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GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!

Pro#u$t Name Con%i#entialit& "e'el
Pro#u$t )er*ion Total ++ pa,e*
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop
Rate) Optimization Manual
(-or internal u*e onl&)
Prepare !" .CDM! / GSM Network
Per%orman$e Re*ear$0 Dept1
Su S0i
Re#iewe !" Date
Re#iewe !" Date
Grante !" Date
Huawei Te$%nolo&ie' Co() *t(
!ll ri,0t* re*er'e#
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
+ O#er#iew o, t%e TCH Call Drop Rate((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((-
717 Meanin,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116
712 Re$ommen#e# -ormula*111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116
71( Si,nalin, Pro$e#ure an# Mea*urement Point*111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114
. /a$tor' T%at 0,,e$t t%e TCH Call Drop Rate(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((++
217 Har#ware -ailure11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111177
212 Tran*mi**ion Pro8lem111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111177
21( )er*ion 9p,ra#e111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111172
21+ Parameter Settin,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111172
21: Intra5Network an# Inter5Network Inter%eren$e111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117(
216 Co'era,e Pro8lem1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117(
21; !ntenna S&*tem Pro8lem111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117(
214 Im8alan$e Between 9plink an# Downlink1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117+
21< Repeater Pro8lem111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117+
1 0nal"'i' o, an Solution' to Hi&% TCH Call Drop Rate((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((+2
(17 Solution* to Hi,0 TCH Call Drop Rate1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111174
(1717 C0e$kin, t0e Har#ware1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111174
(1712 C0e$kin, t0e Tran*mi**ion1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117<
(171( C0e$kin, t0e BSC an# BTS )er*ion 9p,ra#e11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111123
(171+ C0e$kin, t0e Parameter Settin,*11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111123
(171: C0e$kin, t0e Inter%eren$e111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112:
(1716 C0e$kin, t0e Co'era,e11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111126
(171; C0e$kin, t0e !ntenna S&*tem11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112;
(1714 C0e$kin, t0e Balan$e Between 9plink an# Downlink1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111124
(171< C0e$kin, t0e Repeater*111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112<
3 Te't Met%o'((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((14
2 Remark' 0!out t%e Si&nalin& 0nal"'i' o, t%e TCH Call Drop Rate((((((((((((((((((((((((14
- Ca'e' ,or TCH Call Drop Rate Optimization(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((11
617 Ca*e 7= Call Drop Due to Inter%eren$e111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111((
612 Ca*e 2= Call Drop Due to Im8alan$e Between 9plink an# Downlink111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111(+
61( Ca*e (= Call Drop Due to Repeater Pro8lem111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111(+
61+ Ca*e += Call Drop Due to Co'era,e1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111(:
61: Ca*e := Re#u$tion o% Call Drop* 8& Optimizin, Han#o'er Parameter*111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111(6
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
616 Ca*e 6= Call Drop Due to Inappropriate Parameter Settin,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111(6
61; Ca*e ;= Call Drop Due to TR> Boar# -ault1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111(;
614 Ca*e 4= Call Drop Due to !ntenna S&*tem Pro8lem111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111(4
61< Ca*e <= Call Drop Due to Tran*mi**ion Pro8lem1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111(4
6173 Ca*e 73= Call Drop Rate Dou8le# in a CoBCCH Network !%ter 9p,ra#e %rom )<R7 to )<R(11111(<
6177 Ca*e 77= In$rea*e in Call Drop Rate Due to Ina$ti'it& o% T(3: an# T(341111111111111111111111111111111111111111(<
6172 Ca*e 72= In$rea*e in Call Drop Rate Due to C0an,e o% TR7N on t0e MSC Si#e11111111111111111111111111111+3
5 /ee!a$k /orm ,or t%e TCH Call Drop Rate ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((3+
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
/i&ure +(+Immeiate a''i&nment pro$eure(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((6
/i&ure +(.0''i&nment pro$eure(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((6
/i&ure +(1 Intra7BSC %ano#er pro$eure(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((8
/i&ure +(3 In$omin& BSC %ano#er pro$eure((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((8
/i&ure +(2Pro$eure' ,or anal"zin& %i&% TCH $all rop rate(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((+-
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
Re#i'ion Re$or
Date Re#i'ion 9er'ion C%an&e De'$ription 0ut%or
233456524 314 Dra%t $omplete#1 Su S0i
23345;526 713 T0e #o$ument i* mo#i%ie# a$$or#in,
to re'iew $omment*1
Su S0i
SN Do$ument Name 0ut%or Date
7 G-Guide to Eliminating Interference - 233:3(775!5713 C0en
2 GSM BSS Network KPI (Network Coverage) !timi"ation
>ie Hai8in 233456574
( GSM BSS Network KPI (#C$ Call %ro! &ate) Ba'eline .u ?0en 233;56522
+ GSM BSS Network KPI ((!link and %ownlink Balance)
!timi"ation Manual
: Guide to Solving Call %ro! Pro)lem' @an, Bin 23325(5;
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate)
Optimization Manual
Ke"wor'= TCH $all #rop rateC KPI
0!'tra$t= T0i* #o$ument pro'i#e* t0e #e%inition an# #e*$ri8e* t0e te*t met0o# an#
optimization met0o# o% TCH $all #rop rate1
T0e %ollowin, ta8le li*t* t0e a$ron&m* an# t0eir eBpan*ion=
0$ron"m ;<pan'ion
TCH Tra%%i$ C0annel
MS Mo8ile Station
BSC Ba*e Station Controller
KPI Ke& Per%orman$e In#i$ator
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
+ O#er#iew o, t%e TCH Call Drop Rate
+(+ Meanin&
T0e TCH $all #rop rate re%er* to t0e ratio o% $all #rop* to *u$$e**%ul TCH *eizure*
a%ter t0e BSC *u$$e**%ull& a**i,n* TCH* to MS*1 T0e TCH $all #rop rate $an 8e
mea*ure# %rom t0e %ollowin, a*pe$t*=

TCH $all #rop rate (in$lu#in, 0an#o'er)

TCH $all #rop rate (eB$lu#in, 0an#o'er)

T0e TCH $all #rop rateC one o% t0e mo*t *i,ni%i$ant KPI* %or tele$om operator*C i*
relate# to retaina8ilit&1 It in#i$ate* t0e pro8a8ilit& o% $all #rop* #ue to 'ariou*
rea*on* a%ter MS* a$$e** TCH*1 ! too 0i,0 TCH $all #rop rate a#'er*el& a%%e$t*
t0e u*erD* eBperien$e1
+(. Re$ommene /ormula'
TCH $all #rop rate (in$lu#in, 0an#o'er) E (Num8er o% TCH $all #rop* F Num8er
o% TCH $all #rop* #urin, 'er& earl& a**i,nment)GNum8er o% *u$$e**%ul TCH
*eizure* B 733H
TCH $all #rop rate (eB$lu#in, 0an#o'er) E Num8er o% $all #rop* on TCHG(Num8er
o% *u$$e**%ul TCH *eizure* F Num8er o% *u$$e**%ul in$omin, internal inter5$ell
0an#o'er* F Num8er o% *u$$e**%ul in$omin, eBternal inter5$ell 0an#o'er* I
Num8er o% *u$$e**%ul out,oin, internal inter5$ell 0an#o'erJ I Num8er o%
*u$$e**%ul out,oin, eBternal inter5$ell 0an#o'er*) B 733H
TCH $all #rop rate (in$lu#in, 0an#o'er) E Num8er o% $all #rop* on TCHG(Num8er
o% *u$$e**%ul TCH *eizure* (*i,nalin, $0annel) F Num8er o% *u$$e**%ul TCH
*eizure* (TCH) F Num8er o% *u$$e**%ul TCH Seizure* in TCH 0an#o'er* (TCH))
B 733H
TCH $all #rop rate (eB$lu#in, 0an#o'er) E Num8er o% $all #rop* on TCHGNum8er
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
o% *u$$e**%ul TCH *eizure* (TCH) B 733H
T0rou,0 t0e anal&*i* o% ea$0 pair o% %ormula*C &ou $an %in# out t0at t0e TCH $all
#rop rate (in$lu#in, 0an#o'er) i* lower t0an t0e TCH $all #rop rate (eB$lu#in,
0an#o'er) irre*pe$ti'e o% t0e BSC mo#el (BSC(2 or BSC6333)1 T0e %ollowin,
take* t0e %ormula* %or t0e BSC(2 a* an eBample1 T0e num8er o% $all #rop* on TCH
i* *mall #urin, t0e 'er& earl& a**i,nment pro$e#ure1 T0ere%oreC t0e #i%%eren$e
8etween t0e numerator o% t0e %ormula %or t0e TCH $all #rop rate (in$lu#in,
0an#o'er) an# t0at o% t0e %ormula %or t0e TCH $all #rop rate (eB$lu#in, 0an#o'er)
$an 8e omitte#1 In$lu#in, t0e TCH *eizure* in t0e $a*e o% 0an#o'er*C t0e
#enominator o% t0e %ormula %or t0e TCH $all #rop rate (in$lu#in, 0an#o'er) i*
,reater t0an t0e #enominator o% t0e %ormula %or t0e TCH $all #rop rate (eB$lu#in,
0an#o'er)1 T0ere%oreC t0e re*ult o% t0e %ormula %or t0e TCH $all #rop rate
(in$lu#in, 0an#o'er) i* *maller t0an t0at o% t0e %ormula %or t0e TCH $all #rop rate
(eB$lu#in, 0an#o'er)1
-or #etail*C re%er to t0e GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Baseline1
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
+(1 Si&nalin& Pro$eure an Mea'urement Point'
/i&ure +(+ Imme#iate a**i,nment pro$e#ure
/i&ure +(. !**i,nment pro$e#ure
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
/i&ure +(1 Intra5BSC 0an#o'er pro$e#ure
/i&ure +(3 In$omin, BSC 0an#o'er pro$e#ure
T0e meanin,* o% t0e mea*urement point* in t0e t0e*e %i,ure* are a* %ollow*=
TCH5S9CC5!= in#i$ate* t0e num8er o% *u$$e**%ul TCH *eizure*1
TCH5S9CC5B= in#i$ate* t0e num8er o% *u$$e**%ul in$omin, internal inter5$ell 0an#o'er*
plu* t0e num8er o% *u$$e**%ul internal intra5$ell 0an#o'er*1
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
TCH5S9CC5C= in#i$ate* t0e num8er o% 'ucce''ful incoming e*ternal inter-cell
TCH5S9CC- indicate' t+e num)er of 'ucce''ful #C$ 'ei"ure' during t+e ver. earl.
