CSM Content Outline Learning Objectives

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1he followlng pages presenL Lhe CSM Laxonomy as valldaLed Lhrough Lhe 2011 Scrum Alllance
valldaLlon SLudy. 1oLal quesLlons on CSM exam = 33.

AB C"3"#.5 D32E5"'7"
FB F7%5" -.3%&"/$2
ueflne and descrlbe Lhe four values of Aglle as sLaLed ln Lhe Aglle ManlfesLo.
GB )*#+, H2+3'.$%23/
?B I,J%#%*.5 .3' '"&%3"' J#2*"//"/
ueflne and descrlbe Lhe Lwo Lerms, lncludlng a descrlpLlon of lnspecL, adapL, and
Lransparency as Lhe Lhree legs of an emplrlcal process. uescrlbe how Lhe Scrum
lramework ls based on emplrlcal process.
=B )J#%3$
a. lLeraLlve and lncremenLal
uescrlbe how Scrum uses lLeraLlve and lncremenLal developmenL, and ldenLlfy
Lhe beneflLs of developlng producLs ln an lLeraLlve-lncremenLal fashlon.
b. roLecLed
ldenLlfy ln whlch ways Lhe SprlnL ls proLecLed and whaL lL proLecLs. uescrlbe why
Lhe SprlnL ls proLecLed.
c. 1lmeboxed
1) uescrlbe whaL a Llmebox ls, and ldenLlfy Lhe meanlng of SprlnLs belng
2) uescrlbe Lhe Lyplcal duraLlon of a SprlnL. ldenLlfy Lhe Lrade-offs beLween
shorLer and longer duraLlon SprlnLs.
@B KL" )%73%&%*.3*" 2& MN23"O
ueflne Lhe role of done," and descrlbe Lhe lmporLance of havlng a poLenLlally
shlppable producL lncremenL aL Lhe end of each SprlnL ln order Lo opLlmlze buslness
value, mlLlgaLe rlsk, and maxlmlze Lransparency.
PB KL" H%:" )*#+, Q.5+"/
ldenLlfy Lhe flve Scrum values, and use examples of how Scrum pracLlces supporL Lhe
appllcaLlon of each.
RB FJJ5%*.8%5%$< 2& )*#+,
ldenLlfy Lhe envlronmenLs ln whlch Lhe appllcaLlon of Scrum would lead Lo excellenL


AAB )*#+, S25"/
FB 4:"#:%"E 2& )*#+, S25"/
ldenLlfy Lhe Lhree Scrum roles and descrlbe why Lhese roles form Lhe Scrum 1eam.
GB )*#+,-./$"#
?B S"/J23/%8%5%$%"/
a. rocess-8elaLed 8esponslblllLles
uescrlbe Lhe responslblllLles of Lhe ScrumMasLer Lo lmplemenL Lhe Scrum
lramework, Leach and coach people on how Lo perform ln Lhe varlous roles.
b. AcLs as a Change AgenL
uescrlbe how Lhe ScrumMasLer wlll use Lhe learnlng polnLs of Lhe Scrum 1eam Lo
push for changes ln Lhe organlzaLlon ln supporL of Scrum and how Lhe
ScrumMasLer mlghL do Lhls.
c. Serves Lhe roducL Cwner and 1eam
ldenLlfy how Lhe ScrumMasLer helps Lhe roducL Cwner and 1eam ln belng
beLLer able Lo do Lhelr [obs by asslsLlng Lhem, faclllLaLlng creaLlvlLy and fosLerlng
d. 8emoves lmpedlmenLs
ldenLlfy how Lhe ScrumMasLer removes lmpedlmenLs
e. Coaches Lhe roducL Cwner and 1eam
ldenLlfy how Lhe ScrumMasLer coaches Lhe roducL Cwner and 1eam by
Leachlng and helplng lmprove producLlvlLy, worklng pracLlces and Lools.
f. roLecLs Lhe 1eam
ldenLlfy how Lhe ScrumMasLer wlll shleld Lhe 1eam from lnLerrupLlons or
lnLerferences durlng Lhe SprlnL and help ensure Lhe organlzaLlon respecLs Lhe
commlLmenL of Lhe 1eam durlng Lhe SprlnL.
g. Culdes Lhe 1eam
uescrlbe how Lhe ScrumMasLer wlll model Lhe values and prlnclples of Aglle and
Scrum, encouraglng Lhe Leam Lo challenge Lhemselves whlle remalnlng Lrue Lo
Lhe splrlL of Scrum.
=B F+$L2#%$<
uescrlbe how Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe ScrumMasLer ls largely lndlrecL and sprlngs malnly
from a deep knowledge of Scrum prlnclples and pracLlces. 1he ScrumMasLer has no
auLhorlLy Lo make declslons on behalf of Lhe 1eam, cannoL commlL Lo daLes of
dellvery or scope buL may enforce Lhe Scrum process.
!B T#2'+*$ 4E3"#
?B S"/J23/%8%5%$%"/
a. urlves roducL Success
ldenLlfy how Lhe roducL Cwner wlll drlve producL success by malnLalnlng Lhe
roducL 8acklog and guldlng Lhe 1eam wlLh up-Lo-daLe knowledge of user and
markeL need.
b. CreaLes Lhe roducL vlslon

