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Fluid Properties: Density Specific Weight Specific Gravity viscosity surface

tension capillarity compressibility.Fluid Statics: Hydrostatic Law Pressure Variation
in static fluid Hydrostatic force on a submerged plane surfaces Location of
hydrostatic force. Manometers Simple U tube and differential manometers
Buoyancy Meta-centric height determination of stability of floating bodies and
submerged bodies.
1. What is the difference between an ideal fluid and a real fluid? M09
Ideal fluid is only imaginary which is incopresbible and has no viscosity.
Real fluid posses viscosity and all fluids in practical are real.
1. Define the following fluid properties-m13
(a) Density (b) Specific gravity of a fluid
: The mass per unit volume is defined as density. The unit used is kg/m3. . The symbol
used is
The ratio of the density of the fluid to the density of waterusually 1000 kg/m3 at a
standard conditionis defined as Specific Gravity or Relative Density of fluids. This is
a ratio and hence no dimension or unit is involved.
1. Define specific weight and specific gravity of a liquid.A13
The force due to gravity on the mass in unit volume is defined as Weight Density or
Specific Weight. The unit used is N/m3. The symbol used is . At a location where g is
the local acceleration due to gravity,
Specific weight, = g , Specific weight, = (g/go) (go = 1 kg m/N s2.)
1.Define the following properties viscosity and kinematic viscosity.
Viscosity is that property of a real fluid by virtue of which it offers resistance
to shear force. The popular unit for viscosity is Poise
It is defined as the ratio between dynamic viscosity and density of fluid ,Kinematic
viscosity,=/ , Popularly used unit is stoke (cm2/s) = 104 m2/s
1. Define kinematics viscosity and give its significance.M12
It is defined as the ratio between dynamic viscosity and density of fluid ,Kinematic
viscosity, =/. It involves magnitudes of length & time only. It also increases with
temperature for gases and decreases for fluids.
1. What is the difference between kinematic viscosity and dynamic viscosity? State their
units of measurements. D09
KV is obtained without cause of action whereas V is obtained with regard to the cause
of motion.
KV is concerned with length & time and V is not concerned.
Unit of V is poise and KV unit is stoke
2.State Hydrostatic law.A11
The law states that rate of pressure in a vertical direction is equal to weight density of
the fluid at that point. p/z = x g = w: where p is pressure above atmosphere,z is
1.Define Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids.M12
The Newtons Law of Viscosity states that shear stress ( ) on a fluid layer is directly
proportional to the rate of shear strain: = (du/dy) = (u/y)
Fluids which obey the above are known as Newtonian fluids and fluids which do not
obey the above relation known as Non-Newtonian fluids
1. Define compressibility.
It is the property by virtue of fluid undergoes a change in volume under the action of
external pressure.It is the reciprocal of bulk modulus and its unit is N/m

1. What is capillarity? A10
It is a phenomenon of rise or fall of liquid surface relative to the adjacent general level of
liquid.It is due to combined effect of cohesion and adhesion of liquid particles.
2. Explain about pressure head.A13
Prssure Head(z) = p/ x g, is the ratio of pressure to weight density and is the height of
the point from free surfaces
2. Define total pressure and centre of pressure. A10
Total pressure is defined as the force exerted by a static fluid on a surface either plane
or curved when the fluid comes in contact with the surfaces.It is always normal to the
Centre of pressure is defined as the point of application of the total pressure on the
2. What is a manometer? How are they classified?m13
Manometer is a device to measure pressure using a column of liquid to balance the
pressure. It is used extensively in flow measurement.
They are classified as I) Simple manometer.ii)Differential Manometer.
. 2. What are types of manometers?
a.Simple Manometer1.Piezometer,2.U-tube manometer,3.Single column manometer.
b.Differential manometer1.U-tube diffl manometer,2.Inverted U-tube diffl Manometer
1.Differentiate between Simple manometer and differential manometer.D12
Simple Manometers are used to measure pressure at a point,while differential
manometers are used for measuring the difference of pressure between two points in a
pipe or two different pipes.
2. Define the terms buoyancy and centre of buoyancy. D09
The upward force equal to weight of fluid displaced exerted on immerse body is known
as force of buoyancy or simply buoyancy.
It is defined as the point,through which the force of buoyancy is supposed to act.
2. What is center of buoyancy? M09
It is defined as the point,through which the force of buoyancy is supposed to act.
The force buoyancy is a vertical force equal to weight of fluid displaced by the immersed
body.COB will be centre of gravity of fluid displaced.
2.Explain the terms Meta-centre and Meta-centric height.D12
Meta centre is defined as the point about which a body starts oscillating when the body
is tilted by a small angle.
The distance between the Meta Centre of a floating body and the centre of gravity of the
body is called Meta-Centric height.
2.What is a manometer? How are they classified?M12
2. State the conditions for the stability of floating bodiesM12
The meta centre point M shall be above G.The weight of floating body shall be equal to
the weight of the liquid displaced.
1. What is capillarity?
1. Define viscosity. D11
2. State hydrostatic law.D11
. 2.State Hydrostatic law.
1.Define the following properties viscosity and kinematic viscosity.A11
1. Find the surface tension in a soap bubble of 40 mm diameter when the inside
pressure is 2.5 N/m
above atmospheric pressure.
2. Classify pressure measuring instruments.
11. (a) What are the different types fluids? Explain each type. D11
1.Ideal fluid,2.Real fluid.3.Newtonian fluid,4.Non Newtonian fluid,5.Ideal plastic fluid.
Ideal Fluid- A fluid which is incompressible and is having no viscosity is known as ideal
fluid.It is an imaginary fluid as all the fluids which exist have some viscosity.
Real fluid- A fluid which poses viscosity is known as real fluid.All fluids that exists are
real fluid.
Newtonian fluid- Areal fluid in which shear stress is directly proportional to rate of shear
strain is known as Newtonian fluid.
Non Newtonian fluid- A real fluid in which shear stress is not proportional to the rato
shear strain is known as Non Newtonian fluid.
Ideal plastic fluid A fluid in which shear stress is more than the yield value and shear
stress is proportional to the rate of shear strain is known as Ideal Plastic fluid
(b) Explain the stability of floating and submerged bodies with reference to its
metacentric height, with neat sketches.M11
A sub-merged or floating body is said to be stable if it comes back to its original position
after a slight disturbance.The relative position of centre of gravity(G) and centr of
Buoyancy(B) of a body determines the stability of sub-merged body.
Meta centre is defined as the point about which a body starts oscillating when the body
is tilted by a small angle.
The distance between the Meta Centre of a floating body and the centre of gravity of the
body is called Meta-Centric height.
Stability of Floating body.- The stability of a floating Body is determined from the
position of Meta centre(M).In case of floating body the weight of the body is equal to the
weight of liquid displaced.

When point M is above G the floating body will be stable,GM is the metacentric height.
When angular displacement give to body COB shifts to B1,then F
thro B1 and W thro
G will consitut a couple acting in anticlockwise bringing the body to original position.
Stabilty of sub-merged body The positon of G and B in this case is fixed,Consider a
ballon which is sub merged in air.Let lower portion of ballon contain heavier material so
that its G is lower than B. W be weight of ballon which acting thro G vertically
downwards and F
thro B acting upwards to maintain stability.For any angular

and W will produce a couple acting in anticlockwise to maintin the
11. A rectangular plate of size 25 cm x 50 cm and weighing 245.3 N slides down a 30
inclined surface at a uniform velocity of 2m/s. If the uniform 2 mm gap between the plate
and the inclined surface is filled with oil, determine the viscosity of the oil. A13
Hint ; Shear stress = : = F/A ; Shear stress = : = (du/dy) : F = weight X Sin Q
(b) One litre of crude oil weighs 9.6 N. Calculate its Specific weight, density and specific
volume. D11
Given data:
Volume of oil= 1ltr =.001 cu.m
Weight of oil = 9.6 N
1.Speicific weight = Wt of Oil/ volume of oil =9.6/.001 = 9600 N/M
2.Density =
= w/g = Specific wt of oil/acceleration dur to gravity
=9600/9.81 =978.59 kg/ M

3. specific volume = v = 1/ =1/978.59 =0.0010 M

11.(a) One litre of crude oil weighs 9.6 N. Calculate its specific weight, density and
specific gravity.M11
11. (a) Two large vertical plane parallel surfaces are 5 mm apart and the space between
them is filled with a fluid. A thin plate of 12.5cm square falls freely between the planes
along the central plane and reaches a steady velocity of 2 m/s. Determine the weight of
the plate if the viscosity of the fluid filling the space is 0.02 Ns/m2. (5)M12
Given Data:
Distance between two plates =dy= 5mm = 5 x 10
Angle of inclination = 90
Size of plate = 12.5cm = .125m
Area of plate = .125 x.125 =0.015625 sq.m
For both sides-area = 2 x 0.015625 = 0.03125 sq.m
Velocity of plate = du = 2 m/s
Viscoscity of fluid = = 0,02 Ns/sq.m
Shear stress = : = (du/dy) = 0.02( 2/5 x 10
) = 8 N/sq.m
Shear stress = : = F/A
F= A x = 8 x 0.03125 =0.25 N
F = weight x sin 90= weight x 1=0.25N

11. Calculate the dynamic viscosity of oil, which is used for lubrication between square
plate of size 0.8 m x 0.8 m and an inclined plane with an angle of inclination 30. The
weight of plate is 300 N and it slides down the inclined plane with uniform velocity of 0.3
m/s. The thickness of oil film is 1.5 mm
Given Data:
Distance between two plates =dy= 1.5mm = 1.5 x 10
Angle of inclination = 30
Size of plate = 0.8 x 0.85cm = 0.008 x0.008m
Area of plate = 0.008 x0.008 =0.000064 sq.m
For both sides-area = 2 x 0.000064 = 0.000128 sq.m
Velocity of plate = du =0.3 m/s
Weight of plate = = 300N
Shear stress = : = F/A = 150/0.000128
F= 300 x Sin 30 = 150
: = (du/dy) ; = / (du/dy) =150/0.000128(0.3/1.5 x 10

