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Pyromancer, Guy Cotenal, Boy

Basic Warrior, Ezekiel Whyte, Boy

Tank, Tomas Saye, Boy

Rogue/Assassin, Clarice Ratcliff, Girl

Healer, Summer Thornton, Girl

Archer, Catherine Brooke , Girl

The History of Astoria

Astoria was a town of great power, It was the largest in all of the land, but alas it was struck down
by the mighty ender dragon, a creature that made all the villagers cower in fear. Even the six pillars of the army,
the rogue, the warrior, the tank, the archer, the healer and the pyromancer, could not hold the hordes of evil back.
Even though they had no chances against these mighty powers, they leapt into battle, sacrificing themselves in
order to save their town. Now the town is in danger again, and without great leaders of the past the town is
forsaken, except for six younger citizens who believe they have what it takes to preserve the village.

Summer, the daughter of a witch, is well known for her abilities to use her healing powers to not only
heal the wounded, but use her powers to take away and drain the life of others, she is also the only one in the
village that was taught how to destroy mob spawners and is a great value to Astoria.
Guy was popular in the village amongst children because of his clever ability to tame fire and make it
fly from hand to hand, don't be fooled, when angry he can be a dangerous foe, also he is eye candy for the girls
because of his dastardly good looks.
Ezekiel is well known for his handy work with a sword and shield, he topped everyone on his knights
training camp and guards the town at night from mobs.
Catherine is a skilled archer, she can out shoot any skeleton any day and can draw an arrow from her
quivver quickly and effortlessly. She works throughout the day as a hunter, gathering meat for the whole town.
Tomas is known for his brute strength, and is a well built young man who spends a lot of time working
on his fathers farm that lies just on the outskirts of Astoria. His father often has him rangle the bulls, as a
ram from a bull is nothing but a tap on the head for Tomas. Tomas can take many hits, and can deal lots of
damage, but is not as agile as the other adventurers.

And Clarice, a young, silent thief of the night was abandoned at a young age and was left to fend for
herself, she got very good at stealing food from street vendors along with building small fires and shelters to
keep her warm and safe for the night. She is also a skilled killer, used to waking up in the middle of the night
with a Zombie staring through her window. She is the most agile of the bunch, but dont stay in a mob of
creatures, as she is very fragile compared to the other heroes.

Chapter One
Tomas sat on the edge of his farm watching the clouds roll by, he couldn't stop thinking about the night
before. As he and his father were setting up the barn for the night, two zombies and a skeleton had some how
wandered its way into their cow pastures, and as they were unsaddling the horses, they found him and his father,
the skeleton made a lucky shot through the barn door, hitting his father right in the back of leg. As quick as he
could he picked up his stone sword and struck down the two zombies that had ran into the barn. Blood and guts
sprayed all over as the blade effortlessly cut through rotting flesh and bone. The skeleton that fired at him and
his father was sitting stationary behind their oak tree that they planted when Tomas was a child. As fast as he
could Tomas ran up to the side of the tree before the skeleton could pull another arrow to its knock, he slashed
sideways at the gruesome corpse and cut its torso from its lower limbs.
Somehow thinking about this gave him another thorough rush of adrenaline, turning his blood cold as
it coursed throughout his body. He always tried hard to keep himself and his ageing father safe, he wasn't going
to let his father down, not after his mother gave her own life to keep him alive. And yet, somehow, he still
couldn't keep his father safe. It was all his fault he was the one who left the pasture open to let their one
remaining cow in.
Tomas got up and made his way down the winding path that lead up to their home, as he was making
his way down to the towns witch doctor, maybe she would let his father come home early, although he didn't
know the extent of the damage that the arrow did to his fathers leg. would his father even be able to walk
Tomas, Tomas! How are you? A girl with dark brown hair ran out from the side of the Witch
Doctors hut, My mother told me what happened, Im so glad you're okay!
Hello Summer, thankyou Im alright, Im here to see my father right now, Can you find your mother to
tell me how he is? Tomas stepped into the small medicine room where his father laid on a cot. It was a sad site,
there his father laid, convulsing and moaning.
Tomas stepped closer to his father, he had not known the extent of the damage that had been done. Was
there infection that had made him so sick? Was it his old age?
Hello Tomas, Summer said that you were in here to see your father, I am sorry to tell you he is not
doing well.
Tomas knelt down next to his father, Why is he like this? Can an infection spread this quickly??
The tip of the arrow that hit your father was first soaked in Cave spider venom, once the tip of the
arrow broke the skin, the poison was released into the bloodstream.
So are you telling me that hes going to die? There has to be something that we can do to stop this!
Tomas, I am so sorry, there is nothing that I can to to counter the poison, it has been in his
bloodstream too long, the best we can do is to help him on his way and give him comfort.
Tears welled up in tomases eyes as he watched his father pass, the venom has finally worked its way up
into his heart. With only a little time left, he said goodbye to his father, and then it hit him, he was utterly
Darkness started to creep its way across the sky, drowning out the sun with its harsh black canvas.
Soon enough the town will go into lockdown while the mobs rule the night, anyone who dares to venture out into
the open is all on there own. In no time at all Zombies, Skeletons, Spiders, and Creepers would have honed in
on them and run them down until they jump off a cliff and kill themselves, or simply just over power them and
kill them on the spot. It was probably time he was getting back to HIS farm now.
Oh how he wished he was a child again, thinking back to when he would sit with his back to the apple
tree in his pasture, enjoying his day as the sum moved across the sky. He also remembers going into town and
Seeing Summer and her mom set up and ready to trade with new people that would come into the village for her
mothers medicines and teas. He always thought that she was a beautiful girl and he was always intrigued by
what she knew how to make
Its gonna be a lonely night


