profit by selling food at free movie nights. Our preferred ideology is for Bal to
become an initial choice would be to set up a customer reward system that is, if you go to
Bals shows, at the end of your tenth show you that youve attended, you can attain a gift
card for Bal at the average rate youve spent there!
VI. Proposed Budget
Logo 22%
Hosting 50%
Fusion Market 40%
Customer Loyalty program 40%
Netflix 606%
Total: 157%(almost 3x investment,
one year)
The Activity: The Price
Logo $1,720.00
Hosting Activities $630.00
Fusion Market $450.00
Customer Loyalty
Recent movies/Netflix $283.00
Total: $3,453.00

II. Introduction
A) Description of Business
The Bal Theater first opened its doors
on July 1st, 1948 as a family movie theater.
The Bal Theater was one of the first art deco
theaters and place to hold live events to open
in San Leandro. Throughout the years, the
theater has never stopped running and has always helped out the local community. Its
current owner is Dan Dillman, who purchased the theater in 2008 and has been
running/hosting events such as classic movies, fundraisers, live events and music. The
owner's main goal with the theater is to give back to the community and to have a family
oriented atmosphere where people and their loved ones can come and enjoy the
theater. The theater is open on the weekends. The owners hope to eventually run the
theater all week long, to fully utilize the theater.
B) Description of the Community
The City of San Leandro, home to the historic Bal Theater, is located in Alameda
County. The city has a population of 80,000. San Leandro lies on the coast of the San
Francisco Bay, and is a suburb of Oakland and San Francisco. San Leandro is 30%
White, 30% Asian, 27% percent Hispanic, and 12% African American.

The median income for the city is $65,333. 21% of citizens make over $100,000
per year, 34% make $50,000 to $100,000, and 40% of citizens make less than
$50,000. San Leandro is predominantly female, at a 52% clip. Over of the citys
adults have at least a Bachelors Degree.
The Bal Theater is located on East 14th Street in San Leandro. The surrounding
neighborhood is known as the Bal Block. San Leandro is a diverse and busy place, which
is the perfect spot to house such a historic monument. Diverse backgrounds provide a
strong sense of knowledge and input that helps Bal theatre to continue to adapt.
C) Description of the Businesss Target Market
The target market of the Bal Theater is (but not limited to) people in Alameda
County. The average person in the county, based off our research, is a thirty-six year old
female Caucasian who is married with a family. There is a big target market for the Bal
Theater; they target everyone and anyone, to
come and enjoy what they have to offer.
They do target families with children and
teenagers; the overall environment inside the
theater, gives off a classic feeling for an
older age group to watch movies from the
pre-2000s. Other than families, Bals doors are open to everyone who wishes to partake
in a true movie experience. Their goal is to have a community venue and increase the
amount of walk in sales/amount of people in general that come to concerts, stand-up
comedy nights, and classical movies. Based off of our survey, the Bal Theatre is

perceived as outdated, classic, and very family oriented. Though some of these
terms are positive there is a definite change that needs to be implemented, in order to
have a unique and memorable brand.
III. Research Methods Used in the Study

A) Rationale and Description of Research Methodologies Selected to Conduct the
Research Study
Secondary Research
Research Databases
1. Google Maps
2. City Data
3. San Leandro Chamber of

Social Media Classroom
1. Branding Notes
2. Sample Papers

Company Information
1. Companys website
1. Marketing Textbook

Online Articles
1. What is a Brand by Susan Gunelius
2. What is a Brand by Scott Spanbauer
3. The Difference Between Marketing
and Branding by James Heaton
4. Branding Mistakes by Jerry
5. Brand knew profits by Jerry

