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An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore

E xecutive S ummary
Industry profile:
The banking industry in India today comprises of 27 public sectors, ! private
banks and 2" foreign banks#
The Indian banking sector is headed for consolidation# The presence of many
regional players $ill see fe$ banks emerging as global competitors#
%oreover, the likely rise in interest rates $ill see bank margins under pressure#
Treasury gains may $ilt in the current scenario# &ank profits in future may again
be driven by core income#
Indian banking industry in general and S&I in particular has positioned itself to
take advantage of such economic gro$th, India is likely to achieve#
'ompany profile:
There are a total of () 'ommercial banks in the country, $ith more than 7),)))
offices# ST*TE &*+, -. I+/I* o$ns 201 percent of these along $ith its seven
associates# The bank has reach# Its three2and2a2half times the si3e of the next
biggest bank, and bigger still than the next five banks put together# The bank has
dominance# It has 201 percent of the total banking business in India#
/espite its sheer si3e, and the legacy of the public sector, the bank is
surprisingly nimble# It4s computeri3ing its branches at a rapid pace, having
already done so in 5,))) branches# It hopes to computeri3e "(1 of the branch
net$ork by September 2))(, and all the branches by /ecember 2))(# The bank
has tied $ith T'S to develop core banking solutions, $hich $ill help net$ork the
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
.or the moment, S&I is distancing itself from its old $ays and charting ne$
territories# * fe$ years from no$ people $ill be asking $hether it can remain
efficient despite the high 2gro$th blueprint# &ut for no$, it can be safely said6 the
bank is moving for$ard and taking on competition head on#
7roducts, services and departments
The bank has brought about a lot of innovation in its products and departments
and has come out $ith various schemes#
S&I is providing 8uality services for its customers, and has been successful in
keeping their customers happy#
9ith the support of the investors and customers and the efficient endeavours of
the staff, the bank is living upto the expectations of all concerned#
%y learning:
%y internship training at State &ank of India $as indeed a learning experience#
The organisation study has enhanced my kno$ledge regarding many aspects of
administration# #
I also got the opportunity to interact $ith the staff of S&I $hich proved to be very
It $as overall a very $onderful and splendid experience $hich I $holly cherish#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
I +/:ST;< 7 ;-.I=E
&anking in India has its origin as early as the >edic period# It is believed that the
transition from money lending to banking must have occurred even before# %anu,
the great ?indu @urist $ho has devoted a section of his $ork to deposits and
advances and laid do$n rules relating to rates of interest#
/uring the mogul period, the indigenous bankers played a very important role in
east India 'ompany6 it $as the turn of the agency houses to carry on the banking
business# The general bank of India $as the !
@oint stock bank to be established
in the year !70A# The others that follo$ed $ere the &ank of ?industan and the
&engal &ank failed in the meantime#
In the !
half of !"
century the East India 'ompany established banks:
The &ank of &engal in !0)"#
The &ank of &ombay in !05) and
The &ank of %adras in !05#
These banks also kno$n as 7residency &anks $ere independent units and
functioned as $ell# These banks $ere amalgamated in !"2) and a ne$ bank,
the Imperial &ank of India $as established on 27
Ban !"2!# 9ith the passing
S&I act in !"((, the undertaking of the Imperial &ank of India $as taken over by
the ne$ly constituted State &ank of India#
The ;&I $hich is the central bank of India $as created in !"(, by passing ;&I
act !"5# In the $ake of the s$adeshi movement, a no# of banks $ith Indian
management $ere established in the country namely, 7un@ab +ational &ank ltd#,
&ank of India ltd#, 'anara &ank =td#, Indian &ank =td#, the &ank of &aroda =td#,
the 'entral &ank of India =td#-n Buly !", !"A", !5 ma@or banks of the country
$ere nationalised and on !(
*pril !"0), A more commercial private banks $ere
also taken over by the Covernment#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Today, the commercial banking system in India may be distinguished into:
1. public sector banks
o S&I and its associate banks called the State &ank group#
o 2) nationalised banks#
o ;egional rural banks mainly sponsored by public sector banks#
2. private sector banks
o -ld generation private banks#
o +e$ generation private banks#
o .oreign banks in India#
o Scheduled co operative banks#
o +on2scheduled banks#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Indian .inancial System
The Indian .inancial System is broadly classified into 2 groups:
!# -rganised sector#
2# :norganised sector#
The financial system is also divided into users of financial services and providers#
.inancial institutions sell their services to households, businesses and
government $ho are all the users of financial services#
The providers of financial services are:
!# central &ank
2# other banks
# .inancial institutions#
5# money and capital markets
(# Informal financial enterprises#
The organised financial system comprises the follo$ing subsystems:
!# The &anking System#
2# The 'ooperative System#
!# /evelopment &anking System#
a# 7ublic Sector
b# 7rivate Sector#
2# %oney %arkets#
# .inancial companiesDInstitutions
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
The unorganised sector comprises of money lenders, indigenous bankers, pa$n
brokers, landlords, traders etc# there are also a host of financial companies, chit
funds etc# in the unorganised sector#
The central bank or the government does not regulate these in a systematic
&anking Scenario in India
* strong and vibrant banking sector $ith a net$ork of over (5,()) branches
supports Indian economy# &esides, a no# of national and state level financial
institutions, a large no# of domestic and foreign institutional investors, investment
funds, e8uipment leasing companies and venture capitalists add vigour to Indian
banking arena#
In the recent years, Indian banking system is undergoing an existential crisis# In
the pre2privati3ation period, $ere never ensconced in the financial sector# Then
came the banking regulation act of !"", $hich opened the floodgates for foreign
banks# .oreign banks are in the fray, forcing their Indian counterparts to adopt a
customer centric approach#
%erger of banks is also a recent phenomenon# Some of them are Times &ank
$ith ?/.' &ank, &ank of %adura $ith I'I'I &ank and the recent Clobal Trust
&ank $ith -riental &ank of 'ommerce#
IT in &anking
Indian banking industry, today is in the midst of an IT revolution# * combination of
regulatory and competitive reasons has lead to increasingly importance of total
banking automation in the Indian banking industry#
'ompetition, gro$ing expectations of customers and increased a$areness
among customers has led to the IT aspect in banking#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
E volution of S tate & ank of I ndia
The origin of the State Bank of India goes back to the first decade of the
nineteenth century $ith the establishment of the &ank of 'alcutta in 'alcutta on
2 Bune !0)A# Three years later the bank received its charter and $as re2
designed as the &ank of &engal E2 Banuary !0)"F# * uni8ue institution, it $as the
first @oint2stock bank of &ritish India sponsored by the Covernment of &engal# The
&ank of &ombay E!( *pril !05)F and the &ank of %adras E! Buly !05F follo$ed
the &ank of &engal# These three banks remained at the apex of modern banking
in India till their amalgamation as the Imperial &ank of India on 27 Banuary !"2!#
7rimarily *nglo2Indian creations, the three presidency banks came into existence
either as a result of the compulsions of imperial finance or by the felt needs of
local European commerce and $ere not imposed from outside in an arbitrary
manner to moderni3e IndiaGs economy# Their evolution $as, ho$ever, shaped by
ideas culled from similar developments in Europe and England, and $as
influenced by changes occurring in the structure of both the local trading
environment and those in the relations of the Indian economy to the economy of
Europe and the global economic frame$ork#
Bank of Bengal H.O.
