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GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)

Optimization Manua
BOM Code Product Name GSM BSC
IN!"RN#$ Product
!otal "1 pages
GSM BSS Network KPI #SCC$ Congestion %ate& Optimization Manua
(%or interna use on&)
Prepared 'y GSM'(M!S Network
Per)orman*e Resear*+
ate ,--./-0/12
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page17 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
(ang C)un*ie
%evie+ed 'y ate
%evie+ed 'y ate
Huawei !e*+noogies Co87 $t68
-ll rig)ts reserved
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page,7 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
Re9ision Re*or6
ate %evision
escription -ut)or
,--./-0/12 :18- raft completed (ang C)un*ie
,--./-;/-, V1.. -d*ust t)e se1uence of
pro'lem location and
add some suggestions of
ad*usting t)e related
parameters affecting
SCC$ congestion rate
according to t)e advices
of t)e e2perts in our
team and t)e e2perts of
net+or3 optimi4ation
and planning.
(ang C)un*ie
%eference -ut)or ate
1 Gui6e to Optimization o) SDCCH
Congestion Rate
5ang 5ei<i7
=ang Hai>uan
, Baseine Spe*i)i*ation o) GSM BSS
Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion
5u ?+en ,--@/-3/-2

,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page47 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
1 Prin*ipes o) SDCCH Congestion Rate 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888880
181 De)inition8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888880
18, SDCCH Seizure888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888;
184 Signaing Pro*e6ure an6 Measurement Points888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888;
, %a*tors o) SDCCH Congestion Rate in GSM8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888;
,81 Congestion Cause6 A& %auts on ">uipment or !ransmission888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888;
,8, Congestion Cause6 A& Insu))i*ient Signaing Resour*es88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888@
,84 Congestion Cause6 A& Improper Data Con)iguration8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888@
,83 Congestion Cause6 A& Inter)eren*e88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888@
4 Optimazation Met+o6 o) SDCCH Congestion888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888@
481 #na&sis Pro*e6ure o) SDCCH Congestion Rate88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888@
48, Optimazation Met+o6 o) SDCCH Congestion Rate88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888882
48,81 C+e*king Har6ware88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888882
48,8, C+e*king C+anne Con)iguration8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888882
48,84 C+e*king Data Con)iguration888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888811
48,83 C+e*king t+e (m Inter)a*e888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888881,
3 !est Met+o688888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888814
0 Case #na&sis o) SDCCH Congestion Rate8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888813
081 Congestion Cause6 A& Improper Con)iguration o) Power888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888813
08, SDCCH Congesiton Cause6 A& Improper Con)iguration o) $#C888888888888888888888888888888888888813
; %ee6Aa*ks on Hig+ SDCCH Congestion Rate888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888810
#ppen6iB Ree9ant !ra))i* Counters to BSC;--- SDCCH Congestion Rate888888888881;
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page37 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
SCC$ Congestion %ate Optimization Manua
5ey+ords6 SCC$ Congestion %ate
-'stract6 !)is document introduces t)e definition and optimi4ation met)od of
SCC$ congestion rate.
-''reviation 7ull Spelling
SCC$ Stand8alone edicated Control C)annel
1 Principles of SCC$ Congestion %ate
SDCCH *ongestion rate is one o) t+e important *ounters t+at in6i*ate
a**essiAiit& in *ir*uit ser9i*e8 !+is *ounter pro9i6es t+e ratio o) )aie6 SDCCH
seizures 6ue to Aus& SDCCH to t+e tota re>uests )or t+e SDCCH8 SDCCH
*ongestion rate in6i*ates t+e )aie6 re>uests )or t+e SDCCH )or 9arious reasons8
SDCCH *ongestion rate aso in6i*ates t+e status o) t+e SDCCH resour*e
1.1 efinition
!+e Huawei 6e)inition an6 )ormua o) SDCCH *ongestion rate are as )oowsC
Ratio o) )aie6 SDCCH seizures 6ue to Aus& SDCCH to t+e tota re>uests )or
SDCCH *ongestion rate D %aie6 SDCCH seizures 6ue to Aus& SDCCHE!ota
re>uests )or t+e SDCCH B 1--F
%aie6 SDCCH Seizures 6ue to Bus& SDCCH D G%aie6 Imme6iate
#ssignment 6ue to Bus& C+annes or %aie6 Con)igurations (SDCCH)H I G%aie6
Interna Inter/*e Han6o9ers (No C+anne #9aiaAe) (SDCCH)H I G%aie6 In*oming
Interna Inter/*e Han6o9ers (No C+anne #9aiaAe) (SDCCH)H I G%aie6 In*oming
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page07 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
"Bterna Han6o9ers (No C+anne #9aiaAe) (SDCCH)H
1.9 SCC$ Sei4ure
!+e re>uests )or t+e SDCCH in GSM are main& ma6e in t+e )oowing two
#8 !+e pro*e6ure )or re>uesting t+e SDCCH )or ser9i*es su*+ as point/to/point
*as7 o*ation up6ating (on& SDCCH)7 *a re/estaAis+ment7 or s+ort
B8 +e pro*e6ure o) SDCCH +an6o9ers (in*u6ing Aot+ t+e intra/BSC an6 inter/
BSC +an6o9ers)
1." Signaling Procedure and Measurement Points
Cha nne l Re q ue st
Cha nne l Re q uire d