uescrlbe how Lhe roducL Cwner creaLes a roducL vlslon and shares lL wlLh Lhe
1eam Lo provlde lL wlLh a clear goal. Analyze how Lhe creaLlon of a roducL
vlslon can moLlvaLe a 1eam Lo dellver a hlgh quallLy producL.
c. CreaLes and MalnLalns Lhe roducL 8acklog
ldenLlfy Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe roducL Cwner Lo creaLe an lnlLlal roducL
8acklog, and reflne and conLlnuously malnLaln lL. 1he roducL 8acklog should be
regularly updaLed as new lnformaLlon ls uncovered.
d. CollaboraLes wlLh Lhe 1eam
ueflne and descrlbe Lhe roducL Cwner's responslblllLy Lo conLlnuously
collaboraLe wlLh Lhe 1eam Lo beLLer undersLand requlremenLs and supporL Lhe
1eam Lo ldenLlfy how Lo solve Lhem.
e. CollaboraLes wlLh SLakeholders
ueflne dlfferenL Lypes of sLakeholders and descrlbe how Lhe roducL Cwner
faclllLaLes collaboraLlon beLween all sLakeholders.
f. arLlclpaLes ln SprlnL meeLlngs
ldenLlfy Lhe requlremenL for Lhe roducL Cwner Lo parLlclpaLe ln boLh Lhe SprlnL
lannlng meeLlng and Lhe SprlnL 8evlew meeLlng and LhaL Lhe roducL Cwner
may also parLlclpaLe ln Lhe ually Scrum meeLlng and SprlnL 8eLrospecLlve.
=B F+$L2#%$<
ueflne and descrlbe Lhe roducL Cwner's auLhorlLy over Lhe roducL 8acklog lLems
and Lhelr prlorlLles. Also descrlbe Lhe roducL Cwner's auLhorlLy ln deLermlnlng
when producL lncremenLs wlll be released, wlLhouL overrullng 1eam's esLlmaLed
efforL requlred Lo compleLe Lhose lncremenLs and wlLhouL vlolaLlng Lhe SprlnL
@B !23/$#.%3$/
PB )%375" 4:"#.55 T#2'+*$ 4E3"# J"# T#2'+*$
a. ueflne Lhe role of Lhe roducL Cwner ln achlevlng Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe SprlnL.
b. uescrlbe Lhe lmporLance of havlng a slngle person playlng Lhls role.
RB 4#7.3%U.$%23.5 S"/J"*$
ldenLlfy LhaL Lhe roducL Cwner should be glven Lhe auLhorlLy Lo make Lhe
necessary declslons Lo achleve Lhe 8Cl on Lhe roducL, as descrlbed ln Lhe Scrum
NB KL" K".,
?B S"/J23/%8%5%$%"/
a. Self-Crganlzlng and Whole 1eam AccounLablllLy
Analyze Lhe reasons and lmpllcaLlons of self-organlzaLlon and whole 1eam
accounLablllLy ln Scrum, and ldenLlfy Lhe reasons Lo noL have an appolnLed 1eam
b. uellvers a roducL lncremenL
uescrlbe Lhe lmporLance of creaLlng a poLenLlally shlppable producL lncremenL ln
every SprlnL, and whaL lL means for Lhe 1eam composlLlon and collaboraLlon.
c. Manages Lhe SprlnL 8acklog and SprlnL rogress 1racklng
uescrlbe how Lhe 1eam creaLes and malnLalns Lhe SprlnL 8acklog and Lracks
SprlnL progress.