a''ignment !rocedure,
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
. Factors That Affect the TCH Call
Drop Rate
/ccording to u'er com!laint' and network o!timi"ation e*!erience0 t+e
ma1or factor' t+at affect t+e #C$ call dro! rate are a' follow'-
$ardware failure
#ran'mi''ion !ro)lem
2er'ion u!grade
Parameter 'etting
Intra-network and inter-network interference
Coverage !ro)lem
/ntenna '.'tem !ro)lem
Im)alance )etween u!link and downlink
&e!eater !ro)lem
.(+ Hardware Failure
3+en a #&4 or a com)iner i' fault.0 'ei"ing t+e #C$ )ecome' difficult0 and
t+u' t+e #C$ call dro! rate increa'e',
.(. Transmission Problem
#+e #C$ call dro! rate increa'e' in t+e following condition'-

T0e tran*mi**ion Kualit& on t0e ! or !8i* inter%a$e i* poor %or 'ariou*


Tran*mi**ion link* are un*ta8le1

GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
.(1 Version Upgrade
/fter t+e B#S ver'ion or BSC ver'ion i' u!graded0 t+e B#S ver'ion ma. )e
incom!ati)le wit+ t+e BSC ver'ion0 and t+e !arameter' and algorit+m' in
t+e new ver'ion ma. )e c+anged, In t+i' ca'e0 t+e #C$ call dro! rate
.(3 Parameter Setting
#+e 'etting' of 'ome !arameter' on t+e BSC and MSC 'ide' ma. affect
t+e #C$ call dro! rate, If t+e following 'ituation' occur0 t+e #C$ call dro!
rate ma. increa'e-
71 T0e parameter* S0CCH Multi7/rame' an# Raio *ink Timeout are *et to
too *mall 'alue*1
21 #+e !arameter R=*;9>0CC;SS>MIN i* *et to a too *mall 'alue1
(1 #+e parameter R0CH Min(0$$e'' *e#el i* *et to a too *mall 'alue1
+1 #+e !arameter' Min D* Power on HO Caniate Cell an# in Access
!e"el #ffset are ina!!ro!riatel. 'et,
:1 #+e lengt+ of timer #5675 (t+i' timer i' 'et to wait for a $andover
Com!lete me''age) i' 'et to a too 'mall value,
61 #+e lengt+ of timer #5678 (t+i' timer i' 'et to wait for a &elea'e
Indication me''age) i' 'et to a too 'mall value,
;1 #+e lengt+ of timer #5666 (t+i' timer '!ecifie' t+e connection relea'e
dela.) i' 'et to a too 'mall value,
41 #+e lengt+ of timer #579:#57; i' 'et to an invalid or too great value,
<1 #+e !arameter TCH Tra,,i$ Bu'" T%re'%ol i' 'et to a too 'mall value,
731 #+e !arameter Call Ree'ta!li'%ment /or!ien i* *et to ?e'1
771 #+e !arameter' related to edge +andover are ina!!ro!riatel. 'et,
721 #+e !arameter' related to B< +andover are ina!!ro!riatel. 'et,
7(1 #+e !arameter' related to interference +andover are ina!!ro!riatel.
7+1 #+e !arameter' related to concentric cell +andover are ina!!ro!riatel.
7:1 #+e !arameter' related to !ower control are ina!!ro!riatel. 'et,
761 #=77 and N=77 are 'et to too 'mall value',
7;1 Some neig+)oring cell relation' are not configured,
741 #+e !arameter A$# i' ina!!ro!riatel. 'et,
7<1 #+e !arameter Di'$onne$t Hano#er Prote$t Timer i* *et to a too *mall
231 #+e !arameter TR%& i* *et to a too *mall 'alue1
271 #+e !arameter' Software Parameter %' and M0= T0 are *et to too
*mall 'alue*1
221 If a re!eater i' u'ed0 t+e !arameter Dire$tl" Ma&ni,ier Site /la& i' 'et
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
to &o,
.(2 $ntra(&etwor) and $nter(&etwor) $nterference
If inter-network interference and re!eater interference e*i't0 or if 'evere
intra-network interference occur' )ecau'e of tig+t fre>uenc. reu'e0 call
dro!' ma. occur on #C$' )ecau'e of !oor <oS, #+i' adver'el. affect' t+e
#C$ call dro! rate,
#+e following t.!e' of interference ma. occur-
71 Inter-network interference from 'cram)ler' or !rivatel. in'talled
21 Interference from t+e C%M/ network of C+ina (nicom
(1 &e!eater interference
+1 Intermodulation interference from B#S'
:1 Intra-network co-c+annel and ad1acent-c+annel interference
.(- Co"erage Problem
#+e following coverage !ro)lem' ma. affect t+e #C$ call dro! rate,
71 %i'continuou' coverage ()lind area')
#+e voice >ualit. at t+e edge of an i'olated B#S i' !oor and call' cannot )e
+anded over to ot+er cell', In t+i' ca'e0 call dro!' ma. occur,
In $ompleB terrain* *u$0 a* mountainou* re,ion*C t0e *i,nal* are 8lo$ke# an# t0u*
t0e tran*mi**ion i* #i*$ontinuou*C lea#in, to $all #rop*1
21 Poor indoor coverage
Den*el& #i*tri8ute# 8uil#in,* an# t0i$k wall* $au*e ,reat attenuation an# low
in#oor *i,nal le'elC w0i$0 $au*e* $all #rop*1
(1 Cro'' coverage (i'olated B#S)
#+e 'erving cell cau'e' cro'' coverage due to variou' rea'on' ('uc+ a'
e*ce'' !ower), /n MS cannot )e +anded over to anot+er cell due to no
'uita)le neig+)oring cell', In t+i' ca'e0 t+e 'ignal level )ecome' low and
t+e voice >ualit. of t+e MS deteriorate', #+u'0 call dro!' occur,
+1 In'ufficient coverage
I% t0e *i,nal %rom an antenna i* 8lo$ke# or t0e BCCH TR> i* %ault&C $all #rop* ma&
o$$ur 8e$au*e o% #i*$ontinuou* $o'era,e1
.(5 Antenna S*stem Problem
#+e following antenna '.'tem !ro)lem' ma. affect t+e #C$ call dro! rate
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
71 If t+e tran'mit antenna' of two cell' are im!ro!erl. connected0 t+e
u!link 'ignal level in eac+ cell i' muc+ lower t+an t+e downlink 'ignal
level in t+e cell, #+erefore0 call dro!' are likel. to occur at !lace' far
awa. from t+e B#S,
21 If a directional cell +a' main and diver'it. antenna'0 t+e BCC$ and
S%CC$ of t+e cell ma. )e tran'mitted from different antenna', If t+e
two antenna' +ave different !itc+ angle' or a"imut+'0 t+e coverage
area' of t+e two antenna' are different, In t+i' ca'e0 t+e following
re'ult ma. occur- /n MS can receive t+e BCC$ 'ignal' from one
antenna? w+en a call i' made0 t+e MS cannot 'ei"e t+e S%CC$
tran'mitted ). t+e ot+er antenna and t+u' a call dro! occur',
(1 If t+e feeder i' damaged0 water leak' in t+e feeder0 or t+e feeder and
t+e connector are not 'ecurel. connected0 )ot+ t+e tran'mit !ower and
receiver 'en'itivit. of t+e antenna are reduced, #+u'0 call dro!' ma.
