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Jessica Marovich

March 4, 2014

Class: English 103 and 105
Title: Tuesday Discussion
Time: 50 minutes
Objectives: By the end of class..
Students will be able to have had a thorough discussion with their group members about
the article
Students will understand that they will be graded on their participation in the discussion

Barbie article
Tuesday discussion worksheet
Tuesday discussion questions
Take attendance
Hand out both of the work sheets
Separate them into their pre-determined groups
Let them know that we will be grading them on how well they are participating in the
groups (summative)
Let them know that they only need to pick five of the questions
Let them discuss as a group the questions that they choose
They need to pick five questions and summarize what each group member said during the
Have them fill out the summary at the end of class summarizing their discussions
Let them know that they will begin Romeo and Juliet tomorrow again
4.3: Reflect on point of agreement and disagreement from discussion
I will walk around the room in order to make sure that the students are actually discussing
their questions
I will have them turn in their worksheets and I will grade it for completion
We will be giving them a summative assessment on how well they discussed within their

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