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GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!

Pro#uct Name Con$i#entialit% "e&el
Pro#uct (ersion Total )* pa+es
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate)
Optimization Manual
(,or internal use onl%)
Prepared ! -an+ .i/ian+0 1C2M!3GSM Network
Per$ormance Researc4 2ept5
"ate 677*8798'7
Re#iewed ! "ate
Re#iewed !
Granted !
$uawei %ec&nolo'ies Co() *td(
!ll ri+4ts reser&e#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
+ "e,inition o, t&e CSSR((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((-
)5) 2e$inition555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555:
)5) 2e$inition555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555:
)56 Recommen#e# ,ormula5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555:
)56 Recommen#e# ,ormula5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555:
)5' Measurement Point555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555:
)5' Measurement Point555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555:
. In,luencin' /actors((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((0
1 2nal!sis Process and Optimization Met&od((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((+3
'5) !nal%sis Process55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555)7
'5) !nal%sis Process55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555)7
'56 Process 2escription55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555))
'56 Process 2escription55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555))
4 %est Met&od((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((+1
5 Optimization Cases((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((+4
;5) Pro<lem Relate# to t4e Stan#ar#izin+ o$ t4e CSSR in (iettel Pro=ect in (ietnam5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555)>
;5) Pro<lem Relate# to t4e Stan#ar#izin+ o$ t4e CSSR in (iettel Pro=ect in (ietnam5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555)>
6 In,ormation /eedack ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((+-
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
Measurement points durin' t&e si'nalin' o, call setup(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((7
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
Re#ision Record
C&an'e "escription
677*8798'7 75 ) 2ra$t complete# -an+ .i/ian+
677*8))87) )57 -an+ .i/ian+
SN "ocument 2ut&or "ata
) GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Baseline 1u ?4en 677:87*86)
6 GSM BSS Network KPI (Imme#iate !ssi+nment Success Rate)
"iu @iu%u 677:87'8)7
' GSM BSS Network KPI (!ssi+nment Success Rate) Baseline "iu @iu%u 677:87'869
> GSM BSS Network KPI (S2CCA 2rop Rate) Baseline 1u ?4en 677:87B8)7
; Network KPI (!ssi+nment Success Rate) Optimization Manual Su S4i 677*87'86B
9 GSM BSS Network KPI (Imme#iate !ssi+nment Success Rate)
Optimization Manual
1an+ ,ei
: GSM BSS Network KPI (S2CCA 2rop Rate) Optimization
2u .ian
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate)
Optimization Manual
Ke! words8 Call Setup Success Rate0 Imme#iate !ssi+nment Success Rate0 !ssi+nment
Success Rate0 S2CCA 2rop Rate
2stract8 T4is #ocument pro&i#es t4e #e$inition o$ t4e Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR) an#
t4e met4o#s o$ testin+ an# optimizin+ t4e CSSR5
2cron!ms and are#iations8
2cron!m and 2re#iation /ull Spellin'
CSSR Call Setup Success Rate
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
+ "e,inition o, t&e CSSR
+(+ "e,inition
T4e CSSR in#icates t4e pro<a<ilit% o$ success$ul calls initiate# <% t4e MS5 T4e CSSR is an
important KPI $or e&aluatin+ t4e network per$ormance5 I$ t4is KPI is too low0 t4e su<scri<ers
are not likel% to make calls success$ull%5 T4e user e/perience is t4us a$$ecte#5
+(. Recommended /ormula
T4e CSSR can <e o<taine# t4rou+4 tra$$ic measurement an# #ri&e tests5 T4e recommen#e#
$ormula $or calculatin+ t4is KPI is as $ollowsC
CSSR D Success$ul !ssi+nmentsECall8relate# ReFuests / )77G
BSS CSSR D Imme#iate !ssi+nment Success Rate / !ssi+nment Success Rate / () 8 S2CCA
2rop Rate) / )77G
,or #etails on t4e tra$$ic measurement relate# to t4e pre&ious $ormulas0 t4e t4ree relate#
counters (Imme#iate !ssi+nment Success Rate0 S2CCA 2rop Rate0 an# !ssi+nment Success
Rate)0 an# t4e comparison <etween t4e counters o$ Auawei an# t4e counters o$ ot4er &en#ors0
re$er to t4e GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Baseline5
T4is manual takes t4e tra$$ic measurement o$ t4e BSC9777 as an e/ample5
+(1 Measurement Point
T4e BSS CSSR is a com<ine# KPI5 ,or #etails on its measurement points0 re$er to t4e GSM
BSS Network KPI (Immediate Assignment Success Rate) Baseline0 t4e GSM BSS Network KPI
(Assignment Success Rate) Baseline0 an# t4e GSM BSS Network KPI (SCC! rop Rate)
Baseline5 ,i+ure )5) s4ows t4e measurement points o$ t4e CSSR t4rou+4 t4e si+nalin+ process
o$ call setup5
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
/i'ure +(+ Measurement points #urin+ t4e si+nalin+ o$ call setup
NoteC T4e measurement points illustrate# in ,i+ure )5) are as $ollowsC
!HHImme#iate !ssi+nment ReFuests (C4annel ReFuests (Circuit Ser&ice))
BHHSuccess$ul Imme#iate !ssi+nments (Call Setup In#ications (Circuit Ser&ice))
CHH!ssi+nment ReFuests (Seizure ReFuests)
2HHComplete# !ssi+nments (Success$ul TCA Seizures)
T4e $ollowin+ $ormula s4ows t4e relations <etween t4e CSSR an# Imme#iate !ssi+nment
Success Rate0 S2CCA 2rop Rate0 an# !ssi+nment Success Rate5
BSS CSSR D Success$ul !ssi+nmentsECall8relate# ReFuests
D 2E!
