6-9-08 Minutes (Hartford and Hiring 3 Personnel)

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June 9, 2008
7:00 pm
The Trustees of Brookfield Township met in special session at the Township Administration Building on
Monday, June 9, 2008 at 7:00 pm.

Trustee Gary Lees called the meeting to order and the pledge of allegiance was not observed.

Roll Call: Gary Lees, Phil Schmidt, Ronald Haun, Sylvia Addicott

Special Meeting called with Fire Chief Keith Barrett, Asst Chief Hays Montgomery and the Hartford
Township Trustees, Becky Whitman and Randy Smith, and the Hartford Fire Chief; to discuss how
Brookfield can help their current situation of no volunteers available during daytime hours for calls and
ailing equipment.

Chief Barrett requested permission to hire (3) part-time firefighter/EMTs at the rate of $7.75 per hour.
Motion M-08-67 by Mr. Schmidt, seconded by Mr. Lees to hire (3) firefighter/EMTs at $7.75
per hour. Roll Call: Mr. Lees-yea, Mr. Schmidt-yea, Mr. Haun-yea. Motion carried 3-0

HARTFORD PROBLEMS: (1) have currently eight volunteers, and half of them respond to calls; no one
between 7:00 am –3:00 pm (2) equipment is old, and purchased used (3) Fire Chief pay is minimal (4)
small budget (5.4 mills generating $168,000 overall, and Fire Budget $19,000 annually

SOLUTION: (1) set up a substation in Hartford with a Brookfield ambulance and EMTs (2) review their
current equipment for salvage (3) bill all EMS calls as we do now.


By Mr. Schmidt, seconded by Mr. Lees.

_________________________________________________, Chief Executive Officer

___________________________________________________, Chief Fiscal Officer

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