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Patients Rights

Factors that patients can expect

to receive. Patients Bill of
Residents Rights
Patients in long term care
facilities expect to receive these.
Residents Bill of Rights
Considerate and respectful care Free choice regarding physician,
treatment, care and participation in
research projects.
Obtain complete, current information
concerning diagnosis, treatment and
Freedom from abuse and chemical or
physical restraints.
Receive information necessary to give
informed consent prior to the start of
any procedure or treatment.
Privacy and confidentiality of personal
and clinical records.
Have advance directives for health
care and/or refuse Tx to the extent
permitted the law
Accommodation of needs and choice
regarding activities, schedules, and
health care.
Privacy concerning a medical care
Voice grievances without fear of
retaliation or discrimination.
Confidential treatment of all
communications and records
Organize and participate in
family/resident groups and in social,
religious, and community activities.
Reasonable response to a request for
Information on medical benefits,
medical records, survey results,
deficiencies of the facility, and advocacy
Obtain information regarding any
relationship of the hospital to other
health care and educational
Manage personal funds and use of
personal possessions.
Be advised of and have the right to
refuse to participate in any research
Unlimited access to immediate family
or relatives to share a room with his or
her spouse, if both are residents.
Expect reasonable continuity of care. Remain in the facility and not be
transferred or discharged except for
medical reasons, welfare of residents,
failure to pay, or if the facility can not
meet the residents needs or ceases to
Review medical records and examine
bills and receive an explanation of all
care and charges.

Be informed of any hospital rules,
regulations, and policies and the
resources available to resolve disputes
or grievances.

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