.(6 $mbalance +etween Uplin) and Downlin)
#+e difference )etween t+e u!link 'ignal level and t+e downlink 'ignal level
ma. )e great in t+e following condition'-
#+e tran'mit !ower of t+e B#S i' +ig+,
#+e tower mounted am!lifier (#M/) or B#S am!lifier doe' not work
#+e antenna and t+e connector are not 'ecurel. connected,
/' a re'ult0 call dro!' ma. occur at t+e edge of t+e B#S coverage area,
.(8 Repeater Problem
If a cell i' in'talled wit+ a re!eater0 B#S coverage !ro)lem' ma. occur in
t+e ca'e t+at t+e re!eater i' fault. or t+at t+e u!link and downlink gain i'
ina!!ro!riatel. 'et, #+erefore0 t+e #C$ call dro! rate increa'e',
If a wide-fre>uenc. re!eater i' u'ed and t+e gain i' 'et to a great value0
'trong interference ma. )e cau'ed, /' a re'ult0 t+e network >ualit. i'
adver'el. affected and t+e #C$ call dro! rate increa'e',
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
1 Anal*sis of and Solutions to High
TCH Call Drop Rate
-i,ure 71: *0ow* t0e pro$e#ure* %or anal&zin, 0i,0 TCH $all #rop rate1
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
/i&ure +(2 Pro$e#ure* %or anal&zin, 0i,0 TCH $all #rop rate
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
1(+ Solutions to High TCH Call Drop Rate
Before anal."ing t+e cau'e' of +ig+ #C$ call dro! rate'0 .ou '+ould find
out t+e difference )etween t+e actual #C$ call dro! rate and t+e e*!ected
value, @ou '+ould al'o find out t+e im!act of t+e !ro)lem' and t+e related
@ou can anal."e t+e di'tri)ution of call dro!' )a'ed on t+e traffic
mea'urement, If a certain t.!e of call dro! account' for a large !ro!ortion
of total call dro!'0 .ou can locate t+e fault ). !erforming t+e corre'!onding
!rocedure, If no o)viou' cau'e' are found0 .ou can !erform t+e
!rocedure' '+own in Aigure 6,9, #+e following ta)le li't' t+e ma!!ing
)etween t+e traffic mea'urement counter' and t+e trou)le'+ooting
Traffic easurement Counter Troubleshooting Procedure
M5677/ (#=77 e*!ir.) (171+C0e$kin, t0e Parameter Settin,*
M5676/ (radio link failure) (171+C0e$kin, t0e Parameter Settin,*
M(737D (ra#io re*our$e una'aila8le) (1717C0e$kin, t0e Har#ware
CM555 (/)i' terre'trial link
(1712C0e$kin, t0e Tran*mi**ion
M56B (device failure) (1717C0e$kin, t0e Har#ware
#+e following 'ection' de'cri)e t+e 'olution' to +ig+ #C$ call dro! rate',
#+e traffic mea'urement counter' and KPI' in t+i' document are t+e 'ame
a' t+o'e in t+e BSC6333)<R4C37B3:7 'er*ion1
1(+(+ Chec)ing the Hardware
If a #&4 or a com)iner i' fault. or if an &A ca)le i' incorrectl. connected0
'ei"ing t+e #C$ )ecome' difficult0 and t+u' t+e #C$ call dro! rate
increa'e', See Ca*e ;= Call Drop Due to TR> Boar# -ault1
@ou can c+eck w+et+er +ardware i' fault. ). viewing B#S alarm' or viewing
t+e +ardware 'tate on t+e Site De"ice Panel of t+e CM#, #a)le 6,6 li't' t+e
ma1or BSC alarm' related to +ardware failure',
Ta!le +(+ MaLor BSC alarm* relate# to 0ar#ware %ailure
Alarm $D Alarm &ame
7333 "!PDMOM" -ault !larm
223+ #&4 Communication /larm
++7+ #&4 2S3& /larm
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
(636 %&( $ardware /larm
In addition0 .ou can locate t+e fault ). c+ecking t+e traffic mea'urement
related to +ardware failure',
Cau'e BSC *e#el Cell *e#el
t failure
/cce'' Mea'urement !er BSC
in BSC Mea'urement-
/vaila)le #C$' !er BSC
Configured #C$' !er BSC
/vaila)le #C$' !er BSC
KPI Mea'urement !er Cell-
#C$ /vaila)ilit.
/vaila)le #C$'
Configured #C$'
#&4 Mea'urement !er Cell-
Num)er of configured #&4' in a
Num)er of availa)le #&4' in a
Call %ro! Mea'urement !er Cell
in Call Mea'urement-
Call %ro!' due to E>ui!ment
Aailure (#C$)
1(+(. Chec)ing the Transmission
Poor tran'mi''ion >ualit.0 un'ta)le tran'mi''ion link'0 or in'ufficient
re'ource' on t+e /)i' and / interface ma. lead to t+e increa'e of t+e #C$
call dro! rate, @ou can c+eck t+e tran'mi''ion condition' ). viewing t+e
alarm' related to tran'mi''ion, If a large num)er of tran'mi''ion alarm'
are generated0 .ou can infer t+at tran'mi''ion failure +a' occurred, #+en0
.ou '+ould c+eck t+e tran'mi''ion connection', See Ca*e <= Call Drop Due
to Tran*mi**ion Pro8lem1
Ta!le +(+ BSC alarm* relate# to tran*mi**ion
0larm ID 0larm Name
7333 C/P%DMC Aault /larm
772;3 C/P% /larm
772;4 E6 Cocal /larm
77243 E6 &emote /larm
23347 Co'' of E6:#6 Signal' (CS)
23342 E6:#6 Arame"ation (CA)
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
In addition0 .ou can locate t+e fault ). c+ecking t+e traffic mea'urement
related to tran'mi''ion failure',
Cau'e BSC *e#el Cell *e#el
#ran'mi''ion failure C/P% Mea'urement in
BSC Mea'urement
C+annel /ctivation
Mea'urement !er Cell in Call
C$/N /C#I2 N/CK
Me''age' Sent ). B#S
C+annel /ctivation #imeout'
Call %ro! Mea'urement !er
Cell in Call Mea'urement-
Mea'urement of Call %ro!'
%ue to /)i' #erre'trial Cink
1(+(1 Chec)ing the +SC and +TS Version Upgrade
I% TCH $all #rop in$rea*e* a%ter t0e BSC 'er*ion or BTS 'er*ion i*
up,ra#e#C &ou *0oul# $0e$k w0et0er t0e BTS 'er*ion i* $ompati8le wit0
t0e BSC 'er*ion an# w0et0er t0e parameter* an# al,orit0m* in t0e new
'er*ion are $0an,e#1 See Ca*e 6= Call Drop Due to Inappropriate Parameter
Settin, an# Ca*e 73= Call Drop Rate Dou8le# in a CoBCCH Network !%ter
9p,ra#e %rom )<R7 to )<R(1
#o locate t+e !ro)lem0 .ou can c+eck t+e ver'ion de'cri!tion document
and t+e related document'0 or !rovide feed)ack for t+e &E% de!artment to
learn w+et+er t+e new ver'ion +a' known defect', If t+e new ver'ion +a'
defect'0 .ou '+ould re!lace it wit+ anot+er ver'ion or in'tall t+e re>ui'ite
Aor detail'0 refer to t+e BSC6000 Upgrade Guide,
1(+(3 Chec)ing the Parameter Settings
#+e !arameter 'etting' on t+e BSC 'ide and MSC 'ide ma. affect t+e #C$
call dro! rate, @ou '+ould c+eck t+e 'etting' of t+e following !arameter' for
a cell wit+ a +ig+ #C$ call dro! rate, See Ca*e := Re#u$tion o% Call Drop* 8&
Optimizin, Han#o'er Parameter* an# Ca*e 72= In$rea*e in Call Drop Rate Due to
C0an,e o% TR7N on t0e MSC Si#e1
71 S!CCH Multi5-rame*
#+i' !arameter determine' w+et+er an u!link radio link i' fault., Eac+ time t+e
B#S fail' to decode t+e mea'urement re!ort on t+e S/CC$ from t+e MS0 t+e
counter decrea'e' ). 6, Eac+ time t+e B#S 'ucce''full. decode' t+e
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
mea'urement re!ort on t+e S/CC$0 t+e counter increa'e' ). =, 3+en t+e
value of t+i' counter i' 70 t+e B#S regard' t+e radio link a' fault., In t+e
traffic mea'urement0 if t+ere are man. call dro!' (M5676/) related to radio
link failure0 .ou can infer t+at t+e radio !ro!agation condition' are !oor, In
t+i' ca'e0 .ou can 'et t+i' !arameter to a greater value,
21 &adio Cink #imeout
#+i' !arameter determine' w+et+er a downlink radio link i' fault., Eac+
time t+e B#S fail' to decode t+e mea'urement re!ort 'ent over t+e S/CC$
). t+e MS0 t+e counter decrea'e' ). 6, Eac+ time t+e B#S 'ucce''full.
decode' t+e mea'urement re!ort 'ent over t+e S/CC$0 t+e counter
increa'e' ). =, 3+en t+e value of t+i' !arameter i' 70 t+e B#S regard' t+e
radio link a' fault., In t+e traffic mea'urement0 if t+ere are man. call dro!'
(M5676/) related to radio link failure0 .ou can infer t+at t+e radio
!ro!agation condition' are !oor, In t+i' ca'e0 .ou can 'et t+i' !arameter to
a greater value,
T0i* parameter *pe$i%ie* t0e minimum re$ei'e le'el o% an MS to a$$e** t0e BSS1 If
t+i' !arameter i' 'et to a too 'mall value0 'ome MS' wit+ low receive level'
ma. acce'' t+e network and call dro!' are likel. to occur, @ou can 'et t+i'
!arameter to a great value to reduce t+e #C$ call dro! rate, #+e counter'
'uc+ a' call 'etu! 'ucce'' rate and t+e counter' related to traffic volume0
+owever0 are accordingl. affected,
+1 R!CH Min1!$$e** "e'el
T0i* parameter #etermine* w0et0er an MS $an a$$e** t0e network o'er t0e R!CH1
If t+i' !arameter i' 'et to a too 'mall value0 'ome MS' wit+ low 'ignal level'
ma. acce'' t+e network and call dro!' are likel. to occur, @ou can 'et t+i'
!arameter to a great value to reduce t+e #C$ call dro! rate, #+e counter'
'uc+ a' call 'etu! 'ucce'' rate and !aging 'ucce'' rate0 +owever0 are
:1 Min D" Power on HO Can#i#ate Cell an# Min /cce'' Cevel ff'et
#+e 'um of t+e value' of t+e two !arameter' '!ecifie' t+e minimum
downlink receive level of a candidate neig+)oring cell for a +andover, If t+i'
!arameter i' 'et to a too great value0 'ome de'ired cell' ma. )e e*cluded from
t+e candidate cell'? i% t0i* parameter i* *et to a too *mall 'alueC an unwante# $ell
ma& 8e$ome t0e $an#i#ate $ell1 Bot0 $on#ition* ma& lea# to t0e in$rea*e o% $all
61 #imer #5675 'erie'
#imer #5676 'erie' con'i't' of #5675/0 #5675C0 and #;, #+e'e timer' are
'tarted to wait for a +andover com!lete me''age, If t+e lengt+' of t+e
timer' are 'et to 'mall value'0 !ro)a)l. no me''age i' received w+en timer
#5675 'erie' e*!ire', In t+i' ca'e0 t+e BSC con'ider' t+at t+e radio link in
t+e originating cell i' fault., #+en0 t+e BSC relea'e' t+e c+annel in t+e
originating cell, #+u'0 call dro!' occur, In t+e traffic mea'urement0 if man.