Chapter 2
Summer woke up to the sounds of screaming and people running, she tried to pull herself out of her sleep
induced trance that left her eyes foggy and her limbs heavy and tired. As she made her way out of her and her
mother's hut a blast of heat hit her in the face, her village was on fire, people were in a panic.
What in the-?
Summer! Get back inside its not safe!
She recognised Tomas, he ran out from a burning building with a stone sword in his hand when
suddenly an Ender dragon soared over them, spitting fire and hunks of molten flesh down on their little town
that was so delicately placed. The once calm valley of Astoria was now ablaze with red and orange, leaving their
town lit up for miles upon miles.
Tomas what do we do? Summer held the door open for Tomas as he barreled his way across the
clearing from the old burning house. Several skeletons and zombies skittered away from the flames, trying to
avoid the wrath of the Ender dragon.
We have to get to the castle, its the only place thats completely made of stone! Tomas shoved her out
the door as the dragon flew over them, crashing into the gates that marked the entrance to the town. Run, run,
Summer made a break for the castle and threw herself through the gates along with tomas who was
right behind her, When did that happen? how did a dragon get in the village??
In the middle of the night there was rumor that a portal opened and one flew through. The town's been
under attack for like 15 minutes.
Wheres my mother?
Shes in the castle waiting for you, she was out of the house checking on the spawner when she saw it
fly over, she warned the whole village and brought a lot of people into the Castle.
Just as Tomas was talking Summers mother ran into the room and gathered up her daughter in her
arms, thankful that she was alive, Oh my precious daughter, I was just coming to grab you but the King had
ordered everyone to stay inside and I could make it out in time.
Summer embraced her mother understanding the situation clearly, Mom, its okay, Tomas helped me
Summers mother turned to Tomas and hugged him, Thankyou for protecting my daughter. Please you
two come with me, I have gathered up a few other young adults your age, I have an important task for you all.
Without warning Summers mother turned and started walking through hallways and rooms leading to
a chamber. Through the door that they walked through held four other teens around their age. Summer had
recognised a few from the village, Guy Cotenal, who was often found on the corners of the streets entertaining the
children by putting together one of his fire shows, mesmerizing them with hot turning flames, and the slick
smooth way he could contain it.
There was Catherine Brooke, she was a fantastic archer within the village that could out shoot anyone
who challenged her. She was well known for protecting the village at night and was often out hunting to gather
food for the village tavern.
There was one guy there that seemed to be a little wound up from all the commotion, he was bouncing
around the room cracking jokes left and right, he seemed to be keeping to mood light and stress free, he must be
Ezekiel Whyte, he would hang around the tavern when he was younger.
The last person there was Clarice Ratcliff, boy was she a mess, she had no family, no home, no job. She
would pass around the village from time to time trading with the venders and even her mother sometimes.
Although she never stayed long she seemed to end up hanging around every now and then.
Summers mother shut the door and turned around, Everyone gathered her right now had been gathered
because of what's going on now. As you all know that dragon is destroying the town as we speak, the reason why
there have been so many attacks and mobs hanging around. The king has chosen you all to travel to all the
spawners and destroy them.
Suddenly Summer understood why her mother had her practicing destroying spawners as a child. They
happened to be difficult to destroy and it took a lot of conjuring and concentration. Did her mother know that this
was going to happen, Mom is this why you had me destroying all of those spawners? Because something like
this was going to happen?
Yes Summer, at some point I knew we were going to need to take action. Summers mother turned
around and faced everyone in the room, This town, this kingdom, is depending on you. You will all sleep here
tonight, and in the morning I will take you to the king to start your training and conditioning, we don't have
much time left.
Clarice stood up immediately complaining, Woah, Woah I didnt ask for this okay? Theres no way
that i'm going to stay here to help you sorry saps with a couple of zombies and skeletons. Unlike you soft
pampered high bloods, I can take care of myself!
Guy got up and blocked Clarice from leaving, Come On Clarice, we need you! no one can run as fast as
you and you need to help us Catch Summer and Tomas up with the whole plan. Everyone here has agreed to
stay, you can't just leave us!
Guys good looked seemed to charm Clarice into staying, her eyes softened up a little bit but she made a
sharp turnaround, Fine. But i hope you all know Im not going to enjoy this.
Good. Summers Mother turned around, While the patrols go out to salvage whats left of our town I
will leave you all here to rest. Tomorrow, we start your training. And with that Summers mother left and she
was alone in a room with some people she barely knew.
Tomas walked over to her, Here, Ill help you make a bed you're probably exhausted after today.
She looked at him gratefully, Actually, Im alright, I slept through most of it.