11. Find the density of metallic body which floats at the inter face of mercury of specific
gravity 13.6 and water such that 35 percent of its volume is submerged in mercury and
65 percent in water. M09
Specific gravity = Speicific wt of given fluid/specific wt of standard fluid
Water be the standard fluid
Specific wt of mercury = 13.6 x 9.81 N/cubic m= 133.416
Wt of floating body = wt of fluid displaced = 35% wt of mercury + 65% owt of water
Specific wt = w/v
Density = mass/volume =m/v = (w/g)/v = w/g kg/cu.m
11.An oil film of thickness 1.5mm is used for lubrications between a square plate
of size 0.9m X 0.9m and an inclined plane having an angle of inclination 20. The
weight of the square is 392.4N and it slides down the plane with a uniform
velocity of 0.2m/s. find the dynamic viscosity of the oil.A11
Distance between two plates(oil flim thickness) =dy= 1.5mm = 1.5 x 10
Angle of inclination =20
Size of plate = 0.9 x 0.9m = .
Area of plate = .9 x.9 =0.81 sq.m
Velocity of plate = du = 0.2 m/s
Weight of plate = = 392.4N

Shear stress = : = (du/dy) = N/sq.m
Shear stress = : = F/A :F = 392.4 x sin20 , Area of plate = .9 x.9 =0.81 sq.m
Dynamic Viscoscity of fluid =(du/dy) / = Ns/sq.m
11. The dynamic viscosity of an oil, used for lubrication between a shaft and sleeve is 6
poise. The shaft is of diameter 0.4 m and rotates at 190 r.p.m. calculate the power lost
in the bearing for a sleeve length of 90 mm. The thickness of the oil film is 1.5 mm.-
Shear stress on the shaft surface = = (du/dy) = (u/y)
u = t DN/60 = t 0.4 190/60 = 3.3493 m/s
= 6 {3.3493/ 0.0015} = 13397.3 N/m2
Surface area of the bearings, A = 2 t DL
Force on shaft surface = A = 13397.3 (2 3.14 0.4 0.009) = 302.88 N
Torque = tangential force D/2= 302.88 0.2 = 60.577 Nm
Power lost = 2= t NT/60 = 2 3.14 190 60.577/60 = 1204.7 W.
11.A circular plate of 3 m diameter is under water with its plane making an angle of 30
with the water surface. If the top edge of the plane is 1 m below the water surface, find
the force on one side of the plate and its location.D12
11. A rectangle plane surface is 2 m wide and 3 m deep. It lies in a vertical plane in
water. Determine the total pressure and position of centre of pressure on the
plane surface when its upper edge is horizontal and (a) coincides with water
surface (b) 2.5 m below the free water surface. M12
11. Calculate the capillary effect in millimetres in a glass tube of 4 mm diameter, when
immersed in (a) water, and (b) Mercury. The temperature of the liquid is 20C and the
values of the surface tension of water and Mercury at 20C in contact with air are
0.073575 N/m and 0.51 N/m respectively. The angle of contact for water is zero that
for mercury 1.30. Take density of water at 20C as equal to 998kg/m
11. (a) Determine the minimum size of glass tubing that can be used to measure water
level. If the capillary rise in the tube is not to exceed 2.5 mm. Assume surface tension of
water in contact with air as 0.0746 N/m.
(b) What is the bulk modulus of elasticity of a liquid which is compressed in a cylinder
from a volume of 0.0125 m
at 80 N/cm2 pressure to a volume of 0.0124 m3 at pressure
150 N/cm2? D10
12. (a) State & Prove Pascals Law.D10 (4)
(b) A simple U tube manometer containing mercury is connected to a pipe in which an
oil of specific gravity 0.8 is flowing. The pressure in the pipe is vacuum. The other end of
the pipe is open to atmosphere. Find the vacuum pressure in the pipe, if the difference
of mercury level in the two limb from the centre of the pipe is 150mm below.
12. (a) Derive an expression for the centre of pressure of an inclined plane.M12
12. Write short notes on M09

(b) A rocket is accelerating horizontally to the right at 10 g. The pressure gauge is
connected by a 0.6 m length tube to the left end of the fuel tank. If the pressure in the
tank is 35 bar, and if fuel specific gravity is 0.8, determine the pressure gauge reading.
(a) Viscosity (b) Surface tension (c) Compressibility (d) Metacentric height.
Surface tension is defined as the tensile force required to keep unit length of the surface
flim in equilibrium. The surface tension is same everywhere on the surface irrespective
of its curvature and acts in the plane of the surface.Surface tension depends directly
upon the intermolecular is also depends on i0nature of liquid,2)nature of
surrounding liquid,3)kinectic energy of liquid.Its unit is N/m
12.Derive a expression for the pressure at a height Z from sea-level for a static air when
the compression of the air is assumed isothermal. The pressure and temperature at sea
levels are p
and T
12. A U tube differential manometer connects two pressure pipes A and B. pipe
A contains carbon tetrachloride having a specific gravity 1.594 under a pressure of
11.772 N/cm
and pipe B contains oil of specific gravity 0.8 under a pressure of
. The pipe A lies 2.5m above pipe B. find the difference of
pressure measured by mercury as fluid U tube. A11
12. A differential manometer is connected at the points A and B of two pipes as shown
in fig. the pipe A contain a liquid of specific gravity =1.5 while pipe B contains a liquid of
specific gravity=0.9 . The pressure at A and B are 1 kgf/Cm2 and 1.80 kgf/Cm2
respectively. Find the difference in mercury level in differential manometer. m13
12. A Solid cylinder of diameter 4.0 m has a height of 3 metres. Find the meta centric
height of the cylinder when it is floating in water with its axis vertical. The sp. gravity of the
cylinder = 0.6.
12. Find the volume of water displaced and position of centre of buoyancy for a wooden
block of width 2.5 m and of depth 1.5 m when it floats horizontally in water. The density
of wooden block is 650 kg/m3 and its length is 6 m. A13
12.A block of wood of specific gravity 0.7 floats in water. Determine the meta-centric
height of the block if its size is 2 m x 1 m x 0.8 m. M12
(b) Determine the meta-centric height of the combined unit of a rectangular pontoon,
9m long, 7m wide and 2 m deep weighing 500 kN carrying on its deck a boiler of 3 m
diameter weighing 300 kN. The centre of gravity of each unit may be takne to be at the
geometric centre and along the same line. Also calculate the restoring torque for a tilt of
4 from vertical. Assume the centre to be on the vertical line.M12
12. A U-tube differential monometer is connecting two pressure pipes A and B. Pipe A
contains Carbon tetrachloride having a specific gravity 1.594 under a pressure of
11.772 N/Cm and pipe B contains oil of specific gravity 0.8 under a pressure 11.72
N/cm2 . The pipe A lies 2.5m above pipe B. Find the difference of pressure measured
by mercury as a fluid filling U-tube. D11
12. Calculate the capillary effect in mm in a glass tube of 4 mm diameter when
immersed in (a) Water and (b) mercury. The temperature of the liquid is 20C and the
values of surface tension of water and mercury at 20C in contact with air are 0.073575
N/m and 0.51 N/m respectively. The angle of contact
for water is zero that for mercury 130. Take density of water as 998 kg/m3
12.(a) A uniform body 4m long, 2m wide, and 1 deep floats in water. What is the weight
of the body if the depth of immersion is 0.6m. Determine the metacentric height.
(b) A U-tube differential manometer connects pipes A and B. Pipe contains a liquid of
specific gravity 1.6 under a pressure of 10.3 N/cm
and pipe B contains oil of specific
gravity 0.8 under a pressure of 17.16 N/cm
. Pipe A lies m above pipe. B. Find the
difference of pressure measured by mercury as the fluid filling U tube if the mercury
level in the left limb will remain 1.5 m below B.
Basic equations of motion: Types of fluid flow Continuity, momentum and energy
equations Eulers and Bernoullis Equation and its applications.Flow Measurement:
Orifice meter, Venturi meter, Piezometer, Pitot Tube.
3. Define continuity equation? m13
The continuity equation
for a fluid passing through a tube in a steady flow, the
mass flowing through any section of the tube in a unit of time is constant.
1A1V1 = 2A2V2 where = Air density (kg/m3)
4. Define an orifice meter? m13
An orifice meter is a conduit and a restriction to create a pressure drop and it is an
instrument that measures fluid flow by recording differential pressure across
a restriction.
3. Give continuity equation for a 3D flow in Cartesian coordinates. A13

4. Mention few practical applications of Bernoullis equation. A13
its application to the following measuring devices.
1) Venturimeter 2) Orifice meter 3) Pitot tube
Airflight,sailing and lifts
3. State any two merits of Venturimeter over orifice meter.D12
It is more accurate and requires lesser maintenance compare to orfice.
4. Define Stream function and Velocity potential function.D12
. The stream function can be defined for any two-dimensional flow, whether
the flow is irrotational or not, compressible or incompressible A stream function
is one which satisfies
is called the Velocity Potential function and velocity components are
related to through the following relations.

