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CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum

Small Group Activity Planning Form

!a"oya #roo$%
&am' o( Activity)
Curriculum Ar'a
!'ngt* o( Activity)
15+20 minut'%
!'arning ,-.'ctiv'%
1/ "*' c*ildr'n 0ill -' a-l' to id'nti(y t*' di(('r'nc' o( (ruit and v'g'ta-l'% 2) 1'cognition o( o0n %$ill% and
2/ "*' c*ildr'n 0ill -' a-l' m'a%ur' t*' amount o( %''d% to plant (ruit% and v'g'ta-l'%2 35) 4'a%ur'm'nt/2
3/"*' c*ildr'n 0ill -' a-l' to '5plain t*' li(' cycl' o( (ruit% and v'g'ta-l'% 26) Cau%' and '(('ct/2
4at'rial/78uipm'nt &''d'd)
1/ S*ov'
3/ pac$'t% o( %''d% o( (ruit% and v'g'ta-l'%
9/ Soil
5/ :at'r
"*' pr'paration t*at n''d% -'(or' t*' c*ildr'n 0ill g't involv' in t*' activity i% *aving all t*' -uc$'t% (ill 0it* 0at'r2
Hav' t*' %*ov' and glov'% plac'd in t*' c*ildr'n %'ction o( t*'ir planting ar'a2
< "*i% activity 0ill -' introduc' during outdoor tim'2 Sinc' t*' c*ildr'n play out%id' t*'r' 0ill -' a %'l'ct'd
amount o( c*ildr'n -'ing involv'd in t*i% activity2
< Ho0 I 0ill approac* t*' c*ildr'n to -'com' int'r'%t'd in t*i% activity= i% %ay >i( you li$' (ruit%= I can %*o0
you *o0 to ma$' your o0n (ruit2
< I 0ill introduc' t*' mat'rial% to u%' -y %*o0ing t*' c*ildr'n *o0 to u%' t*' %*ov'= and put t*'ir glov'% on
t*' corr'ct 0ay2 Fir%t I 0ill '5plain t*' %a('ty= and *o0 t*'y *av' to -' mind(ul o( *o0 t*'y u%' t*'ir
< "*' only t*ing t*at n''d% to -' d'mon%trat' i% *o0 to put t*' %''d% in t*' ground= 0at'r= and cov'r t*'
%''d% 0it* t*' %oil2
< "*' c*ildr'n n''d to ma$' %ur' t*'y don?t *it on' anot*'r 0it* t*' %*ov' and not to t*ro0 t*' dirt at 'ac*
< I 0ill %upport t*' c*ildr'n -y l'tting t*'m $no0 t*' %ci'nc' -'t0''n a plant= -y '5plaining t*at plant% ta$'
a 0*il' to gro02 I 0ill al%o %*o0 a diagram o( t*' li(' cycl' o( a plant2 "*' c*ildr'n 0ill t*'n gat*'r around
and I 0ill *av' 'ac* c*ild '5plain 0*at put o( t*' li(' cycl' i% curr'ntly ta$ing plac'2
< "*' op'n 'nd'd 8u'%tion I 0ill %tat' to t*' c*ildr'n i% '5plain *o0 you $no0 t*' di(('r'nc' o( (ruit% and
v'g'ta-l'%2 I 0ill al%o a%$ t*' c*ildr'n to %*o0 m' a (ruit and v'g'ta-l'2 "*'n t*' c*ildr'n t*at ar' *aving
trou-l' I 0ill '5plain t*at a (ruit i% t*' part o( t*' plant t*at d'v'lop% (rom a (lo0'r2 It?% al%o t*' %'ction o(
t*' plant t*at contain% t*' %''d%2 "*' ot*'r part% o( plant% ar' con%id'r'd v'g'ta-l'%2 "*'%' includ' t*'
%t'm%= l'av'% and root% @ and 'v'n t*' (lo0'r -ud2
< I 0ill 'ncourag' c*ildr'n to 0or$ tog't*'r -y '5plain t*at t*'y ar' -ot* planting t*' %am' t*ing= %o i( t*'y
0ant t*'y can %'' *o0 multipl' (ruit% and v'g'ta-l'% gro02
< I 0ill %upport t*' c*ild individual -y '5pr'%%ing *o0 cr'ativity t*'r' (ruit and v'g'ta-l'= -'cau%' t*'y
mad' it t*'r' %'lv'%2 I 0ill %*o0 t*' c*ildr'n *o0 to m'a%ur' t*' %''d%= and *o0 many to plant at on'
< I 0ill 0arn t*' c*ildr'n t*at t*' activity 0ill -' 'nding %oon -y %aying >c*ildr'n gard'ning tim' 0ill -'
ov'r in 10 min2 -ut you 0ill *av' a c*anc' to com' tomorro0 and (ini%* your gard'n2
< I 0ill involv' t*' c*ildr'n to cl'an up -y motiv' t*'m to $no0 t*at t*'y 0ill g't tomorro0 to play again= i(
t*'y *'lp t*' t'ac*'r cl'an up2
< I 0ill tran%ition -y onc' t*' c*ildr'n (ini%* cl'aning up= I 0ill *av' t*' c*ildr'n %p'a$ out t*' di(('r'nt
typ'% o( (ruit% and v'g'ta-l'% t*at ar' in t*' gard'n2 "*'y t*'n can go and play out%id' 0it* t*' r'%t o( t*'
c*ildr'n to (ini%* t*'ir outdoor tim'2 ,nc' all t*' mat'rial% ar' cl'an up t*' t'ac*'r 0ill 0al$ t*' group
ov'r to t*' r'%t o( t*' play ar'a out%id'2 &o 0aiting -'cau%' all t*' c*ildr'n 0ill *'lp until it?% cl'an up2
;"*roug*out t*' day/0''$= 0*at opportuniti'% 0ill t*' c*ildr'n *av' to r'(l'ct -ac$ on t*i% activityA
"*roug*out t*' 0''$ I 0ill *av' t*at group o( c*ildr'n go -ac$ to %'' t*'r' proc'%% o( t*'ir plant%2 I 0ill al%o *av'
t*' c*ildr'n during circl' tim' %*ar' t*'ir '5p'ri'nc' 0it* gard'ning2

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