Cha nne l ACT

Cha nne l ACTACK

Imme d ia te a ssig nme nt Co mma nd
%igure 1 SDCCH re>uests an6 )aie6 SDCCH re>uests 6ue to Aus&
SDCCH in t+e imme6iate assignment pro*e6ure
#1C Imme6iate #ssignment Re>uests
B1C %aie6 Imme6iate C+anne #ssignment 6ue to Bus& SDCCHs or %aie6
SDCCH Con)igurations
%or 6etais7 re)er to t+e Baseline Specification of GSM BSS Network KPI
(SDCCH Congestion Rate).
9 7actors of SCC$ Congestion %ate in GSM
9.1 Congestion Caused 'y 7aults on :1uipment or !ransmission
!+e )auts on B!S7 BSC7 an6 #Ais inter)a*e7 su*+ as Aroken $#PD ink7 *ause
t+e SDCCH *ongestion8 !+e aarm K"B*essi9e $oss o) "1E!1 Signas in an HourK aso
*auses t+e SDCCH *ongestion8
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page;7 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
9.9 Congestion Caused 'y ;nsufficient Signaling %esources
!+e +ea9& tra))i* an6 Aurst tra))i* *ause t+e SDCCH *ongestion8 Proper setting
o) t+e numAer o) SDCCHs an6 !CHs7 an6 t+e SDCCH 6&nami* *on9ersion )un*tion
*an reie9e t+e *ongestion8
9." Congestion Caused 'y ;mproper ata Configuration
!+e SDCCH *ongestion reates to t+e ree9ant parameters o) t+e BSC su*+ as
SCC$ -vaila'ility7 L-C and !"1.1 (t+e timer use6 in t+e imme6iate assignment
pro*e6ure)7 an6 !"919 (t+e timer use6 )or perio6i* up6ating)8 I) t+ese parameters are
set *orre*t&7 t+e SDCCH *ongestion *an Ae reie9e68 In a66ition7 i) t+e assignment
pro*e6ure is set to Late -ssignment7 t+e time o) t+e SDCCH Aeing o**upie6
in*reases7 w+i*+ ma& ea6 to *ongestion8
9.< Congestion Caused 'y ;nterference
Inter)eren*e on t+e (m inter)a*e aso *auses *ongestion8 %or eBampe7 i) t+e
main BCCH in t+e ser9ing *e an6 t+e !CH in t+e neig+Aoring *e s+are t+e same
!RL )re>uen*& an6 B!S BSIC7 t+e +an6o9er a**ess on t+is !CH ma& Ae mistaken as
ran6om a**ess8 #s a resut7 t+e SDCCH is aAnorma& ao*ate6 an6 *ongestion
o**urs8 !+e eB*essi9e re*ei9e sensiAiit& *an aso make t+e inter)eren*e signa
mistaken as a**ess signa7 w+i*+ ea6s to *ongestion8
" Optima4ation Met)od of SCC$ Congestion
".1 -nalysis Procedure of SCC$ Congestion %ate
SDCCH *ongestion rate is *assi)ie6 into BSC/e9e an6 *e/e9e a**or6ing to
t+e statisti* oA<e*t o) t+e *ounter8 !+e SDCCH *ongestion rate o) a BSC is *ompose6
o) t+e SDCCH *ongestion rate o) a series o) *es8
Compare6 wit+ t+e SDCCH *ongestion rate o) t+e *ompetitors7 t+e Huawei
SDCCH *ongestion rate *annot eB*u6e t+e *ongestion in t+e +an6o9er pro*e6ure8
%ew networks are enaAe6 wit+ t+e )un*tion o) SDCCH +an6o9erJ t+ere)ore7 t+e
)ormua o) SDCCH *ongestion rate o) Huawei is amost t+e same as t+at o) t+e
Pro*e6ure o) SDCCH *ongestion rate ana&sis
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page@7 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page.7 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
%igure , Pro*e6ure o) SDCCH *ongestion rate ana&ses
%irst7 6etermine t+e e9e o) t+e SDCCH *ongestion rate8 I) t+e *ongestion o**urs
in a arge area7 *+e*k t+e tra))i* 9oume an6 t+e setting o) !"9198 !+en7 *a*uate t+e
SDCCH *apa*it& to *+e*k w+et+er it meets t+e s&stem 6eman6 an6 w+et+er t+e )auts
eBist on s&stem/e9e e>uipment or transmission8 I) *ongestion o**urs in on& a )ew
*es7 *+e*k t+e +ar6ware7 6ata *on)iguration7 an6 (m inter)a*e >uait& o) t+e *e8
".9 Optima4ation Met)od of SCC$ Congestion %ate
".9.1 C)ec3ing $ard+are
%auts on t+e !RL7 B!S7 an6 transmission ma& *ause SDCCH *ongestion8
!o see w+et+er t+ere are )auts on t+e +ar6ware7 >uer& t+e aarms o) transmission7