3. Define Bernoullis equation. M12
- Bernoulli's Equation: .
const gz
V p
= + +

(the Bernoulli equation, which says that the total pressure is constant
along a streamline: p1 + 1/2 V
= p2 + 1/2 V
4. Define Notch and Weir. M12
A notch is an opening in the side of a measuring tank or reservoir extending above the free
surface. A weir is a notch on a large scale, used, for example, to measure the flow of a river,
3. State the assumptions for obtaining Bernoulli equation.M12
1- viscous effects are assumed negligible, 2- the flow is assumed to be steady,
3- the flow is assumed to be incompressible, 4- the equation is applicable along a
4. Define Coefficient of velocity, Coefficient of contraction and Coefficient of
Coefficient of Contraction (C
): It is defined as the ratio of the area of
cross section of the jet at Vena of cross section of the jet at Vena Contracta
) to the area of the orifice (a).
Coefficient of Velocity (C
): It is defined as the ratio of actual velocity (V
to the theoretical velocity (V
Coefficient of discharge (C
): It is defined as the ratio of actual discharge
) to the theoretical discharge (Q

3. What are the various types of fluid flow? D11
Steady and Un-steady flows :2. Uniform and Non-uniform flows :3. Laminar and
Turbulent flows :4. Compressible and Incompressible flows :5. Rotational and
Irrotational flows :6. One, Two and Three dimensional flows
4. List the various flow measuring devices D11
orifices, venturi tubes, flow tubes, flow nozzles, pitot tubes,
3. Define continuity equation.
4. What are the types of notches?
Rectangular notch, Triangular notch, Trapezoidal notch, Stepped notch
3. Distinguish between steady and unsteady flows.
steady: A steady flow is one in which the conditions (velocity, pressure and cross-
section) may differ from point to point but DO NOT change with time.
unsteady: If at any point in the fluid, the conditions change with time, the flow is
described as unsteady
4. Name few applications of Bernoullis theorem.
3. Distinguish between steady and unsteady flows.
4. Name few applications of Bernoullis theorem.
3. What are the limitations of Bernoullis equation?

Distinguish between laminar and turbulent flow
13. State Bernoullis equation for steady flow of an incompressible fluid. Drive an
expression for Bernoullis theorem from the first principle and state the assumption
made for the derivation.- m13
13. State and prove Bernoullis equation.
13. Derive the Eulers equation of motion and deduce the expression to Bernoullis
equation. A13
13.State and prove Bernoullis theorem from Eulers equation. Mention the assumptions
made. How is it modified while applying in practice? List out its engineering application-
13. State the Bernoullis theorem for steady flow of an incompressible fluid. Derive an
expression for Bernoullis equation. D11
13. State the assumption of Bernoullis equation. Derive Bernoullis equation from Eulers
equation of motion from Eulers equation of motion.D10
(b) State the derive Bernullis theorem, mentioning clearly the assumption underlying it.
13. Explain in detail about the various classification of fluid flows. A-10
13. For the steady incompressible flow, are the following valves of u and v possible?
(a) u = 4xy+y
, v = 6xy+3x and
(b) u = 2x
, v = -4xyD12
13. The velocity vector in a fluid flow is given V=4x
i 10x
yj + 2tk. Find the velocity
and acceleration of a fluid particle at (2,1,3) at time t=1. M12
13. An open tank of diameter D containing water to depth ho is emptied by a smooth
orifice of diameter d at the bottom. Derive an expression for the time taken to reduce the
height to h. Also find the time tmax for emptying the tank. M12
13. Water flows through a pipe AB 1.2 m diameter at 3 m/s and then passes through a
pipe BC 1.5 m diameter, the pipe branches. Branch CD is 0.8 m in diameter and carries
one-third of flow in AB. The flow velocity in branch CE is 2.5 m/s. Find the volume rate
of flow in AB, the velocity in BC, the velocity in CD and the diameter of CE.
13. The water is flowing through a pipe having diameters of 20 cm and 15 cm at sections 1 and
2 respectively. The rate of flow through the pipe is 40 liters/s. The section 1 is 6 m above the
datum line and section 2 is 3 m above the datum. If the pressure at section 1 is 29.43 N/cm2
, Find the intensity of pressure atsection 2. D09
13. In a vertical pipe conveying oil of specific gravity 0.8, two pressure gauges has been
installed at A and B , where diameters are 16 cm and 8 cm respectively. A is 2m above
B. The pressure gauge readings have shown that pressure at B is greater than at A by
0.981 N/cm
. Neglecting all losses calculate flow rate. D11
13. The water is flowing through a pipe having diameters of 20 cm and 15 cm at sections 1
and 2 respectively. The rate of flow through the pipe is 40 liters/s. The section 1 is 6 m
above the datum line and section 2 is 3 m above the datum. If the pressure at section 1
is 29.43 N/cm
, Find the intensity of pressure atsection 2.
13. (a) A horizontal venturimeter with an inlet diameter 30 cm and throat diameter
15m is used to measure the flow of water. The reading in the differential
manometer connected to the inlet and the throat is 10 cm of mercury. Determine
the discharge if the coefficient of venturimeter is 0.98.
(b) State the derive Bernullis theorem, mentioning clearly the assumption
underlying it.
13. (a) A horizontal venturimeter with an inlet diameter 30 cm and throat diameter 15m is used
to measure the flow of water. The reading in the differential manometer connected to the inlet
and the throat is 10 cm of mercury. Determine the discharge if the coefficient of venturimeter
is 0.98.
13. The velocity vector in a fluid flow is given V=4x
i 10x
yj + 2tk. Find the velocity and
acceleration of a fluid particle at (2,1,3) at time t=1. A12
14. Derive the expression for the rate of flow of fluid through venturimeter
14. The velocity components in a two dimensional flow field for an incompressible fluid are
expressed as u=y3/3 +2x-x2y; v=xy2-2y-x
(a) Show that these functions represent a possible case of an irrotational flow.
(b) Obtain an expression for stream function .
(c) Obtain an expression for velocity potential . A11
14. A horizontal venturimeter with inlet and throat diameter 300 mm and 100 mm
respectively is used to measure the flow of water. The pressure intensity at inlet is 130 kN/m

while the vacuum pressure head at throat is 350 mm of mercury. Assuming 3% head lost
between the inlet and the throat, find the value of co-efficient of discharge for the
venturimeter and also determine the rate of flow.
14. A horizontal Venturimeter with inlet diameter 200mm and throat diameter 100mm is
employed to measure the flow of the water. The reading of the differential manometer
connected to the inlet is 180 mm of mercury. If C
= 0.98, determine the rate of
14. The inlet and throat diameters of horizontal venturimeter are 300mm and 100mm
respectively. The liquid flowing through the meter is water. The pressure intensity at
inlet is 140 kPa while the vacuum pressure head at the throat is 370 mm of mercury.
Find the rate of flow. Assume that 4 percent of the differential head is lost between the
inlet and the throat. Find also the value of C
for the venturimeter.
14. A horizontal venturimeter with inlet and throat diameter 300 mm and 100 mm respectively
is used to measure the flow of water. The pressure intensity at inlet is 130 kN/m2 while the
vacuum pressure head at throat is 350 mm of mercury. Assuming 3% head lost between the
inlet and the throat, find the value of Co-efficient of discharge for the venturimeter and also
determine the rate of flow.
14. A 30cm x 15cm venturimeter is provided in a vertical pipeline carrying oil of specific gravity
0.9, the flow being upwards. The difference in elevations of the throat section and entrance
section of the venturimeter is 30cm. The differential U-tube mercury manometer shows a
gauge deflection of 25cm. Calculate (i) the discharge of the oil and (ii) the pressure difference
between the entrance and throat section. Take the discharge coefficient as 0.98 and the
specific gravity of mercury as 13.6.
14. An orifice meter with orifice diameter 10 cm is inserted in a pipe of 20 cm diameter.
The pressure gauges fitted upstream and downstream of the orifice meter gives
readings of 19.62N/cm2 and 9.81N/cm2 respectively. Co-efficient of discharge for the
orifice meter is given as 0.6. Find the discharge of water through the pipe. A13
(b) A venturimeter with throat diameter 0.065 m and coefficient of discharge 0.95 is
used to calibrate a pitot static tube. Air flows through a 110 mm diameter horizontal pipe
in which the venturimeter is fitted. The difference in water level in the manometer
attached to the venturimeter is 50mm. The pitot static tube is placed downstream of the
venturimeter and the water manometer attached to the pitot static tube shows a reading
of 7 mm. Calculate the flow rate through the pipe and the coefficient of velocity of the
pitot static tube. Assume the density of air as 1.13 kg/m3 and that of water as 1000
kg/m3. (5)M12
14. A liquid of specific gravity 0.85 is flowing through in an inclined venturimeter of
250m x 115mm size. The difference of pressures between the main and throat is
measured by a liquid of specific gravity 0.65 contained in an inverted U tube which gives
a reading of 275mm. If the loss of head between the main and throat is 0.3 times the
Kinetic head of the pipe. Determine the rate of flow of liquid. D11
. 14. A pipe of 300 mm diameter conveying 0.30 m3 /sec. of water has a right angle
bend in a horizontal plane. Find the resultant force exerted on the bend if the pressure
at inlet and outlet of the bend are 24.525 N/cm2 and 23.544 N/cm2,- m13
14. The water is flowing through a pipe having diameters 20 cm and 10 cm at sections 1 and
2 respectively. The rate of flow through pipe is 35 liters/s. The section 1 is 6 m above
datum and section 2 is 4 m above datum. It the pressure at section 1 is 39.24 N/cm
find the intensity of pressure at section 2. A12
14. The water is flowing through a pipe having diameters 20 cm and 10 cm at
sections 1 and 2 respectively. The rate of flow through pipe is 35 liters/s. The section 1
is 6 m above datum and section 2 is 4 m above datum. It the pressure at section 1 is
39.24 N/cm
, find the intensity of pressure at section 2. M12
14. A pipe of 300 mm diameter conveying 0.30 m
/s of water has a right angled bend
in a horizontal plane. Find the resultant force exerted on the bend if the pressure at inlet
and outlet of the bend are 24.525 N/cm
and 23.544 N/cm
14. (a) Water is discharged through a 15 cm diameter orifice in the vertical side of a
open tank at the rate of 190 litres per second. Water stands 15 m above the centerline
of the orifice. A point on the jet measured from the vena contracta has co-ordinates 5 m
horizontal and 0.5 m vertical. Find the hydraulic coefficients Cv, Cc and Cd of the
orifice. (7)M12
14. The velocity components in a two dimensional flow field for an incompressible
fluid are expressed as u=y
/3 +2x-x
y; v=xy
(a) Show that these functions represent a possible case of an irrotational flow.
(b) Obtain an expression for stream function +.
(c) Obtain an expression for velocity potential .
Flow through orifices: Classification Hydraulic co-efficient Flow through
rectangular orifice, Notches and weirs.
Laminar and Turbulent flow: Reynolds experiment Major and minor losses in pipes
Darcy weisbachs equation,chezys formula pipes in series and pipes in parallel
total energy line hydraulic gradient line Equivalent pipe
5. Define the term= m13
(a) Notch (b) Weir
A notch is an opening in the side of a measuring tank or reservoir extending above
the free surface. A weir is a notch on a large scale, used, for example, to measure the
flow of a river
6. What is different between orifice and mouthpiece? m13
An orifice is a small aperture through which the fluid passes. The
thickness of an orifice in the direction of flow is very small in comparison to
its other dimensions.
The discharge through an orice is increased by tting a short length of
pipe to the outside known as external mouthpiece. The discharge rate is
increased due to a decrease in the pressure at vena contracta within the
5. What is the physical significance of Reynolds number? A13
is used to help predict similar flow patterns in different fluid flow
situations and defined as the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces
and quantifies the relative importance of these two types of forces for
given flow conditions
6. Mention the minor losses in flow through pipes. A13
Minor losses are head losses that occur due to bends, elbows,
joints, valves, and other fittings in the systems.
5. Write the Chezys formula for loss of head due to friction in pipes.D12
where V=velocity,ft/s(m/s)
C=coefficient depending on surface roughness of conduit
S=slope of energy grade line or head loss due to friction of
conduit R=hydraulic radius,ft(m)
Generally R=Area/wetted perimeter
6. What do you understand by the terms Major energy loss and minor energy
losses in pipes?D12
the head loss due to viscous effects in the straight pipes, termed the major loss
The head loss, hL-major is given as ; h
L major
= f x l x V
/D x 2g
The head loss in various pipe components, termed the minor loss
Minor losses termed as ; ; h
minor = K
x V
/ 2g : KL is the loss coefficient.