Chapter 3
As morning arrived everything was quiet, soldiers had gone out and cleared away some of the rubble,
houses were still on fire, trees were scorched, almost everything was destroyed. Although she didn't care much
about this place Clarice knew why she was here. She knew why everyone was here in this cramped room. They
were going to have to destroy all of the mob spawners, she heard talk of this while she snuck into the castle to
steal food from the royal banquets. Although she didnt care too much, she heard the Shamen mention her name,
meaning that they wanted her to help destroy the spawners. Although she didnt care to tag along and help with
a bunch of idiots, she thought that maybe they could pay her, give her something with value that would help her
get on her way.
Summers mother swung the door open waking everyone in the room, Alright everyone up, its time for you
to all learn what you have been chosen to do. Come with me we are going to the Mooshroom spawner, were all
going to learn how a spawner is destroyed.
Guy protested as he got up off the floor, What time is it, I need to get back to my family and make
sure they are alright.
Summers mother replied in a light tone, Everyones family has been notified of what's going on, there's
no need for you to be wandering off.
Clarice watched as Guys face held a look of uncertainty, Summer was the first to leave the room
followed by Tomas (what a surprise), then Catherine, then Ezekiel, and then finally Guy.
He turned around and looked at her, You coming with or what?
Clarice crossed her arms and walked forward pushing past him and turning her head up, Yea, what are
you scared Im gonna jump on your back and kill you?
Guy followed her out of the room and snorted, I wouldn't exactly put that past you.