Aoar6 *ommuni*ation7 CD( :S5R7 an6 *o*k8 In a66ition7 >uer& transmission/
reate6 tra))i* *ounters su*+ as t+e CRC )rames re*ei9e6 A& t+e B!S on t+e $#PD
ink in t+e $#PD per)orman*e measurement8
".9.9 C)ec3ing C)annel Configuration
Muer& t+e tra))i* statisti*s to see w+et+er t+e tra))i* 9oume on t+e SDCCH an6
!CH are +ig+er t+an t+e norma 9aue8 I) t+e *ongestion is *ause6 A& eB*essi9e tra))i*
on t+e SDCCH7 )or muti/!RL B!Ss7 enaAe SDCCH 6&nami* ao*ation )un*tion or
in*rease t+e numAer o) SDCCH *+annes to reie9e t+e *ongestion8 %or *es wit+ on&
one !RL or wit+out eBtra *+annes7 enaAe t+e 9er& ear& imme6iate assignment
pro*e6ure8 In t+e 9er& ear& imme6iate assignment pro*e6ure7 t+e !CH *+anne is
imme6iate& assigne6 w+en t+e SDCCH +as no a9aiaAe resour*e 6uring t+e
pro*essing o) a**ess re>uest8 In t+is *ase7 a !CH *an Ae use6 as on& one SDCCH7
w+i*+ is a waste o) t+e !CH resour*es8 %or t+e met+o6 o) *omputing t+e *apa*it&7
re)er to t+e Gi!e to Capacit" Planning8
Some *ounters reate6 to t+e BSC;--- are iste6 in t+e )oowing taAe8
BSC8Level Cell8Level
$elp of Performance Counter
%eference , BSC
Measurement , -ccess
Measurement per BSC
SCC$ Congestion %ate
#overflo+& #=&
>5"..<6 !raffic Volume on
SCC$ per BSC
!S4-1-C !ra))i* :oume o)
Signaing C+annes (SDCCH)
CS4-1-C MRs on Signaing
C+annes (SDCCH)
CS4-,4C !ra))i* :oume o) Spee*+
Ser9i*e on SDCCH
CS4-,3C !ra))i* :oume o) S+ort
Message Ser9i*e on SDCCH
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page27 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
CS4-,0C !ra))i* :oume o) (SSD
Ser9i*e on SDCCH
# t+e ser9i*es su*+ as o*ation up6ating7 MS atta*+E6eta*+7 *a setup7 s+ort
messages are per)orme6 on t+e S*+i)) a *ertain ser9i*e *auses Aurst tra))i*7 t+e
SDCCH *ongestion ma& o**ur8
In t+is *ase7 *+e*k w+et+er t+e aAnormit& o) C)annel %e1uests7 Successful
;mmediate -ssignments or Successful SCC$ Sei4ures is *ause6 A& t+e ser9i*e o)
o*ation up6ating7 MOC7 paging7 or s+ort message8 Note t+at &ou s+ou6 *+e*k t+e
+istor& tra))i* statisti*s w+en >uer&ing t+ese tra))i* *ounters to see w+et+er t+e&
)u*tuate 6uring a *ertain perio68
!+e tra))i* *ounters reate6 to t+e SDCCH re>uest an6 seizure are iste6 in t+e
)oowing taAe8 B& ana&zing t+ese *ounters7 &ou *an )in6 out t+e reason w+&
*ongestion o**urs in t+e network or *e8
I) t+e SDCCH *ongestion is *ause6 A& *ertain Aurst ser9i*es su*+ as o*ation
up6ating an6 s+ort messages7 use t+e )oowing met+o6s a**or6ing to t+e spe*i)i*
*on)iguration o) t+e B!Ss8
a8 %or t+e B!S wit+ mutipe !RLs7 enaAe t+e SDCCH 6&nami* ao*ation
)un*tion or in*rease t+e numAer o) SDCCH *+annes8
A8 %or t+e *e wit+ on& one !RL or wit+out eBtra *+annes7 enaAe t+e
imme6iate assignment pro*e6ure8 In t+e imme6iate assignment pro*e6ure7
t+e !CH is imme6iate& assigne6 w+en t+e SDCCH +as no a9aiaAe
resour*e 6uring t+e pro*essing o) a**ess re>uest8
*8 In*rease t+e numAer o) !RLs8
It is 6i))i*ut to a9oi6 t+e SDCCH *ongestion *ause6 A& network Aurst ser9i*esJ
+owe9er7 &ou *an take some reie) measures su*+ as in*reasing t+e numAer o)
SDCCHs or enaAing t+e SDCCH 6&nami* *on9ersion )un*tion8
Some *ounters reate6 to Aurst ser9i*es o) t+e BSC;--- are iste6 in t+e )oowing
BSC Cell8Level
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page1-7 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
#4-4-#C Ca Setup In6i*ations (MOC Non SMS)
#4-4-BC Ca Setup In6i*ations (MOC SMS)
#4-4-CC Ca Setup In6i*ations (M!C) (SDCCH)
#4-4-DC Ca Setup In6i*ations ("mergen*& Ca)
#4-4-"C Ca Setup In6i*ations (Ca Re/
estaAis+ment) (SDCCH)
