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My Voice, My World

Essential Question Response


Directions: Use your United States Topic Selection handout to help you answer
the essential question. Remember to utilize FEEDCATS to use well-rounded
support in your writing.
List one part of FEEDCATS you
would like to use in your support
portion of your paragraph.

One application from your
research to represent your aspect
of FEEDCATS (for example, if you
chose facts copy + paste a fact
from the article you read and then
respond to it with what you think).
*Remember to include your
application in either the support
portion below.
Bullying behavior is prevalent throughout
the world and it cuts across socio-
economic, racial/ethnic, and cultural
lines. Researchers estimate that 20 to 30
percent of school-age children are
involved in bullying incidents, as either
perpetrators or victims. Bullying can begin
as early as preschool and intensify during
transitional stages, such as starting school
in 1st grade or going into middle school.
Your response to the essential
question: How is nutrition,
bullying, or social media impacting
the quality of life for people in The
United States and the future of the
country? Remember to state,
explain, and support.
How does bullying impact the quality of
life for people in The United States and
the future of the country. How does
bullying impact people is sometimes
death and one reason it is death is
because a lot of people in this world die
because of peer pressure over bullying.

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