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
The establishment of the &ank of &engal marked the advent of limited liability,
@oint2stock banking in India# So $as the associated innovation in banking, vi3# the
decision to allo$ the &ank of &engal to issue notes, $hich $ould be accepted for
payment of public revenues $ithin a restricted geographical area# This right of
note issue $as very valuable not only for the &ank of &engal but also its t$o
siblings, the &anks of &ombay and %adras# It meant an accretion to the capital of
the banks, a capital on $hich the proprietors did not have to pay any interest#
The concept of deposit banking $as also an innovation because the practice of
accepting money for safekeeping Eand in some cases, even investment on behalf
of the clientsF by the indigenous bankers had not spread as a general habit in
most parts of India# &ut, for a long time, and especially upto the time that the
three presidency banks had a right of note issue, bank notes and government
balances made up the bulk of the investible resources of the banks#
The three banks $ere governed by royal charters, $hich $ere revised from time
to time# Each charter provided for a share capital, four2fifth of $hich $ere
privately subscribed and the rest o$ned by the provincial government# The
members of the
board of directors, $hich managed the affairs of each bank, $ere mostly
proprietary directors representing the large European managing agency houses
in India# The rest $ere government nominees, invariably civil servants, one of
$hom $as elected as the president of the board#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Group Photograph of Central Board 1!21"
The business of the banks $as initially confined to discounting of bills of
exchange or other negotiable private securities, keeping cash accounts and
receiving deposits and issuing and circulating cash notes# =oans $ere restricted
to ;s#one lakh and the period of accommodation confined to three months only#
The security for such loans $as public securities, commonly called 'ompanyGs
7aper, bullion, treasure, plate, @e$els, or goods Gnot of a perishable natureG and
no interest could be charged beyond a rate of t$elve per cent# =oans against
goods like opium, indigo, salt $oolens, cotton, cotton piece goods, mule t$ist and
silk goods $ere also granted but such finance by $ay of cash credits gained
momentum only from the third decade of the nineteenth century# *ll commodities,
including tea, sugar and @ute, $hich began to be financed later, $ere either
pledged or hypothecated to the bank# /emand promissory notes $ere signed by
the borro$er in favor of the guarantor, $hich $as in turn endorsed to the bank#
=ending against shares of the banks or on the mortgage of houses, land or other
real property $as, ho$ever, forbidden#
Indians $ere the principal borro$ers against deposit of 'ompanyGs paper, $hile
the business of discounts on private as $ell as salary bills $as almost the
exclusive monopoly of individuals Europeans and their partnership firms# &ut the
main function of the three banks, as far as the government $as concerned, $as
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
to help the latter raise loans from time to time and also provide a degree of
stability to the prices of government securities#
Old Bank of Bengal
%a@or change in the conditions
* ma@or change in the conditions of operation of the &anks of &engal, &ombay
and %adras occurred after !0A)# 9ith the passing of the 7aper 'urrency *ct of
!0A!, the right of note issue of the presidency banks $as abolished and the
Covernment of India assumed from ! %arch !0A2 the sole po$er of issuing
paper currency $ithin &ritish India# The task of management and circulation of
the ne$ currency notes $as conferred on the presidency banks and the
Covernment undertook to transfer the Treasury balances to the banks at places
$here the banks $ould open branches# +one of the three banks had till then any
branches Eexcept the sole attempt and that too a short2lived one by the &ank of
&engal at %ir3apore in !0"F although the charters had given them such
authority# &ut as soon as the three presidency bands $ere assured of the free
use of government Treasury balances at places $here they $ould open
branches, they embarked on branch expansion at a rapid pace# &y !07A, the
branches, agencies and sub agencies of the three presidency banks covered
most of the ma@or parts and many of the inland trade centres in India# 9hile the
&ank of &engal had eighteen branches including its head office, seasonal
branches and sub agencies, the &anks of &ombay and %adras had fifteen each#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Bank of #adras $ote %ated 1&'1 for (s.1)
7residency &anks *ct
The presidency &anks *ct, $hich came into operation on ! %ay !07A, brought
the three presidency banks under a common statute $ith similar restrictions on
business# The proprietary connection of the Covernment $as, ho$ever,
terminated, though the banks continued to hold charge of the public debt offices
in the three presidency to$ns, and the custody of a part of the government
balances# The *ct also stipulated the creation of ;eserve Treasuries at 'alcutta,
&ombay and %adras into $hich sums above the specified minimum balances
promised to the presidency banks at only their head offices $ere to be lodged#
The Covernment could lend to the presidency banks from such ;eserve
Treasuries but the latter could look upon them more as a favor than as a right#
Bank of #adras
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
The decision of the Covernment to keep the surplus balances in ;eserve
Treasuries outside the normal control of the presidency banks and the connected
decision not to guarantee minimum government balances at ne$ places $here
branches $ere to be opened effectively checked the gro$th of ne$ branches
after !07A# The pace of expansion $itnessed in the previous decade fell sharply
although, in the case of the &ank of %adras, it continued on a modest scale as
the profits of that bank $ere mainly derived from trade dispersed among a
number of port to$ns and inland centres of the presidency#
India $itnessed rapid commerciali3ation in the last 8uarter of the nineteenth
century as its rail$ay net$ork expanded to cover all the ma@or regions of the
country# +e$ irrigation net$orks in %adras, 7un@ab and Sind accelerated the
process of conversion of subsistence crops into cash crops, a portion of $hich
found its $ay into the foreign markets# Tea and coffee plantations transformed
large areas of the eastern Terais, the hills of *ssam and the +ilgiris into regions
of estate agriculture par excellence# *ll these resulted in the expansion of IndiaGs
international trade more than six2fold# The three presidency banks $ere both
beneficiaries and promoters of this commerciali3ation process as they became
involved in the financing of practically every trading, manufacturing and mining
activity in the sub2continent# 9hile the &anks of &engal and &ombay $ere
engaged in the financing of large modern manufacturing industries, the &ank of
%adras $ent into the financing of large modern manufacturing industries, the
&ank of %adras $ent into the financing of small2scale industries in a $ay $hich
had no parallel else$here# &ut the three banks $ere rigorously excluded from
any business involving foreign exchange# +ot only $as such business
considered risky for these banks, $hich held government deposits, it $as also
feared that these banks en@oying government patronage $ould offer unfair
competition to the exchange banks $hich had by then arrived in India# This
exclusion continued till the creation of the ;eserve &ank of India in !"(#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Bank of Bo*ba+
7residency &anks of &engal
The presidency &anks of &engal, &ombay and %adras $ith their 7) branches
$ere merged in !"2! to form the Imperial &ank of India# The triad had been
transformed into a monolith and a giant among Indian commercial banks had
emerged# The ne$ bank took on the triple role of a commercial bank, a bankerGs
bank and a banker to the government#
&ut this creation $as preceded by years of deliberations on the need for a GState
&ank of IndiaG# 9hat eventually emerged $as a Ghalf2$ay houseG combining the
functions of a commercial bank and a 8uasi2central bank#
The establishment of the ;eserve &ank of India as the central bank of the
country in !"( ended the 8uasi2central banking role of the Imperial &ank# The
latter ceased to be bankers to the Covernment of India and instead became
agent of the ;eserve &ank for the transaction of government business at centers
at $hich the central bank $as not established# &ut it continued to maintain
currency chests and small coin depots and operate the remittance facilities
scheme for other banks and the public on terms stipulated by the ;eserve &ank#
It also acted as a bankersG bank by holding their surplus cash and granting them
advances against authori3ed securities# The management of the bank clearing
houses also continued $ith it at many places $here the ;eserve &ank did not
have offices# The bank $as also the biggest tenderer at the Treasury bill auctions
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
conducted by the ;eserve &ank on behalf of the Covernment#
The establishment of the ;eserve &ank simultaneously sa$ important
amendments being made to the constitution of the Imperial &ank converting it