#4-4-%C Ca Setup In6i*ations ($o*ation
(p6ating) (SDCCH)
#4-4-GC Ca Setup In6i*ations (IMSI Deta*+)
#4-4-HC Ca Setup In6i*ations (PS Ser9i*e)
#4-4-IC Ca Setup In6i*ations (SS) (SDCCH)
#4-4-NC Ca Setup In6i*ations ($CS) (SDCCH)
#4-4-KC Ca Setup In6i*ations (Ot+ers) (SDCCH)
".9." C)ec3ing ata Configuration
!+e SDCCH *ongestion reates to t+e parameter settings o) t+e BSC8 I) t+e
parameters are set *orre*t&7 t+e SDCCH *ongestion *an Ae reie9e68
18 $#C panningC !+e $#C setting is 9er& important to t+e network per)orman*e8
I) t+e $#C is too great7 t+e signaing )ow in*reases 6uring t+e paging in t+e B!Ss
wit+in t+e $#7 an6 t+us t+e network oa6 in*reases8 I) t+e $#C is too sma7 t+e
numAer o) MS o*ation up6ating in*reases7 an6 t+us t+e signaing )ow o) t+e s&stem
in*reases7 w+i*+ ma& ea6 to t+e SDCCH *ongestion8 !+ere)ore7 proper panning o)
$# *an re6u*e t+e SDCCH *ongestion8 SDCCH Congesiton Cause6 A& Improper
Con)iguration o) $#C
,8 SDCCH 6&nami* ao*ationC "naAing t+e SDCCH 6&nami* ao*ation
)un*tion re6u*es t+e SDCCH *ongestion7 Aut aso 6e*reases t+e utiization o) t+e !CH
resour*es8 !o pre9ent t+is proAem7 set t+e ree9ant *ounters a**or6ing to t+e a*tua
48 Set ree9ant timers su*+ as !"1.1 an6 !"919 proper&8
Setting t+e !"1.1 to a sma 9aue *an e))e*ti9e& re6u*e t+e *ongestion *ause6
A& 6ouAe SDCCH ao*ation8 I) t+e !"1.1 is set to an o9er/great 9aue7 t+e signaing
resour*es are o**upie6 )or a ong perio67 w+i*+ ea6s to a waste o) resour*es8 !o
optimize t+e utiization o) t+e signaing resour*es7 set !"1.1 to a sma 9aue7
espe*ia& w+en enaAing t+e >ueuing )un*tion8
Setting !"919 to a great 9aue *an 6e*rease t+e SDCCH oa6 *ause6 A&
perio6i*a o*ation up6ating8 I) t+e !"919 is too great7 t+e MS possiA& sen6s no
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page117 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
re>uest )or o*ation up6ating8 In t+is *ase7 t+e MS is i6enti)ie6 as impi*it o))/ine7 an6
t+e s&stem 6ispa&s K!+e suAs*riAer &ou 6ia is power o))K e9en t+oug+ t+e *ae6 MS
is on8
!+e setting o) %-C$ Min.-ccess Level ma& *ause SDCCH *ongestion8 I) t+is
parameter is set too sma7 t+e inter)eren*e signa a**ess in*reases an6 eB*essi9e
SDCCH re>uests are initiate67 t+us ea6ing to t+e SDCCH *ongestion8 I) t+e
parameter is set too great7 *a )aiures ma& o**ur t+oug+ t+ere are signas8 !+ere)ore7
set t+e parameter a**or6ing to t+e a*tua B!S sensiti9it&7 t+e owest MS a**ess e9e
an6 t+e inter)eren*e8
08 In t+e assignment pro*e6ure7 i) t+e ate assignment is enaAe67 t+e *aing MS
awa&s o**upies t+e SDCCH 6uring t+e perio6 o) waiting )or t+e *ae6 part& to pi*k
up t+e p+one8 !+ere)ore7 t+e time o) t+e SDCCH o**upation in*reases an6 ot+er MSs
ma& )ai to re>uest t+e SDCCH7 t+us ea6ing to t+e SDCCH *ongestion8
;8 !+e setting o) %?L:V@-CC:SS@M;N aso *auses t+e SDCCH *ongestion8 I)
t+e %?L:V@-CC:SS@M;N is set too sma7 t+e numAer o) MSs t+at a**ess t+e
network in*reases8 5+en t+e MS re>uests MOC or o*ation up6ating7 t+e SDCCH
*ongestion ma& o**ur8
@8 !+e setting o) MS M-? %etrans aso *auses t+e SDCCH *ongestion8 !o
in*rease t+e paging su**ess rate7 MS M-? %etrans is in*rease68 !+e BSC ma&
assign mutipe SDCCHs to a singe MS8 !+us7 t+e SDCCH *ongestion rate in*reases8
.8 Improper setting o) power aso *auses t+e SDCCH *ongestion8 I) t+e power o)
t+e main BCCH is set norma Aut t+e power o) t+e !CH on t+e non/main BCCH !RL
is set too sma7 a power 6i))eren*e Aan6 )orms8 5+en an MS re>uests t+e SDCCH
su**ess)u& in t+e power 6i))eren*e Aan67 t+e !CH *annot Ae o**upie6 an6 t+e time