5. Define Kinetic energy correction factor and momentum correction factor.
6. How will you determine the loss of head due to friction in pipes by using (a)
Darcy formula and (b) Chezys formula? M12
5. What is hydraulic diameter and explain its significance.M12
The hydraulic diameter - d
- is used to calculate the
dimensionless Reynolds Number to determine if a flow is turbulent or
laminar. d
= 4 A / p where d
= hydraulic diameter (m, ft)
A = area section of the duct (m
, ft
p = wetted perimeter of the duct (m, ft)

6. Define Reynolds number and give its significance in pipe flow.M12
the Reynolds number Re is a dimensionless number that gives a measure
of the ratio of inertial forces ( ) to viscous forces ( / L)
5. List the various losses in pipes. D11
Major loss- friction in the straight portions of the pipes, partially closed valve
Minor loss- . Pipe entrance or exit. Sudden expansion or contraction, Bends, elbows,
tees, and other ttings, Valves,open , Gradual expansions or contractions
6. What is a notch? D11
5. What are the minor losses in pipe?
Minor loss- . Pipe entrance or exit. Sudden expansion or contraction, Bends, elbows,
tees, and other ttings, Valves,open , Gradual expansions or contractions

6. What do you mean by vena contracta?
Vena contracta is the point in a fluid stream where the diameter of
the stream is the least, and fluid velocity is at its maximum,
5. Define Hydraulic coefficient
The following four coefficients are known as hydraulic coefficients or orifice
coefficients.Coefficient of contraction:Coefficient of velocity:Coefficient of
discharge:Coefficient of resistance
.5. Define Hydraulic coefficient.
6. What is an equivalent pipe?
Two pipes or two systems of pipes in which the losses of head for equal rates of flow are the
6. What is an equivalent pipe
15.Derive the Darcy-Weisbach equation for the pipe.
15. Derive the Darcy-Weisbach equation for the pipe.
15. Derive an expression for the loss of head due to friction in pipes and also obtain the
relationship between co-efficient of friction and shear stress. A10
16. Derive an expression for total head loss for a flow through pipes in series. A13

15. (a) Explain the terms (i) pipes in series and (ii) pipes in parallel. (5)M12
15. a. Classify the orifice. (4) A07
b. Derive the equation to find the discharge through fully sub-merged orifice. A07
15. State and derive Darcy-Weisbatch formula.D10
15.(a) Define the terms: Coefficient of Discharge and coefficient of velocity of an orifice.
(b) The head of water over an orifice of diameter 10 cm is 500 cm. Water coming out of
the orifice is collected in a circular tank of diameter 2m. The rise of water in the
circular tank is 0.45 cm in 30 seconds. Also the coordinates of a certain point on
the jet measured from the vena contracta are 100 cm and 5.2 cm vertical. Find
Cv, Cd and Cc.
15. Prove that the velocity through the nozzle is given by
f l

where a = Area of nozzle at outlet, A = Area of the pipe.D12

(b) A pipe line of total length 3000 m is made up of two diameters, 200 mm for the first
run and 150 mm for the second run, connects two reservoirs. The first run ends at a
level 1.5 m below the level of the higher reservoir and the total difference in levels is
13.5m. The friction coefficient for both sections is 0.02m. Determine the maximum
length of the run so that the pressure at this point does not go more than 3 m below
atmosphere. Also calculate the flow rate. Neglect minor losses.M12
15. Determine the wall shearing stress in a pipe of diameter 100mm and which carries
water. The velocities at the pipe centre and 30 mm from the pipe centre are 2m/s and 1.5
m/s respectively. The flow in pipe is given as turbulent. A12
15. The head of water over an orifice diameter of 100 mm is 10 m. The water coming
out from the orifice is collected in a circular tank of diameter 1.5 m. The rise of water
level in this tank is 1m in 25 seconds. Also the co-ordinates of a point on the jet,
measured from vena-contracta are 4.3 m horizontal and 0.5 m vertical. Find the co-
efficient, Cd, Cv and Cc.- m13
15. The rate of flow of water through a horizontal pipe is 0.25m3/s. The diameter of the
pipe which is 200 mm is suddenly enlarged to 400 mm. The pressure intensity in the
smaller pipe is 11.22 N/cm2 . Determine the loss of head due to sudden enlargement.
15. Determine the wall shearing stress in a pipe of diameter 100mm and which
carries water. The velocities at the pipe centre and 30 mm from the pipe centre
are 2m/s and 1.5 m/s respectively. The flow in pipe is given as turbulent. M12
15.(a) Find the discharge through a rectangular orifice 3.0 m wide and 2 m deep fitted to a
water tank. The water level in the tank is 4 m above the top edge of the orifice, take co-efficient
of discharge C
= 0.62
(b) A 25 mm diameter nozzle discharges 0.76 m
of water per minute when the head is 60 m.
The diameter of the jet is 22.5 mm. Determine the values of three hydraulic co-
15. (a) Find the discharge through a rectangular orifice 3.0 m wide and 2 m deep fitted to a
water tank. The water level in the tank is 4 m above the top edge of the orifice, take co-efficient
of discharge Cd = 0.62 (b) A 25 mm diameter nozzle discharges 0.76 m3 of water per minute
when the head is 60 m. The diameter of the jet is 22.5 mm. Determine the values of three
hydraulic co-efficients.
15. A main pipe divides into two parallel pipes, which again forms one pipe. The length
and diameter for the first parallel pipe are 2000m and 1m respectively, while the length
and diameter of second parallel pipe are 2000 m and 0.8m respectively. Find the rate of
flow in each parallel pipe, if total flow in the main is 3 m3/s. The coefficient of friction for
each parallel pipe is same and equal to 0.005. D11
15. Water discharge at the rate of 98.2 litres/s through a 120 mm diameter vertical
sharp- edge orifice placed under a constant head of 10 metres . A point, on the jet,
measured from the vena - contracta of the jet has co- ordinates 4.5 metres horizontal and
0.54 metres vertical. Find the co- efficient C
, C
and C
of the orifice. D11
16. Derive an expression for the velocity distribution for viscous flow through a circular
pipe. D11
16. Derive Darcy-Weisback equation for determining the loss of head due to friction in pipes.
(12) A07
16. For turbulent flow in a pipe of diameter 300 mm, find the discharge when the
centerline velocity is 2 m/sec. and the velocity at a point 100 mm from the centre as
measured by Pitot tube is 1.6 m/sec.- m13
16. A pipe, 100 mm in diameter, has a nozzle attached to it at the discharge end, the
diameter of the nozzle is 50 mm. The rate of discharge of water through the
nozzle is 20 litres/s and the pressure at the base of the nozzle of 5.886 N/cm
Calculate the co-efficient of discharge. Assume that the base of the nozzle and
outlet of the nozzle are at the same elevation.D12
16. A horizontal pipe of diameter 500 mm is suddenly contracted to a diameter of
250 mm. The pressure intensities in the large and smaller pipe are given as 13.734
and 11.772 N/cm
respectively. Find the loss of head due to contraction
if Cc=0.62. Also determine the rate of flow of water. M12
16. The difference in water surface levels in two tanks which are connected by three pipes
in series of lengths 300 m, 170 m and 210 m and diameters 300 mm, 200 mm and 400
mm respectively, is 12 m. Determine the rate of flow of water if co-efficient of friction
are 0.005, 0.0052 and 0.0048 respectively, considering: (a) minor losses also (b)
neglecting minor losses.
16. The difference in water surface levels in two tanks which are connected by three pipes in
series of lengths 300 m, 170 m and 210 m and diameters 300 mm, 200 mm and 400 mm
respectively, is 12 m. Determine the rate of flow of water if co-efficient of friction are 0.005,
0.0052 and 0.0048 respectively, considering: (a) minor losses also (b) neglecting minor
16. At a sudden enlargement of a water main from 240 mm to 480 mm diameter, the
hydraulic gradient rises by 10 mm. Estimate the rate of flow.
16. (a) A 30 cm pipe with friction factor f = 0.024 carries water to a turbine at the rate of
0.25 m3
/s over a distance of 160 m. The difference in levels between the water inlet and the
turbine inlet
is 36 m. Determine the efficiency of transmission. The turbine outlet delivery is
submerged into the tailrace and the velocity at the exit is 0.4 times the velocity in the
(b) An oil of specific gravity 0.82 and kinematic viscosity 16 x 10-6 m2/s flows in a
smooth pipe of 8 cm diameter at a rate of 2I/s. Determine whether the flow is laminar or
turbulent. Also calculate the velocity at the centre line and the velocity at a radius of 2.5
cm. What is head loss for a length of 10 m. What will be the entry length? Also
determine the wall shear. M12
16. A pipe 200mm in diameter and 1520m long discharges water from a nozzle. The total
head measured above the centre line of the nozzle is 275m. The velocity coefficient at
the nozzle is 0.96 and friction factor the pipe is 0.006. If the overall efficiency of power
transmission is 81%, find the power transmitted and the discharge.D10