into a purely commercial bank# The earlier restrictions on its business $ere
removed and the bank $as permitted to undertake foreign exchange business
and executor and trustee business for the first time#
Imperial &ank
The Imperial &ank during the three and a half decades of its existence recorded
an impressive gro$th in terms of offices, reserves, deposits, investments and
the increases in some cases amounting to more than six2fold# The financial
status and security inherited from its forerunners no doubt provided a firm and
durable platform# &ut the lofty traditions of banking $hich the Imperial &ank
consistently maintained and the high standard of integrity it observed in its
operations inspired confidence in its depositors that no other bank in India could
perhaps then e8ual# *ll these enabled the Imperial &ank to ac8uire a pre2eminent
position in the Indian banking industry and also secure a vital place in the
countryGs economic life#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Sta*p of I*perial Bank of India
9hen India attained freedom, the Imperial &ank had a capital base Eincluding
reservesF of ;s#!!#0( crores, deposits and advances of ;s#27(#!5 crores and
;s#72#"5 crores respectively and a net$ork of !72 branches and more than 2))
sub offices extending all over the country#
.irst .ive <ear 7lan
In !"(!, $hen the .irst .ive <ear 7lan $as launched, the development of rural
India $as given the highest priority# The commercial banks of the country
including the Imperial &ank of India had till then confined their operations to the
urban sector and $ere not e8uipped to respond to the emergent needs of
economic regeneration of the rural areas# In order, therefore, to serve the
economy in general and the rural sector in particular, the *ll India ;ural 'redit
Survey 'ommittee recommended the creation of a state2partnered and state2
sponsored bank by taking over the Imperial &ank of India, and integrating $ith it,
the former state2o$ned or state2associate banks# *n act $as accordingly passed
in 7arliament in %ay !"(( and the State &ank of India $as constituted on ! Buly
!"((# %ore than a 8uarter of the resources of the Indian banking system thus
passed under the direct control of the State# =ater, the State &ank of India
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
ESubsidiary &anksF *ct $as passed in !"(", enabling the State &ank of India to
take over eight former State2associated banks as its subsidiaries Elater named
*t present the 7 associate banks are:
!# State &ank of &ikaner and Baipur
2# State &ank of ?yderabad#
# State &ank of Indore#
5# State &ank of %ysore#
(# State &ank of 7atiala#
A# State &ank of Saurashtra#
7# State &ank of Travancore#
The State &ank of India $as thus born $ith a ne$ sense of social purpose aided
by the 50) offices comprising branches, sub offices and three =ocal ?ead -ffices
inherited from the Imperial &ank# The concept of banking as mere repositories of
the communityGs savings and lenders to credit$orthy parties $as soon to give
$ay to the concept of purposeful banking sub serving the gro$ing and diversified
financial needs of planned economic development# The State &ank of India $as
destined to act as the pacesetter in this respect and lead the Indian banking
system into the exciting field of national development#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
% ission S tatement
To retain the bank4s position as the premier Indian .inancial Services Croup, $ith
$orld class standards and significant global business committed to excellence in
customer, shareholder and employee satisfaction and to play a leading role in the
expanding and diversifying financial services sector $hile continuing emphasis
on its development banking role#
> ision S tatement EHualitativeF
7remier Indian .inancial Services Croup $ith global perspective, $orld class
standards of efficiency and professionalism and core institutional values#
;etain its position in the country as a pioneer in development banking6
%aximise shareholder value through high sustained earnings per share
*n institution $ith a culture of mutual care and commitment, a satisfying and
exciting $ork environment and continuous learning opportunities#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
> alues
Excellence in customer service
7rofit orientation
&elonging and commitment to the bank#
.airness in all dealings and relations#
;isk2taking and innovation#
=earning and rene$al#
Transparency and discipline in policies and systems#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
& oard of / irectors as on !(2)"22))(
!# Shri# *run ,umar 7ur$ar 222 'hairman
2# Shri# ,#*shok ,ini 222 %anaging /irector E+ational &anking CroupF
# Shri# T#S#&hattacharya 222 %anaging /irector E'orporate &ankingF
5# Shri# ,#7#Bhuh@hun$ala

(# Shri# 7#;#,hanna
A# Shri# Suman ,umar &ery
7# Shri# *@ay#C#7iramal
0# Shri *nanta 'handra ,alita#
"# Shri +#S#Sisodia#
!)# Smt# Shyamala Copinath.
!!# Shri# *run Singh
!2# Shri# ;a@iv 7andey
!# Shri# 7iyush Coyal
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
- ;C*+IS*TI-+ S T;:'T:;E
The structure of the corporate center and the business groups located at
%umbai is as follo$s:
DMD (I & MA)
MD & G
MD & G
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
The structure of =ocal ?ead -ffice E=?-F is as follo$s:
Chi'( G'n'ra) Mana*'r
DGM (Vi*i)an+')
DGM (,a-)
AGM (%./)i+ r')a0i1n2
an3 +1mm.ni04 2'r5i+'2
Cir+)' Finan+ia) O((i+'r
Cir+)' Cr'3i0 O((i+'r
Cir+)' D'5')17m'n0 O((i+'r
G'n'ra) Mana*'r
(C1mm'r+ia) !an6in*)
G'n'ra) Mana*'r
(D'5')17m'n0 & %'r21na) !an6in*)
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
%eput+ General #anager #oduleF
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
. I+*+'I*= > IE9
%%CS II I Security -fficer
S%CS I>2 7ersonnel J ?;/
%%CS III I /isc#7ro#'ell
*C%4s E;egionF
;etail *sset '7'
SE 'redit 'ell
Cr'3i0 %r1+'22in* C')) (T'm71rar4)
8'a39 M1r0*a*' #a)'2
%%CS III I -fficial =anguages
S%CS I>2
Cen# &ankingD&ud J 7er#%on#Etc.
A)) /ran+h'2 h'a3'3 /4 AGM:2
%%CS III2 Konal O((i+'
C1m7.0'r C'n0r'
%anager %IS E/irect &ranchesF
*dvances, ;ehab#'um +7* %gt#'ell
*dv# 'ell
%%CS III +7*
B%CS %edical
'% &anking
S%CS I> I -ffice *dministration
%%CS III I interoffice
G15'rnm'n0 a++1.n02
'hief %anager
=ead &ank 'ell Ein a fe$ nodules)
B%CS I I *sst# %anager E=a$F
Structure of Zonal Office
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
The &ank posted a net profit of ;s !222#0 cr for H! of 2))(2)A, recording a
gro$th of !(#(51 compared to ;s# !)(0#5) cr in H! of 2))52)(#
-perating profit for the 8uarter stood at ;s#5"#50 cr# as against ;s# 2)7!#5) cr
in H! of 2))52)( a gro$th of AA#)(1# -perating 7rofit excl# profit on sale of
investment, /ividend and one time item increased by 55#)71# Increase in net
interest income coupled $ith marginal decline in -perating Expenses led to
higher -perating 7rofit#
;atio *nalysis:
2004-05 05-06

Selected Ratios FY Q1 Q1
Earnings per share in Rs on Face Value of Rs 10 81.79 80.44 92.94
Return on shareholers e!uit" 18.10 19.89 19.#8
$et interest %argin &$et 'nt 'nco%e()*g 'nt Earning )ssets+ #.#9 2.99 #.77
$', &E-cl. one ti%e ite%s+ #.20 2.99 #.14
.ther inco%e to /otal net operating inco%e ##.80 #4.25 27.04
0apital )e!uac" Ratio &1+ 12.45 1#.82 11.6#
/ier ' 8.04 9.01 7.88
/ier '' 4.41 4.81 #.75
$et $2) Ratio 2.65 #.45 2.44
C;-:7 7E;.-;%*+'E ?IC?=IC?TS:
The aggregate deposits and advances of the State &ank Croup as at the
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
end of first 8uarter of 2))(2)A $ere ;s# (, 20,!2( crores and
;s# , )),!22 crores respectively#
The -perating 7rofit and the +et profit of the Croup for the H!.<)A $ere
;s# 5202#(( crores and ;s, !22#A7 crores respectively#
The ma@or financial indicators of the Croup as at the end of H! .< )A
$ere as under:
Financial Parameter %
R.) 0.84
R.E 15.69
E-pense Ratio 44.91
$', #.76
3iel on )*ances 7.89
0ost of 4eposit 4.65
5ross $2)s 5.1#
$et $2)s
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
7 roducts and s ervices
&eing the largest bank in India, S&I aims at attracting customers from all sectors
of the society# In order to facilitate this, the bank has set up various strategic
business units called S&:4s to cater to different needs#
Some of them are as follo$s:
Strategic business units SB,-s"
!# 'orporate &anking Croup#
2# +ational banking group
# International banking
5# *ssociates and subsidiaries
(# 7ro@ect finance#
+ational banking is further divided into:
!# personal banking
2# agricultural &anking
# small and medium enterprises
5# development banking
Personal banking
State &ank of India offers a $ide range of services in the Personal Banking
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Some of them are as follo$s:
S&I Term /eposits
Savings &ank
S&I ;ecurring /eposits
=oan against %ortgage of property
S&I =oan for 7ensioners
S&I ?ousing =oan
=oan against Shares J /ebentures
S&I 'ar =oan ;ent plus Scheme
S&I Educational =oan %edi27lus Scheme
S&I 7ersonal =oan ;ates of Interest
* no# of personal banking branches are opened throughout, e8uipped $ith
customer friendly kno$ledgeable staff to cater to an individual4s financial
re8uirements State &ank of India offers a $ide range of services in the 7ersonal
&anking Segment# ?ere4s a brief look at one of the 7ersonal &anking 7roduct:
?ome is $here the heart isL
The ?ousing loan schemes are designed to make it simple to make a choice at
least as far as financing goes#
Some of the advantages are:
Excellent service and lo$er costs#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