o) t+e SDCCH o**upation in*reases7 t+us ea6ing to *ongestion8 %or 6etais7 see
se*tion 081 KCongestion Cause6 A& Improper Con)iguration o) PowerK
".9.< C)ec3ing t)e Am ;nterface
Inter)eren*e on t+e (m inter)a*e aso *auses *ongestion8 In t+e network wit+
sma spa*e Aetween B!Ss an6 tig+t BCCH )re>uen*& reuses7 t+e s&stem ma& re*ei9e
man& ran6om inter)eren*e signas an6 assign ea*+ ran6om a**ess signa a SDCCH8
!+us7 t+e *ongestion o**urs8 I) t+e imme6iate assignment su**ess rate an6 t+e paging
su**ess rate 6e*rease7 t+e R#CH 6uring t+e per)orman*e measurement ma& Ae
o9eroa6e68 !+e tra))i* measurement *ounters reate6 to t+e inter)eren*e in*u6e t+e
numAer o) i6e !CHs in inter)eren*e Aan6s 3 an6 07 t+e rate o) Aa6 >uait& +an6o9ers
an6 t+e !CH seizure )aiures in t+e measurement o) t+e *a 6rop per)orman*e8 !+e
inter)eren*e o) GSM is *assi)ie6 into inter/network inter)eren*e an6 intra/network
inter)eren*e8 !+e met+o6s o) eiminating t+e inter)eren*e are as )oowsC
a8 Inter/network Inter)eren*e
%or inter/network inter)eren*e7 >uer& t+e numAer o) i6e !CHs in inter)eren*e
Aan6s 3 an6 0 to 6etermine w+et+er t+e upink inter)eren*e eBists8 !o eiminate t+e
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page1,7 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
inter)eren*e7 use a spe*trum ana&zer an6 *+e*k t+e network parameters to o*ate t+e
inter)eren*e sour*e8 !+en7 a6<ust or *ose t+e inter)eren*e sour*e8
A8 Intra/network Inter)eren*e
I) t+e )re>uen*& panning an6 antenna tit panning are improper7 t+e network
*annot a*+ie9e +ig+ Carrier/to/Inter)eren*e Ratios (CIRs)7 w+i*+ *auses intra/
)re>uen*& or inter/)re>uen*& inter)eren*es or t+e SDCCH *ongestion8
!+e ($ )re>uen*& an6 D$ )re>uen*& are paire67 so we *an >uer& t+e inter)eren*e
Aan6 to )in6 out t+e *es wit+ +ig+ mean numAer o) SDCCHs in inter)eren*e Aan6
)our an6 )i9e8 !+en *+e*k t+e )re>uen*& panning o) t+e network8 %in6 out t+e )aut&
*e7 an6 mo6i)& t+e )re>uen*& panning to eiminate t+e inter)eren*e8 %or intra/
network inter)eren*e7 per)orm 6ri9e tests8 C+e*k t+e a*tua 6istriAution o) signas to
6etermine w+et+er t+e inter)eren*e eBists8 !+en7 mo6i)& t+e antenna panning or
)re>uen*& panning8
%or 6etaie6 met+o6s o) *+e*king inter)eren*e7 re)er to t+e G#Gi!e to $li%inate
!+e )oowing taAes ists some KPIs reate6 to t+e BSC;--- inter)eren*e8
Cause BSC8Level !%?8Level
None8 ;nterference 'and measurement per !%?
#S3,--#CMean NumAer o) SDCCHs in Inter)eren*e
Ban6 1
#S3,--BC Mean NumAer o) SDCCHs in
Inter)eren*e Ban6 ,
#S3,--CC Mean NumAer o) SDCCHs in
Inter)eren*e Ban6 4
#S3,--DC Mean NumAer o) SDCCHs in
Inter)eren*e Ban6 3
#S3,--"C Mean NumAer o) SDCCHs in
Inter)eren*e Ban6 0
S340-DC Ra6io $ink %aiures (SDCCH)
< !est Met)od
!+e SDCCH *ongestion rate is one o) t+e KPIs7 w+i*+ *an Ae oAtaine6 t+roug+
t+e registration or reporting o) t+e reate6 KPIs8 Genera&7 SDCCH *ongestion rate is
not measure6 t+roug+ 6ri9e tests Ae*ause o) t+e imite6 sampes7 in*ompete test
routes7 an6 t+e irreguar o**urren*e o) t+e *ongestion in areas wit+ ow tra))i*8
#t present7 t+e 9en6ors an6 moAie operators use 6i))erent )ormuas to *a*uate
t+e SDCCH *ongestion rate7 t+us ea6ing to 6i))erent 9aues o) t+is *ounter8 In a*tua
measurement7 &ou s+ou6 register t+e spe*i)i* *ounters an6 use an appropriate
)ormua to *a*uate t+e 9aue o) t+e *ounter8
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page147 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
0 Case -nalysis of SCC$ Congestion %ate
