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CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum

Small Group Activity Planning Form (wit !"planation# $ grading crit!ria%

&5'&5 wor( on cr!ating !ngaging tran#ition activiti!# )or &10 (
*a+oya ,roo(#
-am! o) Activity.
-oodl! /!w!lry
Curriculum Ar!a
*!ngt o) Activity.
150&0 minut!#
*!arning 123!ctiv!#.
1% +! cild will 2! a2l! to id!nti)y t! oval4 r!ctangl!4 and triangl! #ap! o) t! noodl!# (56. Sap!#%7
&% +! cild will 2! a2l! to id!nti)y r!d4 gr!!n4 2lu!4 y!llow4 orang!4 and 2rown color# (58. Cla##i)ication%7
5% +! cild will 2! a2l! to id!nti)y t! di))!r!nt patt!rn# o) t!ir 3!w!lry (59. Patt!rning
:at!rial';<uipm!nt -!!d!d.
1% -oodl!#
&% String
5% Paint
8% Sci##or#
5% Pap!r +ow!l#
+! pr!p wor( will n!!d to av! t! di))!r!nt li(!# o) noodl!# in di))!r!nt 2owl# #!t up at t! ta2l!#7 Al#o t! #tring#
will n!!d to 2! cut o)) 2!)or! t! cildr!n i# introduc! to t! activity7 +! paint n!!d# to 2! in 2owl# on t! ta2l!7
> I will introduc! t! activity during #mall group activity7 +!r! will only 2! a coupl! o) cildr!n ta(ing part
o) ti# activity7
> In0ord!r )or t! cildr!n to ta(! int!r!#t in t! activity I will #ay ?I (now many o) you li(! 3!w!lry4 w!ll
ow a2out w! ma(! ar! own7
> I will introduc! t! mat!rial# to u#! 2y #owing t! cildr!n #t!p 2y #t!p wat to do wit t!ir mat!rial#7
> I will n!!d to d!mon#trat! ow to ti! to !nd o) t! #tring wa# t! noodl!# won@t )all o))7 I will al#o n!!d to
#ow t! cildr!n ow to dip t! noodl! into t! paint7
> +! guidanc! i##u! tat t! cildr!n n!!d# to (now i# t!y can not !at t! noodl!#7
> I will g!t t!m to #tart 2y ta(ing t!ir )ir#t noodl!4 and dipping it into t! paint4 t!n plac! it on t! #tring7
> I will #upport t! cildr!n 2y aving t!m !"pr!## ow t!y want to ma(! t!ir 3!w!lry 2y #owing t!m
t! di))!r!nt typ!# o) color#7 Al#o #owing t! cildr!n tat i) you mi" t! color# you can ma(! anot!r
> How I will av! op!n !nd!d <u!#tion# will t! cildr!n i# 2y #aying ?Aat #ap! do!# t! di))!r!nt noodl!#
ma(!7 Al#o ow can t! #ap!# com2in! ma(! anot!r #ap!7
> How I will !ncourag! cildr!n to wor( tog!t!r i# 2y #aying ?1ur# loo( #imilar to !ac ot!r4 did you guy#
plan tatB
> How I will #upport t! cildr!n individual i# 2y going around t! ta2l! and a#(ing !ac cild wat t!y ar!
ma(ing and #!!ing i) t!y n!!d!d !lp7 I will al#o #!! i) t!y r!aliC! t! di))!r!nt typ!# o) patt!rn7 How I
will do tat i# !"plaining tat patt!rn# ar! con#tant4 and it )ollow# a c!rtain patt!rn tat i# cr!at!d7 I will
#ow t! cild 2y #itting down and actual putting t! noodl!# in a patt!rn7
> Additional mat!rial# tat I will av! on and will 2! #om! glitt!r4 and rim0#ton!#7 +i# will allow cildr!n
to #tandout will t!r! 3!w!lry7
> I will warn t! cild tat t! activity i# !nding #oon 2y #aying ?t!r! i# only 10 min7 o) )un l!)t4 ma(! #ur!
you )ini# your 3!w!lry7
> I will involv! t! cildr!n in t! cl!aning proc!## 2y ma(ing it a gam!7 I will do ti# 2y t!lling t! cildr!n
l!t# play a gam! to #!! ow can cl!an up t! 2!#t7
> I will tran#ition t! cildr!n to t! n!"t activity 2y aving t! cildr!n y!ll out on! )ood tat t!y l!arn
a2out 2!)or! going on to t! n!"t activity7
=+rougout t! day'w!!(4 wat opportuniti!# will t! cildr!n av! to r!)l!ct 2ac( on ti# activityD
+! cildr!n will 2! a2l! to r!)l!ct 2y #owing o)) t!ir noodl! 3!w!lry7 +!y will 2! a2l! to #ow t!ir cla##mat!#
t!ir wor( and to t!ll wat t!y mad!7 *at!r on during t! w!!( I will put on a littl! )a#ion #ow w!r! t! cildr!n
can #ow o)) t!ir noodl! 3!w!lry in cla##7

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