Controlled Rectifiers

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Controlled rectifiers form the large majority of converters employing power semiconductors.
They are used to vary the average value of the direct voltage applied to a load circuit by
introducing thyristors between that load circuit and a constant voltage ac source. For this
purpose the thyristors are phase controlled.
Applications of controlled rectifiers include the following:
1. dc motor speed control systems, widely used in steel mills, paper mills, and such.
. !lectrochemical and electro"metallurgical processes.
#. $agnet power supplies.
%. Converters at the input end of dc transmission lines.
&. 'ortable hand tool drives.
(i)e ac voltage controllers, controlled rectifiers may be employed in closed"loop control
systems, where they function as high"power operational amplifiers in which the angle at
which the thyristors are turned on is varied in response to an error signal. *n general a single"
phase ac source is ade+uate for rectifier ratings of 1 or ),, but for higher powers a three"
phase ac source is normally used. -nce again, the problem of current harmonics introduced
into the supply system and load circuit arises, and their magnitude must be determined.
*n this chapter, the principal types of controlled rectifier circuits are first described and their
mode of operation briefly e.plained. A detailed analysis of the most fre+uently used circuit
configurations is then carried out, and the procedures for determining the +uantities, essential
in designing a rectifier, are indicated. The principles employed in analy/ing and designing
these selected circuits are applicable to any other controlled rectifier circuits. They are also
applicable to uncontrolled rectifiers embodying diodes only.
A large variety of controlled rectifier circuits can be built, and each one may be classified in
two ways. *t may be classified according to the number of phases of the alternating voltage
source supplying it, or it may be classified according to the number of pulses of current that
pass through the load circuit during one cycle of the source voltage. *t is helpful to determine
both classifications for each circuit discussed.
!ach of the possible controlled rectifier circuits differs from the others in transfer
characteristics relating output voltage and angle , in input"harmonics, output ripple, and the
re+uired control range 0i.e., range of variation of 1 which determines the control circuit
design. The selection of a particular configuration depends on the application re+uirements.
The single"phase half"wave circuit has already been discussed. As was e.plained there, a half"
wave controlled rectifier provides only one pulse of load current during each cycle of the
voltage source. An alternative classification for this circuit is therefore a 2one"pulse2 rectifier.
The operation of such a rectifier with a resistive load is illustrated in Fig. &.1.
Fig. &.1 3ingle"phase half"wave controlled rectifier
The direct component of source current introduced into the circuit by the asymmetrical
waveform of this controller has the disadvantage that the ac source must be ideal, and this
renders the circuit impractical for most purposes.
The direct component of source current is eliminated by means of the bridge circuit shown in
Fig. &.a. *n that circuit one pair of thyristors conduct during each half cycle, giving full"wave
rectification and a source current with alternating symmetry, as shown in Fig. &.b. This
source current has no direct component, and conse+uently a non ideal source such as a
transformer may be employed. There are now two pulses of load current per cycle of the
voltage source, and this circuit may be classified either as a 2single"phase full"wave2
controlled rectifier, or as a 2two"pulse2 controlled rectifier.
Fig. &. 3ingle"phase full"wave controlled bridge rectifier.
The direct component of the source current may also be eliminated by employing a
transformer with a center"tapped secondary winding, as shown in Fig. &.#. *n effect the
transformer has the function of transforming the source from a single"phase to a 2two"phase2
source, so that strictly spea)ing this is a 2two"phase half"wave2 controlled rectifier circuit.
The time variation of load current obtained with this circuit is the same as that for the circuit
of Fig. &., as also is the waveform of the source current. Thus this is a 2two"pulse2 rectifier.
4owever, since the ultimate voltage source is in fact only single"phase, this converter also is
commonly called a 2single"phase full wave2 controlled rectifier.
Fig. &.# 3ingle"phase full"wave controlled rectifier.
The decision as to which of the circuits shown in Figs. &. and &.# should be employed in a
particular application depends on a number of factors, of which the chief are the cost of the
various circuit elements, the source voltage available, and the load voltage re+uired.
A reduction in the load"voltage fluctuation or ripple may be obtained if a three"phase source is
available. This may be employed with the circuit of Fig. &.%a, where the three voltage sources
represent a balanced three"phase voltage source. The time variation of load voltage and
current produced in a resistive load by this circuit is shown in Fig. &.%b where, if the angle a
were reduced to the minimum value, the voltage variation shown partly in bro)en line would
apply. Figure &.%b also shows that this is a three"pulse controlled rectifier. 4owever, this
circuit suffers from the disadvantage that it is a half"wave rectifier, since, with a resistive
load, current only flows in any one of the three sources when the source voltage is positive.
This means that the source currents have a dc component, and the three"phase source, li)e the
single"phase source of Fig. &.1, must be ideal.
Fig. &.% Three"phase half"wave controlled rectifier.
Adoption of a bridge configuration of the three"phase circuit results in full"wave rectification
and elimination of the dc component from the source current. Figure &.&a shows such an
arrangement in which the three voltage sources may be considered as the line"to"neutral
secondary voltages of a three"phase transformer. The curves showing the time variations of
the load voltage and current and one of the line currents in Fig. &.& b indicate that this is a si."
pulse controlled rectifier. Again if the angle a is reduced to the minimum value the voltage
variation shown partly in bro)en line would apply. 5y comparison with the voltage curve of
Fig. &.%b it may be seen that the ripple is much reduced. As the angle a is increased, the
output voltage ripple also increases, but only at very large values of a does the load current
become discontinuous.
Fig. &.& Three phase full"wave controlled rectifier.
Fig. &.6 Three"phase 7semiconverter8 rectifier.
The circuit of Fig. &.6 also gives full"wave rectification and economi/es in the cost of devices
by replacing three thyristors by three diodes. This is called a semiconverter, as opposed to the
full converter of Fig. &.&. The main disadvantage of the semiconverter is that it is not capable
of the inverter action e.plained in 3ection &..#.
3ince there is little to be gained from e.amining circuits that are rarely used in practice, the
remainder of this chapter is devoted to analy/ing single"phase and three"phase full"wave
*f the transformers and thyristors of the circuits in Figs. &.a and &.# are regarded as ideal,
then each of these circuits may be represented by the e+uivalent circuit of Fig. &.9, where
t V v
sin = 0&.1 1
( ) t V t V v
sin sin = + = 0&.1
This is the e+uivalent circuit of a 2two"pulse2 rectifier and should be compared with the one"
pulse circuit of Fig. &.1 a and the three"pulse circuit of Fig. &.%a. *t will also be seen that
thyristor :
of Fig. &.9 is e+uivalent to thyristor :
of Fig. &.#, but it is also e+uivalent to
thyristors :
and :