=o$ E8uated %onthly Instalments EE%IF
=o$ interest rates, currently bet$een 01 p#a# and "#2(1 p#a# on daily reducing
+o hidden costs or administrative costs
+o prepayment penalties#

1he loan could be taken for0
7urchase or construction of a ne$ houseD flat#
7urchase an existing EoldF houseD flat#
Extend, repair, renovate or alter a houseD flat#
7urchase a plot of land meant for construction of a d$elling unit#
*nyone $ho is over 2! years of age and has a steady source of income is
.oan /*ount
The actual loan amount is determined on the basis of repayment capacity taking
into account the income, age, assets and liabilities# *s a rule of thumb 2 :pto A)
times the net monthly income $ill be sanctioned depending upon the age#
:sually, spouseGs income and the expected rental $ould also be taken into
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
The repayment terms are amongst the most flexible in the market# /epending on
the age and capacity to repay, the loan could be paid back the loan in easy
instalments spread over 2) years#
/gricultural Banking0
State Bank of India 'aters to the needs of agriculturists and landless
agricultural labourers through a net$ork of AA)) rural and semi2urban branches#
There are "72 speciali3ed branches $hich have been set up in different parts of
the country exclusively for the development of agriculture through credit
deployment# These branches include 527 *gricultural /evelopment &ranches
E*/&sF and (57 branches $ith /evelopment &anking /epartment E/&/sF $hich
cater to agriculturists and 2 *gricultural &usiness &ranches at 'hennai and
?yderabad catering to the needs of hi2tech commercial agricultural pro@ects#
The branches have covered a $hole gamut of agricultural activities like crop
production , horticulture , plantation crops, farm mechani3ation, land
development and reclamation, digging of $ells, tube $ells and irrigation pro@ects,
forestry, construction of cold storages and godo$ns, processing of agri2products,
finance to agri2input dealers, allied activities like dairy , fisheries, poultry, sheep2
goat, piggery and rearing of silk $orms#
S&I is the leader in agriculture finance in the country $ith a portfolio of ;s#
Corporate Banking
S&I provides financial products and services of $ide range for large, medium and
small customers both domestic and international# The corporate banking unit is a
step to$ards providing services to corporates#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Some of its products are:
3orking capital financing
It is extended both as fund based and non2fund based facilities to corporates,
partnership firms, and proprietary concerns#
It also extends $orking capital finance to all segments of industries and services
sector such as IT#
1er* .oans
The bank provides term loans to support capital expenditures for setting up ne$
ventures and also for expansion, renovation etc#
%eferred Pa+*ent Guarantees
This is given to provide support purchase of capital e8uipments#
Corporate loans.
This is provided to corporates for a variety of business related corporates#
Some of the loans are
Pro4ect finance and .ease 5inance, $hich is a dedicated set up specialised in
financing of infrastructure and other large pro@ects
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Pro4ect 26port 5inance
State Bank of India is an active participant in the area of finance of 7ro@ect
export activities# These activities $ill mainly involve financing the fund based and
non fund based re8uirements of the pro@ect exporters#
M Export of engineering goods on deferred payment terms
M Execution of turnkey pro@ects abroad
M Execution of overseas civil construction contracts abroad
M Exports of services are the contracts for export of consultancy, technical and
other services#
7ro@ect export contracts are generally of high value and exporters undertaking
them are re8uired to offer competitive terms to be able to secure orders from
foreign buyers in the face of stiff international competition#
>arious types of credit facilities, both non fund and fund based, that the pro@ect
exporters may need at the time of bidding andD or for execution of the pro@ect are
extended by the &ank#
$on 5und Based 5acilities
.etter of Credit facility on behalf of the customer enabling him to import ra$
material re8uired for manufacturing goods for pro@ect export is provided by the
bank and also all other types of guarantees re8uired for pro@ect export contract
are issued by the bank:
Bid Bond Guarantee.
/dvance Pa+*ent Guarantee
Perfor*ance Guarantee %o7n
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Pa+*ent Guarantee
(etention #one+ Guarantee
#aintenance Guarantee 8 Overseas Borro7ing Guarantee
The fund based facilities are:
7re2shipment credit
;upeeD .oreign currency supplierGs credit
&uyer4s credit
%erchant banking0
SBI-s %erchant &anking Croup is strongly positioned to offer perfect financial
solutions to your business# 9e speciali3e in the arrangement of various forms of
.oreign 'urrency 'redits for 'orporates#
It provides resources, convenience and services to meet customer4s needs by
arranging .oreign 'urrency credits through:
M 'ommercial loans
M Syndicated loans
M =ines of 'redit from .oreign &anks and .inancial Institutions
M .'+;& loans
M =oans from Export 'redit *gencies
M .inancing of Imports#
International &anking:
International banking services of State &ank of India are delivered for the benefit
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
of its Indian customers, non2resident Indians, foreign entities and banks through
a net$ork of (2 officesDbranches in ! countries, spread over all time 3ones# The
net$ork is augmented by a cluster of -verseas and +;I branches $ithin India
and correspondent links $ith over 7)) banks, the $orld over# &ankGs Boint
>entures and Subsidiaries abroad further underline the &ankGs international
The &ank has carved a niche for itself in the Euro land $ith branches located in
*nt$erp, 7aris and .rankfurt# Indian banks and corporates are able to avail
single2$indo$ Euro services from the &ankGs .rankfurt branch#
Some of the other services of the State &ank of India are:
S&I =ife 2 Insurance
S&I 'ards 2 'redit and /ebit cards
S&I %utual .unds
Some of the Internet Banking services include:
Self2account funds transfer across India#
Third party transfers in the same branch
+e$ account opening
/emand /raft re8uests
Standing instructions
+e$ 'he8ue2book re8uest and much more#
*part from these, the other salient value2added features available are:
;ail$ay tickets booking,
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
:tility bill payments
=I' and other insurance premium payments,
S&I %utual funds Investments
;emit Subscription to 77. account,
'redit card dues payments,
/eposit your taxes,
/onations to your religious inspirations
/onations to ;ed 'ross and such other organisations
Setting up S%S alerts for transaction information#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
S T;:'T:;E -. K -+*= - ..I'E, & *+C*=-;E
* %odule in State &ank -f India, 'omprises !))22)) branches# The ?H of a
%odule is called as Konal -ffice and is headed by a /eputy Ceneral %anager
$ho is responsible for the business gro$th6 smooth functioning of the branches,
8uality of assets, customer service and personnel %anagement# The /C% is
assisted in this by a set of officers, *ssistant Ceneral %anagers E*C%sF of
;egions and *C%s of /irect branches# The -rganisational structure of a %odule
is depicted in the schematic diagram#
/G#Operations" 0 Stationed at the Konal -ffice is in charge of all
&anking -perations like , budgeting, 7erformance monitoring, 7remises ,
.ixed *ssets, all &anking activities other than *dvances etc## In the ;egion#
'hief %anagers EC&F of the regions $ill report to him# ?e $ill report to the
%odule /C%##
/G#(etail /ssets Processing Cell(/CPC""0 In order to reduce turn
around time in the processing of 7ersonal segment advances like ?ousing
loans, Educational loans and 'ar loans, the &ank has setup ;*'7's
under its &usiness 7rocess ;eengineeringE&7;F 7ro@ect# 9hile the
branches $ill source the applications and ensure ,<' in respect of
customers, the processing of loans and sanctions $ill be made by ;*'7'#
They $ill also obtain legal opinions and valuation reports and conduct pre2
sanction inspections# *n ;*'7' is functioning at &angalore#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
/G#S*all 2nterprises Credit CellS2CC""0 In order to reduce turn
around time in the processing of small business and SSI advances the
&ank has setup SE''s under its &usiness 7rocess ;eengineeringE&7;F
7ro@ect# 9hile the branches $ill source the applications and ensure ,<' in
respect of customers, the processing of loans, sanctions and
/ocumentation $ill be made by SE''S# They $ill also obtain legal opinions
and valuation reports and conduct pre2sanction inspections# *n SE'' is
functioning at &angalore#
/G#(/PS2CC"0 *t centres $here there is not sufficient $ork load to
setup ;*'7' J SE'' separately a hybrid processing cell is set up to cater
to both 7ersonal segment loans J Small enterprises# In &angalore module
t$o such cells are in operation at %ysore J %angalore#
/G#Outbound Sales force"0 ?e is in charge of a mobile marketing $ing
of the &ank staffed $ith sales executives, $ho $ill contact prospective
customers in personal segment and direct them to the nearest branches#
-ne such $ing is functioning at &angalore
/G##ortgage .oans" ?e is responsible marketing %ortgage loans in
