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Sulphur Springs Elementary School

Sulphur Springs Choircat Handbook
Mrs !anette "o#elady$ !irector
Contact %n&ormation'
(hone' )*03+ ,,--,4.. SSES
E-Mail' dlo#elady/ssisdnet
0or Choir 1eminders through
1emind101' 2e3t /d-cb& to
),-,+ *14-4-,,
4elcome to the Sulphur Springs Elementary School Choir5 2he SSES
Choir is limited to a select group 6ith a lo#e o& music and singing$ as
6ell as 6ith good beha#ior and grades 1ehearsals are on Monday or
Wednesday and Friday from 7:40-8:05 each 6eek (articipation in
the choir is both a pri#ilege and a responsibility
Procedures and Discipline:
Students are expected to attend all reearsals! "ecause
#e only meet for t#o $5-minute periods per #ee%&
students #o are consistently late or a'sent from
reearsals #ill 'e as%ed to lea(e te coir! )is is done
in fairness to te oter students #o do not miss
reearsals! *e+ular a'sences mean te a'sentee is
una'le to learn is or er music as #ell as te oter
,ttendance #ill 'e ta%en e(ery reearsal! ,ny student arri(in+
after 7:50 #ill 'e counted as tardy! )ree tardies count as one
a'sence! ,ny student #o accumulates tree a'sences
-unexcused. #ill 'e as%ed to lea(e te coir for te semester!

Students gi#en the pri#ilege o& participating in the choir are
e3pected to e3hibit e3ceptional beha#ior 2he choir is a large
group$ and poor beha#ior is 782 tolerated 9ny student 6ho is
disrupti#e 6ill be immediately returned to class 2his ser#es as
their only 6arning %& it becomes necessary to send a student back to
class t6ice &or disrupti#e beha#ior$ that student is immediately remo#ed
&rom choir &or the year 2his may seem harsh$ but is necessary to
ensure the best use o& rehearsal time and to ensure :uality presentation
and per&ormance %n the case o& a per&orming ensemble$ the appearance
is as important as the sound in making a good impression on the
audience % look &or6ard to an e3citing year o& per&ormance 6ith your
child (lease contact me 6ith any :uestions 2hank you5

Monday/Friday 0roup' ;ibson<;ra#es$ 1obinson<0leming$ Holt<=umper$ 2hompson<
Wednesday/Friday 0roup' Slaughter<?ennon$ Mende@<Contreras$ Hughes<Moore$
4ilcher<4atson$ Miesse
!ear (arent and Student$
>y signing and returning this page$ you ackno6ledge your
receipt o& and agreement 6ith the choir guidelines as outlined in
this handbook (lease &ill in the in&ormation belo6 and return to
me as soon as possible 2hank you &or your time
!anette "o#elady
(rint Student 7ame
Monday/Friday 0roup' ;ibson<;ra#es$ 1obinson<0leming$ Holt<=umper$ 2hompson<
Wednesday/Friday 0roup' Slaughter<?ennon$ Mende@<Contreras$ Hughes<Moore$
4ilcher<4atson$ Miesse

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