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The Color Purple, Study Guide 5

1. After moving to Memphis, what type of business does Celie start? What is the name of it?
2. What is Celies explanation when Harpo says Mary Agnes is different?
3. What is the reason for Celie visiting Harpo and Sofia?
4. What does Celie learn about Mr. and how hes been living since she moved away? How is this
connected to the last words he shared with Celie?
5. What happens to make Sofia have feelings for Harpo once again?
6. Sofia tells Celie Mr. was in bad shape after Celie left him. What happened to turn Mr.s life around?
What does this symbolize?
7. What does Celie inherit when her stepfather dies? How does this affect her life?
8. What crushing news does Shug give Celie when she goes back to Memphis?
9. How does Celie receive this news? What do you think of Celie in regards to her reaction? Do you
sympathize? How would you react?
10. What is the only piece of mail Mr. puts directly into Celies hands? How do they both react?

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