in series of Fig. &.a. From this it may be concluded that the ma.imum
reverse voltage applied to a thyristor in the circuit of Fig. &.a is only half of that applied to a
thyristor in the circuit of Fig. &.#, and this is one of the advantages of the bridge circuit.
4owever, this advantage must be weighed against the inseparable disadvantage that the
introduction into the circuit of two thyristors in series doubles the heat losses due to the
internal resistance of the devices.
RL Load Circuit with Electromotive Force
*n the analysis that follows, the transformer is assumed to be ideal, but the effect of its lea)age
inductance is later considered +ualitatively. The circuit to be analy/ed is therefore that shown
in Fig. &.; where, with switch 3, open, no current flows in any branch.
Fig. &.9 !+uivalent circuit for Figs. &.a and &.#.
Fig. &.; 3ingle"phase full"wave controlled rectifier with !$F in load circuit.
At this point it becomes advisable to repeat the definition of angle at which thyristor :
turned on. *t is convenient to choose < = as the operating condition in which the rectifier
delivers ma.imum output current. For the converters whose common e+uivalent circuit is
shown in Fig. &.;, this means that < = at t < =, and these two +uantities have a common
origin in Fig. &.>. The definition is thus: is the interval in electrical angular measure by
which the starting point of conduction is delayed by phase control in relation to the operation
of the same circuit in which the thyristors are replaced by diodes. This angle is called the
2delay angle2.
The circuit of Fig. &.; has two distinct modes of operation. For any given set of load"circuit
parameters ?, (, and @
, it may broadly be said that when a is large, the load current is
discontinuous, being made up of a series of pulses, each lasting for less than pi radians. Ander
these circumstances, the two thyristor branches act alternately with the load circuit branch as
completely independent single"phase half"wave controlled rectifiers. The range of over
which this mode of operation ta)es place depends on the values of the load"circuit parameters,
and the determination of this range is discussed in the following parts of this section.
Fig. &.> Time variation of currents and voltages in circuit of Fig. &.; B rectifier operation with
continuous current.
The single"phase half"wave controlled rectifier can operate with a conduction angle that
e.ceeds rad. *t is therefore necessary to determine how the circuit of Fig. &.; will operate
when , m, and are such as to give C . Ander these conditions, :
will still be conducting
when :

is turned on at t < D . As may be seen from Fig. &.>, at this instant v

F =, and
C =G conse+uently :
is commutated, and the load current i
is transferred to :

