Tears of Rage Summary

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Nathan Green
Mr. Price
English 11-P/ Period 1
May 22, 2014
Tears of Rage Summary
Tears of Rage opens up talking about how the author, John Walsh, his wife, Rev, and
others. He doesnt immediately tell you why sacrifices are made. Then he begins to describe a
particular sacrifice a friend made, a sacrifice that only the truest of friends would make. What
that friend did was identify the remains the Walshs son, Adam.
The book goes spends some time talking about the family in general. Some descriptions
of what Adam Walsh was and his family. When the book became more interesting is when
Walsh began to talk about the kidnapping and the investigation for his son. This portion of the
book describes the intense scrutiny of the parents and their private lives which revealed more
than a missing child.
The rest of the book explains the determination of John Walsh to repurpose his life and
become, as the cover states, from grieving father to crusader from justice. He describes how
he became how he became involved in politics, law enforcement, and consultant on missing
children. Through this work, he was asked to host television documentaries which lead to him
hosting the television show Americas Most Wanted. This essentially transformed him from a
crime victim to an advocate for crime victims human rights.
Tear of Rage concludes with the realization that there will always be crime victims but
life does go on for the survivors. He muses that its not just about his son anymore; its about a
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lot of peoples kids. This conclusion has made him even more determined to get criminals off
the streets and brought to justice. He was pivotal in getting the Senate Joint Resolution 6
proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to protect the rights of crime
victims. Tears of Rage further offers to the reader contact information for several missing
children, domestic violence, and crime reporting organizations. Walsh founded the National
Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

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