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1. Why Group Switch is divided A-plane & B-plane?

For reliability reason.

2. Any connection between the lanes?
". #ow $any %S& & S& are in '() GS?
12* %S&+ 1' S&
(. #ow $any S!%,s can be connected to a %S&?
-. What are the .unctions o. SSA & SSB?
SSA is a speech store .or inco$in/ speech sa$ples.
SSB is a speech store .or out/oin/ speech sa$ples.
'. What are the .unctions o. 0SAB & 0S0?
0SAB is a store .or control o. when to 1ead2Write to SSA
0S0 is a store .or control o. which S& to read speech
sa$ple .ro$.
3. 45a$ple so$e 6evice connected to GS?
03 Si/nalin/ %er$inals
*. #ow to )now correct S!%7?
8oo) in Application in.or$ation .or S!% ownin/ bloc).
9. #ow $any %S& in each plane?
*+ %S&-:&&-3.

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