Steam Power Systems Classifications

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Steam Power Systems Classifications.

Today steam power systems are used in a variety of applications to utilize directly heat of
the steam, converted to mechanical energy pumps or turbines, and further drive generator
to produce electricity. The steam power systems could be classified depending on many
factors such as
1. The working fluid.
2. Source of heat
3. Steam power systems feedwater
. Steam utilization
!. Steam pressure
1. Depending on the working fluid
"nergy is a non substance, it is always re#uire substance as appropriate media for carrying
the many forms of energy. The common media for carrying heat energy in steam power
systems is water, which is converted into steam when carrying large amount of heat.
$ater is readily available anywhere, it has high heat capacity, it has stable physical and
chemical structure on heat and pressure, it is cheap to supply, and it is non to%ic.
&owever, for some special purposes such as in low steam pressure system, dual fluids, or
in nuclear power plant other fluid media such as alcohol, mercury, or natrium li#uid may
be used.
2. Depending on sources of heat energy.
1. &ydrocarbon' fossil fuels, biomass
2. $aste heat
3. (uclear energy
. Solar energy
&ydrocarbon fuels, especially fossil fuels, are the main steam power systems sources of
energy accounting for more than )*+ of the world total energy supply. (uclear energy is
the ne%t important source energy for steam power systems accounting for about 11+ of
the total energy. The application of nuclear energy mainly for electrical energy in steam
power plants, naval ship engines, which is shown in the schematic diagram of nuclear
power plant below.
,oal -ower Station
$aste &eat
(uclear -ower Stations
Solar energy of direct solar radiation from the has been used as heat source to produce
steam on Solar Thermal -ower -lant, such as in Solar .ne and Solar Two in the /S0.
Solar radiation is concentrated by reflectors and smaller area receiver, to increase energy
flu% of solar radiation and increase the temperature of the receiver. The picture of a solar
thermal power plant is shown below.
3. Depending on the feedwater.
0fter being utilized, steam is always condensed into li#uid form of water. 1n steam power
plant or heating system with indirect contact heat transfer, water may be recovered and
returned as steam power systems feedwater. &owever, in direct contact heating system
water may not be recovered, since it mi%ed with the substance being processed. 1n these
cases, steam power systems could be classified depending on source of feedwater as
1. ,ondensing steam steam power systems
2. (on condensing steam steam power systems.
The efficiency achievable with steam generation relies heavily on the system2s ability to
return the condensed steam to the operating cycle. 1n non condensing steam steam power
systems, the feedwater has to supplied from the water treatment plant that provide steam
power systems water with sufficient #uality. 1n condensing steam steam power systems,
water treatment plant is still re#uired but much smaller capacity than the steam power
systems capacity to provide make up water due to loss of water somewhere during the
4. Depending on the Steam Utiliation
Steam generated by steam power systemss are utilized in many kind of usages and plants.
1. 3rive turbine for electric generating e#uipment, blowers, and pumps
2. &eating in industrial processes' chemical industries, agricultural, food processing
industries, etc. These heating are usually done in non contact heat transfer.
3. ,ombination of the two utilizations, which combined heat and power 4,&-5.
. .ther purposes which usually re#uire small steam capacity, such as cleaning, laundry,
drying, sterilization, etc. These heating are usually done in direct contact heat transfer.
The steam for heating purposes usually re#uire low pressure and saturated steam, since
heating process such as in food and agricultural industries has temperature limit. Steam for
electricity generation re#uire the highest pressure and temperature possible, since based on
,arnot principle, the higher the steam pressure the higher the efficiency. The steam
pressure for electricity generation could be in supercritical condition, or more than 21.1
6-a. 1n the ,&- plant, steam pressure usually in moderate pressure of around 2 7 6-a.
!. Depending on Steam Pressure.
Steam pressure is very important parameter of steam power systems. 1t indicates the
purpose of the steam, such as low pressure is usually used for heating, while electricity
generation plants re#uire high steam pressure. 1t is determine the re#uired material for
steam power systems, since it directly related with the material load in form material
stress. 1t is also related with the safety during the operation, so that higher steam pressure
re#uires more precautions and sophisticated control during the operation.
3epending on the steam pressure, steam power systems may be classified into.
1. Sub8critical pressure, which may be further divided into three categories.
a. 9ow pressure' above atmospheric pressure to 1 6pa.
b. 6oderate pressure' 1 6pa to 6pa.
c. &igh pressure' 6pa 7 21.1 6pa.
2. Supercritical pressure' above 21.1 6pa for steam.

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