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For the 2014 two-day event the exhibitors with a

large number of entries can get their labels from

the secretary prior to the date of the show. The
labels will have room for class and name name
to be sealed over by exhibitor and should state if
exhibit is not for sale.
!f you can" the committee would li#e you to
name the variety of vegetable or flower you are
exhibiting. This is not compulsory" but the
committee are always as#ed which variety is on
$xhibitors who win cups" please could you hand
these bac# at the end of the show for engraving.
Please note NO exhibits are to be removed
before the prize-giving on Saturday.
%affle &raw will ta#e place on 'aturday.
Flower Show
& 9
August 2014
Community Centre, Helmsale
Friay ! 2"#0 $"m" ! 4"#0 $"m"
Saturay ! 10"00 a"m" ! 4"00 $"m"
%resentation o& Cu$s on
Saturay 9
August at 4"00 $"m"
Followed by auction of produce
Aults - ,2, 2-Day -i./et ,#
Senior Citi0ens - ,1"10,
2-Day -i./et ,2"10
Chilren ! ,1

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