the module, particularly in 7ersonal segment ?is responsibilities include
getting ne$ business, exploring strategic tie2ups,co2ordinating $ith ;*'7'
J -utbound Sales force #
/G# Credit Processing cell" 0 In order to reduce turn around time in the
processing of small business and SSI advances the &ank has set up '7'S
#9hile the branches $ill source the applications and ensure ,<' in respect
of customers, the processing of loans , sanctions $ill be made by '7'S#
-ne '7' is functioning in &angalore %odule#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
#anager #ulti Sales 1ask 5orce" ?e is in charge of a mobile marketing
$ing of the &ank staffed $ith sales executives, $ho $ill contact prospective
customers in Small J %edium enterprise segment and direct them to the
nearest branches# -ne such $ing is functioning at &angalore
Chief #anager /dvances9 (ehabilitation
cu* $P/ *anage*ent cell"0 Stationed at Konal office and $ill monitor the
credit portfolio pertaining to direct branches J module and is in charge of
*dvances, ;ehabilitation J +7* management cell# ?e is also the secretary
of Konal -ffice 'redit 'ell# ?e is assisted by
o #anager $P/" 0 Stationed at Konal office and $ill monitor the
+7*s in respect of direct branches J module
o #anager /dvances cell 0 Stationed at Konal office and $ill
monitor the credit portfolio pertaining to direct branches and is in
charge of *dvances, ;ehabilitation
Chief #anagerGeneral Banking"0 Stationed
at the Konal -ffice is in charge of all &anking -perations like , budgeting,
7erformance monitoring, 7remises , .ixed *ssets, all &anking activities
other than *dvances in respect of direct branches# 'ompliance of
Inspection reports# ?e $ill also look after the issues relating to branch
premises, fixed assets# ?e $ill functionally report to *C%E-perations of the
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Chief #anagerPersonnel 8 H(%" Stationed
at Konal office and is in charge of staff matters including Staff budgeting
,transfers, training , leave, %edical &ills ,Staff ?ousing loans and
placements in the module# ?e $ill assess the training needs of the staff and
arrange for such training# ?e $ill also manage the service files and leave
records of the officers in the module# ?e is also staff in charge in respect of
staff $orking in direct branches#
Chief #anager Banking Operations"0 ?e is in charge of Inter -ffice
;econciliation, Konal -ffice 'omputer 'entreEK-''F, Covt *ccounts %IS
depts in the %odule# ?e is responsible for collection of various returns, data,
and analysis and follo$2up $ith branches for attending to I-; memos,
;econciliation, submission of data etc# ?e is responsible for preparation of
and submission of *nnual returns# 'ompletion of statutory *udit of the
returns and compliance of the *udit reports# ?e is assisted by 6
o #anager :OCC0 ?e is in charge of K-'', $hich $ill collect data
like $eekly reports, %onthly 7 .orms, 'redit Information System
E'ISF data, analy3e them and prepare report to /C%#
o #anager IO( Cell"0 ?e is in charge of Inter -ffice ;econciliation,
and $ill ensure timely reconciliation by the branches in the 3one,
Submission of daily statements to the ;econciliation dept at
o #anager #IS"0 ?e is responsible for collection of data and various
returns from the branches in the module# *nalysis of these data
and providing information to the %anagement E/C%F and
submission of consolidated returns to =ocal ?ead office#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
#anager %isciplinar+ Proceedings Cell %PC"0 ?e is in charge of
/isciplinary J >igilance matters in the module# ?e $ill arrange for
Investigation, calling of explanations, charge sheeting the errant staff,
arranging for En8uiry and follo$2up of the pending cases $ith the
disciplinary authorities in the module# ?e $ill also appraise the management
from time to time progress in each case and the details of pending cases#
?e $ill also ensure timely completion of Investigation and en8uiry# ?e is
assisted by the Investigation officers, 7resenting -fficers and En8uiry
officers appointed in each case#
#anager Securit+0 ?e is responsible for ensuring proper security for the
branch premises and offices# ?e $ill visit branches and ensure re8uired
security precautions are taken by the branches# ?e $ill recommend for
installation of '' T>s at branches# ?e $ill arrange for training to armed
guards# Ensure that Cun licences are rene$ed and up to date and Cuns are
serviced regularly# ?e $ill also ensure that locking system is properly
%+. #anager .a70 9ith a vie$ to provide advises on legal matters to the
branches in the module, a la$ dept has been setup in each module# The
=a$ officer is a specialist officer $ith legal background# ?e $ill provide
expert opinion on legal matters, empanel the advocates and follo$2up cases
$ith the advocates and branches# ?e $ill scrutinise agreements and study
the legal implications relating to various banking decisions# *t times he $ill
oversee the cases relating to the &ank in 'ourts, /ebt ;ecovery tribunals,
-mbudsman and 'onsumer forums#
%+. #anager 2ngineering: In order to enable the branches and the
operating staff to take decisions regarding 'ivil J Electrical $orks a section
headed by engineer is functional at the Konal -ffice# The Engineer $ho $ill
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
be reporting to the /C% $ill evaluate the estimates and plans #?e $ill also
supervise the constructions and $ill also monitor the $orks subcontracted to
contractors# ?e $ill also scrutinise the &ills submitted by the contractors and
countersign the &ills#
Sr. #edical Officer0 9ith a vie$ to provide %edical assistance to the
Staff, &ank has setup a %edical section headed by a senior medical officer
is set up at the Konal -ffice# The %edical -fficer $ill provide ?ealth care
service to the staff# ?e $ill also scrutinise the medical bills of staff# ?e $ill
also undertake medical examination of ne$ recruits#
#anager Official .anguages0 ?e is responsible for the implementation of
the -fficial language policy of Covt of India, in the branches and module# ?e
has to ensure progressive use of ?indi and ;egional language E,annada in
&angalore %oduleF, in day to day operations $ithin and $ith the customers#
?e $ill receive 8uarterly returns from the branches and take steps to
achieve the targets# ?e $ill also arrange for training the staff in ?indi J
,annada# Translate 'irculars, letters etc from English to ?indiD ,annada#
Ensure usage of &iD Tri lingual stamps, letter heads and computer
application packages#
#anager Co*puter8 Co**unications0 *s the &ank is totally
computerised6 there is a need to provide ongoing soft$are J hard$are
support to the branches# 9ith the above in vie$ a specialised section under
the %anager 'omputerJ 'ommunications is functional at the Konal office#
?e is assisted by 7ro@ect officers $ho $ill help in computerising the
branches and soft$are updates# * 'ommunication Engineer in the section
$ill help manage the communication net$ork J e8uipments
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Chief #anager Office /d*inistration0 *ll payments including Salary and
allo$ances to the staff made in the Konal office are made by the -ffice
*dministration /ept in the Konal -ffice# *ll the 'lerical and Subordinate
staff $orking in the Konal office are under the 'hief %anager -ffice
/G#s of (egions0 * %odule in S&I comprises of 2A regions
$hich are headed by *C%s# Each region is a mini module controlling 2(2(
branches and is responsible for the business gro$th6 smooth functioning of
the branches, 8uality of assets, customer service and personnel
%anagement# There are ( ;egions in &angalore %odule #The *C% of the
region is assisted by the follo$ing officials :
o Branch #anagers: The ?eads of branches $ho $ill ensure
smooth functioning of the branches and are responsible for branch
o Chief #anager Credit Support cell"0 Stationed at ;egional office
and $ill monitor the credit portfolio in the region#
o Chief #anagerGeneral Banking"0 Stationed at the ;egional
-ffice is in charge of all &anking -perations like , budgeting,
7erformance monitoring, 7remises , .ixed *ssets, all &anking
activities other than *dvances etc## In the ;egion# ?e $ill
functionally report to *C%E-perations of the %oduleF
o #anager $P/"0 Stationed at ;egional office and $ill monitor the
+7*s in the region#
o #anagerStaff in charge" Stationed at ;egional office and is in
charge of staff matters including transfers, training and disciplinary
o %+. #anager I8/"0 Stationed at ;egional office and $ill oversee
the 'ompliance of Inspection reports, ensuring the health of
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
/G# (egional Business Office"0 9ith a vie$ to take the controllers
nearer to place of operations some of the *C%s of regions $ill be stationed
out side the module ?H# Their functions are same as that of *C%s of
regions# ;&- of ;egion III in &angalore module is located at %angalore#
/G#s of Branches0 *ll &ranches $ith more than ;s#!)))million
business are headed by *C%s, $ho in turn manage these branches
through /ivisional %anagers heading various business segments in the
branch# and $ill ensure smooth functioning of the branches and are
responsible for branch operations# ?e $ill directly report to the /C% of the
module# There are !0 direct branches in &angalore %odule
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
S 9-T * +*=<SIS
%any ne$ generation banks both private and foreign have entered the banking
