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1. Approve MlnuLes from May 1 and May 8 meeLlngs.
2. ulscusslon of Llmellness of meeLlng mlnuLes - !on WacLor
3. Work lan dlscusslon on how we reach our ob[ecLlves ln Llme - urafL by ACLu
(ALLachmenL 1)
4. ueLermlnaLlon of 8egular meeLlng Schedule (8equlred by 8rown AcL)
3. rlnclples ln Lll 2014 reporL Who has your 8ack" and how Lhey could apply Lo Lhe
Cakland uAC? - 8rlan Pofer (ALLachmenL 2) llnk:

6. resenLaLlon, dlscusslon and approval of Lhe currenL drafL of Lhe uAC pollcy - !esper !!''
!urcenoks (ALLachmenL 3)
7. Plgh Level SLraLegles for reachlng Lhe uAC urpose whlle respecLlng Lhe Core
value/unbreakable rlnclples.
8. Cpen lorum

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