We used online articles as a resource in order to research subjects such as, what is
a brand and how can this knowledge help us in our study? A majority of the articles that
we used were by author Jerry McLaughlin who is a world-renowned professor on
branding and marketing. What is a Brand, The Importance of Being First, and
Brand New Profits were the windows of opportunities we created for our team.
Overall, by taking the knowledge from the secondary research weve conducted, we
brainstormed an eclectic amount of rebranding ideas. We also stumbled upon Branding
Mistakes to Avoid by Newtech, which gave us a comprehension of what a brand truly
represents and how to avoid common branding mistakes. We also used other websites
such as Yelp and Google Maps for their reviews on our client. Our team took advantage
of these websites hoping to expand on what their brand is and to identify other forms of
information we need to complete our other sections. Overall, these resources help provide
us with hard evidence to support our rebranding efforts.
Primary Research
Personal Interviews:
1. Daniel Dillman, Bal Theater Co-Owner

Teen Questionnaire:
1. 75% response rate (75 out of 100 questionnaires returned)

Personal Interview:
Daniel Dillman
To further our knowledge about the business, that is not accessible on Bals
website, we went to the business to find out more about their daily operations.
Teen Questionnaire:
We needed to be able to understand the point of view and initial reactions of our
target audience in order to rebrand the Bal Theater. By conducting a questionnaire, our
team would be able to acknowledge the feedback of others and from there we can begin

B. Process of Conducting the Selected Research Methods
More specifically, surveys given to the general public in the San Leandro area. As
a group we decided that since this is an entertainment business we needed information
from the community around the theater as well to see how much they know about the
company and what they believe the theaters brand is. As we developed the questions we
kept it to five main key questions what we feel will tell us exactly what the consumers
gut feeling is for Bal Theater is. We wanted to use open-ended questions because brand is
a complete opinion or sense of trust that they may have for a service or product. We
distributed these surveys amongst the people around Bal Theater, students, and various
people in the local community.
To gather information of our business from the source we needed to have an
inside point of view at what the business is like from a person that has had a lot of
experience working and being at the Theater. We acquired an interview by calling the
front desk and deciding on an appropriate date. While making this call, we told them
exactly why and what we were doing the interview for. This gave them a reassuring feel
and added the benefits of our project advertising their business to the DECA community.
We then planned out necessary questions that we needed answers to, such as how many
employees they had, and what their mission statement would be or if they had a mission
statement. The interview that will be conducted with an employee of Bal Theater on
Friday, December 16, 2013. Overall, weve been conducting research throughout the
entire projects timeline. We were able to conduct an interview, from primary research,
on December 6th with one of the employees.


IV. Findings and Conclusions of the Study
A) Findings of the Research Study
The overall conducted research was executed through two forms of primary
research: an interview with our client, and two forms of secondary research: online
articles/ websites, and textbook studies.
Primary Research Findings:
Based on our survey, we mainly focused on teenagers from the ages of 13-17.
We feel that it would be in our best interest to rebrand the Bal Theater to their
perspective. This being our point of interest, as teens are placed in 3rd for most
active moviegoers behind 19-24, and 24-39.

From our data weve found out that people who have been to the Bal Theater have
only had a decent or satisfactory experience.
o The Bal Theater is not fit to the standards of the people we interviewed.
Most of them have not gone to the Bal Theater; however, they still have an idea of
where it is in our local area. This is due to fact that the Bal Theater is located near
downtown San Leandro and stands above the local businesses
o The Bal Theater holds a strong presence in the community that is felt
throughout San Leandro despite the lack of awareness of its full potential;
however, we can create the window of opportunity it needs to rebrand its
overall image and feeling.
The majority of the people we surveyed had a common initial reaction towards
Bal Theaters image/brand being described as old and outdated, or classic and
o On the Bal Theater website, they claim that their Theater is historic, which
can give off a skewed message.
We were lucky enough to interview Daniel Dillman, employee/future inheritor of
the Bal Theater. He told us his opinion on the way he feels about Bal, which he found to
be very cool, and that it stood out from other Theaters. The Bal Theater operates
with 8 employees and their walk-in hours are Monday through Friday from 10 AM to 6
PM. Currently, customers range from people all over the bay and ages in general are 18-

Secondary Research Findings:
Online Sources
Average age of customer is approximately 30 years old.
o The vintage theater atmosphere attracts an older audience toward the Bal
Performing acts that are geared toward an adult audience.
o A majority of their customers are adults.
Bal Theater public programs
o Website clearly shows public programs geared toward community
outreach and extensions through fundraisers with anyone who wishes to
rent out the Bal Theater for a benefit concert or fundraising event.
B) Conclusions Based on the Findings
Based on our key findings, we have concluded that the Bal Theater is doing
exceptional with its service and overall experience with its customers, yet there are still
some issues to be solved such as being more inviting towards a younger audience and
creating an atmosphere that makes customers want to return.