D BE! / CEB / 2EC
D BE! / ()8(B8C)EB) / 2EC
D Imme#iate !ssi+nment Success Rate / () 8 S2CCA 2rop Rate) / !ssi+nment Success Rate

GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
. In,luencin' /actors
T4e CSSR is a com<ine# KPI5 ,or #etails on t4e $actors t4at in$luence t4e CSSR0 re$er to t4e
Network KPI (Assignment Success Rate) "ptimi#ation Manual0 t4e GSM BSS Network KPI
(Immediate Assignment Success Rate) "ptimi#ation Manual$ an# t4e GSM BSS Network KPI
(SCC! rop Rate) "ptimi#ation Manual% T4is section pro&i#es a simple classi$ication o$
t4e $actors t4at in$luence t4e CSSR5 T4e $ollowin+ ta<le #escri<es t4e ke% $actors5
Intra8network inter$erence an# inter8network inter$erence0 improper
parameter (inclu#in+ timers) settin+s0 co&era+e pro<lems0 mo<ile p4one
pro<lems0 antenna pro<lems0 4ar#ware (inclu#in+ repeaters an# =umpers)
C4annel con+estion0 transmission pro<lems0 improper parameter (inclu#in+
timers) settin+s
! Inter$ace Transmission pro<lems (con+estion an# communication Fualit%)
Base# on t4e prece#in+ in$ormation0 %ou can c4eck w4et4er t4e pro<lem is relate# to t4e Im
inter$ace0 !<is inter$ace0 or ! inter$ace5
,or more #etails0 re$er to t4e manuals mentione# earlier5
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
1 2nal!sis Process and Optimization Met&od
1(+ 2nal!sis Process
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
1(. Process "escription
T4e process o$ anal%zin+ t4e CSSR is as $ollowsC
+( /ind out t&e causes o, a low CSSR((C4eck w4et4er a low CSSR is cause# <% Imme#iate
!ssi+nment Success Rate pro<lems0 S2CCA 2rop Rate pro<lems0 or !ssi+nment Success
Rate pro<lems5)
2( Conditions ,or c&eckin' w&et&er a low CSSR is caused ! Imme#iate !ssi+nment
Success Rate pro<lems5
JCall Measurement(C!"")K8LJImme#iate !ssi+nment MeasurementK R!'7'GC Imme#iate
!ssi+nment Success Rate5 R!'7'G is use# to measure t4e imme#iate assi+nment success rate
o$ a cell5 I$ t4e imme#iate assi+nment success rate is low in a cell0 optimize t4e relate#
con$i+urations o$ t4e cell <% re$errin+ to t4e GSM BSS Network KPI (Immediate Assignment
Success Rate) "ptimi#ation Manual%
B( Conditions ,or c&eckin' w&et&er a low CSSR is caused ! S"CC$ "rop Rate
JCall Measurement(C!"")K8L JS2CCA Call 2rop MeasurementK ?TR)7>BC S2CCA 2rop
Rate5 ?TR)7>B is use# to measure t4e S2CCA #rop rate o$ a cell5 I$ t4e S2CCA #rop rate is
low in a cell0 optimize t4e relate# con$i+urations o$ t4e cell <% re$errin+ to t4e Network KPI
(SCC! rop Rate) "ptimi#ation Manual%
C( Conditions ,or c&eckin' w&et&er a low CSSR is caused ! 2ssi'nment Success Rate
JCall Measurement(C!"")K8L J!ssi+nment MeasurementK RC!')'C TCA !ssi+nment
Success Rate5 RC!')' is use# to measure t4e TCA assi+nment success rate o$ a cell5 I$ t4e
TCA assi+nment success rate is low in a cell0 optimize t4e relate# con$i+urations o$ t4e cell <%
re$errin+ to t4e Network KPI (Assignment Success Rate) "ptimi#ation Manual%
