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Chemistry by Engr.M.Talha Ismail

Year Chemistry
Chapter No.2
Total marks=30

MCQs,Encircle the correct answer. (6x1=6)

1. In CCl solvent, I shows colour_________.
(a)Blue (b)Purple (c)Red (d)Yellow
2.Solvent extraction is an equilibrium process and it is controlled by
(a) Law of mass action (b) The amount of solvent used (c) Distribution Law (d) The amount of solute
3.In crystallization technique slow cooling yields__________ crystals.
(a)moderate (b)bigger (c)smaller (d) b & c
4.Rectified spirit consists _________ % of ethanol.
(a)55 (b)75 (c)95 (d)100
5.Several type of filter media are used for filtration depending upon:
(a)Nature of products (b)Nature of precipitate (c)Nature of paper (d)Nature of reactants
6. For smooth and fast filtration, the filter paper should be so large so that it is full of precipitates at the end of
filtration up to
(b) to full (c) to (d)1/3

Short Questions (6x2=12)

Q1. Why there is need to crystallize crude product?
Q2. Give the main uses of paper chromatography?
Q3. How crystals are dried during crystallization technique?
Q4.Differentiate between stationary and mobile phase?
Q5.In solvent extraction,why repeated extraction using small portion of solvent are more efficient than using a
single but larger volume of solvent?
Q6.Which compounds show the process of sublimation?

Long Questions (3x4=12)

Q1.How folding of filter paper is done?Define fluted filter paper?
Q2.Explain paper chromatography in detail?
Q3. Differentiate between sintered and gooch crucible?How we decolourize the undesirable colour during

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