Primary Data Conclusions:
If the Bal Theater rebrands towards teenagers, then there will be a larger target
market to work with.
o The socially active teenager can spread news fast, whether it is good or
bad. Feedback is crucial.
People who have been to the Bal Theater who have been surveyed get the sense
that the theater is old and boring.
o When the customer feels out of place, it leads them to believe that the
theater has nothing more to offer them then an old fashioned experience.
Most people know where the Bal Theater is because they may have heard of it.
o Having awareness about the Bal Theater means that they are more likely
to go to the Theater one day.
Secondary Research Findings:
Online Sources
Average customer is approximately 30 years old.
o The average customer being 30 years old reflects on the demographics of
the customer, but it also shows that the Bal Theater has grown accustomed
to adults.
Booking entertainment that is typical to the audience that Bal is trying to draw
o The medium age of 30, Bals average participation age, shows that the Bal
Theater chooses entertainment that people in their age range of 30 enjoy.
The intuition of the Bal Theater to transform into a more involved cineplex in
their community shows that they want to broaden the variety of the audience and
become apart of their community.
o Here is where we can involve the socially active teenagers, to spread the
world and help their community through the Bal Theater which is a
stepping stone to rebranding its overall image.

V. Proposed Strategic Plan

A) Objectives and Rationale of the Proposed Rebranding Plan
1) Objective: Logo
By implementing a logo associated with Bal
Theater we will be able to market and reiterate our
brand more effectively. At the moment we feel that the
logo is dated at around 1940 and we want the NEW Bal
Theater, to be at a logo dated in the 21st Century.
Establishing a logo with a name will allow our client to spread their wings as a company
and fly into the minds of potential customers. Finally, our logo will have a modern appeal
which will potentially bring in more customers for our client.
2) Objective: Increase in community events and improve community interactions
Bal Theater will be more school and community friendly by hosting fundraisers
and other events for its community. Over time, this will develop a sense of community
involvement, and will improve Bals reputation as a family and community friendly
3) Objective: Developing a new trust associated with Bal Theater
Bal Theater wasnt as well known as our team had hoped it would be, and that is
something that must change. Lack of advertisements and presence in peoples memory

will be a downward spiral for Bal. Therefore, we will increase the awareness level of Bal
Theater through a fusion marketing campaign.

4) Objective: We want to be known for being a theater that is historically hip
The results from our survey showed that Bal Theater was uncommonly thought of
when asked if they wanted to see a movie. This lead us to conclude that we need a form
of anchor, or reminder, that would get people to consistently come back time and again to
ensure a steady revenue.
5) Objective: Turn Bal Theater into a primary hotspot when off to see a screening.
Bal Theater currently plays classic movies,
we feel that by broadening their range of movies
and playing movies that have just been placed on
DVD this will provide a larger market for people
who don't want to watch movies considered outdated.

B) Proposed Activities and Timelines
Objective ones activity:
Along with this new logo we will also be improving the facade of Bal Theater and
restore it to its former glory. This implementation, of the new logo, will be as often as
possible at our various shows, receipts, and loyalty cards.