16. At a sudden enlargement of a water main from 240 mm to 480 mm diameter, the
hydraulic gradient rises by 10 mm. Estimate the rate of flow. 15. Derive an expression for
the discharge over a rectangular notch in terms of head of water over the crest of notch.
16. A crude oil of viscosity 0.9 poise and relative density 0.9 is flowing through a horizontal
circular pipe of diameter 10mm and length 12m. Calculate the difference of pressure at the two
ends of the pipe, if 785 N of the oil is collected in a tank in 25 seconds.
16.(a) Two pipes are connected by three pipes in series. The lengths of the pipes are
300m, 170m and 210m, respectively and the corresponding diameters are 0.3m,
0.2ma and 0.4m. Determine the rate of flow if the friction factors of the three
pipes are 0.02, 0.0208 and 0.0192 respectively. Considering only loses due to
friction for solving this problem and the difference of water level is 12m.
(b) If three pipes of lengths 800m, 400m and 200m and diameters of 0.6m, 0.4m and
0.2m respectively are connected in series. Three pipes are to be replaced by an
equivalent pipe of length 1400m. Assuming friction factor of the compound pipe to the
same, determine the equivalent diameter of the equivalent pipe.
16. Water discharges at the rate of 98.2 litres per second through a 12cm diameter vertical
sharp edged orifice placed under a constant head of 10 metres. A point, on the jet, measured
from the vena-contracta has co-ordinates 4.5 metres horizontal and 0.54 metres vertical. Find
the hydraulic coefficients of the orifices.
16. (a) Two pipes are connected by three pipes in series. The lengths of the pipes are 300m,
170m and 210m, respectively and the corresponding diameters are 0.3m, 0.2ma and 0.4m.
Determine the rate of flow if the friction factors of the three pipes are 0.02, 0.0208 and 0.0192
respectively. Considering only loses due to friction for solving this problem and the difference
of water level is 12m.
(b) If three pipes of lengths 800m, 400m and 200m and diameters of 0.6m, 0.4m and 0.2m
respectively are connected in series. Three pipes are to be replaced by an equivalent pipe of
length 1400m. Assuming friction factor of the compound pipe to the same, determine the
equivalent diameter of the equivalent pipe.A11
16. A horizontal pipe of diameter 500 mm is suddenly contracted to a diameter of 250 mm.
The pressure intensities in the large and smaller pipe are given as 13.734 N/cm
and 11.772
respectively. Find the loss of head due to contraction if Cc=0.62. Also determine the
rate of flow of water-A12
16. A 425 mm diameter pipe having 800 m length conveys water from high level tank
to a point 22 m below water level in the tank. Calculate the percentage error committed in
the calculation of discharge by neglecting the minor energy losses. Take
f = 0.03. D11
.16. (a) Two pipes are connected by three pipes in series. The lengths of the pipes are 300m,
170m and 210m, respectively and the corresponding diameters are 0.3m, 0.2ma and
0.4m. Determine the rate of flow if the friction factors of the three pipes are 0.02,
0.0208 and 0.0192 respectively. Considering only loses due to friction for solving this
problem and the difference of water level is 12m.
(b) If three pipes of lengths 800m, 400m and 200m and diameters of 0.6m, 0.4m and 0.2m
respectively are connected in series. Three pipes are to be replaced by an equivalent pipe of
length 1400m. Assuming friction factor of the compound pipe to the same, determine the
equivalent diameter of the equivalent pipe
Centrifugal Pumps: Definition Operations Velocity Triangles Performance curves
Cavitations Multistaging.Reciprocating Pumps: Operation Slip indicator
Diagram Separation Air vessels.

7. Define a specific speed of a centrifugal pump? m13
Specific speed is defined as "the speed of an ideal pump
geometrically similar to the actual pump, which when running
at this speed will raise a unit of volume, in a unit of time
through a unit of head".
8. What is an air vessel? m13
It consists of a vessel containing air, which is placed between the delivery valve and the
mouth of the delivery pipe,helps to continue the flowing of water after the impelling force
has ceased to act, as in the return stroke of aforcing pump
7. Define the term slip in a reciprocating pump.
8. What is a slip in reciprocating pump? D11
7. Define the term slip in a reciprocating pump.
8. Explain the term slip. A13
Slip is defined as the difference between theoretical discharge and actual
discharge. If actual discharge is greater than theoretical discharge negative value
is found this negative value is called negative slip.
7.Differentiate between the volute casing and vortex casing for the centrifugal
In volute pumps area of flow gradually increases from throat towards the
delivery pipe. The increase in area of flow decreases the exit velocity and
hence pressure increases in the casing.
Vortex casing is a casing in which circular chamber is provided between
the casing and the impeller. Vortex casing will increase pump efficiency by
reducing eddies formation to a considerable extent.
8.How will you classify the reciprocating pumps?D12
Reciprocating pumps are mainly classified according to use of piston sides and
according to number of cylinders.
piston sides -Single-acting reciprocating pump , Double-acting reciprocating pump
number of cylinders -Single-cylinder pump, Double-cylinder pump,triple-cylinder pump
7.What do mean by the manometric efficiency and mechanical efficiency? M12
Manometric efficiency (): it is the ratio of the manometric head to the head actually
generated by the impeller .
Mechanical efficiency( mech): It is the ratio of the impeller power to the power of the
motor or the prime mover.
8.Find an expression for the head loss due to friction in suction and delivery pipes. M12

7. Define manometric head manometric efficiency of a centrifugal pump.M12
The manometric head is defined as the head against which a
centrifugal pump has to work. It is denoted by Hm.
Manometric efficiency (): it is the ratio of the manometric head to the head actually
generated by the impeller
8. What are the advantages of installing air vessels in a reciprocating pump?M12
The advantages of installing air vessels are:
(i) The flow fluctuation is reduced and a uniform flow is obtained.
(ii) The friction work is reduced.
(iii) The acceleration head is reduced considerably.
(iv) Enables the use of higher speeds.
7. What are the types of pumps available? D11
Pumps may bi placed in one of the two general categories.
(i) Dynamic pressure pumps: centrifugal pump, jet pump,
propeller, and turbine.
(ii) Positive, displacement pump: Piston plunger, gear, lab,
vane, screw etc.
7. Define the specific speed of a pump.
Specific Speed is a dimensionless design index number used to
classify pumps by impeller type and proportion. It is defined as the
speed in revolutions per minute that a geometrically similar pump
would operate to deliver one unit of flow at one unit of head.
7. Define cavitation. A13
8. What is meant by cavitation?
8.. What is meant by cavitation?
8. What do you mean by cavitation in a pump?
the term cavitation implies a dynamic process of formation of bubbles inside the
liquid, their growth and subsequent collapse as the liquid flows through the pump
17. With the help of a neat sketch explain the construction and working of a
centrifugal pump.D12
17. Draw a neat sketch of Reciprocating pump and explain the working principle of
single acing and double acting Reciprocating pump. D11
17. Discuss the construction and working of a Reciprocating pump
18. a. What is air vessel in reciprocating pump? State its functions. (4) A07
b. Explain with a neat sketch of double acting reciprocating pump with an air vessel
fitted in the delivery side. (8)
18. (a) Explain the working principle of reciprocating pump with neat sketch.
(b) Why air vessels are used in reciprocating pumps?
(c) Why a reciprocating pump is called Positive displacement pump?
18. (a) Explain the working principle of reciprocating pump with neat sketch.A11
(b) Why air vessels are used in reciprocating pumps?(c) Why a reciprocating pump is called
Positive displacement pump?
18. (a) Write a short notes on types of casing in centrifugal pump.
(b) Define slip and negative slip in reciprocating pump.

17. a. What is priming? Why is it necessary? (4) A07
b. Explain the following with formula i) Manometric efficiency ii) Mechanical efficiency iii)
Overall efficiency of centrifugal pump. A07
17. What is priming? With a neat sketch give the working principle of a centrifugal
17. What is priming? With a neat sketch give the working principle of a centrifugal pump.