* * *

Clarice Stepped forward and looked at the Mooshroom spawner. How exactly are we supposed to
destroy this?
Summer looked over at her, You can't without learning the right magic, and i dont think that any of
you have learned that kind of magic besides me.
Well then little miss know it all show us how its done. Clarice opened the gate to the spawner, Hop
on in cow girl.
Summer scowled at Clarice, Thats not how it works, just wait for my mother to come back so she can
explain what's happening to everyone, I think I have a pretty good idea of what's going on here.
For the first time ever Catherine spoke up, Summer if you can destroy these on your own then why don't
you go off by yourself and do this? She pulled her bow off her back and threw it to the ground.
Looking a little sheepish she tried to answer but tomas came up behind her and lashed out on
Catherine and Clarice, Its not that easy! Your just gonna tell her to go out by herself and throw herself in
harms way all alone? We have to be there to help protect her and make sure that she can get the job done.
Ezekiel laughed and jumped off the fence that held in the mooshrooms, Great so we can all get killed
doing this, just perfect.
Clarice shot a grin at him, This guy knows whats going on.
Everyone needs to calm down and listen to Summers mother when she gets back! Its not fare of all of
you to gang up on Summer when we hardly even know what's going on. Tomas spat at everyone furiously.
As soon as Tomas was done yelling Summers Mother stepped out of her hut carrying a pickaxe,
Everyone calm down what's the problem?
Clarice stepped forward, This is a complete waste of time!
Summers Mother handed Summer the pickaxe, Let me explain this all to you know then. Summer has
powers that can summon magic from within this tool, using this she can destroy spawners. She needs all of you
to back her up, by doing this you can save all of Astoria an-

Chapter 4
Catherine heard the screams from the castle, her initial instinct was to run towards the screams and
help who ever was in trouble. She bent over grabbed her bow and sprinted towards the castle. With the rest of
the group behind her she let Ezekiel and Tomas rush forward to take out the skeletons that had poured their
way into the castle.
Catherine looked around, Its not even night, where are these all coming from? As she pulled an arrow
from her quiver to take out a skeleton that was getting too close to Guy. as soon at the arrow hit its head it was
knocked back into another taking them both down, Tomas finished the second one off by driving a sword he found
into its head.
Summer called out to Clarice, and her, Come with me! They spotted a spawner near the roof of the
Catherine ran next to Clarice to the top of the building to where the spawner was, Two more skeletons
spawned in and immediately stepping in form ready to knock back Clarice.
Summer called out instructions to both of them, Hold them back while I destroy the spawner!
Catherine put an arrow in the knock of her bow, as she drew her arrow back she took and steadied
herself, as she took aim. As she released the arrow her aim stayed true and hit the skelion right between the eyes.
Clarice ran up the side of the wall and kicked the skeleton to the ground, taking advantage of the opportunity,
clarice shoved a dagger through the head of the skeleton.
Catherine yelled to Summer, Quick, before it spawns anymore! Destroy it!
Summer ran up to the spawner and swung the pickaxe at the spawner, a red glowing light erupted from
the pickaxe shooting itself into the spawner. As the red light exploded the spawner shattered, destroying it forever.
Catherine went to join summer over by the destroyed spawner, Nice job, have you ever done that before?
Actually no, I haven't, and I feel very sick after doing so. Summer headed towards the stairs and
headed back down into the castle.
Clarice and Catherine followed behind her walking down the steps carefully, checking for anymore sines
of skeletons that may have been spawned earlier.
Catherine regrouped with the others, I think that this problem is more serious than we thought,
summers mother is right, we have to help her destroy the spawners, theres no way she can do it without us.
Chapter 5
Tomas was leading the group Plainas, a small town that was near Astoria, Summers mother had
made it clear they were to make it to multiple cities that had spawners in them at the end they were to find a
stronghold that would take them to the Ender dragon. Before they left Astoria they were given food and water
for the journey, messengers were sent ahead to warn each town that they were coming and that they were to be
treated with kindness.
Summer came up behind him, the pickaxe slung over her shoulder, Tomas, were all getting tired, when do
you think we are going to reach Plainas?
Tomas looked behind him, the group seemed to be exhausted with Ezekiel trailing the back. Come on,
just a little further, we are almost there. He could clearly see the town, but it looked barren and lifeless. Had
this place been abandoned? They were almost too far away to tell if it was or not.