call dro!' are related to +andover' (CM556- Call %ro!' on &adio Interface
in $andover State)0 .ou can 'et t+i' !arameter to a greater value, If t+i'
!arameter i' 'et to a too great value0 c+annel re'ource' are wa'ted and
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
#C$ conge'tion occur',
;1 #imer #5678
#+i' !arameter '!ecifie' t+e !eriod for waiting for a &elea'e Indication
me''age after t+e BSC 'end' a C+annel &elea'e me''age to t+e B#S, If
t+i' !arameter i' 'et to a too 'mall value0 t+e link ma. )e relea'ed )efore
t+e &elea'e Indication me''age i' received, /' a re'ult0 a call dro! occur',
@ou can 'et t+i' !arameter to a greater value to reduce t+e #C$ call dro!
rate, It i' recommended t+at timer #5678 )e 'et to 6F= 'econd' longer t+an
timer Raio *ink Timeout1
41 #imer #5666
#+i' !arameter '!ecifie' t+e interval )etween t+e time t+at t+e main
'ignaling link i' di'connected and t+e time t+at a c+annel i' deactivated,
#0e purpo*e i* to re*er'e a perio# o% time %or repeate# link #i*$onne$tion*1 If t+i'
timer i' 'et to a too 'mall value0 a c+annel ma. )e deactivated too earl.,
#+u'0 call dro!' increa'e,
<1 #imer' #579 and #57;
#imer' #579 and #57; are u'ed on t+e MSC 'ide, #imer #579 '!ecifie' t+e
!eriod during w+ic+ t+e MSC monitor' t+e on-+ook !rocedure, #imer #57;
'!ecifie' t+e !eriod during w+ic+ t+e MSC monitor' t+e re'ource relea'e
!rocedure, @ou '+ould 'et t+e two !arameter' w+en adding BSC data, Note
t+at t+e modification of t+e data in t+e timer ta)le doe' not take effect, If
timer' #579 and #57; are 'et to invalid or great value'0 t+e MSC clear' t+e
call a long time after t+e MS +ang' u!, /fter t+e #5675 and Raio *ink
Timeout timer' e*!ire0 t+e num)er of call dro!' i' increa'ed and t+u' t+e
#C$ call dro! rate i' 'ignificantl. affected,
731 TCH Tra%%i$ Bu*& T0re*0ol#
If t+e current c+annel 'ei"ure ratio e*ceed' t+e value of t+i' !arameter0 t+e
BSC !referentiall. a''ign' a +alf-rate c+annel to a dualrate-ena)led call,
t+erwi'e0 t+e BSC a''ign' a full-rate c+annel to t+e dualrate-ena)led call,
Com!ared wit+ a full-rate c+annel0 a +alf-rate c+annel +a' weak anti-
interference ca!a)ilitie', #+erefore0 if a large num)er of +alf-rate c+annel'
are a''igned0 t+e #C$ call dro! rate increa'e', It i' recommended t+at t+i'
!arameter '+ould not )e 'et to a too 'mall value if conge'tion i' unlikel. to
771 Call Ree*ta8li*0ment -or8i##en
#+i' !arameter '!ecifie' w+et+er to allow call ree'ta)li'+ment, In ca'e of
)ur't interference or radio link failure due to )lind area' cau'ed ). +ig+
)uilding'0 call dro!' occur, In t+i' ca'e0 MS' can initiate t+e call
ree'ta)li'+ment !rocedure to re'tore communication, #o reduce t+e #C$
call dro! rate0 .ou can 'et t+i' !arameter to &o to allow call
ree'ta)li'+ment, In certain condition'0 allowing call ree'ta)li'+ment greatl.
reduce' t+e #C$ call dro! rate, Call ree*ta8li*0ment la*t* %or a lon, timeC an#
t0ere%ore *ome *u8*$ri8er* $annot wait an# 0an, up1 T0i* a%%e$t* u*er eBperien$e1
721 Parameter' related to edge +andover
3+en t+e receive level dro!' greatl.0 an edge +andover cannot )e
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
!erformed in time in an. of t+e following condition'- #+e !arameter ;&e
HO @* R=>*;9 T%re'%ol or ;&e HO D* R=>*;9 T%re'%ol i' 'et to a
'mall value? t+e !arameter Inter7$ell HO H"'tere'i' i' 'et to a great value?
t+e !arameter' ,dge H# -atch Time and ,dge H# Ad.Cell -atch Time
are 'et to great value'? t+e !arameter' ,dge H# Valid Time and ,dge H#
Ad.Cell Valid Time are 'et to great value', /' a re'ult0 a call dro! occur',
#o reduce t+e #C$ call dro! rate0 .ou can a!!ro!riatel. 'et t+e'e
!arameter' 'o t+at edge +andover' can )e !erformed in time to avoid call
7(1 Parameter* relate# to BN 0an#o'er
3+en t+e 'ignal >ualit. deteriorate'0 a B< +andover cannot )e !erformed
in time in an. of t+e following condition'- #+e !arameter'
@*Aua*imit0MR/R) @*Aua*imit0MRHRC @* Aual( T%re'%ol0
D!/ua!imitARFR0 D!/ua!imitARHR0 and D! /ual0 Threshold are
'et to great value'? t+e !arameter BA HO Mar&in i' 'et to a 'mall value?
t+e !arameter $nter(cell H# H*steresis i' 'et to a great value, /' a re'ult0
call dro!' occur, #o reduce t+e #C$ call dro! rate0 .ou '+ould a!!ro!riatel.
'et t+e'e !arameter' 'o t+at B< +andover' can )e !erformed in time to
avoid call dro!',
7+1 Parameter' related to interference +andover
If t+e !arameter' R1/UA!% to R1/UA!%2 are 'et to great value' or if t+e
R1!,V#ff !arameter i' 'et to a great value0 'trong interference ma. occur,
In t+i' ca'e0 if interference +andover' are not !erformed in time0 call dro!'
occur, #o reduce t+e #C$ call dro! rate0 .ou can a!!ro!riatel. 'et t+e'e
!arameter' 'o t+at interference +andover' can )e !erformed in time to
avoid call dro!', If t+e !arameter' R1/UA!% to R1/UA!%2 are 'et to
'mall value'0 t+e num)er of +andover' due to ot+er cau'e' increa'e'
greatl.0 t+u' affecting t+e +andover 'ucce'' rate,
7:1 Parameter* relate# to $on$entri$ $ell 0an#o'er
/ call at t+e edge of t+e overlaid 'u)cell cannot )e +anded over to t+e
underlaid 'u)cell in an. of t+e following condition'- In t+e ca'e of a normal
concentric cell0 t+e !arameter' R13!,V Threshold and R13!,V
H*steresis are 'et to great value'? in t+e ca'e of an en+anced concentric
cell0 t+e !arameter #toU H# Recei"ed !e"el Threshold i' 'et to a great
value, /' a re'ult0 a call dro! i' likel. to occur, If t+e Call %ro! &atio on #C$
on t+e #&4 in t+e verCaid Su)cell (&M557a) i' +ig+0 .ou can
a!!ro!riatel. 'et t+e'e !arameter' 'o t+at call' at t+e edge of t+e overlaid
'u)cell can )e +anded over to t+e underlaid 'u)cell in time,
3+en a call in t+e underlaid 'u)cell +a' interference0 t+e call cannot )e
+anded over to t+e overlaid 'u)cell if t+e R13/UA! for U# H# Allowed
!arameter i' 'et to 4es and t+e R13/UA! Threshold !arameter i' 'et to a
great value, #+u'0 a call dro! occur', If t+e Call %ro! &atio on #C$ on t+e
#&4 in t+e (nderlaid Su)cell (&M557) i' +ig+0 .ou can 'et t+e'e
!arameter' !ro!erl. 'o t+at t+e call can )e +anded over to t+e overlaid
'u)cell at t+e earlie't,
761 Parameter* relate# to power $ontrol
If t+e !ower control level and >ualit. t+re'+old are 'et to 'mall value'0 call
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
dro!' are likel. to occur )ecau'e of low 'ignal level or )ad voice >ualit.,
7;1 #=77 and N=77
If t+e !arameter' T.44 /0CCHB/C T.44 /0CCHBHC N.44 o, /0CCHB/ull
rateC an# N.44 o, /0CCHBHal, rate are 'et to 'mall value'0 data link' are
di'connected too earl., #+u'0 all dro!' are likel. to occur, If call dro!' occur
)ecau'e of #=77 e*!ir.0 .ou can increa'e t+e value' of #=77 and N=77
741 Neig+)oring cell relation'
If t+e neig+)oring cell' configured in t+e B/= ta)le are incom!lete0 call
dro!' are likel. to occur in t+e ca'e of no 'uita)le neig+)oring cell for
+andover and !rogre''ive deterioration in t+e voice >ualit., Neig+)oring cell
relation' '+ould )e configured com!letel. on t+e )a'i' of t+e drive te't data
and electronic ma! (for e*am!le0 Na'tar) to minimi"e t+e call dro!' due to
no availa)le neig+)oring cell',
7<1 M!IO
If fre>uenc. +o!!ing (A$) i' a!!lied in a cell and t+e M/I i' 'et
ina!!ro!riatel. (for e*am!le0 different #&4' 'erving t+e 'ame cell +ave t+e
'ame M/I)0 fre>uenc. colli'ion ma. occur during A$, #+u'0 t+e #C$ call
dro! rate increa'e',
231 Di*$onne$t Han#o'er Prote$t Timer
#+i' !arameter i' a 'oftware !arameter of t+e BSC, /fter receiving a
%ISCNNEC# me''age from an MS0 t+e BSC cannot +and over t+e MS
wit+in t+e !eriod '!ecified ). t+i' !arameter, #+erefore0 t+e following ca'e
can )e avoided- /fter )eing +anded over to t+e target cell0 t+e MS cannot
)e !ut on +ook )ecau'e it doe' not receive a relea'e acknowledgement
me''age, @ou are advi'ed to 'et t+i' !arameter !ro!erl.,
271 #&6N
#+i' !arameter '+ould )e 'et on t+e MSC 'ide, It i' u'ed to avoid t+e
retran'mi''ion of '+ort me''age', 3+en t+i' !arameter i' 'et to a too great
value0 t+e MSC doe' not 'end a CCE/& CM% me''age if t+e MS receive'
