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Primavera Scheduling and Leveling Calculatons -- Scheduling Report Page: 1

This Primavera sofware is registered to Teknik Sipil.

Start of schedule for project 2078.
Serial number...19619351

User name TEKNIK .

Open end listng -- Scheduling Report Page: 2
Actvity 1 has no predecessors
Actvity 5 has no successors
Actvity 9 has no successors
Actvity 10 has no successors
Actvity 11 has no successors

Scheduling Statstcs for Project 2078:
Schedule calculaton mode - Retained logic
Schedule calculaton mode - Contguous actvites
Float calculaton mode - Use fnish dates
SS relatonships - Use early start of predecessor

Schedule run on Tue Jun 25 13:46:58 2013
Run Number 3.

Number of actvites.................. 11
Number of actvites in longest path.. 8
Started actvites.................... 0
Completed actvites.................. 0
Number of relatonships............... 10
Percent complete...................... 0.0

Data date............................. 25JUN13
Start date............................ 25JUN13
Imposed fnish date...................
Latest calculated early fnish........ 15AUG13

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