As they came upon the town everything was completely silent, there was no movement, there were no
villagers, everything was scattered about in a flurry of destruction.
Clarice ran forward into the town, Is there anyone there-
Tomas ran forward and grabbed her, You have to be quiet, we don't know what happened here!
As they spoke 5 Zombies ran forward moaning and bloated, Tomas realised that there must have been
an attack on the town, even worse a spawner.
Summer stand back! Tomas ran forward with his sword to slash at a zombie, while he did this
Ezekiel spun in beside him and took out another undead monster that would have tackled him. Catherine had
already took her aim twice, knocking out two other Zombies with her arrows. Clarice stayed with Summer and
made sure that she wasn't harmed. as the last zombie staggered forward Guy did something that no one had ever
seen, he shot fire straight out of his hand.
What the hell was that?! Ezekiel moved away from Guy a little. It was just a trick I swear, I
thought that I could help
Summer walked over to Guy and comforted him and walked ahead of the group, silently talking to him
as he listened with a frown on his face.
As those two waked on an spoke to each other Ezekiel ran over to the side of the village looking over the
edge of the quarry that was dug next to the village. In a panicked cry he jumped back from the edge, You guys! I
think I found the next spawner that we were supposed to destroy!
The group ran over to the edge of the quarry, sitting in the bottom of the quarry was a spawner that was
spitting out Zombies left and right, as soon as they were produced the undead corpses attention was turned to the
small group of teens sitting at the top of the quarry.
Tomas was trying to make a quick decision but before he could say anything Guy and Summer came
running back and launched themselves into the hole filled with moaning, rotting, flesh eaters.
Guy, Summer! Get back here its not safe! Tomas ran down into the quarry with Ezekiel and Clarice
right behind him. Where are you two? Are you alright? Tomas could find the two, desperately throwing off
zombie after zombie, Clarice Ezekiel and him could hardly keep up with the number of Zombies coming after
Catherine was sitting at the top of the quarry firing arrow after arrow into the massive swarm of
Zombies, Slowing knocking them back one by one.
After what seemed like an eternity, a red light erupted from a cave entrance with a loud bang. Guy and
Summer came sprinting out of the quarry, Guy spraying fire from the palm of his hand, burning and killing any
zombie that stepped to close.
Tomas turned around, his muscles screaming with protest, Finish off the last of them!
Clarice and Ezekiel were angrily slashing away at the last of the Zombies trying to climb out of the
quarry, as the last one was killed everyone regrouped in the middle of the town.
Angrily Tomas stepped towards Guy and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, Now just what in the
hell did you think you were doing?! Shaking with anger he lashed out on the whole group, We cant just go
running into conflict like that! Tomas whipped back around to face Guy, And you sure as hell cant go running
into a mob of flesh eating zombies with Summer! What were you two thinking?
Ezekiel, Catherine, and Clarice stood behind Tomas as Guy and Summer hung their heads in shame.
After a long silence Summer spoke up. It was my fault, I saw the spawner, I talked Guy into covering me while
I ran down to destroy it, I thought that with all the Zombies it was producing I could stop the spawner before
it made too many
Guy spoke up a to defend himself, We were just fine, I got her in and out like we planned and that was
Tomas felt a burning hot anger bubbling up within him, Are you kidding me?! You didn't tell the rest
of the group, you made a poor decision that could have gotten us all killed! Do you not understand why we were
chosen for all of this? WE are the only ones that can fix this whole mess, that can save our home and protect
everyone and live the lives that we want to. Tomas felt hot tears burning in his eyes. If it wasnt for these
damn spawners my father would still be here! Im on this quest to avenge him and my mother and if all you're
going to do is make poor decisions and put summer in danger then leave now!
Guy squared up his shoulders and looked Tomas in the eyes, I'm on this journey for a reason too, Dont
think that just you and only you have lost people due to this problem. Now if you would mind, we have to find
shelter tonight before it gets dark. The next town that we have to reach is a days walk from here and we are all
very tired.
Tomas stomped away brushing past Guy and gently taking Summers arm and whispering in her ear,
Come with me, I dont exactly trust him around you alone at the moment.
As he led the group into a vacant home they all spent the night there holed up as the mobs came out
after sunset to rule the night, As Tomas lay there awake listening to the hissing of cave spiders and the clacking
of skeleton bones he was finding it hard to sleep. After the events from today he was unsure about many things,
like how far they would get, how long until someone got killed or hurt, or even if they could fix this whole mess.
But he was sure of one thing, he was in love with Summer, and he wasnt going to let Guy take her away from
him, or even worse, get her killed.