a '+ort me''age during link di'connection, /' a re'ult0 t+e MS 'end' t+e
B#S a %ISC me''age to di'connect = connection, /fter receiving t+e
%ISC me''age0 t+e B#S 'end' a &ECDIN% me''age to t+e BSC, #+en0 t+e
BSC 'end' a CCE/& &E< me''age to t+e MSC and t+e num)er of call
dro!' i' incremented ). one,
221 So%tware Parameter 7( and M!> T!
3+en t+e !arameter So,tware Parameter +1 i* ena8le# an# t0e parameter M0=
T0 i* *et to a too *mall 'alueC t0e $0annel i* relea*e# w0en t0e T! o% a $all eB$ee#*
t0e M0= T01 In t0i* $a*eC $all #rop* o$$ur1 It i' recommended t+at t+e
!arameter So,tware Parameter +1 *0oul# not 8e ena8le#1
2(1 Dire$tl& Ma,ni%ier Site -la,
If a B#S i' in'talled wit+ re!eater'0 t+e +andover )etween re!eater' can onl.
)e a'.nc+ronou' )ecau'e t+e di'tance )etween re!eater' i' long, If
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
'.nc+ronou' +andover' are !erformed0 t+e +andover' ma. fail and t+u' man.
call dro!' occur, #+erefore0 w+en a B#S i' in'talled wit+ re!eater'0 t+e
!arameter Dire$tl" Ma&ni,ier Site /la& *0oul# 8e *et to ?e' to a'oi#
*&n$0ronou* 0an#o'er* 8etween $ell* un#er t0e *ame BTS1
@ou can c+eck w+et+er t+e data configuration i' correct ). viewing t+e
traffic mea'urement re'ult',
#+e following ta)le li't' t+e traffic mea'urement counter' related to
Cause Cell *e#el TR= *e#el
Call %ro! Mea'urement !er Cell
in Call Mea'urement-
Call %ro!' on #C$ in Sta)le State
(Error Indication)
Call %ro!' on #C$ in Sta)le State
(Connection Aailure)
Call %ro!' on #C$ in Sta)le State
(&elea'e Indication)
Call %ro! &atio on #C$ on t+e
#&4 in t+e (nderlaid Su)cell
Call %ro! &atio on #C$ on t+e
#&4 in t+e verlaid Su)cell
KPI Mea'urement !er Cell-
Call %ro!' in #C$ $andover'
(#raffic C+annel)
Call %ro!' on #C$ in Sta)le State
(#raffic C+annel)
Mea*urement o% Power Control
Me**a,e* in M&
Ra#io "ink -ailure
Mea*urement in M&
1(+(2 Chec)ing the $nterference
If inter-network interference and re!eater interference e*i't0 or if 'evere
intra-network interference occur' )ecau'e of tig+t fre>uenc. reu'e0 call
dro!' ma. occur on #C$' due to )ad <oS, #+i' affect' t+e #C$ call dro!
rate, See Ca*e 7= Call Drop Due to Inter%eren$e1
#+e u!link interference information can )e o)tained on t+e )a'i' of t+e
interference )and di'tri)ution in t+e traffic mea'urement re'ult', / large
!ro!ortion of interference level' )elong to interference )and' 5F90 .ou can
infer t+at t+e u!link +a' 'trong interference, @ou can o)tain t+e downlink
interference information ). !erforming drive te't' or ). anal."ing t+e traffic
mea'urement re'ult' related to receive >ualit.,
Aor detail' on +ow to c+eck t+e intra-network and inter-network
interference0 refer to t+e G-Guide to Eliminating Interference,
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
#+e following ta)le li't' t+e traffic mea'urement counter' related to
interference, (If a cell +a' interference0 t+e #C$ call dro! rate i' +ig+, In
addition0 t+e +andover 'ucce'' rate decrea'e' and t+e +andover' due to
)ad >ualit. account for a large !ro!ortion of all +andover',)
Cau'e Cell *e#el TR= *e#el
Inter%eren$e utgoing Internal Inter-Cell
$andover Mea'urement !er
Cell in Call Mea'urement-
Number of utgoing Internal
Inter-Cell $andover &e>ue't'
(Signal <ualit.)
Num)er of utgoing Internal
Inter-Cell $andover &e>ue't'
(t+er Cau'e')
Inter%eren$e Ban# Mea*urement per
TR> in M& Mea'urement
Mean Num)er of #C$' in
Interference Band 6
Mean Num)er of #C$' in
Interference Band =
Mean Num)er of #C$' in
Interference Band 5
Mean Num)er of #C$' in
Interference Band B
Mean Num)er of #C$' in
Interference Band 9
Mea*urement o% Re$ei'e Nualit& in
M& Mea'urement
1(+(- Chec)ing the Co"erage
@ou can c+eck t+e network coverage ). conducting outdoor drive te't' or
indoor dialing te't', %uring t+e te't'0 .ou can infer t+at t+e network
coverage i' in'ufficient if t+e following condition' occur- #+e downlink
receive level i' low (lower t+an F667 dBm) 'o t+at t+e te't MS cannot
acce'' t+e network or t+e voice >ualit. i' )ad? a +andover cannot )e
!erformed )ecau'e of no 'uita)le neig+)oring cell' and t+e 'ignal >ualit.
graduall. deteriorate', See Ca*e += Call Drop Due to Co'era,e1
If t+e network coverage in a cell i' in'ufficient0 t+e #C$ call dro! rate i'
+ig+, In addition0 t+e +andover 'ucce'' rate i' low0 and a large !ro!ortion
of +andover' are !erformed )ecau'e of weak 'ignal 'trengt+, @ou can
c+eck w+et+er a cell +a' coverage !ro)lem' ). viewing t+e traffic
mea'urement re'ult', #+e following ta)le li't' t+e traffic mea'urement
counter' related to coverage,
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
Cause Cell !e"el TR1 !e"el
utgoing Internal Inter-Cell $andover
Mea'urement !er Cell in Call
Number of utgoing Internal Inter-Cell
$andover &e>ue't' (Signal Strengt+)
utgoing E*ternal Inter-Cell $andover
Mea'urement !er Cell in Call
utgoing E*ternal Inter-Cell $andover
&e>ue't' ((!link Strengt+)
utgoing E*ternal Inter-Cell $andover
&e>ue't' (%ownlink Strengt+)
TCH- Re$ei'e "e'el
Mea*urement per TR>
in M& Mea'urement
TCHH Re$ei'e "e'el
Mea*urement per TR>
in M& Mea'urement
If a coverage !ro)lem e*i't'0 .ou can 'olve t+e !ro)lem t+roug+ t+e
following met+od'- ad1u'ting t+e tilt of t+e antenna0 increa'ing t+e tran'mit
!ower0 adding re!eater'0 or c+anging t+e com)ining mode, Aor detail'0
refer to t+e GSM BSS Network Performance PI !Co"erage# $ptimi%ation
1(+(5 Chec)ing the Antenna S*stem
In t0e $a*e o% #ual5tran*mit antenna*C en*ure t0at t0e tilt an# azimut0 o% one
antenna are t0e *ame a* t0o*e o% t0e ot0er antenna1
In addition0 .ou '+ould c+eck w+et+er t+e 1um!er' are im!ro!erl.
connected (for e*am!le0 ). anal."ing drive te't data), If a 1um!er i'
im!ro!erl. connected0 t+e u!link 'ignal level in t+e cell i' 'ignificantl. lower
t+an t+e downlink 'ignal level0 and call dro!' are likel. to occur at a !lace
far awa. from t+e B#S, @ou '+ould en'ure t+at t+e 1um!er' are connected
correctl., See Ca*e 4= Call Drop Due to !ntenna S&*tem Pro8lem1
If t+e feeder i' damaged0 water run' into t+e feeder0 or t+e feeder and t+e
connector are not 'ecurel. connected0 )ot+ t+e tran'mit !ower and
receiver 'en'itivit. of t+e antenna are reduced, #+u'0 call dro!' !ro)a)l.
occur, @ou can locate t+e'e !ro)lem' ). c+ecking t+e 2S3& alarm', If an.
feeder i' fault.0 .ou '+ould re!lace it in time,
If t+e antenna '.'tem +a' !ro)lem'0 t+e #C$ call dro! rate and +andover
failure rate are +ig+, In addition0 t+e difference )etween t+e u!link >ualit.
and t+e downlink >ualit. i' great0 or )ot+ t+e u!link >ualit. and t+e
downlink >ualit. are )ad, @ou can c+eck w+et+er t+e antenna '.'tem i'
fault. ). viewing t+e traffic mea'urement re'ult', #+e following ta)le li't'
t+e traffic mea'urement counter' related to t+e antenna '.'tem,
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
Cause Cell !e"el TR1 !e"el
KPI Mea'urement !er Cell in Call
Succe'' &ate of &adio $andover
utgoing E*ternal Inter-Cell $andover
Mea'urement !er Cell in Call
utgoing E*ternal Inter-Cell $andover
&e>ue't' ((!link Strengt+)
utgoing E*ternal Inter-Cell $andover
&e>ue't' (%ownlink Strengt+)
Mea*urement o% Re$ei'e
Nualit& in M&
Balan$e Mea*urement per
TR> in M& Mea'urement
1(+(6 Chec)ing the +alance +etween Uplin) and Downlin)
#+e difference )etween t+e u!link 'ignal level and t+e downlink 'ignal level
ma. )e great in t+e following condition'- #+e tran'mit !ower of t+e B#S i'
+ig+? t+e tower mounted am!lifier (#M/) or B#S am!lifier doe' not work
!ro!erl.? t+e antenna and t+e connector are not 'ecurel. connected, /' a
re'ult0 call dro!' ma. occur at t+e edge of t+e B#S coverage area, See
Ca*e 2= Call Drop Due to Im8alan$e Between 9plink an# Downlink1
#o anal."e t+e )alance )etween t+e u!link and t+e downlink0 c+eck
w+et+er t+e tran'mit !ower of t+e B#S i' too +ig+, #+en0 .ou '+ould c+eck
w+et+er 'uc+ com!onent' a' t+e #M/0 B#S am!lifier0 and antenna !ort
t+at affect downlink receive level +ave !ro)lem', Aor detail'0 refer to t+e
GSM BSS Network Performance PI !Uplink and &ownlink Balance#
$ptimi%ation Manual'
If t+e u!link and downlink are im)alanced0 t+e following condition' ma.