industry and these banks offer ne$ products at competitive rates#
In this scenario, the bank has defined its competitive advantage as:
>ast branch net$ork spread all over the country#
*dvancement in technology upgradation#
=o$ +7* ratio
S&I J *ssociates is the largest bank in India
&ranch net$ork has also spread overseas#
9ell trained personnel to handle specialised products#
7rovides innovative products and services#
?igh cost of funds#
Insufficient banking hours#
Inability to make good use of advertising to attract customers#
-ld fashioned ambience#
Some of the branches not being fully computerised#
+on availability of a centralised customer database#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
In the banking sector, technology is finding its application in product
deliveryDaccess, productivity, performance, product design and above all
adapting to market and customer needs#
This can significantly add to the competitive advantage and promote the services
to clients#
Si3e has become an important issue in Indian banking parlance# There are
bound to be mega mergers and ac8uisitions#
Increasing pressure on asset 8uality, decreasing margins and competition#
&anks, especially 7S&4s are at the receiving end of certain developments
including policy changes, for instance the ongoing clamour to lo$er the
interest rates#
Stiff competition from other industrial rivals#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
B -& S *TIS.*'TI-+ I * + - >E;>IE9
Bob satisfaction refers to one4s feeling to$ards one4s @ob# It can only be inferred
but not seen#
Bob satisfaction is often determined by ho$ $ell outcomes meet or exceed expectations#
Satisfaction in one4s @ob means increased commitment in the fulfilment of formal re8uirements#
There is greater $illingness to invest personal energy and time in @ob performance#
The terms @ob satisfaction and @ob attitudes are typically used interchangeably# &oth refer to
effective orientation on the part of individuals to$ards their $ork roles $hich they are presently
occupying# 7ositive attitudes to$ards the @ob are conceptually e8uivalent to @ob satisfaction and
negative attitudes to$ards the @ob indicate @ob dissatisfaction#
Conse=uences of >ob Satisfaction0
?igh @ob2satisfaction may lead to improved productivity, increased turnover, improved attendance,
reduced accidents, less @ob stress and lo$er unionisation#
The relationship bet$een satisfaction and productivity is not definitely established# The
consensus, ho$ever, is that in the long run @ob2satisfaction leads to increased productivity# &ut,
four decades of research into this issue, unfortunately does not support to this belief#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Satisfaction and absences0
'orrelation of satisfaction to absenteeism is also improved conclusively# *bsenteeism is high
$hen satisfaction id lo$# The degree to $hich people feel that their @obs are important has a
moderating influence on their absences# 9hile high @ob2satisfaction $ill not necessarily result in
lo$ absenteeism, lo$ satisfaction is likely to bring about high absenteeism#
Satisfaction and 4ob stress0
'hronic @ob2dissatisfaction is a po$erful source of @ob stress# The employee may see no
satisfactory short2term solution to escaping this type of stress# *n employee trapped in a
dissatisfying @ob may $ithdra$ by such means as high absenteeism and tardiness, or the
employee may 8uit#
#easure*ent of >ob satisfaction
This provides an index of organisational effectiveness# The three primary methods of measuring
@ob satisfaction are:
o *ttitude Surveys
o -bserving actual behaviour
o 'onducting executive rapport sessions
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Sources of >ob Satisfaction0
o 9age structure
o +ature of $ork
o 7romotions
o 9ork group
o 9orking conditions
o Supervision
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
; ESE*;'? % ET?-/-=-C<
Background of the stud+
Bob satisfaction is a $idespread problem# 7roductivity, efficiency are related to
$ork force# To achieve those one should be committed to the organisation to the
long term# This in turn depends on the level of @ob satisfaction and the morale of
the employees#
Bob satisfaction improves the performance of an organisation#
State*ent of the proble*
The research problem selected is entitled as NBob satisfaction of employees in
S&I, Konal -ffice, &angaloreO#
$eed and i*portance of stud+
o This study is undertaken to find out the level of @ob satisfaction among the
employees of S&I# %oreover, this study is to kno$ the impact of $orking
conditions, company policies and its impact on the @ob satisfaction#
o This study $ill help the organisation to design their @ob satisfaction
o %anagement can decide $hether the existing @ob satisfaction programme
should be continued or revised#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
o There exists no difference in the perception of @ob satisfaction as perceived by
employees of S&I
o There exists difference in the perception of @ob satisfaction as perceived by
employees of S&I#
Pri*ar+ Ob4ective
o To study the level of @ob satisfaction in S&I
Secondar+ Ob4ectives
o To study the effects and outcomes of @ob dissatisfaction
o To identify potential causes for @ob satisfaction
o To measure the level of @ob satisfaction in relation to various factors like the
physical and social environment, training and development, goals, re$ards
remuneration etc#
This study is undertaken to find out the level of @ob satisfaction among the
employees of S&I, Konal -ffice, &angalore#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
o The sample si3e $as limited
o It includes the officers and clerks of the Konal -ffice only and not the
organisation as a $hole#
o ;espondents did not ans$er a fe$ 8uestions#
o -pinion of the respondents may be raised#
o The study is sensitive in nature and there might be a colour of bias in
ans$ering the 8uestionnaire#
Sources of %ata0
Pri*ar+ %ata0
7rimary data has been collected through administering the 8uestionnaires
personally to employees of S&I# The response $ill be analysed and evaluated to
extract the re8uired information#
Secondar+ %ata0
Secondary data has been collected by $ay of personal meeting $ith employees
of S&I and also various reports collected from them#
Information $as also collected from $ebsites, brochures, bank @ournals,
maga3ines etc#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Sa*ple si?e0
The sample si3e considered for the research is ()#
Sa*pling techni=ue0
The sampling techni8ue used is simple random sampling#
(esearch Instru*ent0
The instruments used for research are mainly 8uestionnaires and intervie$s#
* set of 8uestionnaires $as presented to respondents# &ecause of its flexibility, it
is by far the most common instrument used to collect primary data# Huestions
$ere carefully developed, tested and debugged before administering in a large
The 8uestions and their form, $ording and se8uence $ere carefully chosen#
'lose ended 8uestions $ere chosen specifying all possible ans$ers
:nder close2ended 8uestions, the follo$ing types of 8uestions $ere asked in the
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
/ ata * nalysis
The various parameters selected for analysing the @ob satisfaction level are:
Training J /evelopment
;e$ards J 7unishment
Social Environment
7hysical Environment
7reviously conducted surveys prove that the above mentioned parameters have
a highly positive correlation $ith the @ob satisfaction level#
.eedback given by the employees regarding the above mentioned parameters
have been analysed to find out the employees perception about these
parameters and thereby the overall @ob satisfaction level is measured#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Graph depicting the satisfaction level 7ith respect to (e*uneration0
#a0i2(a+0i1n )'5') 7'r+'n0a*' (;)
T1 a 5'r4 2ma)) '<0'n0 ni)
T1 a 2ma)) '<0'n0 21.2
T1 a )ar*' '<0'n0 48.8
T1 a 5'r4 )ar*' '<0'n0 31
To a very small extent
To a small extent
To a large extent
To a very large extent
Graph 1
2!#21 of the employees are satisfied $ith the remuneration to a small extent#
50#01 of the employees are satisfied $ith their remuneration to a large extent
!1 of the employees are very much satisfied $ith their remuneration#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Graph depicting satisfaction level regarding 1raining 8 %evelop*ent0
#a0i2(a+0i1n )'5') 7'r+'n0a*' (;)
T1 a 5'r4 2ma)) '<0'n0 0
T1 a 2ma)) '<0'n0 28.3
T1 a )ar*' '<0'n0 34.6
T1 a 5'r4 )ar*' '<0'n0 37.1
1raining 8 %evelop*ent
To a very small extent
To a small extent
To a large extent
To a very large extent
Graph 2
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Graph depicting satisfaction level regarding Co**unication 7ith peers
and superiors0
#a0i2(a+0i1n )'5') 7'r+'n0a*' (;)
T1 a 5'r4 2ma)) '<0'n0 3.4
T1 a 2ma)) '<0'n0 26.6
T1 a )ar*' '<0'n0 43.2
T1 a 5'r4 )ar*' '<0'n0 26.8
To a very small extent
To a small extent
To a large extent
To a very large extent
Graph @
#51 of the employees feel very uncomfortable to communicate $ith their
peers and superiors#
2A#A1 of the employees are satisfied to a small extent $ith regard to
5#21 of the employees a satisfied to a large extent $ith regard to
2A#01 of the employees to a very large extent are comfortable in
communicating $ith their superiors and peers#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Graph depicting ho7 clear are the e*plo+ees regarding goals of their
depart*ents and the organisation.