. This
transfer of current is also indicated in Fig. &.>. *n this mode of operation, the load current i
Fig. &.1= -perating diagram for the circuit of Fig. &.;.
*n Fig. &.1= is shown a diagram that defines the possible and permissible conditions of
operation of the converter. A point H, mI in this diagram for which m C< 1 represents a
condition in which no thyristors will turn on, since at no instant in the cycle is a forward
voltage applied to them. A point H, mI for which m F< " 1 represents a condition in which no
thyristors will turn off, since at no instant is a reverse voltage applied to them. Ander such
conditions short circuit of the ac source through the thyristors results. An operating boundary
therefore e.ists at m< " 1, or in practice slightly above this line, since the thyristors need a
finite time in which to turn off.
*n the two +uadrants of Fig. &.1= is a family of curves drawn for a series of values of . For
any chosen values of and , these curves define the value of m at which the transition from
discontinuous"current operation to continuous"current operation ta)es place as m becomes
increasingly negative.
A point H,mI in the area mar)ed JAK in the small diagram of Fig. &.1= represents a condition
of discontinuous"current operation in which the thyristors turn on at the instant t < sin
m <
. As may be seen from Fig. &.>, at any instant t F , a reverse voltage is applied to :
since @
C v
A point H,mI in the area mar)ed J5K in the small diagram of Fig. &.1= represents a condition
of continuous"current operation in which the thyristors turn on at t < F< sin
m, since
turn"on of one thyristor will commutate the other.
A point H, mI in the area mar)ed JCK in the small diagram of Fig. &. 1= , that is in the total
area enclosed within the boundaries defined by m < sin and m < " 1, represents a condition
in which the thyristors will turn on at t < , no matter whether the current is continuous or
To the left of the boundary formed by the line < 1;=L, the converter will operate stably over
the range = C< m C " 1 either in the discontinuous"current or the continuous"current mode. To
the right of that boundary, the converter will operate stably only in the discontinuous"current
mode. The reason for this may be seen from Figs. &.; and &.>. *f thyristor :
is turned on at
F 1;=L, then v
C =, and v
F =, so that for the mesh formed by the two thyristor branches
D v
<= 0&.%1
and since when :
is turned on, v
< =, then
< v
F = : = F F 1;=L 0&.&1
and conse+uently :

is commutated. *f thyristor :
is turned on at C 1;=L, then v
C =,
and :

continues to conduct. The ac source is then short circuited through the thyristors. Thus
for any system of load"circuit angle , operation at a point H, mI for C 1;=L that lies below
the curve for that value of is not permissible.
The first +uadrant of Fig. &.1= represents rectifier operation, since source @
is absorbing
energy. Figure &.> may be ta)en as a typical condition of continuous"current operation. *n the
fourth +uadrant, the source @
is delivering energy, and there are two possible conditions of
operation. -ne is that the load circuit as a whole is delivering energy to the ac sources. *n
other words, the system is regenerating and functioning as an inverter from dc to fi.ed"
fre+uency ac. The second is that the load circuit as a whole is absorbing energy. *n other
words, both ac and dc sources are supplying energy to the resistance of the load circuit. This
is a condition intermediate between rectifier and inverter operation.
Ander continuous"current operating conditions it is not difficult to decide what is happening
in the fourth +uadrant. An inspection of the waveform of v
in Fig. &.> shows that, if the delay
angle is increased until C N, then @
becomes negative, that is, for continuous current
operation, when C N the system acts as an inverter. ,hen = F<F< N and @
is positive,
the load"circuit resistance absorbs power from both dc and ac sources.
A condition of discontinuous"current operation in the fourth +uadrant is illustrated in Fig.
&.11. The waveform of v
in that figure is made up of three parts, which may be specified as
< @
: i
<= 0&.61
: i
= 0&.91
< v
: i
= 0&.;1
Fig. &.11 Time variation of currents and voltages in circuit of Fig. &.; B inverter operation
with discontinuous current.
4ere the criterion which determines whether or not the system is inverting is supplied by the
average power output of the converter. This is


