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Latest update: 2006-09-18

Reading Notes for
Matt Bishop, Computer Security: Art and Science, Addison
Wesley, 2003.
In an attempt to assist you in navigating Bishop's comprehensive text I have divided readings into
three !eve!s:
a" #ead to understand concepts to such a !eve! as to $e a$!e to reason in terms o% those concepts
and to critica!!y ana!yse them&
$" #ead to understand terms and princip!es& 'ou shou!d $e a$!e to de%ine and or exp!ain the terms
and concepts used&
c" #ead to ac(uaint yourse!% )ith the area o% discussion&
*!! the +ummaries #esearch Issues ,urther #eading at the end o% each inc!uded chapter are
recommended reading as a coro!!ary o% )hat you shou!d have studied in that chapter& -xercises are
especia!!y recommended as a means to ) through and ) )ith the studied materia!&
Lecture 1
In%ormation Inspiration Introduction
Section Pages level
/re%ace xxxi-xxxix $
0hapter 1 a!! a
Lecture 2
,orma! mode!s
+ecurity /o!icies&
Section Pages level
2 2&1 2&2 11-12 $
2&2&1 2&2&2 13-14 c
1 1&1 24-28 $
0hapter 2 93-102 $
2&3 2&6 102-112 c
3 3&1 121-128 $
6 6&1 131-132 $
6&2 131-133 c
6&2 161-166 $
4&2 182-181 $
1 I reserve the right to ma.e a!terations to this !ist during the course though I sha!! ma.e every e%%ort to avoid ma5or
revisions especia!!y i% they come c!ose to exam time&
Lecture 3
0ryptography overvie)
Section Pages level
9 9&19&2 214-224 $
9&2&1 228-211 c
9&2&2-9&2 212-219 $
0hapter 10 6 10&2 223-232 c
10&2 6 10&6 7exc!uding 10&2&1 and 10&3&1&1" 232-240 c
Lectures 4+5
+ecure *rchitectures
*uthentication and access contro!&
Section Pages level
0hapter 12 109-111 $
0hapter 12 7exc!uding 12&3&1" 131-144 $
0hapter 13 6 13&2 181-196 $
13&1-13&3 196-202 c
0hapter 11 921-926 $
Lecture 6
Section Pages level
0hapter 14 6 14&1 219-228 $
0hapter 22 6 22&3 611-623 $
+ecurity 9oo!s
Section Pages level
0hapter 23 6 23&2 421-426 $
23&1 6 23&3 424-431 c
23&6 432-462 $
26&1 449-492 $
Lecture !
/rogram security
Section Pages level
0hapter 11 121-129 $
0hapter 14-14&1 219-228 $
0hapter 21-21&2&3 623-632 $
26&1&1-26&1&2 480-486 $
29&3 884-911 $
Lecture "
0hapter 18 244-292 $
0hapter 21-21&8 341-602 $
Lecture 10
-thics and La)
Lecture 11
/rivacy and /rivacy -nhancing 9echno!ogy
Section Pages level
12&6 166-144 $

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