Satisfaction level percentage E1F
To a very small extent A#A
To a small extent !)
To a large extent (A#A
To a very large extent 2A#0
To a very small extent
To a small extent
To a large extent
To a very large extent
Graph A
A#A1 of the employees are not very clear $ith their goals#
!)1 of the employees are clear to a small extent $ith their goals#
(A#A1 of the employees are clear $ith their goals to a large extent#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
2A#01 of the employees do not have any confusion $ith regard to
their goals#
Graph sho7ing the e6tent of tea*7ork present bet7een the e*plo+ees
#a0i2(a+0i1n )'5') 7'r+'n0a*' (;)
T1 a 5'r4 2ma)) '<0'n0 8.12
T1 a 2ma)) '<0'n0 34.87
T1 a )ar*' '<0'n0 53.98
T1 a 5'r4 )ar*' '<0'n0 3.03
To a very small extent
To a small extent
To a large extent
To a very large extent
Graph B
0#!1 of the employees are satisfied $ith team$ork to a very small extent#
5#071 of the employees are satisfied $ith team$ork to a small extent#
(#"01 of the employees to a large extent are satisfied $ith team$ork#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
#)1 of the employees are satisfied $ith team$ork to a very large extent#
Graph depicting the satisfaction level regarding pro*otions.
#a0i2(a+0i1n )'5') 7'r+'n0a*' (;)
T1 a 5'r4 2ma)) '<0'n0 18.18
T1 a 2ma)) '<0'n0 32.24
T1 a )ar*' '<0'n0 36.57
T1 a 5'r4 )ar*' '<0'n0 13.01
To a very small extent
To a small extent
To a large extent
To a very large extent
Graph '
!0#!01 of the employees are dissatisfied $ith promotions#
2#251 of the employees are satisfied $ith promotions to a small extent#
A#(71 of the employees are satisfied $ith promotions to a large extent#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
!#)!1 of the employees are satisfied $ith promotions to a very large
Graph indicating satisfaction level regarding the leadership of superiors.
#a0i2(a+0i1n )'5') 7'r+'n0a*' (;)
T1 a 5'r4 2ma)) '<0'n0 16.7
T1 a 2ma)) '<0'n0 33.3
T1 a )ar*' '<0'n0 50
T1 a 5'r4 )ar*' '<0'n0 0
To a very small extent
To a small extent
To a large extent
To a very large extent
Graph C
!A#71 of the employees are very much dissatisfied $ith leadership#
#1 of the employees are dissatisfied $ith leadership to a small extent#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
()1 of the employees are satisfied $ith leadership to a large extent#
Graph depicting the satisfaction level of the e*plo+ees regarding (e7ards
8 Punish*ent
#a0i2(a+0i1n )'5') 7'r+'n0a*' (;)
T1 a 5'r4 2ma)) '<0'n0 19.8
T1 a 2ma)) '<0'n0 40.1
T1 a )ar*' '<0'n0 32.6
T1 a 5'r4 )ar*' '<0'n0 7.5
(e7ards 8 Punish*ent
To a very small extent
To a small extent
To a large extent
To a very large extent
Graph &
!"#01 of the employees feel that re$ards J punishment system is not
very effective#
5)#!1 of them feel that re$ards J punishment system is effective to a
small extent#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
2#A1 of them feel that re$ards J punishment system is effective to a
large extent#
7#(1 of the employees are very much satisfied $ith re$ards J
punishment system#
Graph indicating satisfaction level regarding the social environ*ent of the
7ork place.
#a0i2(a+0i1n )'5') 7'r+'n0a*' (;)
T1 a 5'r4 2ma)) '<0'n0 2.03
T1 a 2ma)) '<0'n0 28.74
T1 a )ar*' '<0'n0 52.63
T1 a 5'r4 )ar*' '<0'n0 16.60
Social 2nviron*ent
To a very small extent
To a small extent
To a large extent
To a very large extent
Graph !