occur- #+e difference )etween t+e mean u!link receive level and t+e mean
downlink receive level i' great? t+e u!link and downlink )alance level i'
+ig+? t+e immediate a''ignment 'ucce'' rate and t+e a''ignment 'ucce''
rate are low, #+e following ta)le li't' t+e traffic mea'urement counter'
related to t+e )alance )etween t+e u!link and t+e downlink,
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
Cause Cell !e"el TR1 !e"el
Balance )etween u!link and
!er Cell in Call
Succe'' &atio
Succe'' &ate of
!er Cell in Call
Succe'' &ate of
Balan$e Mea*urement
per TR> in M&
TCH- Re$ei'e "e'el
Mea*urement per
TR> in M&
TCHH Re$ei'e "e'el
Mea*urement per
TR> in M&
1(+(8 Chec)ing the Repeaters
C+eck w+et+er t+e !arameter Dire$tl" Ma&ni,ier Site /la& i' 'et to 4es in
t+e data configuration on t+e CM#, If t+i' !arameter i' 'et to 4es0 .ou can
infer t+at t+e cell i' configured wit+ re!eater', If t+i' !arameter i' 'et to &o0
.ou '+ould c+eck w+et+er ot+er o!erator'G re!eater' are in'talled near t+e
If re!eater' are in'talled0 .ou '+ould c+eck w+et+er t+e. are wide-
fre>uenc. re!eater'0 and w+et+er t+e u!link:downlink am!lification
coefficient i' too great, En'ure t+at t+e am!lification coefficient i' !ro!erl.
'et, If a re!eater +a' an im!act on t+e #C$ call dro! rate0 .ou '+ould
'witc+ off t+e re!eater,
In addition0 .ou '+ould c+eck w+et+er a re!eater i' fault. and w+et+er t+e
u!link:downlink gain i' 'et to a too great:'mall value, If 'uc+ !ro)lem'
e*i't0 t+e coverage area of t+e B#S c+ange', #+u'0 t+e #C$ call dro! rate
increa'e', See Ca*e (= Call Drop Due to Repeater Pro8lem1
If re!eater !ro)lem' e*i't in a cell0 t+e #/ di'tri)ution varie' greatl. in t+e
traffic mea'urement re'ult', #+e following ta)le li't' t+e traffic
mea'urement counter' related to re!eater',
Cause Cell
TR1 !e"el
None Num8er o% MR* 8a*e# on T! per TR> in M&
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
3 Test ethods
#+e #C$ call dro! rate i' one of retaina)ilit. KPI'0 w+ic+ can )e o)tained
t+roug+ regi'tration of or re!orting of t+e related traffic mea'urement
counter', In addition0 t+e #C$ call dro! rate i' one of ke. drive te't
counter' and it can )e o)tained t+roug+ drive te't',
/t !re'ent0 t+e formula for t+e #C$ call dro! rate varie' wit+ device
manufacturer and wit+ telecom o!erator0 t+u' affecting t+e value of t+e
#C$ call dro! rate, %uring actual te't'0 .ou '+ould regi'ter t+e '!ecific
counter' and u'e an a!!ro!riate formula to calculate t+e value of t+e #C$
call dro! rate,
2 Remar)s About the Signaling
Anal*sis of the TCH Call Drop Rate
#race t+e &SC 'ignaling on t+e /)i' interface, #+en0 generate t+e 'ignaling
tracing file on t+e CM# or t+roug+ t+e Signal /nal."e #ool, )tain t+e
CNNDA/IC and E&&&DINC 'ignaling from t+e file, #+en0 rig+t-click a
!iece of 'ignaling and c+oo'e Call Trace from t+e '+ortcut menu0 a'
'+own in t+e following figure,
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
#+en0 rig+t-click t+e 'ignaling of a call and c+oo'e Show Chart from t+e
'+ortcut menu0 a' '+own in t+e following figure,
Arom t+e following figure0 .ou can view 'uc+ information a' t+e u!link and
downlink receive level of t+e 'erving cell0 u!link and downlink 'ignal >ualit.
of t+e 'erving cell0 downlink receive level of neig+)oring cell'0 #/0 MS
!ower0 and B#S !ower, Ba'ed on t+e information0 .ou can find out t+e
cau'e' of call dro!'0 'uc+ a' in'ufficient downlink coverage and
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
- Cases for TCH Call Drop Rate
-(+ Case %6 Call Drop Due to $nterference
S*mptom description-
/ certain B#S ado!ted t+e 6*5 &A A$ mode, /fter t+e ca!acit. of t+e B#S
wa' e*!anded0 t+e #C$ a''ignment failure rate remained +ig+ ()ecau'e of
radio link failure)0 and t+e #C$ dro! rate and +andover failure rate were
+ig+, #+e S%CC$ call dro! rate0 +owever0 wa' normal,
Cause anal*sis and handling-
In t+e ca'e of +ig+ #C$ a''ignment failure rate0 #C$ call dro! rate0 and
+andover failure rate0 .ou can infer t+at t+ere are two !ro)a)ilitie'- Aailure
occur' during t+e #C$ a''ignment0 and t+e fre>uenc. or time'lot u'ed ).
t+e call +a' interference or i' un'ta)le, In t+e ca'e of normal S%CC$ call
dro! rate0 t+ere i' a low !ro)a)ilit. t+at t+e BCC$ #&4 and t+e BCC$
fre>uenc. +ave interference, #+erefore0 t+ere i' a +ig+ !ro)a)ilit. t+at t+e
non-BCC$ #&4 and t+e A$ fre>uenc. +ave interference,
#+e c+eck of t+e device +ardware0 antenna '.'tem0 and tran'mi''ion
'ta)ilit. find' no !ro)lem', #+roug+ drive te't'0 .ou can find a +ig+ ratio of
+ig+ 'ignal level and low voice >ualit., %ialing te't' '+ow t+at t+e voice
>ualit. i' )ad, 3+en c+ecking t+e !arameter 'etting'0 .ou can find t+at t+e
M/I of t+e new #&4 i' t+e 'ame a' t+e M/I of anot+er #&4,
#+e cau'e of t+e fault i' fre>uenc. colli'ion )ecau'e t+e 'ame M/I i'
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
-(. Case 26 Call Drop Due to $mbalance +etween
Uplin) and Downlin)
S*mptom description-
#+e following '.m!tom' occurred during drive te't'- /fter t+e te't MS
cam!ed on a cell0 it could not make call'? t+e MS can onl. receive call'?
call dro!' occurred fre>uentl. at a certain di'tance from t+e antenna? a call
dro! occurred after fre>uent +andover',
Cause anal*sis and handling6
#+e cau'e ma. )e t+e u!link 'ignal level i' muc+ lower t+an downlink
'ignal level, %uring drive te't'0 move t+e te't MS toward' t+e edge of t+e
cell0 and u'e t+e M/67 'ignaling anal.'i' tool to trace t+e 'ignaling on t+e
B#S 'ide,

#+e tracing re'ult (a' '+own in t+e !reviou' figure) '+ow' t+at t+e u!link
'ignal level i' muc+ lower t+an t+e downlink 'ignal level, #+erefore0 call
dro!' occur,
-(1 Case '6 Call Drop Due to Repeater Problem
S*mptom description-
(nder a B#S0 t+e #C$ call dro! rate in cell 5 reac+ed 67H? +owever0 t+e
call dro! rate and conge'tion rate in cell 6 and cell = remained normal,
Cause anal*sis and handling-
6, Block t+e c+annel' in t+e cell, #+e conge'tion rate in cell 50 +owever0
remain' +ig+,
=, C+eck t+e traffic mea'urement re'ult', #+e di'tri)ution of interference
)and' i' regular0 t+at i'0 t+e interference i' +ig+ during !eak traffic +our'
and i' low during low traffic +our',
5, C+ange t+e fre>uenc. of cell 5 'o t+at t+e '!acing )etween t+e
fre>uenc. and t+e original one i' at lea't 6 M$", #+e interference0
+owever0 !er'i't', #+erefore0 t+e !ro)a)ilit. of co-c+annel interference and
ad1acent-c+annel interference i' eliminated,
B, En'ure t+at t+e device' are not fault.,
9, Aind t+e e*ternal interference,
I, ('e a '!ectrum anal."er to !erform fre>uenc. 'can te't', #+e 'ignal
from a certain fre>uenc. (t+e central fre>uenc. i' 87B,6B M$" and t+e
'!ectrum )andwidt+ i' 577 k$") e*i't' continuou'l. and it i' 'imilar to t+e
'ignal from an analog '!ectrum, #+e 'trengt+ of t+e 'ignal at t+e divider
!ort of cell 50 cell =0 and cell 6 i' F=J dBm0 FB7 dBm0 and FI7 dBm
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
re'!ectivel.0 and t+e 'ignal 'trengt+ i' con'i'tent wit+ t+e interference
level, #+e traffic volume in da.time i' greater t+an t+at at nig+t0 and t+u'
t+e !ro)a)ilit. of intermodulation i' +ig+, It $an 8e $on$lu#e# t0at t+e 87B,6B
M$" fre>uenc. i' t+e interference 'ource, 3+en a '!ectrum anal."er i'
u'ed to !erform drive te't'0 t+e interference 'ource cannot )e located,
3+en te't' are !erformed on a roofto!0 it i' found t+at t+e interference i'
generated ). a 'mall antenna of a re!eater, If t+e 'ignal from t+e antenna
i' )locked0 all t+e te't re'ult' are normal, #+erefore0 t+e interference 'ignal
i' generated ). t+e antenna,
-(3 Case 76 Call Drop Due to Co"erage
S*mptom description-
Su)'cri)er' com!lained t+at call dro!' occurred fre>uentl. w+en call'
were made on t+e fift+ or t+e +ig+er floor' of a )uilding,
Cause anal*sis-
Ste! 6- Perform on'ite te't', Call dro!' occur and interference e*i't',
3+en a call dro! occur'0 t+e MS i' located in a cell t+at doe' not )elong to
local B#S /, Ste! =- Confirm t+at t+e cell )elong' to B#S B0 w+ic+ i' a)out
t+ree or four kilometer' awa. from t+e )uilding, #+erefore0 t+e 'ignal from
a cell under B#S B i' reflected ). an o)'truction and t+en i' received ).
