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Journey of a Cheeseburger Marking Sheet

General mechanical digestion

chemical digestion
Mouth ingestion bolus
mastication salivary glands
teeth saliva
tongue amylase
smaller pieces starch/carbohydrates
Pharynx and
Epiglottis covers trachea
Esophagus peristalsis
Stomach cardiac sphincter chyme
HCl pepsinogen
kills bacteria pepsin
mucous proteins
churn absorption of water
gastric glands absorption of vitamins
gastric juice pyloric sphincter
Small Intestine duodenum trypsin protein (peptides)
villi peptidase peptides (amino acids)
microvilli lactase lactose (glucose+galactose)
increased SA amylase carbohydrates (maltose)
gall bladder/liver maltase maltose (glucose)
bile lipase lipids (fatty acids+glycerol)
emulsifies lipids
pancreatic juice lymph capillaries (f.a. + glycerol)
sodium bicarbonate blood capillaries (a.a. + sugar)
Large Intestine ascending, transverse, descending
bacteria produce vitamins
absorption of: water, vitamins, minerals
Rectum and Anus feces/compacted
anal sphincters
blood glucose increases lower blood glucose
pancreas glucagon
hormone glycogen to glucose
insulin cells use glucose
liver ATP
glucose to glycogen

Name: _____________________________ Total: /85 = ________%

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