Assembly Text in English

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and/ A very good morning to our most

honourable headmaster, Tuan Missie Gaporoi,
senior assistant for administration, PN Tailun Bte
Maliasan, senior assistant for student affairs,
Tuan Maisin Bandaran, senior assistant for o!
urriulum, PN Purnama Bte "#$ %ogon, Beloved
teahers and dear friends$
&$ 'e begin our assembly this morning with the
reitation of the ()oa* whih will be delivered
by +++++++++++++++$$
,$ Thanks to ++++++++$$ 'ith the prayer,
we hope that today*s assembly will be arried
out smoothly$
-$ Now, we are going to sing our National
Anthem Negaraku .ollowed by %abah %tate
Anthem /%abah Tanah Airku0
1$ 2et us sing together$ 3eady,
4$ Ne5t, 6 would like to all upon
++++++++++$ to read the P27)G7$
8$ Thank you +++++++$ Now, let us pay
attention to last week teaher on duty*s
report$ 'ith due respet, 6 would like to all
upon ++++++++++++
9$ Thank you 7N/PN/:6; ++++++$$
<$ Ne5t, let me invite our headmaster, TN Missie
Goporoi/senior assistants/
+++++++++++ to deliver his / her
=$ Thank you to the > headmaster / senior
assistants ? for his / her speeh$ "opefully,
> his / her ? advie will give all of us a lot of
&@$ Before we end our assembly this
morning, let us sing the %hool Anthem
&&$ 3eady, one+two+$begin+$
&,$ 'ith that, we end our assembly for
today$ Aou may all go bak to your respetive
'e, the people of
Malaysia, pledge our
united effort to attain
peae, guided by these
To believe in God$
2oyalty to the ;ing and
Dpholding the
3ules of 2aw$
Good Behaviour and

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