t+e MS, / cro'' coverage area i' formed on t+e fift+ or a)ove floor of t+e
)uilding, Ste! 5- C+eck t+e data configuration, In t+e BSC data
configuration0 cell = of B#S / i' configured a' a neig+)oring cell of B#S B0
)ut cell 5 of B#S / i' not, 3+en t+e MS in t+e area u'e' t+e 'ignal from
cell = of B#S B0 t+e 'ignal from cell 5 of B#S / i' 'tronger t+an t+at from
cell = of B#S B, In t+i' ca'e0 +andover' cannot )e !erformed )ecau'e cell
5 of B#S / i' not a neig+)oring cell of B#S B,
#+e 'ignal from cell = of B#S B ma. )e reflected multi!le time' )efore it i'
received ). t+e MS, If t+e 'ignal )ecome' weak 'uddenl.0 an emergenc.
+andover i' re>uired, In t+i' ca'e0 if )ot+ cell' = and 5 are not t+e )e't
candidate cell' for t+e +andover0 t+e MS ma. )e +anded over to a cell
under B#S C, #+e MS0 +owever0 cannot receive 'ignal' from B#S C, #+u'0
a call dro! occur',
Modif. t+e B/6 (BCC$) ta)le0 B/= (S/CC$) ta)le0 and neig+)oring cell
relation ta)le in t+e BSC data configuration, En'ure t+at cell 5 under B#S /
i' a neig+)oring cell of cell = under B#S B, Network engineering
!arameter' are furt+er o!timi"ed to eliminate t+e cro'' coverage !ro)lem,
Su)'e>uent te't' '+ow t+at t+e call dro! !ro)lem i' 'olved,
@ou can u'e t+e following met+od' to 'olve t+e cro'' coverage !ro)lem- 6,
/d1u'ting t+e antenna of t+e cro'' coverage cell to eliminate cro''
coverage =, %efining new neig+)oring cell' for t+e cro'' coverage cell
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
-(2 Case 86 Reduction of Call Drops b* #ptimi5ing
Hando"er Parameters
S*mptom description-
%uring drive te't'0 call dro!' occurred fre>uentl. at a cave entrance near
t+e B#S )ecau'e +andover' were not !erformed in time, Before t+e MS
entered t+e cave0 t+e 'ignal level of )ot+ t+e 'erving cell and t+e target cell
wa' +ig+0 and t+u' a +andover wa' not triggered, /fter t+e MS entered t+e
cave0 t+e 'ignal level of t+e target cell wa' !ro!er (a)out ;7 dBm)0 )ut t+e
'ignal level of t+e original 'erving cell ra!idl. decrea'ed to )elow 677 dBm,
#+erefore0 a call dro! occurred )efore t+e mea'urement !eriod ended,
Cause anal*sis and handling6
Modif. t+e 'etting' of t+e related !arameter',
Parameter &ame +efore
PBG# 3atc+ #ime : (
PBG# 2alid #ime + 2
PBG# $ #+re'+old ;2 64
(C <ual, #+re'+old ;3 63
Min %C Power on $
Candidate Cell
73 7:
@ou can ad1u't t+e +andover !arameter' to reduce call dro!' in t+e
following wa.'-
6, If t+ere i' no fre>uent audio di'continuit. or !ing-!ong +andover0 'et t+e
!arameter' !ro!erl. 'o t+at PBG# +andover' can )e ea'il. !erformed0
t+u' minimi"ing t+e interference and reducing t+e call dro! rate,
=, Set t+e emergenc. +andover t+re'+old !ro!erl. 'o t+at emergenc.
+andover' are triggered )efore call dro!' occur,
-(- Case 96 Call Drop Due to $nappropriate
Parameter Setting
S*mptom description-
/fter a cutover of five B#S' for ca!acit. e*!an'ion0 t+e #C$ call dro! rate'
in t+e cell' under t+e'e B#S' were +ig+ (reac+ed 9H), #+e num)er of call
dro!' in eac+ cell wa' a)out 677, /mong t+e five B#S'0 one B#S t+at +ad
no ca!acit. c+ange al'o +ad a +ig+ #C$ call dro! rate, #+e cau'e' of all
call dro!' were related to radio fre>uenc., #+ere wa' no interference0 and
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
t+e B#S +ardware wa' not fault.,
Cause anal*sis and handling-
C+eck t+e data configuration0 fre>uenc. !lanning0 BSIC !lanning0 and
traffic mea'urement re'ult', /ll t+e interference )and' are normal and no
interference e*i't', #+e +andover 'ucce'' rate i' over 85H and t+u'
+andover' are !erformed normall., C+eck t+e ver'ion' of eac+ #&4 and
AP(, It i' found t+at t+e #&4 ver'ion i' incon'i'tent wit+ t+e AP( ver'ion,
(!grade t+e #&4 and AP( to en'ure t+at t+eir ver'ion' are com!ati)le0
)ut t+e !ro)lem !er'i't', C+eck t+e data configuration again, It i' found
t+at t+e B#S after ca!acit. e*!an'ion ado!t' t+e 69-6 multi!le*ing mode0
and t+at t+e mea'urement re!ort !re!roce''ing function i' ena)led for t+e
B#S=4, #+e B#S=4 in 'ome ver'ion'0 +owever0 do not 'u!!ort t+e
mea'urement re!ort !re!roce''ing function, #+erefore0 t+e #C$ call dro!
rate i' too +ig+,
/fter a large-'cale ad1u'tment i' !erformed on t+e '.'tem0 for e*am!le0
B#S cutover0 B#S ca!acit. e*!an'ion0 fre>uenc. re!lanning0 u!grade0
!atc+ in'tallation0 t+e related '.'tem !arameter' '+ould )e c+ecked
com!letel. and ad1u'ted if re>uired, #+e following !arameter' '+ould )e
c+ecked- neig+)oring cell relation'0 fre>uenc. interference condition'0 A$
!arameter'0 and cell !arameter', S!ecial attention '+ould )e !aid to t+e
B#S ver'ion,
-(5 Case :6 Call Drop Due to TR1 +oard Fault
S*mptom description-
%uring dialing te't'0 call dro!' occurred fre>uentl. in cell = of a B#S,
Cause anal*sis-
#+e traffic mea'urement re'ult' '+ow t+at t+e #C$ conge'tion rate in t+e
cell e*ceed' 67H and t+at t+e incoming +andover failure rate i' +ig+, #+e
remote maintenance terminal '+ow' t+at one #&4 )oard in t+e cell i' not
normal, #+u'0 t+e #&4 )oard ma. )e fault.,
('e t+e te't MS to make call' re!eatedl. on onl. t+e fre>uenc. of t+e
fault. #&4 )oard, It i' found t+at call dro!' occur on time'lot' 60 50 90 and J
and t+at call' are made normall. on time'lot' =0 B0 I0 and ;, &emove t+e
#&4 )oard and t+en in'ert it into anot+er 'lot, #+e !ro)lem !er'i't', In'ert
a functional #&4 )oard into t+e 'lot of t+e fault. #&4 )oard, Call' are
made normall., #+en0 in'ert t+e fault. #&4 )oard into anot+er ca)inet, #+e
!ro)lem !er'i't', /' a conclu'ion0 t+e #&4 )oard i' fault., In'ert a '!are
)oard into t+e 'lot of t+e fault. #&4 )oard0 call' are made normall.,
3+en te't' are !erformed on t+e B#S 'ide0 eac+ #&4 and eac+ time'lot
on t+e #&4 '+ould )e te'ted, @ou '+ould en'ure t+at )i-directional call'
can )e made on eac+ #C$ and t+at t+e voice >ualit. i' good,
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
-(6 Case ;6 Call Drop Due to Antenna S*stem
S*mptom description-
/ new B#S576= wa' de!lo.ed at a 'ite and t+e cell configuration wa'
S=:=:=, /fter t+e B#S576= wa' !ut into o!eration0 t+e num)er of #C$ call
dro!' in )ot+ cell 6 and cell = in )u'. +our' reac+ed =70 t+e num)er of
S%CC$ call dro!' in cell 5 in )u'. +our' reac+ed 60777, #+e'e counter' in
cell 5 were normal,
Cause anal*sis and handling6
/nal."e t+e traffic mea'urement re'ult' of #&4-level radio link
!erformance in )u'. +our', It i' found t+at t+e num)er of a)normal radio
link' on )ot+ #&4 5 (#&4 = and #&4 5 are configured for cell 6) and #&4 J
(#&4 I and #&4 J are configured for cell =) i' great, #&4 5 and #&4 J are
t+e 'econd #&4 in cell 6 and cell = re'!ectivel.? t+erefore0 t+e. are
connected to t+e #4B c+annel of t+e %%P( in t+e corre'!onding cell, #+e
1um!er' of t+e two non-BCC$ #&4' ma. )e im!ro!erl. connected,
/nal."e t+e traffic mea'urement re'ult' related to t+e u!link and downlink
)alance !erformance, It i' found t+at u!link and downlink im)alance level'
60 =0 and 5 account for a large !ro!ortion of all im)alance level' for )ot+
#&4 5 and #&4 J, #+i' indicate' t+at t+e downlink lo'' i' too great or t+e
downlink tran'mit !ower i' too low, #&4 = (main BCC$ #&4) and #&4 I
(main BCC$ #&4) are connected to t+e #4/ c+annel of t+e %%P( in cell 6
and cell = re'!ectivel., 3+en call' are a''igned wit+ t+e c+annel' on t+e
non-BCC$ #&40 tran'mit !ower decrea'e' '+ar!l. )ecau'e t+e feeder' of
#&4 5 and #&4 J are im!ro!erl. connected, #+u'0 call dro!' occur, &ectif.