Chapter 6
Guy woke up early that morning, eager to get a head start with Summer and keep away from Tomas.
He was insane when it came to protecting Summer, he has to have a crush on her or something, its too bad that
she doesn't like him like that. Maybe if him and Tomas get in a fight again he can use that against him.
As Guy was about to walk out the door he saw movement on the other side of the barn through an open
window, Everyone get up theres someone outside! Guy ran out the barn door, he could already feel fire coursing
through his veins , he was ready to kill anything that made a move towards him.
Please stop, I am harmless, I am a friend, Please my home was overrun by Zombies, Its not safe here
anymore! A villager stepped out from behind a bush. We must get far away from here before they come back!
There is a spawner in the quarry just over the way there!
Guy put his fists down, Its alright, we were sent from Astoria to destroy the spawners that were
causing you trouble, you don't have to be afraid anymore, we took care of the one that was in the quarry.
Hope flickered in the eyes of the villager, Oh bless you bless you all! I will go tell my people and we
shall forever be in your debt!
The rest of the group spilled out behind Guy, Tomas stepped forward and took control of the
conversation as he held Summer close to him, Sir we need to keep going, do you have any food or water for our
Yes we do, take a left at the end of that street to the town hall, there is food and water stored there,
take what you need, we can always get more.
Thank you so much, and can you tell us how to get to Amonia from here? Thats our next stop and we
need to take care of the skeleton spawner thats there.
Guy stepped in between the two, I know how to get there, Go back to your people and tell them that
they are safe, we have to get to Amonia with no delay, I'm hoping that we can reach there by sundown.
Guy led the group to the town hall and filled their bags with food and water, He was ready to get to
Amonia and finish what these Mobs started
As the Sun started to set the very same day they came across the larger town of Amonia, unlike
Planias this place was busy with people, moving back and forth between streets and homes, just as they arrived
a child from the village screamed out with joy.
The heros are here! he Heros are here!
People from all around stopped to look at them, as soon as all the murmuring had died down a man
who appeared to be the mayor came over to them, hope was glinting within his eyes. Please help us, Theres a
Spider spawner in the forest by our village! Its eating our cattle and our swine, please our livestock is the only
way our town survives!
Summer looked down the road towards a forest that was looking extremely dark and thick with bushes
and brambles, We are going to need torches, a few bows, and a miracle.
Guy stepped up besides her, We dont need any torches. Guy somehow lit up a little ball of fire in the
palm of his hand and grinned at her.
Summer giggled and picked up her pickaxe, So Im guessing your ready to do this right now?
Guy looked at the Mayor, Please show us to this spawner.
The Mayor ran down the path, Please, please, come this way, its just up the hill! Just as the mayor
made his way up a spider jumped on top of him, grabbing him with its harry legs. Two more jumped out from the
bushes and attacked him.
Quick! get them off him! Guy ran towards the cluster of spiders but then he heard a rip and loud
screaming, the next thing he saw was an arm getting devoured by one of the spiders.
Tomas ran forward and thrust his sword into one of the spiders, as soon as he was able to pull one off,
more jumped on him.
Guy started to feel the same burning sensation he always felt when he was about to fight, he could feel
sparks as he clapped his hands together. As he watched spiders spill over the hill he put himself in between
Summer and them. As Clarice and Ezekiel fought side by side Catherine was firing arrows into the spiders.
backs and heads, trying to reach the brain or heart.
Summer we have to go fine the spawner! Guy crabbed her hand and pulled her through the fighting
that was taking place, Tomas! Clarice! Were going to find the spawner! Swarms of spiders flooded through the
forest overwhelming the four fighting. Summer and Guy kept running but the forest was gnarled and the ground
was not even. Summer tripped, and was soon overcome by spiders. Summer screamed for help, but it seemed that
no one heard her. The spiders were everywhere, ripping her clothes, smashing her potions, and biting her. She had
little time left, when, at long last, she saw a burst of light. Many of the spiders hissed, and turned from her, to
attack Summers sudden help. More and more spiders fell back hissing, and burned. The spiders fell to the ground
Finally a hand reached to Summer, and a familiar voice said from the darkness, Need some help? It
was Guy, he had come back after he realized that Summer was no longer with him. Guy supported Summer the
rest of the way to the spawner, and incinerated anything that came near. After breaking the spawner, Summer
saw a glint of silver. She leaned over and picked it up. She recognized it but was not sure if it was what she
thought it was. In her hand was a silver key, one she thought that she saw as a child. She had seen it when the
king had locked the door to the End Portal under the castle. She remembered hearing that the key was recently
stolen, and was not used on the lock to the Portal, the gateway to the End!
Guy! Look! A key to the Ender Portal!
Guy turned around and looked with disbelief on his face, Oh my god! Is that what I think it is?
Summer nodded, This is the key to saving Astoria and the rest of the world!
Summer and Guy started their trek out of the forest, to rejoin their friends, and tell them the good news.
When they got out,their friends were nowhere to be seen. They shouted for them, and still no response. They
walked toward their village, and began to hear footsteps behind them. Guy sparked some fire for visibility, but
they saw no one. Guy lit a fire around the pair, and still saw no one. Guy heard a snap, he turn around quickly
and shot a fireball in that direction, he heard a voice say what the hell man!?! Guy recognized the voice, it was
Ezekiel.! Everyone else was with him too.
* * * *
It took two days to get back to Astoria, once they arrived they ventured into the ruined castle, through
the dungeon, and down a side staircase. They arrived before a thick, black, door with no knob, just a key hole.
Summer pulled the key out of her pocket a inserted it into the hole. She twisted slightly to the right and heard a
click.. She pushed the door until it started to move. The door opened to reveal a dark bare room with a swirling
pool emitting a purple glow in the middle of the room. Chiseled on the walls were ancient runes. I remember
these, my mother told me about them before she died Summer said slowly, It says: who ever goes in will never
come back.. Guy took a deep breath Well we have come this far we might as well keep going, if we dont then the
world we live in will cease to exist. They all walked slowly towards the pool.. Who will go first asked
Summer. Silence..