Objective twos activity:
We plan on hosting meetings, informative presentations, and other social
gatherings that most theaters don't do. This will display to the communities that we are in
touch with the people and will provide advertisement while the hosted party is there. The
competitive edge that will make us stand out will be provided through our 15% donation
towards the charity. This will be achieved when a client rents out the theater, clients must
pay for a minimum amount of food for their event; however, 15% of profit made in
concessions will be donated back into the program.
Objective threes activity:
Harrys Hofbrau is a German oriented restaurant located 6 lots down from the Bal
Theater. In order to establish a fusion marketing campaign with Harrys Hofbrau we will
need to partake in several actions. The promotion will be established by developing a
triple win situation by creating a $20 purchase at Harrys Hofbrau gives you a 15%
discount at Bal Theater! and $20 purchase at Bal Theater gives you a 10% discount at
Bal Theater! deal. This is a win for the consumers, a win for the Bal Theater, and a win
for the restaurant because it would promote the business.
Objective fours activity:
The customer loyalty program, a loyalty program like a Bal Theater clipper card
will provide benefits to the customer, by dedicating free or discounted ticket sales every
tenth visit to Bal Theatre. This will keep people coming back and provide Bal Theater
with a steady income. At every show, the customer comes to, their payment will be
written down and stamped. At the end of the tenth stamp, which will be receive after
payment, they will receive an average, placed on a gift card, that could be used towards
another show at Bal for an equal or lesser price or to help reduce the cost of another
show. 5% of concessions will be put towards San Leandro High School.
Objective fives activity:
A new idea we really want to implement is once a week, every week, Bal would
hold a free movie night. During these nights we would stream or order movies off of
Netflix and provide a wonderful evening of entertainment. This will bring in a whole new
audience and allows us to tap into a new target market! We propose that Bal invests into
a Netflix account allowing them to stream different movies for a mere $15 a month which
will not only help reduce costs on various movies but will also help advertise Netflix.
However, a free movie will only count as a quarter of a stamp on our loyalty program.
Before a movie is played we would also like to advertise local business.
Strength Weakness
Cost efficient
Little to no risk situation
Access to a larger market
Only channel of revenue is
Possibility of freeloaders

Threats Opportunity
Theaters such as: Century, Cinemax,
and AMC
Brand Awareness
Community involvement
Expansion into new territory

Quarters: Quarter One Quarter Two Quarter Three Quarter Four
Months: Jan-Mar Apr-Jun July-Sept Oct-Dec

New Logo:
First, find and
interview the
graphic designer.
Then the graphic
designer must
create the logo.
After that, our
client must plan
how he would like
to implement the
new logo. Finally
our clients
employees will be
executing the plan
of our client

Hosting New
First we will need to
bring awareness to San
Leandro high school
by going directly to
the school and setting
up a date and time for
when our clients will
present the new Bal
theater. Then, our
client will host to
community or school
hosted events at the
theater per month.
Finally after one of
event Bal theater will
be giving 15% of the
events profits to the
school in exchange for
ad space in the
cargo/sports teams.

First, we will advice/
create the loyalty cards
with the graphic
designer we used from
the logo. After that,
our client will make
his employees analyze
the use of the loyalty
cards and see who is
using them and how
much of an increase
there will be in repeat
customers. This
process of analyzing
Will occur for two
hours and will be done
twice per week.


New Releases:
First an
employee will
buy a
subscription for
Netflix. Then,
we will buy the
needed to stream
Netflix onto the
theater screen.
The free movie
will be only once
a week.

First our client will
have to go around
his local area and
reach out to the
businesses around
him proposing the
idea of running a
fusion marketing
campaign in order
to increase the
amount of repeat
customers and
create a new brand
trust. Then our
client will need to
follow up with the
meeting and
negotiate the
overall campaign
budget and


VI. Proposed Budget
A) Cost Associated With Proposed Rebranding Strategies
New Logo
Steps Time Cost
Interview with Graphic Designer 3 hours $150.00
Graphic Designer 5 hours $400.00
Client Execution Plan 1 work day $450.00
(three employees)
4 days $720.00
Total: 18 hours $1720.00

Hosting Activities
Steps Time Cost
Bring awareness of company to SLHS 4 hours $200.00
Host 2 community events per month 8 hours per month $400.00
15% return to clubs/organizations 1hour $30.00
Total: 13 hours $630.00
Fusion Market
Steps Time Cost
Propose deals with local businesses twice per week 6 hours $300.00
Negotiate and finalize the deal with local businesses 3 hours $150.00
Total: 9 hours $450.00


