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Bryan B.

Ecija Lit 202

April 16, 2014
A Literary Analysis
The Morrow by Mustafa Lutfi-Manfaluti

1. The essay tells about how people worry about the future. The author deals with the subject
(life and destiny termed as morrow/tomorrow) anxiously as he presented them in a
metaphorical way as though humans are blindfolded of their own future and it uncertain. At
the latter part of the essay, the tone has quite changed into being hopeful as it was culminated
with expectations.

2. The intercalated word room in the 5
paragraph could be intended for rhyming purposes as
it is observed there are several sentences/phrases in the essay that ends in the same sound.
However, it could also be analyzed that the room was inserted by the author to point out
universality for the readers to understand that the palace is actually referred to our safe

3. The religious allusions used in the essay such as ...unless the solid rock were to pour fourth
cold water (hyperbolically speaking about miracle) and God does not inform anyone of his
hidden things, unveils the reality behind the eagerness of the author to figure out his destiny
that is indeed abstruse and is impossible to discern. The use of these allusions makes the
arguments more vivid and understandable as they have been used to describe the morrow.
The author is successful in using allusions that have been clearly utilized in explaining
certain point of views.

4. The author compared the morrow into several things such as confused spectre, rolling sea,
anxious behaviour, and breast replete with secret and into a wild animal hiding in its den. The
morrow is metaphorically characterized in different ways but it falls into a singly unified
thought which is UNCERTAINTY of TOMORROW and no one could figure his/her own
destiny out. I certainly agree with the authors description of the theme.

5. The author enumerated things that man has gratefully achieved. These are: a) exploring the
earth (geology) and its underneath, discovering the earth atmosphere, linking every part of
the world by the advancement in communication and transportation, studying and analyzing
the vast universe, planets and other heavenly bodies, calculating the weight of the whole
earth, exploring the depth of the sea (the sea bed, creatures and treasures), studying the
culture of people in the different part of the world, exploring and understanding the physical,
mental and spiritual functions of the human body.

6. The Rubaiyat is a carpe diem that discusses how uncertain life is. In comparison to The Morrow,
Omar Khayyam views life as sacred and mysterious and all we can do is to live with it. He tells us
that we should not worry about the future hence we should trust God and his plans. In The Morrow it
also tells about how man tries to figure out the purpose of his/her existence as the speaker
continuously trying to brag the future to unveil itself however; in the very last part, the speaker turns
the other way around as he stops figuring out what is going to happen.

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