d. arLlclpaLes ln SprlnL MeeLlngs
ldenLlfy Lhe role Lhe 1eam plays ln SprlnL lannlng meeLlng, SprlnL 8evlew
meeLlng, ually Scrum meeLlng, and SprlnL 8eLrospecLlve. uescrlbe how Lhe Leam
lnLeracLs and conLrlbuLes Lo reach each meeLlng goal.
=B F+$L2#%$<
uescrlbe Lhe auLhorlLy glven Lo Lhe 1eam and Lhe balance wlLh Lhe responslblllLy Lhe
1eam ls accounLable for. ldenLlfy Lhe scope ln whlch Lhe 1eam auLhorlLy ls valld.
@B K".,E2#V
uescrlbe how bulldlng a hlghly producLlve 1eam Lakes Llme and paLlence and LhaL
Lhe 1eam wlll need Lo be gulded Lhrough Lhls [ourney by Lhe ScrumMasLer. ldenLlfy
why lL ls more lmporLanL LhaL Lhe 1eam succeeds Lhan any lndlvldual member of Lhe
PB K"., !L.#.*$"#%/$%*/
ldenLlfy Lhe deslrable characLerlsLlcs of Lhe 1eam ln Lerms of lLs slze, proxlmlLy, skllls,
and Llme avallablllLy.
IB A,J.*$ 23 K#.'%$%23.5 S25"/
?B W2 T#29"*$ -.3.7"#
Analyze why Lhe pro[ecL manager role ls noL presenL ln Lhe Scrum lramework.
=B )J"*%.5%/$/
uescrlbe how hlghly speclallzed roles llke buslness analysL and sofLware archlLecL are
llkely Lo change ln Scrum.

AAAB )*#+, -""$%37/
FB )J#%3$ T5.33%37 -""$%37
lor Lhe SprlnL lannlng meeLlng, descrlbe Lhe followlng:
1he ob[ecLlve of Lhe meeLlng and requlred ouLcomes.
Who parLlclpaLes ln Lhe meeLlng.
When Lhe meeLlng occurs.
Pow long Lhe meeLlng ls allowed Lo lasL.
Any necessary lnpuLs for Lhe meeLlng.
AcLlvlLles and Lechnlques Lhe Scrum 1eam can employ Lo achleve Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe
1he goals of Lhe Lwo parLs ln whlch Lhe meeLlng ls usually spllL.
GB N.%5< )*#+, -""$%37
lor Lhe ually Scrum meeLlng, descrlbe Lhe followlng:
1he ob[ecLlve of Lhe meeLlng and requlred ouLcomes.
Who parLlclpaLes ln Lhe meeLlng.
When Lhe meeLlng occurs.
Pow long Lhe meeLlng ls allowed Lo lasL.
Any necessary lnpuLs for Lhe meeLlng.
AcLlvlLles and Lechnlques Lhe Scrum 1eam can employ Lo achleve Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe


