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Course Code

Course Title
Theory of Computation
LTPC 3 1 0 4
Version No. 1.0
Course Pre-reuisites! Co-
reuisites! anti-reuisites "if
any#. $ther%ise& please
indi'ate as (None)
The students should understand the various models of
computation, models of regular languages, recursive and
recursively enumerable models of sets and the models of
context-free grammar.
01pe'ted $ut'ome/ The students will be able to understand the behavior of a
program as it runs.
*nit No. 1 2ets& 3elations 4 Lan5ua5es 6
2ets& 3elations 4 fun'tions& 2pe'ial types of ,inary relations&
7inite 4 infinite sets& Three fundamental proof te'hniues&
Closures 4 Al5orithms& Alpha,ets 4 Lan5ua5es& 7inite
representation of lan5ua5es.
*nit No. +
7inite automata
9eterministi' finite automata& non-deterministi' finite automata&
7inite automata 4 re5ular e1pressions& Lan5ua5es that are and are
not re5ular& 2tate minimi:ation& Al5orithmi' aspe'ts of finite
*nit No. 3
Conte1t-free lan5ua5es
Conte1t-free 5rammar& Parse trees& Pushdo%n automata& Pushdo%n
automata 4 'onte1t-free 5rammars& Lan5ua5es that are and are not
'onte1t-free& Al5orithms for 'onte1t-free 5rammars& 9eterminism
4 pars
*nit No. 4
Turin5 ma'hines
9efinition of Turin5 ma'hine& Computin5 %ith Turin5 ma'hines&
01tension of Turin5 ma'hines& 3andom a''ess Turin5 ma'hines&
Nondeterministi' Turin5 ma'hines& ;rammars& Numeri'al
*nit No. <
The Chur'h-Turin5 thesis& *ni.ersal Turin5 ma'hines& The haltin5
pro,lem& *nsol.a,le pro,lems a,out Turin5 ma'hines& *nsol.a,le
pro,lems a,out 5rammars& An unsol.a,le tilin5 pro,lem&
Properties of re'ursi.e lan5ua5es
Te1t =oo> ?. Le%is 4 C. ?. Papadimitrou 0lements of the Theory of Computation & 2e'ond 0dition&
3eferen'e @.0. ?op'roft and @.9. *llman. Introdu'tion to Antomata Theory& Lan5ua5es of
Computations & Addison-Aesley& 18B8. "Indian edition a.aila,le from Narosa.#
Code of 0.aluation Continuous Assessment "Dui::es& CATs& Assi5nments& et'.#
and T00
3e'ommended ,y the =oard
of 2tudies on
9ate of ,y the
A'ademi' Coun'il
A'ademi' Coun'il held on 11-11-1111

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