0.1 Congestion Caused 'y ;mproper Configuration of Po+er
!+e engineers oAser9e t+e status o) ea*+ Aoar6 o) t+e B!S4--1C/,-3
(*on)igure6 wit+ two omni/6ire*tiona antennas) on t+e $M! an6 )in6 t+at t+e& are in
norma state8 !+e tra))i* measurement resuts7 +owe9er7 s+ow t+at t+e *ongestion rate
in t+is B!S is +ig+ (14F)8 !+en t+e engineers oAser9e t+e status o) t+e !CH an6 )in6
t+at t+e !CH o) !RL1 is i6e w+ereas t+e !CH an6 SDCCH o) !RL- are Aus&8
#arm In)ormation
GCause #na&sisH
!+e possiAe reason is t+at t+e output power o) !RL1 is sma an6 is not 6ete*te6
A& t+e B!S4--1C8Most MSs are not assigne6 a !CH o) !RL1 su**ess)u& eB*ept
t+ose *ose to t+e B!S8 !+is *auses t+e SDCCH to Ae o**upie6 )or a ong time7 t+us
ea6ing to t+e SDCCH *ongestion8
Han6ing Pro*e6ure
a8 Bo*k t+e !CHs o) !RL17 an6 t+e SDCCH *ounters are norma8
A8 (se a power meter to measure t+e output power o) !RL1 an6 !RL-8 !+e resut
s+ows t+at t+e output power o) !RL1 is 9er& sma Aut t+at o) !RL- is norma8
*8 Repa*e t+e B!S an6 a *ounters are norma8
0.9 SCC$ Congesiton Caused 'y ;mproper Configuration of L-C
!+e SDCCH Congestion Rate o) two *es in a B!S (S1E1E1) is up to 3821FJ
+owe9er7 t+e tra))i* o) ea*+ *e is genera& ess t+an 4 "r8
Han6ing Pro*e6ure
18 Muer& t+e *ounters o) !CHs an6 SDCCHs an6 )in6 t+at t+e tra))i* on !CH is
not +ig+ wit+ ea*+ *e ess t+an 4 "r8 !+e numAer o) SDCCH seizure re>uests is
arge7 e9en rea*+ing 47-4, times 6uring Aus& +ours8 !+e tra))i* 9oume is up to 18.;
"r7 an6 t+e *ongestion rate is up to 3821F8
!+e SDCCH is o**upie6 in t+e )oowing situations8
a8 !ransmitting t+e signaing Ae)ore *a setup
A8 !ransmitting t+e signaing o) +an6o9er
*8 !ransmitting t+e signaing o) o*ation up6ate in i6e mo6e
48 Norma&7 t+e tra))i* 9oume on t+e !CH is ,8@2 "r (t+e numAer o) a9aiaAe
!CHs is ;)8!+e numAer o) !CH seizure re>uests (in*u6ing +an6o9ers) is 41.7 w+i*+
is wit+in t+e norma range8 !+e numAer o) !CH +an6o9er re>uests is 13;7 w+i*+ is
aso wit+in t+e norma range8 !+ere)ore7 t+e *ongestion ma& Ae *ause6 A& )re>uent
o*ation up6ates8
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page137 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
38 C+e*k t+e $#C o) t+is B!S an6 )in6 t+at it is -0--8 !+e $#Cs o) t+e *es
near t+is B!S are -0,-8 C+ange t+e $#C o) t+is B!S into -0,-8 During Aus& +ours7
t+e numAer o) SDCCH seizure re>uests Ae*omes ,2.7 t+e *ongestion rate Ae*omes -7
an6 t+e tra))i* 9oume Ae*omes -8,@ "r8
Suggestion an6 Summar&
18 Pan t+e $#C a**or6ing to t+e geograp+i*a o*ations an6 +aAits o) t+e MSs to
minimize t+e o*ation up6ates at t+e e6ge o) a $i)er eBampe7 t+e tra))i* 9oume is
+ig+ in urAan areas8 I) t+ere are more t+an two $#s7 t+e mountains7 ri9ers7 or ot+er
natura resour*es s+ou6 Ae set as t+e Aoun6ar& o) t+e $# to minimize *o9erage
o9erapping o) 6i))erent *es in two neig+Aoring $assie t+ere is no mountain or ri9er7
t+e streets or t+e pa*e wit+ +ea9& tra))i* ()or eBampe mas) s+ou6 not Ae set as t+e
Aoun6ar& o) t+e $#8 Genera&7 t+e Aoun6ar& o) t+e $# s+ou6 not Ae parae or
9erti*a to t+e streets Aut Ae9ee6 to t+e streets8 Genera&7 in rura/urAan )ringe zone7
t+e Aoun6ar& o) an $# s+ou6 Ae set in t+e area wit+ east tra))i* instea6 o) in t+e area
wit+ +ig+ tra))i* to a9oi6 )re>uent o*ation up6ates8 !+e 9aue o) $#C s+ou6 not Ae
set too great or too sma8 It is re*ommen6e6 t+at t+e numAer o) !RLs Ae not more
t+an 4--8
,8 5+en *+anging t+e $#C7 note t+at t+e *es *annot +a9e t+e same CGI8 I) t+e
$#C is *+ange6 on t+e BSS si6e7 t+e $#C s+ou6 Ae *+ange6 on t+e MSC si6e