!B )J#%3$ S":%"E -""$%37
lor Lhe SprlnL 8evlew meeLlng, descrlbe Lhe followlng:
1he ob[ecLlve of Lhe meeLlng and requlred ouLcomes.
Who parLlclpaLes ln Lhe meeLlng.
When Lhe meeLlng occurs.
Pow long Lhe meeLlng ls allowed Lo lasL.
Any necessary lnpuLs for Lhe meeLlng.
AcLlvlLles and Lechnlques Lhe Scrum 1eam can employ Lo achleve Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe
NB )J#%3$ S"$#2/J"*$%:" -""$%37
lor Lhe SprlnL 8eLrospecLlve meeLlng, descrlbe Lhe followlng:
1he ob[ecLlve of Lhe meeLlng and requlred ouLcomes.
Who parLlclpaLes ln Lhe meeLlng.
When Lhe meeLlng occurs.
Pow long Lhe meeLlng ls allowed Lo lasL.
Any necessary lnpuLs for Lhe meeLlng.
AcLlvlLles and Lechnlques Lhe Scrum 1eam can employ Lo achleve Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe
IB S"5"./" T5.33%37 -""$%37
lor Lhe 8elease lannlng meeLlng, descrlbe Lhe followlng:
ClrcumsLances ln whlch Lhe 8elease lannlng meeLlng may be helpful.
1he ob[ecLlve of Lhe meeLlng and requlred ouLcomes.
Who parLlclpaLes ln Lhe meeLlng.
When Lhe meeLlng occurs.
Pow long Lhe meeLlng ls allowed Lo lasL.
Any necessary lnpuLs for Lhe meeLlng.
AcLlvlLles and Lechnlques Lhe Scrum 1eam can employ Lo achleve Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe
1he lmporLance of updaLlng release plans based on SprlnL resulLs and esLlmaLlons

AQB )*#+, F#$%&.*$/
FB T#2'+*$ G.*V527
?B N"&%3%$%23
ldenLlfy Lhe roducL 8acklog as an ordered and emerglng llsL of user needs plus
anyLhlng else LhaL ls requlred Lo fulflll Lhe roducL vlslon.
=B !23$"3$/
a. uescrlbe how Lhe deLall of Lhe roducL 8acklog lLems wlll be Lled Lo Lhelr poslLlon
(or order) and how Lhe roducL 8acklog conLenLs wlll change over Llme.
b. uescrlbe how Lhe roducL 8acklog wlll conLaln funcLlonal, non-funcLlonal,
archlLecLural, and lnfrasLrucLural elemenLs as well as rlsks LhaL need Lo be
removed or mlLlgaLed. Wherever posslble, lLems on Lhe roducL 8acklog wlll be
ln verLlcal sllces (l.e., each provldlng value Lo Lhe user).


