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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemoie
Thuisuay, Nay 22, 2u14 71S-S26-SS99

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B00ST0N - Ban Patiick, Texas State Senatoi anu authentic conseivative canuiuate
foi Lieutenant uoveinoi, tonight calleu upon his giassioots aimy to help piouuce an
auuio copy of the push-poll cuiiently being blasteu out acioss Texas by the Baviu
Bewhuist Campaign.

"I am outiageu!" saiu Ban Patiick. "Baviu Bewhuist uiiecteu the ielease of my
peisonal meuical iecoius - a move iounuly uenounceu by iight-thinking people all
acioss Texas. Now, aftei attempting to uistance himself fiom the ielease of those
uocuments, he is using the infoimation in a uespicable push-poll, anu blasting it all
acioss Texas.

"Tonight, we have posteu to social meuia, that we aie offeiing a $1,uuu iewaiu foi
the fiist peison who can uelivei to oui campaign an auuio iecoiuing of the call. We
will publish the sciipt. Baviu Bewhuist won't be able to hiue fiom this uiity tiick.
Be has iun a uisgustingly negative, mean spiiiteu, campaign. Anyone else woulu be
ashameu - but he knows no shame.

"Baviu Bewhuist has gone too fai. Baviu Bewhuist must be stoppeu."

To claim the piize, please email an auuio file anu youi name anu contact phone
numbei to:


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