Power Coaching With Mind Kinetics®

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Using the special methods Power Coaching with Mind Kinetics with sophisticated grounding
tools, the Coach helps the Client find the Real Issue or Real Goal they wish to work on.

2. Client is taught how to self-coach daily between coaching sessions.

3.The client is helped to explore their the issue/goal using pentalateral thinking (right
brain, left brain conscious, subconscious, superconscious).

PCMK provides the Client with the ability to tap into their genius and stream in solutions from their

Other typical Coaching Models use questions pri-marily to elicit left brain answers.

4. At the end of every session the Client has co-mmitted action plan that is based on whole-brain
thinking instead of just using their left brain.

Moreover, the Client will have shifted at the cellular level on permenent basis. They
needn't worry about using willpower to make things happen .

5. Power Coaching with Mind Kinetics (PCMK) is working with a person as a whole, addressing
mind, body and spirit.

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