@B -.3.7","3$ .3' S"&%3","3$
ldenLlfy Lhe need for Lhe roducL 8acklog Lo be reflned perlodlcally ln order for lL Lo
remaln good enough for Lhe nexL level of plannlng. 1he whole Scrum 1eam can
parLlclpaLe ln Lhe reflnemenL of Lhe roducL 8acklog.
PB S"/J23/%8%5%$< .3' T.#$%*%J.$%23
ldenLlfy why Lhe roducL Cwner ls ulLlmaLely responslble for Lhe conLenL and sLaLe
of Lhe roducL 8acklog, Lhough anyone ls able and encouraged Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe
roducL 8acklog.
RB A$", S".'%3"//
uescrlbe LhaL, ln order for an lLem Lo be consldered ready for lncluslon ln a SprlnL,
each roducL 8acklog lLem should be small enough Lo flL lnLo a SprlnL and musL be
clear ln Lhe expecLaLlons of Lhe roducL Cwner (l.e., by speclfylng accepLance
XB A$", I/$%,.$%23
uescrlbe LhaL Lhe 1eam ls responslble for esLlmaLlng Lhe lLems on Lhe roducL
8acklog and LhaL Lhls esLlmaLe should be made ln Lhe slmplesL, mosL conslsLenL, and
mosL reallsLlc manner posslble. Scrum does noL requlre any speclflc esLlmaLlon
GB T#2'+*$ A3*#","3$ .3' $L" N"&%3%$%23 2& N23"
?B N"&%3%$%23 2& T#2'+*$ A3*#","3$
uescrlbe LhaL, aL Lhe end of each SprlnL, Lhe roducL Cwner should have Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo reallze value from Lhe lnvesLmenL puL ln Lo daLe as an lncremenL of
funcLlonallLy percelvable Lo Lhe flnal user of Lhe roducL. (l.e., Lhey could begln Lhe
deploymenL process for Lhe work LhaL has been done Lhls SprlnL, lf Lhey choose).
=B N":"52J,"3$ 2& . T#2'+*$ A3*#","3$
ldenLlfy LhaL Lhe 1eam wlll be developlng every lLem from Lhe roducL 8acklog wlLh
Lhe vlew LhaL Lhls wlll be compleLed Lo a sLaLe of poLenLlally shlppable.
@B N"&%3%$%23 2& N23" 0N2N1
ldenLlfy LhaL Scrum's mlnlmal uou means poLenLlally shlppable. lf Lhe 1eam ls uslng
anyLhlng oLher Lhan LhaL mlnlmal uou, lL should be expllclLly capLured.
PB Y3'"#/$.3'%37 $L" N2N
Analyze Lhe consequences of an lnadequaLe uou for Lhe 1eam, Lhe producL, and Lhe
organlzaLlon, and ldenLlfy LhaL any undone" roducL 8acklog musL be reLurned Lo
Lhe roducL 8acklog. Analyze Lhe consequences of havlng a producL ln an
unsLable/undeflned" sLaLe due Lo accumulaLed undone" work.
!B )J#%3$ G.*V527
?B N"&%3%$%23
ldenLlfy Lhe SprlnL 8acklog as Lhe 1eam's plan for how lL ls golng Lo Lurn Lhe roducL
8acklog lLems selecLed for a SprlnL lnLo poLenLlally shlppable funcLlonallLy.
=B T+#J2/"
uescrlbe Lhe SprlnL 8acklog's Lwo maln purposes: a deLalled vlew of Lhe 1eam's
expecLed work for a SprlnL and a Lool for Lhe 1eam Lo manage lLself durlng Lhe


@B -.3.7","3$
ueflne and descrlbe aL leasL one Lechnlque for managlng Lhe SprlnL 8acklog (e.g., a
SprlnL 8acklog Lask board).
PB S"/J23/%8%5%$<
uescrlbe Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe 1eam for creaLlng and malnLalnlng Lhe SprlnL
RB YJ'.$" )*2J"
ldenLlfy LhaL Lhe SprlnL 8acklog should, aL all Llmes, show whaL lLems are belng
worked on and by whom. SomeLlmes Lhe SprlnL 8acklog should also show how much
efforL ls sLlll requlred Lo compleLe Lhese lLems.
XB YJ'.$" H#"Z+"3*<
uescrlbe Lhe need for Lhe 1eam Lo updaLe Lhe SprlnL 8acklog aL leasL once a day.
NB G+#3'2E3 !L.#$/
uescrlbe Lhe clrcumsLances under whlch 8urndown CharLs are useful.
?B )J#%3$ G+#3'2E3 !L.#$
a. ueflnlLlon
ueflne Lhe SprlnL 8urndown as a charL lllusLraLlng a comparlson beLween Lhe
lnlLlal esLlmaLed amounL of work aL Lhe SprlnL lannlng MeeLlng and Lhe currenL
esLlmaLed amounL of work remalnlng.
b. urpose
uescrlbe how Lhe SprlnL 8urndown charL ls prlmarlly used by Lhe 1eam Lo
manage Lhemselves durlng Lhe SprlnL.
c. 8esponslblllLy
uescrlbe LhaL Lhe ScrumMasLer ls responslble for ensurlng LhaL Lhe 1eam ls
aware of lLs SprlnL 8urndown sLaLus and encouraglng Lhe 1eam Lo updaLe Lhe
SprlnL 8urndown charL.
d. updaLe lrequency
ldenLlfy when Lhe SprlnL 8urndown charL wlll Lyplcally be updaLed and descrlbe
Lhe reason Lo do so.
=B S"5"./" G+#3'2E3 !L.#$
a. ueflnlLlon
uescrlbe Lhe 8elease 8urndown charL's use of emplrlcal daLa and Lhe esLlmaLlons
provlded by Lhe 1eam Lo lndlcaLe elLher Lhe pro[ecLed end daLe of Lhe release or
Lhe pro[ecLed amounL of roducL 8acklog LhaL wlll be compleLed.
b. urpose
uescrlbe Lhe 8elease 8urndown charL's use as a Lool for Lhe roducL Cwner ln
order Lo manage Lhe plan for Lhe producL release.
c. 8esponslblllLy
ldenLlfy Lhe roducL Cwner's responslblllLy Lo use Lhe emplrlcal daLa and
esLlmaLlons produced by Lhe 1eam ln each SprlnL Lo updaLe Lhe 8elease
8urndown charL.
d. updaLe lrequency

