Nap DK Monochrom 05-22-14 Nkom

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xxox Misc.

xrr May ::, :c:

Dramatis person
Dunno, monochrome painting has however remained a durable idiom in
art eversince Malevich painted the Black Square and Rodchenko painted
the three primary colors about a hundred years ago. In conjuncion with
the monochromes (and achromes) of Yves Klein and Piero Manzoni, the
monochrome has often acquired the job of representing space or the
What is interesting here however is that the artist, Henry Codax, is
believed to not exist but rather be a cional characer; it is speculated that
Olivier Mosset and Jacob Kassay are behind Codax. Codax was however
mentioned in the :cc novel Reena Spaulings, and might have thus taken
on a life of his own (like Vonneguts Rabo Karabekian). It reminds of other
cional artists such as Duchamps Rrose Slavy or Jayson Mussons
Hennessy Youngman.
You should make a monochrome and put ^those words on it in
transparency (as to try not to take away from the monochromeness) so
noobs understand the context and dont bitch about wehh wehh theyre
just solid colors not art wehh imjealousofthemoney wehh

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