1 0
t d i v P
o o o 0&.>1
*f '
F =, then the system is inverting. *f '
C =, then the system is in the intermediate
condition of operation. To determine '
it is necessary to obtain .
As may be seen from Fig. &.1=, the range of re+uired to give complete control depends on
the value of m and the mode of operation. For rectifier operation with m < =, the re+uired
range is = F< F< 1;=L. 4owever if m F =, and it is desired to reduce i
smoothly to /ero
while the system is operating as an inverter, then values of C 1;=L will be re+uired. 3uch
ranges are not shown in Figs. &.> and &.11.
From the point of view of power circuit design and the rating of circuit components, the
continuous current mode of operation is of the greatest importance.
The rms value of each harmonic component of the current is given by

I =
and the ripple current is then
( )
N 1

I I 0&.%1
This +uantity may be determined to any desired degree of accuracy by calculating the
re+uired number of terms of the series in e+uation &.1>. The rms value of the output current is
( )
N 1

RI o R
I I I + =
and the current ripple factor is
K =
The average thyristor current is necessarily

I = 0&.91
so that the rms thyristor current is

I =
From Fig. &.> the time available for turn"off of the thyristors is seen to be

and this must e.ceed t
for the thyristors employed.
,hen thyristor :

in Fig. &.; is conducting, v

is /ero, so that for the mesh formed by the
two thyristor branches
v v v =
The time variation of v
is shown in Fig. &.>, and from this it may be seen that the
ma.imum value of forward or reverse voltage applied to the thyristors of Fig. &.; is
V v

= 0&.#11
The waveform of v
in Fig. &.> is that which would appear across the thyristor of Fig. &.#G
however as already remar)ed, these have a voltage applied to them which is twice that applied
to the thyristors of Fig. &.a.
*n the circuit of Fig. &.a the bridge circuit might be e.cited simply by means of an alternating
voltage source. *t is normally desirable that a converter shall be e.cited via a transformer for
isolation, even when the supply voltage is of the re+uired value, and a one"to"one ratio
transformer must be fitted. The transformer of the circuit of Fig. &.# is of course an
indispensable component.
,hen designing a converter, it is important to determine the rating of the transformer
re+uired, and for this purpose the actual circuit configuration to be employed must be ta)en
into account.
For the circuit of Fig. &.a, the rms current in the secondary winding of the transformer is the
same as the rms load current, so that
I I =

and the rating of the secondary winding is
VI S =

*f as usual the turns ratio is defined as n < E

, where E
and E

are the numbers of turns in

the primary and secondary windings respectively, then the rating of the primary winding is
nV S
= = = 0&.#%1
For the circuit of Fig. &.#, the rms current in the secondary windings of the transformer is the
same as that in the thyristors, that is

I I = =
but since for the same source voltage and rms load circuit voltage there must be twice as
many turns on the secondary side of this transformer as would be re+uired on the transformer
to supply the bridge circuit of Fig. &.a, it follows that the rating of the whole secondary
winding is

= =
The n must now be the turns ratio between the primary winding and one half of the secondary
winding. And since current flows in the primary winding during both half cycles, but in each
half of the secondary winding during alternate half cycles, it follows that
= =

The rating of the primary winding is therefore
n S = =
,hile the ratings of the primary windings of the transformers are the same for the two
circuits, it may be seen from e+uations &.## and &.#6 that the circuit of Fig. &.# re+uires a
larger transformer than does the bridge circuit of Fig. &.a, since the rating of the secondary
winding is greater.
RC and RCD snubbers
3ometimes a power electronic converter stresses a power semiconductor device beyond its
ratings. 3nubber circuits can be added to reduce stresses on semiconductor devices.
The ?C snubber consists of a resistance coupled to a capacitor in series. *t protects the devices
against overvoltages due to un)nown inductive reactances.
Fig 9.; 0a1 3ingle"phase line"fre+uency diode rectifier. 0b1 3ingle"phase diode converter with
an ?C snubber to protect against overvoltages due to un)nown inductive reactances on the ac
side of the rectifier. An $-@ is also shown for further overvoltage protection.
To avoid problems at turn"off, the goal of a turn"off snubber is to provide a /ero voltage
across the transistor while the current turns off. This can be reached using an ?CP networ),
where the diode is connected in parallel to the resistance of the ?C networ), and the diode is
leading current towards the capacitor.
Fig. 9"1 0a1 Turn"off snubber circuit, 0b1 its e+uivalent circuit during the transient, and 0c1
current and voltage waveforms during the turn"off transient. The shaded areas represent the
charge put on the snubber capacitance during turn"off that will be dissipated in the 5QT at the
ne.t turn"off.

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