Chapter 7
Everyone looked at each other. Finally someone spoke. I will. Everyone turned around. It was
Catherine. She walked slowly towards the pool pausing before she waded in. The purplish black liquid swirled
around her knees. She was waist deep. She continued to walk deeper until the liquid was up her neck.. Then,
without uttering a sound, her head went under and there was a loud hiss and the water stopped glowing.
Catherine! yelled Summer. She dove into the pool and disappeared as well.
Ezekiel, Clarice, Tomas and Guy all launched themselves in after them As they were taken through the
portal everything turned a blackish dark purple color, bright white lights danced around them as they were soon
dumped into a dusty cave.
Summer and Catherine were already slung into the fight, Catherine was launching arrows into the air
and summer was attacking Endermen, a rare but very real mob.
Tomas called out directions to everyone, Guy, Clarice! Take care of the dragon well keep the Endermen
off of you!
Everyone was struggling to keep themselves alive, Endermen fought dirty, blinding them and making
them dizzy, there wasn't much they could do.
Suddenly the mighty Dragon was knocked down from the sky, Sparks and scales raining down from the
air. As the mighty body hit the ground there was a flash of white light

Everyone woke up in a field battered and bruised, wondering what in the hell happened. as they stared
up there faced Summers mother and the King of Astoria.
You all did, your heros of Astoria!

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