B 7eed'ac3s on $ig) SCC$ Congestion %ate
!+e SDCCH *ongestion rate *an Ae oAtaine6 t+roug+ t+e ana&sis o) t+e tra))i*
statisti*s8 !+ere)ore7 i) t+e SDCCH *ongestion rate on site is too +ig+7 sen6 a
)ee6Aa*k aAout t+e ree9ant tra))i* statisti*s to t+e +ea6>uarters8
!+e in)ormation t+at nee6s to Ae sent is s+own as )oowsC
18 !+e *on)iguration )ies (8D#! )ies) o) t+e )aut& *e or BSC7 an6 t+e 9ersion
numAer o) t+e BSC so)tware an6 B!S so)twareJ
,8 !+e aarm ogs o) t+e )aut& *eJ
48 !+e RS$ tra*ing 6ata o) t+e )aut& *eJ
38 !+e inter)eren*e measurement report o) t+e )aut& *e (!RL/e9e)J
08 !+e ist o) t+e *es wit+ +ig+ SDCCH *ongestion rate7 an6 t+e tra))i* statisti*s
(*e/e9e) o) t+e )aut& *e (in*u6ing t+e *ongestion rate7 signaing
a9aiaAiit& an6 tra))i* 9oume)
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page107 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
-ppendi2 %elevant !raffic Counters to BSCB... SCC$ Congestion %ate
BSC/$e9e Ce/$e9e !RL/$e9e
SDCCH Seizure Re>uests
per BSC
R44--#C C+anne #*ti9ation
#ttempts in Imme6iate
#ssignment Pro*e6ure
R33--#C #ttempte6
Imme6iate #ssignments
%aie6 SDCCH Seizures 6ue
to Bus& SDCCH per BSC
R44--BC CH#N #C!I:
N#CK Messages Sent A&
B!S in Imme6iate
#ssignment Pro*e6ure
R33--BC Su**ess)u
Imme6iate #ssignments
Su**ess)u SDCCH Seizures
per BSC
R44--CC C+anne #*ti9ation
!imeouts in Imme6iate
#ssignment Pro*e6ure
R334-#C #ttempte6
Han6o9ers (SDCCH)
Ca Drops on SDCCH per
R444-#C C+anne #*ti9ation
#ttempts in Interna Intra/
Ce Han6o9er Pro*e6ure
R334-BC Compete6
Han6o9ers (SDCCH)
!ra))i* :oume on SDCCH
per BSC
R444-BC CH#N #C!I:
N#CK Messages Sent A&
B!S in Interna Intra/Ce
Han6o9er Pro*e6ure
S341-DC (pink Muait&
6uring Ra6io $ink %aiure
#9aiaAe SDCCHs per BSC R444-CC C+anne #*ti9ation
!imeouts in Interna Intra/
Ce Han6o9er Pro*e6ure
S344-DC Downink Muait&
6uring Ra6io $ink %aiure
Con)igure6 SDCCHs per
R443-#C C+anne #*ti9ation
#ttempts in In*oming
Interna Inter/Ce Han6o9er
Pro*e6ure (SDCCH)
S34--DC (pink $e9e
6uring Ra6io $ink %aiure
Congestion Ratio on
R443-BC CH#N #C!I:
N#CK Messages Sent A&
B!S in In*oming Interna
Inter/Ce Han6o9er
Pro*e6ure (SDCCH)
S34,-DC Downink $e9e
6uring Ra6io $ink %aiure
Ca Drop Ratio on SDCCH
per BSC
R443-CC C+anne #*ti9ation
!imeouts in In*oming
Interna Inter/Ce Han6o9er
Pro*e6ure (SDCCH)
S340-DC Ra6io $ink
%aiures (SDCCH)
,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page1;7 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua
SDCCH #9aiaAiit& per
R440-#C C+anne #*ti9ation
#ttempts in In*oming
"Bterna Inter/Ce
Han6o9er Pro*e6ure
S343-DC !# 6uring Ra6io
$ink %aiure (SDCCH)