t+e mi'connection and find t+at t+e #C$ call dro! rate and S%CC$ call
dro! rate in )ot+ cell 6 and cell = )ecome normal,
-(8 Case <6 Call Drop Due to Transmission
S*mptom description6
/t a certain 'ite0 t+e M# B#S wa' re!laced ). t+e $uawei B#S and t+e
cell configuration wa' S=:=:=, n t+e nig+t of t+e re!lacement0 call' were
made normall. and drive te't' '+owed t+at all !erformance counter' were
normal, #+e traffic mea'urement re'ult' wit+in a !eriod of 69 minute'
'+owed t+at MS-originated and MS-terminated call' were made normall.
and +andover' were !erformed normall., /fter a week of o!eration0 t+e
traffic mea'urement re'ult' '+owed t+at t+e value of t+e counter S%CC$
Sei"ure &e>ue't wa' not normal- #+e ma*imum num)er of S%CC$
'ei"ure re>ue't' reac+ed 87770 t+e num)er of Succe''ful S%CC$ Sei"ure
&e>ue't' wa' over J7770 and t+e num)er of Aailed S%CC$ Sei"ure' due
to Bu'. S%CC$ wa' over 877, Com!ared wit+ t+e 'imilar S%CC$
counter'0 t+e #C$ traffic volume i' 'mall and t+e #C$ call dro! rate i' +ig+,
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
Cause anal*sis and handling6
C+eck t+e +ardware on 'ite, It i' found t+at making a call i' difficult on 'ite,
In addition0 'ome 'u)'cri)er' com!lained t+at it wa' difficult to make call'
after t+e re!lacement, /fter o)taining t+e con'ent from t+e cu'tomer0 t+e
on'ite engineer' !ower off t+e B#S and load t+e data again, %uring t+e
initiali"ation of t+e B#S0 a me''age i' di'!la.ed0 indicating t+at t+e !roce''
i' di'ru!ted and t+at t+e communication i' timed out, Some !arameter' of
t+e B#S cannot )e initiali"ed, #+e B#S +ardware i' normal and t+e ca)le
connection' are !ro!er,
Before t+e re!lacement0 t+e tran'mi''ion i' normal, /fter t+e re!lacement0
mo't of t+e tran'mi''ion ca)le' are t+e original one', $uawei engineer'
re!lace onl. t+e tran'mi''ion ca)le )etween t+e tran'mi''ion e>ui!ment
room and t+e $uawei BSC and u'e a new E6 connector to fi* t+e %%A
tran'mi''ion ca)le to t+e E6 !ort on to! of t+e B#S ca)inet, #+erefore0 t+e
E6 connector ma. )e made im!ro!erl. 'o t+at t+e tran'mi''ion )it error
rate i' +ig+ and t+at t+e B#S cannot )e com!letel. initiali"ed, /' a re'ult0
w+en a 'u)'cri)er make' a call0 a''igning a #C$ i' difficult, / detailed
c+eck '+ow' t+at t+e E6 connector on to! of t+e B#S ca)inet i' made
im!ro!erl., /fter a !ro!er E6 connector i' u'ed0 t+e !ro)lem i' 'olved,
-(+4 Case %=6 Call Drop Rate Doubled in a Co+CCH
&etwor) After Upgrade from V<R% to V<R'
S*mptom description6
In t+e ,&pt (r# li$en*e proLe$tC a%ter t0e BSC wa* up,ra#e# %rom )<R7 to )<R(C
t0e num8er o% $all #rop* in t0e CoBCCH network #ou8le#1
Cause anal*sis and handling6
Com!are 28&6 wit+ 28&5, It i' found t+at t+e function of configuring t+e
BCC$ in t+e overlaid 'u)cell i' added to 28&5 and t+at a new #&4-level
!arameter H-3Concentric Attribute (wit+ t+e default value &one) i' add,
C+eck t+e code, It i' found t+at if t+e !arameter H-3Concentric Attribute
i' 'et to &one0 t+e o!erating fre>uenc. )and of t+e MS ma. )e wrongl.
determined, /' a con'e>uence0 !ower control ma. )e !erformed
im!ro!erl., Aor e*am!le0 t+e 877 M$" fre>uenc. )and ma. )e mi'takenl.
regarded a' t+e 6;77 M$" fre>uenc. )and, In t+i' ca'e0 if !ower control i'
!erformed0 t+e !ower control am!litude )ecome' large and t+e 'ignal level
i' ad1u'ted to a low level, #+u'0 call dro!' increa'e, Manuall. 'et t+e
H-3Concentric Attribute of t+e main BCC$ to Underla* cell, #+e
!ro)lem i' 'olved and t+e call dro! rate )ecome' normal,
-(++ Case %%6 $ncrease in Call Drop Rate Due to
$nacti"it* of T'=8 and T'=;
S*mptom description6
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
/fter a re!lacement wa' !erformed in $ainan Mo)ile !ro1ect0 t+e #C$ call
dro! rate increa'ed, In ur)an area'0 t+e #C$ call dro! rate increa'ed from
7,BH to 7,JH? in 'u)ur)an area'0 it increa'ed from 7,JH to 6,6H,
Cause anal*sis and handling6
/nal."e t+e / interface 'ignaling and t+e ver'ion c+ange, / ver'ion c+ange
i' found0 t+at i'0 timer' #579 and #57; mu't )e 'et during t+e addition of
t+e BSC data0 and t+e data modification in t+e timer ta)le doe' not take
effect, #imer #579 and #57; are inactive? t+erefore0 t+e MSC doe' not
initiate t+e call relea'e !rocedure, /' a re'ult0 t+e num)er of call dro!'
increa'e' greatl., /fter t+e 'etting' of t+e two !arameter' are modified0 t+e
call dro! rate )ecome' lower t+an t+at in t+e original network, #+e !ro)lem
i' 'olved,
-(+. Case %26 $ncrease in Call Drop Rate Due to
Change of TR%& on the SC Side
S*mptom description6
#+e value of t+e TR%& !arameter wa' c+anged from =7' to I7' to avoid
retran'mi''ion of '+ort me''age' and to im!rove u'er e*!erience, /fter
t+e c+ange0 t+e num)er of call dro!' wit+ t+e cau'e value &elea'e
Indication increa'ed greatl.,
Cause anal*sis and handling6
!nal&ze t0e *i,nalin, on t0e ! inter%a$e1 !%ter t0e 'alue o% TR7N i* $0an,e#C t0e
%ollowin, *i,nalin, %low take* pla$e= !%ter t0e MS *en#* a DISCONNCT
me**a,e to t0e networkC t0e MSC #oe* not *en# a C"!R CMD me**a,e to
relea*e t0e terre*trial re*our$e* an# t0e TCH1 In t0i* $a*eC t0e MS *en#* t0e BTS a
DISC me**a,e to #i*$onne$t la&er 2 $onne$tion1 !%ter re$ei'in, t0e DISC
me**a,eC t0e BTS *en#* a R"MIND me**a,e to t0e BSC1 T0enC t0e BSC *en#* a
C"!R RN me**a,e to t0e MSC an# t0e num8er o% $all #rop* i* in$remente# 8&
one1 /fter t+e #&6N !arameter i' 'et to =7' again0 t+e #C$ call dro! rate
decrea'e' greatl. and return' normal,
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
5 Feedbac) Form for the TCH Call
Drop Rate
If t+e #C$ call dro! rate i' +ig+ and tec+nical 'u!!ort i' re>uired0 fill in t+e
following form,
Chec) $tem ,>ample Description
Software ver'ion BSC and B#S 'oftware
C+eck w+et+er t+e 'oftware
ver'ion i' fault.,
K,dat file C+eck w+et+er t+e network
o!timi"ation !arameter' and
!ower 'etting' are !ro!er,
$ardware0 clock0 and
tran'mi''ion ('elf-
C+eck w+et+er alarm' related to
t+e +ardware0 clock0 and
tran'mi''ion are generated in a
cell wit+ a +ig+ #C$ call dro!
#raffic mea'urement
re'ult' related to t+e
voice >ualit. and t+e
)alance )etween
u!link and downlink
Ba'ed on traffic mea'urement
re'ult'0 c+eck w+et+er
interference and im)alance
)etween u!link and downlink
Signaling &SC 'ignaling tracing
C+eck t+e cau'e' of call dro!',
%rive te't data K,log (K,cell 'ite) or
K,ant file
Ba'ed on t+e drive te't data0
determine w+et+er interference or
coverage !ro)lem' e*i't,
GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
Chec) $tem ,>ample Description
t+er' Engineering !arameter
ta)le and electronic
#+e N/S#/& 'oftware can )e
u'ed to im!ort t+e electronic ma!
to facilitate t+e geogra!+ical
information c+eck,

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