1 Exhibition Reflection 2014

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Name:Ty Class:5ren

Exhibition Reection
This is to be a detailed and thoughtful reection. Please take your time with this and be as
honest, open-minded and personal as you can.
Background information
Group Name Invasive Species
What was your issue and why do you care?
Invasive Species are not recognized as one of Earths major aws. It is one of the main
reasons that animals become endangered and die out. I also was simply amazed at how
many invasive species there are currently 74 invasive species in just Hong Kong! I also
liked that this is not just a problem in Hong Kong but is also a global problem. This enabled
us to make connections with our visitors via there home countries. Nothing is being done
in Sai Kung or even Hong Kong! I wanted to be some of the rst to care.
What action did you take and why did you take this course of action?
My group did several actions including a Petition, a article in Sai Kung magazine and a
letter to the Ager-cultural sheries conservation department. We chose to do these actions
because we wanted to raise awareness about this issue as well as acutely doing
something physically to stop this issue. The series of action we chose seemed to t are
preferences perfectly.
The Build Up

What were your main responsibilities during the build-up to Exhibition? Think back to
your Wiki work (emails, research, interviews, phone calls, eld trips, note-taking etc)
The responsibilities that I took on consisted mostly of writing and sending emails to big
organizations such as WWF, National Geographic and AFCD. I also worked with one of my
group members, Carl, to arrange a eld trip to Tai Tam. When making our displays I took
on the role of making boarders for our pictures and making the big sign that says

Did you carry out these duties appropriately or could you have made any improvements?
Looking back on my jobs I think that I spent way too much time on my groups sign, I think
that I didi the word species seven times before I nally got it perfect. I also think that it
would of looked cool is the boarders were all in a different shades of green. Other than
those small details I think that I did what I was supposed to I made two cool looking
nished products.

As a team, did your Exhibition group collaborate fairly, share ideas and communicate
equally? Provide details about any ways in which this could have been improved.
When researching and acquiring knowledge in the beginning we worked together pretty
well, sharing ideas and helpful websites. It was in the end that things started to get a little
bit uneven. One example of this is when we were presenting, I think that I might of
engaged too many people in conversations before any other members could say anything.
The Process

What was the hardest or most challenging aspect of the Exhibition process?
Ty Baxter Friday, 23 May, 2014 8:25:05 AM Hong Kong Standard Time
I think that the hardest aspect of exhibition is the primary research in the beginning.
Primary research is difcult because it is hard to nd some one to email or interview and
even if you do there is only about a fty% chance that they will acutely reply or have an
interview. Preparing our boards and all the art work plus the activities could be stress
inducing. We had some slight disagreements when preparing which made it pretty difcult.

What proles or attitudes did you use to overcome this challenge?

I think that I was a risk-taker when participating in this years exhibition. I think this because
I took on a lot of action and it payed off. Other than risk-taking I thought that I was
knowledgeable when presenting to the adults on monday night.

What what your greatest personal achievement during the course of Exhibition 2013?
Please explain in detail.
My biggest triumph was writing the letter to AFCD because I worked very hard on it and
think that it came out well. I was very disappointed that we did not get a reply but I am glad
that we could use it in our petition. Another great achievement was the title for our
exhibition booth. Although I did work on it for longer than I should have it came out great.
The Result
.What were your major successes in this Exhibition? What are you most proud of?
The one thing that I am most proud of is how many signatures we got on our petition, 181
people felt the same as we do! I found that in its self the biggest successes for the invasive
species group.

What did you learn about yourself and what surprised you from taking this journey?
I learned that I do not always take on other people Ideas even though they are probably
better than mine. I also learned that I like to present in the exhibition format.

If you could improve just 3 aspects, what would they be and why?
I think that I would like a little less time making broads and some more time setting up.
The jobs were not working so well, I signed up for three jobs and only got to do half of one.
I wish that the break time we received was a little more spread out instead of it all in one

Give a quote about Exhibition 2014 - make it personal and allow your voice to shine!
Exhibition is a journey, Exhibition is not working towards a nal product just nishing with
Ty Baxter Friday, 23 May, 2014 8:25:05 AM Hong Kong Standard Time

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