2#)1 of the employees are very much dissatisfied $ith the social
20#751 of the employees are satisfied $ith the social environment to a
small extent#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
(2#A1 of them are satisfied $ith the social environment to a large extent#
!A#A1 of the employees are satisfied $ith the social environment to a very
large extent#
Graph indicating satisfaction level regarding the ph+sical environ*ent of
the 7orkplace
#a0i2(a+0i1n )'5') 7'r+'n0a*' (;)
T1 a 5'r4 2ma)) '<0'n0 16
T1 a 2ma)) '<0'n0 39.6
T1 a )ar*' '<0'n0 30.4
T1 a 5'r4 )ar*' '<0'n0 14
Ph+sical 2nviron*ent
To a very small extent
To a small extent
To a large extent
To a very large extent
Graph 1)
!A1 of the employees are not very happy $ith the physical environment#
"#A1 of them are satisfied $ith the physical environment to a small
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
)#51 of the employees are satisfied $ith the physical environment to s
large extent#
!51 of the employees are very much happy $ith the physical environment
of the organisation#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
. indings
?urdling may be an appropriate metaphor for $hat researchers face $hen the
fact is considered that learning to hurdle makes better runners# This research
involved multifarious hurdles6 but the outcome of the struggle has been fruitful
from the bank4s perspective as $ell as from the researcher4s perspective#
The findings arrived at from N* S:;>E< -+ B-& S*TIS.*'TI-+O, are
summarised as under:
*bout (0#01 of the employees are very much satisfied $ith the remuneration#
5!#2 1 of the employees are not satisfied $ith the remuneration to a great
The employees are very satisfied $ith the medical and scholarship facilities
provided to their family and children#
*n employee gets !))1 reimbursement of medical expenses and 7(1
reimbursement of medical expenses to hisDher family#
The training facilities of the bank are extremely good# %ost of the employees
are satisfied $ith the amount of training given to them in ! year#
The employees feel that the training provided to them helps them in their $ork
to a great extent#
'ommunication bet$een the peers and superiors is good# *bout )1 of the
employees feel a little uncomfortable in communicating $ith their superiors#
* ma@or portion of the employees are very clear $ith the goals of their
departments and the organisation#
*bout !A#A1 of the employees are not very clear $ith their goals# .urther
investigation revealed that most of them $ho $ere unclear $ith their goals
$ere ne$ comers to their concerned departments#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
*bout (A1 of the employees feel that the team $ork in their respective
departments is excellent# *gain, these are from the department $here team
$ork $as re$arded#
In departments $here team$ork $as not re$arded, team$ork and
cooperation $as not very apparent#
()#521 of the employees $ere not satisfied $ith the promotions# %ost of the
felt that promotions have been long overdue#
%ost of the employees also felt that they have been denied promotion many a
()1 of the employees $ere happy $ith their superior4s leadership# They felt
that their bosses4 took personal interest in the employee4s gro$th#
The other ()1 of the employees $ere not very much satisfied $ith their
superior4s leadership# Since the opinion is precisely divided into 2 halves, this
issue clearly has got to do $ith the kind of superiors present in each
The re$ard and punishment system is fairly good but that very much effective
according to ("#"1 of the employees#
Employees stated that if an employee is charged under a certain crime, it
takes a very long time for the matter to be settled# In the course of time the
intensity of the matter reduces to a great extent#
A"#21 of the employees are very much content $ith the social environment
of the $orkplace# %ost of the employees share a very good relationship $ith
one another even outside the organisation# This definitely brings a good effect
on the social environment as $ell#
The physical environment of the bank is very good# %ost of the employees
are satisfied $ith the $orkspace provided to them#
The officers are provided $ith sufficient $orkspace# Some of the clerical staff
feels that the space provided for $ork is not sufficient#
*ll the employees feel much secured about their @obs# This sense of security
makes them a part of the organisation4s gro$th#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Since S&I is the largest bank in India, the employees feel good to be
associated $ith this bank as it also has an international repute#
The overall @ob satisfaction level of the employees is extremely good# The
extremely good figure could be attributed to the @ob security in public sector
banks and also the satisfaction level considered from the other attributed
*lso, the average no# of years of service on an employee being !5#0 yrs#
@ustifies the reason for an extremely good @ob satisfaction level#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
*fter analysing the feedback given by the employees, the follo$ing suggestions
can be considered to improve the @ob satisfaction level:
Since all ma@or banks are fully computerised, some of the older employees
are not $ell versed $ith the usage of computers6 thorough training should be
given to such employees as it $ill help them to carry out their @ob more
9ith the entry of private players, S&I is facing tough competition $ith banks
like I'I'I, ?S&' etc# Therefore, the staff should be trained so that they can
face the competition# They should be ade8uately trained about the modern
$ays of banking#
The soft$are and hard$are e8uipments should be maintained properly so
that $ork can be carried out smoothly#
Since, employees of public sector banks are prone to transfers6 technical
kno$ I ho$ should be considered before transferring an employee# This $ill
increase the productivity of the employee#
*lso, the bank need not spend additional money on training an employee for
a particular @ob#
*lso, needy employees must be granted a transfer on special conditions#
Bob rotation should be done especially for clerical @obs, as the same kind of
$ork leads to boredom#
Strong emphasis should be laid on team $ork#
=eaders must stress on team building#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Employees must be encouraged to participate in decision making# The
employee giving the most valuable suggestion must be re$arded#
Team $ork must be compulsorily re$arded to further motivate employees#
The rigid policies of promotion must be done a$ay $ith# Instead, deserving
employees must be promoted# This $ill lead to better @ob satisfaction#
The democratic $ay of looking at things is obsolete# It hampers gro$th#
?ence, managers must have a global vie$#
;e$arding system should be made more transparent#
Each department should select NEmployee of the monthO# That particular
employee must be re$arded for hisDher hard $ork# This type of social
recognition leads to high self esteem in the employee thus, leading to better
@ob satisfaction#
Informal get2togethers can be organised in order to facilitate better
relationships among the employees#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
' -+'=:SI-+
I had an enriching experience during the internship# I learnt a great deal of things
by being a part of the team in group discussions# It has also exposed me to the
$ork style and outlook services offered by the organisation#
The future of an organisation largely depends on its productivity and productivity
depends on the employees $ho $ork for the organisation# If the employees are
very productive in nature, no one can beat the organisation# To make the
employees more productive, the organisation should try to satisfy the employees
to the maximum extent# Every organisation must conduct employee survey every
year to compare the present satisfaction level $ith the past# These surveys help
to indicate the mirror of management in the minds of the employee as $ell as
management about their feelings, opinions and attitude#
-bservations, intervie$s and 8uestionnaire feedback helped me to understand
the perception of @ob satisfaction#
.rom various feedback obtained, It can be concluded that the @ob satisfaction
level of employees is very high in State &ank of India, Konal -ffice, &angalore#
Employees are proud to be associated $ith State &ank of India and it is an
extremely good organisation to $ork $ith#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Cadre0 22222222222222222222222 Grade0 2222222222222222222222
$o. of +ears of service in the organisation: 22222222222222222222222222222222222222
;ate the follo$ing on a scale of ! 2 5 Circle an+ one"
! 2 To a very small extent 2 2 To a small extent
2 To a large extent 5 2 To a very large extent

1o 7hat e6tent0
!F /o you receive regular feedback about your @ob performanceP
2F /o you feel free to communicate $ith your superiorsP
F *re the important decisions of your department communicated to youP
5F Is the amount of $ork you are expected to do reasonableP
(F *re the individual differences respectedPE educational background, gender,
AF *re your opinions and suggestions heard and $elcomedP
7F *re you satisfied $ith the general amenities like canteen, toilet facilities etc#P
0F *re you satisfied $ith the $orkspace provided to youP
"F Is team$ork and cooperation present among individualsP
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
!)FIs team$ork re$ardedP
<es +o
!!F*re you satisfied $ith your remunerationP
!2F*re you satisfied $ith your appraisal systemP
!F 9hen $as your last promotionP Eno# of yearsF
!5F /o you feel it is high time you got promoted
<es +o
1o 7hat e6tent0
!(F*re you satisfied $ith the medical facilitiesP
!AF *re you satisfied $ith the education and scholarship facilities provided to
your childrenP

!7F /o you receive re$ards and recognition for $ork $ell doneP
*l$ays Sometimes :sually +ever
!0F Is the re$ard and punishment system effectiveP
!"F*re you clear about the goals of your departmentP
2)F*re you clear $ith the goals expected from youP
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
2!F *re you clear about the company4s vision and goalsP
22F ?o$ good is the 8uality of training being givenP
7oor Satisfactory Cood >ery good Excellent

1o 7hat e6tent0
2F/o your superiors give attention to your training needsP
25F ?as the training you received helped you to do your @ob betterP
2(F *re you satisfied $ith the amount of time you have spent on training in the
past ! yearP
2AF /o your superiors focus on team building and team$orkP
27F /o your superiors pay attention to your grievancesP
20F /o your superiors motivate youP
2"F *re you satisfied and proud of $orking for the organisationP
)F 9hat is the culture of your organisationP
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
*uthoritarian 7articipative %echanistic -rganic
!F 'onsidering everything ho$ satisfied are you $ith your @obP
>ery dissatisfied some$hat dissatisfied
Some$hat satisfied >ery satisfied
2F %ention in brief $hat you feel could be done to improve the overall $orking
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
Graph depicting the overall 4ob satisfaction level of the e*plo+ees
#a0i2(a+0i1n )'5') 7'r+'n0a*' (;)
T1 a 5'r4 2ma)) '<0'n0 0
T1 a 2ma)) '<0'n0 0
T1 a )ar*' '<0'n0 56.25
T1 a 5'r4 )ar*' '<0'n0 43.75
>ob Satisfaction
To a very small extent
To a small extent
To a large extent
To a very large extent
Graph 11
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
The @ob satisfaction level of S&I, Konal office, &angalore is extremely
(A#2(1 of the employees are happy $ith their @ob to a large extent#
5#7(1 of the employees are very much happy $ith their @obs#
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore
An Organisational Study on State Bank of India- Zonal Office, Bangalore


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