17. (a) Explain why priming is required to start a centrifugal pump. (3)mM12
(b) A centrifugal pump with an impeller diameter of 0.4 m runs at 1450 rpm. The angle
at outlet of the backward curved vane is 25 with tangent. The flow velocity remains
constant at 3 m/s. If the anometric efficiency is 84%, determine the fraction of the kinetic
energy at outlet recovered as static head.M12
17. (a) Sketch the operating characteristic curves of a centrifugal pump. (4)
(b) A centrifugal pump impeller has an outer diameter of 30 cm and an inner diameter of 15
cm. the pump runs at 1200 r.p.m. The impeller vanes are set at a blade angle of 30 at the
outlet. If the velocity of flow constant at 2.0 m/s, calculate (i) the velocity and direction of
water at outlet,(ii) the head developed assuming a manometric efficiency of 0.85, and (iii) the
blade angle at the inlet. (8)
17. (a) Sketch the operating characteristic curves of a centrifugal pump.
(b) A centrifugal pump impeller has an outer diameter of 30 cm and an inner diameter
of 15 cm. the pump runs at 1200 r.p.m. The impeller vanes are set at a blade angle of
30 at the outlet. If the velocity of flow constant at 2.0 m/s, calculate
(i) the velocity and direction of water at outlet,
(ii) the head developed assuming a manometric efficiency of 0.85, and
(iii) the blade angle at the inlet.
(b) A single acting reciprocating water pump of 180 mm bore and 240 mm stroke
operates at 40 rpm. Determine the discharge if the slip is 8%. Estimate the value of
coefficient of discharge. If the suction and delivery heads are 6 m and 20 m
respectively, determine the theoretical power. If the overall efficiency was 80%, what is
the power required. (4)M12

17. The internal and external diameter of an impeller of a centrifugal pump which is
running at 1000 r.p.m are 200 mm and 400 mm respectively. The discharge through
pump is 0.04 m3 /sec and velocity of flow is constant and equal to 2 m/sec. The
diameter of the suction and delivery pipes are 150 mm and 100 mm respectively and
suction and delivery heads are 6 m (abs) and 30 m (abs) of water respectively. If the
outlet vane angle is 45 and power required to drive the pump is 16.186 KW. Determine
(a) Vane angle of the impeller at inlet.
(b) The overall efficiency of the pump.
(c) Manometric efficiency of the pump.- m13
17. A centrifugal pump having outer diameter equal to two times the inner diameter and
running at 1000 rpm works against a total head of 40 m. The velocity of flow through the
impeller is constant and equal to 2.5 m/s. The vanes are set back at an angle of 40 at
outlet. If the outer diameter of the impeller is 500 mm and width at outlet is 50 mm,
determine: (i) vane angle at inlet (ii)work done by impeller on water per second. A13
17. The internal and external diameters of the impeller of a centrifugal pump are 200
mm and 400 mm respectively. The pump is running at 1200 r.p.m. The vane
angles of the impeller at inlet and outlet are 20
and 30
respectively. The water
enters the impeller radially and velocity of flow is constant. Determine the work
done by the impeller per unit weight of water. M12
17. The outer diameter of a centrifugal pump is equal to two times the inner
diameter. The pump runs at 1200 rpm and works against the total head of 75m.
The velocity of flow through the impeller is constant and equal to 3 m/s. The
vanes are curved back at an angle of 30 at the outlet. If the outer diameter of the
impeller is 60 cm and the width at the outlet is 5 cm, determine (a) Vane angle at
the inlet, (b) the minimum starting speed of the centrifugal pump.
17. A centrifugal pump running at 800 rpm is working against a total head of 20.2 m. The
external diameter of the impeller is 480 mm and the outlet width is 60 mm. If the vane
angle at outlet is 40 and manometer efficiency is 70%. Determine (a) flow Velocity at outlet.
(b) Absolute velocity of water leaving the vane. (c) Angle made by the absolute velocity
at outlet with the direction of motion. (d) Rate of flow through the pump.D11
17. The outer diameter of a centrifugal pump is equal to two times the inner diameter. The
pump runs at 1200 rpm and works against the total head of 75m. The velocity of flow
through the impeller is constant and equal to 3 m/s. The vanes are curved back at an
angle of 30 at the outlet. If the outer diameter of the impeller is 60 cm and the width at
the outlet is 5 cm, determine (a) Vane angle at the inlet, (b) the minimum starting speed
of the centrifugal pump.
17. A centrifugal pump is to discharge 0.11m3 /s at a speed of 1500 rpm against a head of 25m.
The impeller diameter is 250mm, its with outlet is 50mm and manometric efficiency is 75%.
Determine the vane angle at the outlet periphery of the impeller. A09
17. The outer diameter of a centrifugal pump is equal to two times the inner diameter. The
pump runs at 1200 rpm and works against the total head of 75m. The velocity of flow through
the impeller is constant and equal to 3 m/s. The vanes are curved back at an angle of 30 at the
outlet. If the outer diameter of the impeller is 60 cm and the width at the outlet is 5 cm,
determine (a) Vane angle at the inlet, (b) the minimum starting speed of the centrifugal
17. The impeller of a Centrifugal pump has a diameter of 10 cm and breadth 3.5 cm at the
inner periphery; the corresponding dimensions at the outer periphery are 20 cm and 1.7 cm
respectively. The pump runs at 1500 rpm, has 7 vanes with vane angle at entry and exit equal to
16 and 30 respectively. Calculate: (i) the theoretical discharge for shockless entrance, (ii) the
theoretical head developed, (iii) the actual head produced, the losses and power required to
drive the pump.Neglect the effect of vane thickness and presume that the hydraulic efficiency is
85% and the overall efficiency is 75%.
17. The impeller of a centrifugal pump is of 30 cm diameter and 5 cm width at the periphery
and has blades whose tip angles incline backwards 60 from the radius. The pump delivers 17
m3 /min and the impeller rotates at 1000 rpm. Assuming that the pump is designed to admit
radially, calculate (i) speed and direction of water as it leaves the impeller, (ii) torque exerted by
the impeller on water, (iii) shaft power required and (iv) lift of the pump. Take mechanical
efficiency as 95% and hydraulic efficiency as 75%. =A10
17. The internal and external diameters of the impeller of a centrifugal pump are 200 mm
and 400 mm respectively. The pump is running at 1200 r.p.m. The vane angles of the impeller at
inlet and outlet are 20
and 30
respectively. The water enters the impeller radially and velocity
of flow is constant. Determine the work done by the impeller per unit weight of water
18. (a) Explain the working principle of reciprocating pump with neat sketch.
(b) Why air vessels are used in reciprocating pumps?
(c) Why a reciprocating pump is called Positive displacement pump?

18.(a) Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Reciprocating pump-D10 (8)
(b) What is an air vessel? what are the uses of vessels in a reciprocating pump. D10 (4)
18. (a) Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Reciprocating pump
(b) What is an air vessel? what are the uses of vessels in a reciprocating pump
18. Explain with neat sketches the function of air vessels in a reciprocating pump. A09
dimensionless expression for R using Buckinghams theorem.A10

18. Derive an expression for work saved by a single acting reciprocating pump with air
vessel. A13
18. The cylinder bore diameter of a single acting reciprocating pump is 150 mm and
its stroke is 300 mm. The pump runs at 50 r.p.m. and lifts water through a height
of 25 m. The delivery pipe is 22 m long and 100 mm in diameter. Find the
theoretical discharge and the theoretical power required to run the pump. If the
actual discharge is 4.2 litres/sec, find the percentage slip. Also determine the
acceleration head at the beginning and middle of the delivery stroke.D12
18. The cylinder bore diameter of a single-acting reciprocating pump is 150mm
and its stroke is 300 mm. The pump runs at 50r.p.m. and lifts water through a
height of 25 m. The delivery pipe is 22 m long and 100 mm in diameter. Find
the theoretical discharge and the theoretical power required to run the pump.
If the actual discharge is 4.2 liters/s, find the percentage slip. Also
determine the acceleration head at the beginning and middle of the delivery
stroke. M12
18. The cylinder bore diameter of a single acting reciprocating pump is 150 mm and its
stroke is 300 mm. The pump runs at 50 r.p.m and lifts water through a height of 25 m.
the delivery pipe is 22m long and 100 mm in diameter. Find the theoretical discharge
and theoretical power required to run the pump. If the discharge is 4.2 liters/sec, find the
percentage slip, Also determine the acceleration head at the beginning and middle of
the delivery pipe.- m13

18. (a) A single acting reciprocating of pump handles water. The bore and stroke of the
unit are 20 cm and 30 cm. The suction pipe diameter is 12 cm and length is 8 m. The
delivery pipe diameter is 12 cm and length is 24 m. f = 0.02. The speed of operation is
32 rpm. Determine the friction power with and
without air vessels.(8)M12
18. A Centrifugal pump having outer diameter equal to 2 times the inner diameter and
running at 1200 rpm works against a total head of 75m. The Velocity of flow through the
impeller is constant and equal to 3 m/s. The vanes are set back at an angle of 30 at out
let. If the outer diameter of impeller is 600mm and width at outlet is 50mm. determine
(a) Vane angle at inlet
(b) Work done per second on impeller
(c) Manometric efficiency.D11
18. A centrifugal pump is to discharge 0.118 m3 at a speed of 1450 rpm against a head
of 25 m. The diameter and width of the impeller at outlet are 250 mm and 50 mm
respectively. If the manometric efficiency is 75%, determine the vane angle at the outlet.

.18. The cylinder bore diameter of a single-acting reciprocating pump is 150mm and its
stroke is 300 mm. The pump runs at 50r.p.m. and lifts water through a height of
25 m. The delivery pipe is 22 m long and 100 mm in diameter. Find the
theoretical discharge and the theoretical power required to run the pump. If
the actual discharge is 4.2 liters/s, find the percentage slip. Also determine
the acceleration head at the beginning and middle of the delivery stroke.

