Sample Minutes

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Visayas State University

Chemical Society
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte
Minutes of the Meeting
Date : November 27, 202
Time: 5!00 "m
Venue! #o$%C %C20B
$resent! &' members
%bsent! & members
() *he meeting +as calle, to or,er by -esriel M) Bo.o) *he
society/s "resi,ent, at 0!00 "m
(() 1ourum! 2ne hun,re, out of one hun,re, seventeen +ere
((() Business!
%) Chemsoc Christmas $arty
The body agreed that Christmas Party will be held on
December 13,2012 at VSU convention Center,!00 "m# The
attire $or the said activity will be semi%$ormal# &ach o$ the
member will be contrib'ting Ph" 200#00 and the deadline is on
December (, 2012# &ach year level was assign to di$$erent
committees# The $irst years, the second years, the third years
and the $o'rth years will act as the decoration committee,
$ood and ven'e committee, "rogram and restoration
committee and games and "ri)es committee,res"ectively
B) Christmas Caroling
The body agreed that Christmas Caroling will be cond'cted on
December 3%(,2012# *etters will be sent to the concern
ho'seholds $or them to be aware o$ the activity# The aim o$
this activity is to raise $'nds $or the $eeding "rogram in +arcos
&lementary School on December ,, 2012#
(V) %,3ournment
The meeting was ad-o'rned at !1. "m
Pre"ared by!
45L5N M%5 N) M5-(%
/""roved by !
-5S6(5L M) B272
0oted by!
#r) %N#65S(*2 #) %C%B%L
Ms) M%6(% 62B5L8N %U652

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