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Shakespeare Re-write: Containing Kate (Act V, Scene 2)

Written by:
Party at a Park
Luke (Lucentio) Noah Dimas
Patrick (Petruchio) Nic Alaniz
Harry (Hortensio) Jessica Ruiz
Anton (Biondello) Cristina Hinojosa
Bianca (Bianca) Natalya Reyna
Kate (Katharina) Jessica Ruiz

Act V, Scene 2:
Enter Luke, Patrick, Harry and Kate. Luke says
Luke: Everyone! I would like to propose a toast!
All stand and Luke says
Luke: I would like to welcome all of the new members of the family. I am also
happy to say that the feuds between our families are over and peace has been
restored. I ask that my wife Bianca will welcome my father and family. Enjoy the
picnic I have prepared and dont be shy.
All sit and converse
Patrick: Wait so all were going to do is just eat and relax?
Luke: Yeah, this place is known for its relaxed lifestyle.
Patrick: Ah, youre right. There really isnt anything thats not awesome here.
Harry: Thats what you say
Patrick: What do you mean Harry?
Harry: My wifenuff said.
Patrick: I see what you mean.
Harry: She confuses me at times.
Patrick: Ha I feel you man. Dont worry about it too much. Women will be
Kate: Whats that supposed to mean?!
Patrick: Oh, nothing babe.
Patrick whispers to Harry
Patrick: You can never say a word without her hearing everything you say.
Harry: You get used to it.
Enter Bianca
Anton: Wow you guys sure do love to go at it.
Bianca: You guys sure do
Patrick: Ah I see the bride has arisen!
Luke: Ah sweetie please come and join us!
Bianca: I didnt wake up to come see your face, I think I might go back to sleep
Patrick: Well since youre awake why dont we chat a bit?
Bianca: Oh, so now youre making me the butt of all your jokes now? Well thank
you all for coming but Ima head off!
Exit Bianca, and Kate
Patrick: Ha! It seems that your wife isnt taking well to her husband!
Luke: Oh really? It looks like yours isnt any better!
Patrick: You think your wife is more obedient? For Petes sake Luke you two just
got married and look at her shes sleeping under a tree instead of by your side!
Luke: Is that a challenge I smell?
Patrick: Yes it is! Lets have a friendly competition here. Whoever calls his wife
and comes to him ready to help her husband is the winner!
Harry: That sound like fun! What will we bet then?
Luke: I think twenty bucks from each of us and a few beers?
Patrick: Oh, please! Thats something that you would bet on a football game! I
would bet so much more than that on my wifes obedience!
Luke: Oh, you think youre so confident? A hundred bucks and case of beers for
each of us then!
Patrick and Harry: Awesome!
Patrick: Okay then. Whos going to call their wife first? Why not the newlywed?
Luke: Fine! Ill go first then. Hey Anton! Call up my wife and ask her to come
over here.
Anton: Ok, wish me luck!
Anton walks over to where Bianca is lying, taps her and whispers
Anton: Hey, Bianca. Luke wants you to go over to the table.
Bianca: Why should I?! Tell him, Im busy. Agh, Im exhausted.
Cut to the party where Harry says
Harry: Hey Luke, Ill bet half that Bianca will come instead.
Luke: No way! I dont want to half-bets. I want all that we said, no backsies.
Anton comes back alone and Luke says
Luke: Wheres Bianca?! You had one job!
Anton: Im sorry Luke but she said that shes busy and she cant come.
Harry and Patrick laugh at Luke and Luke says
Luke: Oh shut up you guys, I bet your wives arent any better
Anton: Hey thats a lot nicer than some responses
Harry: Ok, ok guys. Ill go next. Hey Anton! Do me a solid? Can you go and ask
my wife to please come over here?
Anton leaves
Patrick: Oh! Hes saying please! How is that going to help anything?
Harry: HA! I bet yours wont be any better. If I say please theres a bigger
chance that shell come over here.
Patrick: If you dont remember my wife is very obedient. She fell in love with me
after all.
Anton comes back in.
Harry: So wheres my wife?!
Anton: Im sorry bro but she didnt want to come over here either. She thinks you
guys are joking around with her! She WONT come!
Patrick: You need to make sure that you fix that soon. Teach her a lesson and slap
some sense into her. Here, Ill show both of you how a real man calls his wife.
Anton comes in
Anton: Yeah man?!
Patrick: I need you to get my wife for me now.
Anton: I got you bro.
Anton leaves to where Kate is at
Harry: I bet I know what shes going to say.
Patrick: What?!
Harry: Im not coming.
Katharina walks towards the group as Luke says
Luke: Shes coming! HOW?!
Kate: You called for me?
Patrick: Yes I was wondering where is Bianca?
Patrick: Can you go and bring her to me?
Kate: Of course I will.
Kate walks to where Bianca is and says
Kate: Come on Bianca!
Bianca: No I dont want to! I dont care how much he calls me I need to be my
own person.
Kate: Well you married him and wives need to be obedient to their husbands.
Bianca: No! I refuse to go with you!
Kate: Okay fine. I didnt want to do this but youre made me
Kate grabs Bianca by her arm and forcefully drags her over to where the guys are
Patrick: Im about to blow your minds right now guys. It gets better.
Patrick looks at Kate and says
Patrick: Hey Kate, please teach your friend here how shes supposed to be loyal to
her husband.
Bianca: Oh please sis dont. Ive already heard a mouthful before from dad and I
dont need it again
Patrick: Do it. I asked you.
Kate turns to Bianca and says
Kate: Oh, dont be so silly Bianca. We need to listen to our husbands. This is a
horrible mindset that you have. Being like this is a disgrace. Your husband is the
one who provides you everything. We need to always be ready for when our
husbands want us to do something.

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