R443-BC CH#N #C!I:
N#CK Messages Sent A&
B!S in In*oming "Bterna
Inter/Ce Han6o9er
Pro*e6ure (SDCCH)
#S341-DC Mean (pink
Muait& 6uring Ra6io $ink
%aiure (SDCCH)

R443-CC C+anne #*ti9ation
!imeouts in In*oming
"Bterna Inter/Ce
Han6o9er Pro*e6ure
#S344-DC Mean Downink
Muait& 6uring Ra6io $ink
%aiure (SDCCH)

#4-4-#C Ca Setup
In6i*ations (MOC Non
#S34--DC Mean (pink
$e9e 6uring Ra6io $ink
%aiure (SDCCH)

#4-4-BC Ca Setup
In6i*ations (MOC SMS)
#S34,-DC Mean Downink
$e9e 6uring Ra6io $ink
%aiure (SDCCH)

#4-4-CC Ca Setup
In6i*ations (M!C)
#S3,--#CMean NumAer o)
SDCCHs in Inter)eren*e
Ban6 1

#4-4-DC Ca Setup
In6i*ations ("mergen*&
#S3,--BC Mean NumAer
o) SDCCHs in Inter)eren*e
Ban6 ,

#4-4-"C Ca Setup
In6i*ations (Ca Re/
estaAis+ment) (SDCCH)
#S3,--CC Mean NumAer
o) SDCCHs in Inter)eren*e
Ban6 4

#4-4-%C Ca Setup
In6i*ations ($o*ation
(p6ating) (SDCCH)
#S3,--DC Mean NumAer
o) SDCCHs in Inter)eren*e
Ban6 3

#4-4-GC Ca Setup
In6i*ations (IMSI Deta*+)
#S3,--"C Mean NumAer
o) SDCCHs in Inter)eren*e
Ban6 0

#4-4-HC Ca Setup
In6i*ations (PS Ser9i*e)

#4-4-IC Ca Setup
In6i*ations (SS) (SDCCH)

,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page1@7 !ota1.
GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate)
Optimization Manua

#4-4-NC Ca Setup
In6i*ations ($CS) (SDCCH)

#4-4-KC Ca Setup
In6i*ations (Ot+ers)

H40--C Outgoing Inter/R#!
Inter/Ce Han6o9er
Re>uests (SDCCH)
("B*u6ing Dire*te6 Retr&)

H401-C Outgoing Inter/R#!
Inter/Ce Han6o9er
Comman6s (SDCCH)
("B*u6ing Dire*te6 Retr&)

H4,3-C NumAer o)
In*oming Interna Inter/Ce
Han6o9er Dete*tion
Messages Re*ei9e6 A& BSC

H4-3-C NumAer o) Interna
Intra/Ce Han6o9er
Dete*tion Messages
Re*ei9e6 A& BSC (SDCCH)

H433-C In*oming "Bterna
Inter/Ce Han6o9er
Dete*tion Messages
Re*ei9e6 A& BSC (SDCCH)

H4;--C In*oming Inter/R#!
Inter/Ce Han6o9er
Re>uests (SDCCH)

H40,-C %aie6 Outgoing
Inter/R#! Inter/Ce
Han6o9ers (SDCCH)
("B*u6ing Dire*te6 Retr&)

S4-1-#C MRs on Signaing
C+annes (SDCCH)
(M2--E.0- Ce)

S4-1-BC MRs on Signaing
C+annes (SDCCH)
(M1.--E12-- Ce)

,-13/-0/,4 H(#5"I Con)i6entia Page1.7 !ota1.

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