18. (a) Define indicator diagram. Prove that area of indicator diagram is proportional to the
work done by the reciprocating pump (b) A single acting reciprocating pump runs at 30 r.p.m.,
0.012 m3 /s of water. The diameter of the piston is 25 cm and stroke length 50 cm. Determine
(i) the theoretical discharge of the pump,
(ii) co-efficient of discharge, and
(iii) percentage slip of the pump.
18. A double acting reciprocating pump runs at 40 rpm. It has the cylinder of 200 mm
diameter and stroke of 400 mm. It delivers water to a height of 1m through a pipe of 150 mm
diameter and 40 m long. An air vessel is attached at 3m height from the centre of
cylinder. The coefficient of friction for the pipe is 0.01. Find the pressure head in the
cylinder at the beginning and at the end of delivery stroke. Assume motion of piston by SHM.
18. (a) Define indicator diagram. Prove that area of indicator diagram is proportional to the
work done by the reciprocating pump
(b) A single acting reciprocating pump runs at 30 r.p.m., delivers 0.012 m
/s of water.
The diameter of the piston is 25 cm and stroke length 50 cm. Determine
(i) the theoretical discharge of the pump,
(ii) co-efficient of discharge, and
(iii) percentage slip of the pump.
18. A double acting single cylinder reciprocating pump of 20 cm bore and 40 cm stroke runs
at 35 rpm. The pump draws water from a sump 1 m below the pump through a suction pipe 10
cm in diameter and 2.5 m long. The water is delivered to a tank 30 m above the pump through
a delivery pipe 10 cm in diameter and 40 m long. The mechanism executes a simple harmonic
motion.Determine the net force due to fluid pressure on the piston when it has moved through
a distance of 10 cm from the inner dead centre. Neglect size of piston rod and take friction
factor f= 0.0075 for both the suction and delivery pipes.
.18. A centrifugal pump is to discharge 0.118 m
at a speed of 1450 rpm against a head of 25
m. The diameter and width of the impeller at outlet are 250 mm and 50 mm respectively. If the
manometric efficiency is 75%, determine the vane angle at the outlet.


Hydraulic Turbines: Classification of hydraulic turbines Working principle of Pelton
wheel, Francis and Kaplan turbines velocity triangles draft tube hydraulic turbine
Dimensional Analysis: Buckinghams Theorem, Non-Dimension Numbers, Similarities
of Flow. Model studies
9. Difference between the turbines and pumps? m13
A pump absorbs useful energy and converts it to kinetic energy and gives
it to a fluid stream.
The turbine does the exact opposite as it absorbs energy from a fluid
stream and converts it to work.
A pump increases the energy of the fluid stream whereas a turbine
decreases the energy.

9. What is hydraulic turbine? State its types.
The hydraulic machines which convert hydraulic energy into mechanical energy are
known as Turbines.
The hydraulic turbines can be classified based on type of energy at the inlet, direction of
flow through the vanes, head available at the inlet, discharge through the vanes and
specific speed. Pelton Wheel, Francis Turbine, Kaplan Turbine
9. List any three hydraulic turbines. D11
Pelton Wheel, Francis Turbine, Kaplan Turbine
9. Differentiate between impulse and reaction turbines.M12
1. In impulse turbine, there are nozzle and moving blades are in series
while there are fixed blades and moving blades are present in
Reaction turbine (No nozzle is present in reaction turbine).
2. The number of stages is required less in impulse turbine while
required more in reaction turbine
3. Efficiency of impulse turbine is lower than reaction turbine
4. Impulse turbine requires less space than reaction turbine.
5. Blade manufacturing of impulse turbine is not difficult as in reaction
turbine it is difficult
10. What is meant by draft tube? D11
Draft tube is a divergent tube one end of which is connected to the outlet
of the turbine and other end is immersed well below the tailrace (Water
The water after working on the turbine, imparts its energy to the vanes
and runner, thereby reducing its pressure less than that of atmospheric
pressure (Vacuum). As the water flows from higher pressure to lower
pressure, it cannot come out of the turbine and hence a Draft tube (divergent tube) is
connected to the end of the turbine.
9. What is the function of draft tube? A13
The major function of the draft tube is to increase the pressure from the inlet to outlet of
the draft tube as it flows through it and hence increase it more than atmospheric
pressure. The other function is to safely discharge the water that has worked on the
turbine to tailrace.
10. Why draft tube in mandatory in reaction turbines
In absence of draft tubes,the water would get discharged to the tail
race(Analogous to exhaust of engines)and that would need discharge of
more water from the dam and optimizing the required amount of pressure
needed to keep the turbine rotating at desired speed.It would result in loss
of head,which in return affects the performance ability of turbines

10. Explain the term dimensionally homogeneous equations? m13
An equation is dimensionally homogenous if all the terms have the same
dimensions. An equation is true if both sides of it are numerically and
dimensionally identical.
9. Define speed ratio and flow ratio. M12
Speed ratio: It represents ratio of peripheral velocity (linear) of buckets at their mean
diameter to theoretical or sprouting velocity of jet.
Flow Ratio: It is the ratio of flow velocity (Vf1) at the inlet of the name to the
spouting velocity (2gH))
10. What is meant by cavitations? Define Thomas cavitations number.M12
The Thomas cavitations number is ratio of the difference between total
head and the vapour pressure (upstream of the impeller of
rotating machinery) to the total head produced or absorbed by
the machine.

10. Draw inlet and outlet velocity triangles for a Pelton turbine.D12

10. State Buckinghams -theorem. A13
Buckingham theorem states that an equation involving n number of physical variables
which are expressible in terms of k independent fundamental physical quantities can be
expressed in terms of p = n - k dimensionless parameters.
9. State Buckinghams -theorem.D12
A relationship between m variables (physical properties such as velocity, density etc.)
can be expressed as a relationship between m-n non-dimensional groups of variables
(called t groups), where n is the number of fundamental dimensions (such as mass,
length and time) required to express the variables.
State Buckinghams Pi theorem of dimensional analysis.
The theorem may be interpreted to state that one can form (n-3) independent
Dimensionless groups of q1,q2qn variables so that h(t1,t2tn-3)=0,where ts are
the dimensionless groups, and M (mass), L (length) and T (time) are the primary
dimensions used to describe the system
10. What are the types of similitude?
a. Geometric similitude- model is of exact scale of the prototype
including object dimensions and surface roughness.
b. Kinematic similitude- the velocity at a particular point in the model is
proportional to the corresponding velocity in the prototype. It includes
magnitudes and directions.
c. Dynamic similitude- This is achieved when all forces in the model are
proportional to all forces in the prototype. Kinematic similitude is necessary
but not sufficient for dynamic similitude.

? 10. Define the following Reynolds number and Machs number. M12
In fluid mechanics, the Reynolds number (Re) is a dimensionless
number that gives a measure of the ratio of inertial forces to viscous
forces and consequently quantifies the relative importance of these
two types of forces for given flow conditions.
Reynolds number inertial, viscous force ratio
Mach number Local velocity, local velocity of sound ratio

19. A Pelton wheel is to be designed for a head of 60 m when running at 200 r.p.m. The
Pelton wheel develops 95.6475 kW shaft power. The velocity of the buckets = 0.45
times of the velocity of the jet, overall efficiency = 0.85 and co- efficiency of the velocity
is equal to 0.98.- m13
20. The pressure difference p in a pipe of diameter D and length l due to turbulent flow
depends on the velocity V, viscosity , density and roughness k. Using Buckinghams
theorem, obtain an expression for p.- m13
19. A Pelton wheel is to be designed for the following specifications: Shaft power =
11,772 kW, H = 380 m, speed = 750 rpm, overall efficiency = 86%. Jet diameter is not to
exceed one sixth of the wheel diameter. Determine: (i) wheel diameter (ii) Number of
jets required (iii) Diameter of jet. Take Cv =0.985, speed ratio = 0.45. A13
20. Using Buckingham theorem show that the discharge Q consumed by an oil ring is
given by
Q = Nd3. A13
19. A Kaplan turbine runner is to be designed to develop 7357.5 kW S.P. The net
available head is 10 m. Assume that the speed ratio is 1.8 and flow ratio 0.6. If
the overall efficiency is 70% and diameter of the boss is 0.4 times the diameter of
the runner, find the diameter of the runner, its speed and specific speed.-D12
20. Explain briefly about Dimensionless number and Model laws.D12
19. The following data is related to a pelton wheel:
Head at the base of the nozzle = 80 m
Diameter of the jet = 100 mm
Discharge of the nozzle = 0.30 m
Power at the shaft = 206 kW
Power absorbed in mechanical resistance = 4.5 kW
Determine (i) power lost in nozzle and (ii) power lost due to hydraulic resistance
in the runner. M12
20. A spillway model is to be built to a geometrically similar scale of 1/50 across a
flume of 600 mm width. The prototype is 15 m high and maximum head on it is
expected to be 1.5 m.
(a) What height of model and what head on the model should be used?
(b) If the flow over the model at a particular head is 12 liters per second, what
flow per meter length of the prototype is expected? (c) If the negative pressure in
the model is 200 mm, what is the negative pressure in prototype? Is it
practicable? M12
19. (a) State the conditions required to obtain a similarity between the models and the
prototype. (3)
(b) The following details are available about a Francis turbine. Diameters are 2.25 m
and 1.5 m. Widths are 0.25 m and 0.375 m. The guide blade outlet angle is 18 and the
runner blade angle is
85, both angles with the blade velocity direction. Frictional loss is 15% of the pressure
head 60 m available between the inlet and outlet of the runner. Calculate, the speed
and output of the
turbine. Also find the blade outlet angle. Mechanical efficiency is 92%. Blade thickness
blocks the flow area by 8%. (9)M12
20. (a) Explain the principle of dimensional homogeneity. (3)M12
(b) Players use spin in ball plays like tennis, golf etc. As the ball moves the spin rate will
decrease. If the aerodynamic torque on the ball in flight depends on the forward speed
u, density and viscosity of air, the ball diameter D, angular velocity of spin, and the
roughness height on the ball surface, determine the dimensionless parameters to
correlate the situation. (9)M12
19. A pelton turbine is required to develop 9000 KW when working under a head of
300mm the impeller may rotate at 500 rpm. Assuming a jet ratio of 10 And an overall
efficiency of 85% calculate
(a) Quantity of water require
(b) Diameter of the wheel
(c) Number of jets
(d) Number and size of the bucket vanes on the runner. D11
20. Explain Francis turbine with neat sketchD11
19. A pelton wheel is to be designed for the following specifications: Shaft power=11772
kW; Head = 380 m; Speed =750 rpm; overall efficiency = 86%; Jet diameter is not to
exceed one-sixth of the
wheel diameter. Determine: The wheel diameter (b) The number of jets required and (b)
Diameter of jet. Take Kvl = 0.985 and Kul = 0.45 where, Kvl = Coefficient of velocity and
Kul=speed ratio.
20. The pressure difference p in a pipe of diameter D and length 1 due to viscous flow
depends on the velocity V, viscosity , density , obtain an expression for , using
Buckinghams theorem.