Customer Loyalty Program
Steps Time Cost
Interview with Graphic Designer hour $25.00
Creation of loyalty cards hour $25.00
Analyze loyalty cards two times per week 2 hours $320.00
per month
Total: 3 hours $370.00

Recent Movies/Netflix
Steps Time Cost
Purchase Netflix 30
for time
$16.00 (monthly)
Equipment needed to stream Netflix(Cable from
Laptop to Projector)
$15.00 (cable and
Employee (two) to run event/clean up for once times
a week
3 hours $240.00
Total: 4

B) Proposed Metrics to Measure Return on Investment (ROI)
We could measure this by doing an analysis of the revenue last year and
comparing it to the revenue this year. We expect to see a steady incline in profit as the
logo takes its effect. Our goal is an investment of $1720, but a steady incline of $500 per
year. Five years down the line, we expect one hundred and 10% increase in revenue. A
rough 22% increase in customers yearly, based off of Pepsis logo adaptation and
consumer increase.
Hosting Activities:
Our team plans to see a major inflation in profits with this new rebrand. We plan
to evaluate our success through tallying rent-outs, revenue, and concession profits.
Furthermore, our group will compare and contrast the recent results from the previous
results of our rebranding plan. We believe that by having clubs and other activities at Bal
we will assure a minimum of 50% increase in attendance and sales.
Fusion Market:
Our activity for fusion marketing will only need to be implemented on the
receipts of our partners business this way we can lower the overall expense of fusion
marketing. For example, any purchase of over $20 will give you a ten percent discount at
our partners business. After launching the fusion marketing campaign we will meet with
our partners and analyze how successful the campaign went. The average population for
Harrys in a day is fifty people, we estimate that 20 people would come in, giving a 40%
increase in attendance.

Customer Loyalty:
We plan to measure our success in this by saving all the returned customer loyalty cards
and comparing attend last year vs. the new attendance this year. We hope to see at the
end of the year a 50% increase in participation and profit.
Recent Movie/Netflix:
We estimated that there will be 100 people attending the free movie night at Bal Theater.
Of those 100 people, we predict that at least 50 of them will buy something from the
concessions. Out of those 50 people, our research shows us that the average movie goers,
spends $10 on food and drinks. Therefore, we predict that our free movie night will make
at least $500 per event. There will be a fresh profit of approximately $500 per free movie
night (before 5% donation to schools, showing that Bal cares for its community.).

Logo 22%
Hosting 50%
Fusions Market 40%
Customer Loyalty 40%
Netflix 606%
Total: 157% (almost 3x the investment, one year)

Ex. math:

ROI = [(Payback Investment)/ Investment)]*100

VII. Bibliography
Secondary Primary
What is a Brand by Susan
Gunelius. Web. 21 December 2011.
What is a Brand by Scott
Web. 28 December 2011
The difference between Marketing
and Brand by James. Web. 03
January 2012
Branding Mistakes and Brand
knew profits by Jerry
Mclaughlin.Web. 29 March 2013

Historic Bal Theater.
Solid literature/printed sources:
Interview with Daniel Dillman, a
Bal Theater employee
Public survey, given to the general
public varying in age range.


VIII. Appendix
Surervey One


Survey II
Interview Notes
Interview Questions

1.Number of employees?
A: 8 people work

2.What exactly do you do?
A: work connections and ticket booth

3.What are your hours of operation?
A: Monday through Friday from 10-6

4.How has the Theater grow recently and/or in the past years? Dramatic changes?
A: hold 800 from surrounding cities

5.What are you first thoughts and impressions when thinking about the Theater?
A: Bal Theater was cool and it stood out

6.If you were to do something differently about the Theater what would you change?
A: cool so far

7.What are the general customers age group and personality that come to your Theater?
A: General age group for 18-30

8. Does Bal have a meaning?
A: Bal stands for nothing could change all type of genres movies such as classics don't do
first run films versus Bayfair because can't compete

Interview Results

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