ldenLlfy when Lhe 8elease 8urndown charL wlll Lyplcally be updaLed and descrlbe
Lhe reason Lo do so.

W2$"[ )*.5%37 )*#+, %/ . $2J%* $L.$ %/ *23/%'"#"' $22 .':.3*"' &2# $L" !)- .//"//,"3$-8./"'
*"#$%&%*.$" J#27#.,B

QB )*.5%37 )*#+,
FB \2#V%37 E%$L -+5$%J5" )*#+, K".,/
?B )*.5%37 K".,/
a. 1eam seL up
ueflne aL leasL one approach Lo seLLlng up mulLlple Leams worklng on Lhe same
producL ln Scrum, and descrlbe Lhe beneflLs of Lhls approach.
b. Scallng up
ldenLlfy dlfferenL approaches Lo scallng up 1eams gradually, and descrlbe Lhe
beneflLs of each approach.
=B )*.5%37 T#2'+*$ 4E3"#/
uescrlbe posslble ways ln whlch mulLlple roducL Cwners can collaboraLe Lo work on
Lhe same producL.
@B )*.5%37 $L" T#2'+*$ G.*V527
uescrlbe Lhe common challenges of managlng a large roducL 8acklog and whlch
Lechnlques Lo use Lo faclllLaLe lLs managemenL.
PB )*.5%37 $L" )J#%3$ -""$%37/
a. SprlnL lannlng MeeLlng
uescrlbe posslble approaches Lo run a SprlnL lannlng meeLlng wlLh mulLlple
b. SprlnL 8evlew MeeLlng
uescrlbe Lhe challenges Lo an effecLlve SprlnL 8evlew meeLlng wlLh mulLlple
Leams and how Lhose challenges may be addressed.
c. SprlnL 8eLrospecLlve MeeLlng
uescrlbe Lhe challenges Lo an effecLlve SprlnL 8eLrospecLlve meeLlng wlLh
mulLlple Leams and how Lhose challenges may be addressed.
d. Scrum of Scrums MeeLlng
uescrlbe Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe Scrum of Scrums (SoS) and ldenLlfy who
parLlclpaLes ln Lhe SoS.
GB \2#V%37 E%$L N%/$#%8+$"' )*#+, K".,/
?B T#2'+*$ 4E3"# %3 . N%&&"#"3$ 62*.$%23
ldenLlfy common challenges when Lhe roducL Cwner works ln a dlfferenL locaLlon
from Lhe resL of Lhe Scrum 1eam and descrlbe sLraLegles Lo deal wlLh Lhese
=B )*#+, K"., )J5%$ .,237 N%&&"#"3$ 62*.$%23/
ldenLlfy common challenges of worklng wlLh a dlspersed Leam and descrlbe
sLraLegles Lo deal wlLh Lhese challenges.
@B A,J2#$.3*" 2& A3&#./$#+*$+#" .3' I37%3""#%37 T#.*$%*"/

uescrlbe Lhe lmpacLs of scallng Scrum and worklng wlLh dlsLrlbuLed Scrum 1eams on
Lhe lnfrasLrucLure and Lools as well as Lhe englneerlng pracLlces.

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