19. Design a Francis turbine runner with the following data: Net head = 68 m, speed
N=750 rpm, output power P = 330kW, Hydraulic efficiency = 94%, Overall
efficiency=85%, flow ratio = 0.15, breadth ratio = 0.1, inner diameter of the runner
= 0.5 (outer diameter). Also assume 6% of circumferential area of the runner to
be occupied by the thickness of the vanes. Velocity of the flow remains constant
throughout and the flow is radial at the exit.

20. (a) What are the types of similarity to be maintained in Model testing?A07
(b) Define the following dimensionless numbers: Reynolds number and Froude
19. a. Distinguish between Impulse and Reaction turbines. (4)
b. Explain the working principle of Pelton wheel turbine with a neat sketch by indicating all
parts. (8)
20. A kalpan turbine working under a head of 20m develops 11772 kW shaft power. The outer
diameter of the runner is 3.5m and hub diameter 1.75m. The guide blade angle at the extreme
edge of the runner is 35. The hydraulic and overall efficiencies of the turbines are 88% and 84%
respectively. If
the velocity of whirl is zero at outlet, determine:
i. Runner vane angles at inlet and outlet of the extreme edge
of the runner, and
ii. Speed of the turbine
19. A Kaplan turbine develops 22000kW at an average head of 35m.
Assuming a speed ratio of 2, flow ratio of 0.6, diameter of the boss
equal to 0.35 times the diameter of the runner and an overall
efficiency of 90 percent, calculate the diameter, speed and specific
speed of the runner. A09
20. Write short notes on: (a) Geometric similarity (b) Kinematic similarity
(c) Dynamic similarity
19. The following data relate to a Pelton wheel turbine is given below. Head at the base of the
nozzle = 82m, diameter of the jet = 100 mm, discharge of the nozzle = 0.3m3/s, shaft power =
206kW. Determine the power lost in nozzle and power lost due to hydraulic resistance in water.
A10 (or)
20. The resistance R experienced by a partially submerged body depends upon the velocity V,
length of the body 1, viscosity of the fluid , density of the fluid and gravitational acceleration
g. Obtain a
19. Design a Francis turbine runner with the following data: Net head = 68 m, speed N=750
rpm, output power P = 330kW, Hydraulic efficiency = 94%, Overall efficiency=85%, flow ratio =
0.15, breadth ratio = 0.1, inner diameter of the runner = 0.5 (outer diameter). Also assume 6%
of circumferential area of the runner to be occupied by the thickness of the vanes. Velocity of
the flow remains constant throughout and the flow is radial at the exit.A11
20. (a) What are the types of similarity to be maintained in Model testing?A11
(b) Define the following dimensionless numbers: Reynolds number and Froude Number
19. The following data is related to a pelton wheel:
Head at the base of the nozzle = 80 m
Diameter of the jet = 100 mm
Discharge of the nozzle = 0.30 m
Power at the shaft = 206 kW
Power absorbed in mechanical resistance = 4.5 kW
Determine (i) power lost in nozzle and (ii) power lost due to hydraulic resistance in the
runner. A12
20. A spillway model is to be built to a geometrically similar scale of 1/50 across a flume of
600 mm width. The prototype is 15 m high and maximum head on it is expected to be
1.5 m.
(a) What height of model and what head on the model should be used?
(b) If the flow over the model at a particular head is 12 liters per second, what flow per
meter length of the prototype is expected? (c) If the negative pressure in the model is
200 mm, what is the negative pressure in prototype? Is it practicable? A12
19. The pressure difference p in pipe of diameter D and length L due to viscous flow depends
on the velocity V, viscosity and density . Using Buckinghams - theorem, obtain an
expression for p. D09
20. (a) What are unit quantities? Define the unit quantities of a turbine. (4) D09
(b) A Kaplan turbine develops 15000 kW power at a head of 30m. the diameter of the boss is
0.35 times the diameter of the runner. Assuming a speed ratio of 2.0, a flow ratio of 0.65 and
an overall
efficiency of 90% calculate (i) diameter of the runner, (ii) rotational speed and (iii) specific
19. A Pelton wheel has a mean bucket speed of 10m/s with a jet of water flowing at the rate
of 0.7 ,3/s under a head of 30 m. The buckets deflects the jet through an angle of 160
degree. Calculate the power given by water to the runner and the hydraulic efficient by
of the turbine. Assume coefficient of velocity as 0.98.D10
20. A Kaplan turbine works under a head of 60m at a speed of 145 rpm utilizing 175 m
/s of
water. The diameter of the runner and hub are respectively 5.60m and 3.20m
respectively. The turbine develops 82500kW. Find the flow ratio, the speed ratio, overall
efficiency and the specific speed.D10
19. A Pelton wheel is to develop 13,250 kw under a net head of 800 m while running at a
speed of 600 rpm. If the coefficient of jet = 0.97, speed ratio = 0.46 and the ratio of the
jet diameter is 1/15 of wheel diameter. Calculate (a) number of jets. (b)
Diameter of jets. (c) Diameter of pitch circle. (d) Quantity of water supplied
to wheel. Assume overall efficiency as 85%. D11(or)
20. It is desired to obtain the dynamic similarity between a 30 cm diameter pipe
carrying linseed oil at 0.5 m
/s and a 5 m diameter pipe carrying water. What should be the
rate of flow of water in lps?. If the pressure loss in the model is 196 N/m
, What
is the pressure loss in the prototype pipe?. Kinematic viscosities of linseed oil and water
are 0.457 and 0.0113 stokes respectively. Specific gravity of linseed oil = 0.82.D11
20. Explain briefly about Dimensionless number and Model laws
19. The pressure difference Ap in pipe of diameter D and length L due to viscous flow
depends on the velocity V, viscosity and density . Using Buckinghams - H theorem,
obtain an expression for Ap.(or)
20. (a) What are unit quantities? Define the unit quantities of a turbine. (4)
(b) A Kaplan turbine develops 15000 kW power at a head of 30m. the diameter of the
boss is 0.35 times the diameter of the runner.
Assuming a speed ratio of 2.0, a flow ratio of 0.65 and an overall efficiency of 90%
calculate (i) diameter of the runner, (ii) rotational speed and (iii) specific speed
19. (a)How does a single jet Pelton wheel differ from a multi jet wheel?(2)
(b) A Pelton wheel is required to develop 6 MW when working under a head of 300m. It
rotates with a speed of 550 rpm. Assuming jet ratio as 10 and overall efficiency as 85%
calculate: (i) diameter of wheel (ii) quantity of water required and number of jets.
Assume suitable values for the velocity coefficient and the speed ratio. (10)
20. The runner of an inward flow reaction turbine is of 45 cm diameter and 5 cm width at
the outer periphery; the corresponding dimensions at the inner periphery are 30 cm and
7.5 cm respectively, and vanes occupy 8% of the periphery. The guide vane angle is 25
to the tangent to the runner and the moving vanes have an inlet angle of 95 (vanes
inclined forward to the direction of motion) and an exit angle of 30, Hydraulic and
mechanical friction losses respectively amount to 10% and 5% of the supply head, and
the pressure in the outer casing is 55 m more than that at discharge from the runner.
Calculate speed of the runner for no shocks at entry and the power available at the
turbine shaft.
19. A pelton wheel is to be designed for the following specifications:
Shaft power=11772 kW; Head = 380 m; Speed =750 rpm; overall efficiency = 86%; Jet
diameter is not to exceed one-sixth of the wheel diameter. Determine: The wheel
diameter (b) The number of jets required and (b) Diameter of jet. Take Kvl = 0.985 and
Kul = 0.45 where, Kvl = Coefficient of velocity and Kul=speed ratio.
20. The pressure difference Ap in a pipe of diameter D and length 1 due to viscous flow
depends on the velocity V, viscosity , density , obtain an expression for A, using
Buckinghams t theorem.
19. Design a Francis turbine runner with the following data: Net head = 68 m, speed N=750
rpm, output power P = 330kW, Hydraulic efficiency = 94%, Overall efficiency=85%, flow
ratio = 0.15, breadth ratio = 0.1, inner diameter of the runner = 0.5 (outer diameter).
Also assume 6% of circumferential area of the runner to be occupied by the thickness of
the vanes. Velocity of the flow remains constant throughout and the flow is radial at the
20. (a) What are the types of similarity to be maintained in Model testing?
(b) Define the following dimensionless numbers: Reynolds number and Froude Number

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