%&e ,ollowin' tale descries t&e related counters(
BSC9*e#el Cell9*e#el %R:9*e#el
Success Rate
JBSC Measurement(BSC)K8
LJ!ccess Measurement per
JImme#iate !ssi+nment Measurement perK
2rop Rate
JBSC Measurement(BSC)K8
LJ!ccess Measurement per
JKPI Measurement per CellK
JS2CCA Call 2rop Measurement per CellK
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
BSC9*e#el Cell9*e#el %R:9*e#el
Success Rate
JBSC Measurement(BSC)K8
LJ!ccess Measurement per
JCall Measurement(C!"")K8LJ!ssi+nment
JKPI Measurement per CellK
.( Optimize t&e related con,i'urations o, t&e cell ! re,errin' to t&e related optimization
manual( &aluate t4e optimization result5 I$ t4e pro<lem is not sol&e#0 repeat step 65
'5 I$ a s%mptom0 w&ic& is not #escri<e# in t4e optimization manual0 occurs0 sen# t4e
in$ormation #escri<e# in C4apter 9 to t4e 1C2M!3GSM Network Per$ormance Researc4
2epartment5 T4e en+ineers concerne# will t4en assist %ou in locatin+ t4e pro<lem an#
anal%zin+ t4e $ault5
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
4 %est Met&od
T4e CSSR is one o$ t4e tra$$ic measurement KPIs5 It is e&aluate# t4rou+4 t4e counters relate#
to Call Measurement(C!"")5
T4e CSSR0 as a KPI0 4as a +reat impact on customer ser&ice5 T4ere$ore0 it must <e trace# in
routine network optimization5 I$ a cell 4as a low CSSR (<elow B;G)0 t4e cell is classi$ie# as a
$ault% cell5
-ou must t4en locate t4e pro<lem an# anal%ze t4e $ault <% re$errin+ to t4e anal%sis process5
!nal%sis mainl% re$ers to t4e tra$$ic measurement anal%sis5 -ou can also use si+nalin+ tracin+
an# t4e speci$ie# #ri&e tests $or trou<les4ootin+5
T4e purpose o$ #esi+nate# #ri&e tests is to trace t4e si+nalin+ on t4e Im inter$ace an# on t4e
!i<s inter$ace in #i$$erent scenarios5 T4us0 t4e si+nalin+ process can <e compre4ensi&el%
anal%ze# an# t4e pro<lem can <e locate# easil%5
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
5 Optimization Cases
Onl% one case is pro&i#e# in t4is section5 ,or more cases0 re$er to t4e Network KPI
(Assignment Success Rate) "ptimi#ation Manual0 t4e GSM BSS Network KPI (Immediate
Assignment Success Rate) "ptimi#ation Manual0 an# t4e GSM BSS Network KPI (SCC!
rop Rate) "ptimi#ation Manual5
5(+ Prolem Related to t&e Standardizin' o, t&e CSSR in
;iettel Pro<ect in ;ietnam
=Prolem "escription>
T4e CSSR a$ter swappin+ is low compare# wit4 t4e CSSR <e$ore swappin+5 !$ter
optimization0 t4e CSSR increases to BB56G0 w4ic4 is 75'G lower t4an t4e stan#ar# &alue0
w4ic4 is t4e &alue <e$ore swappin+5
=Prolem 2nal!sis>
)5 !nal%ze t4e CSSR8relate# countersC Imme#iate !ssi+nment Success Rate0 !ssi+nment
Success Rate0 an# S2CCA 2rop Rate5 T4e result s4ows t4at !ssi+nment Success Rate is
75>;G lower t4an t4at <e$ore swappin+ (!ssi+nment Success Rate <e$ore swappin+ is BB5*:G
an# a$ter swappin+ is BB5>6G)0 an# S2CCA 2rop Rate is 75):; lower t4an t4at <e$ore
swappin+ (S2CCA 2rop Rate <e$ore swappin+ is 75';;G an# a$ter swappin+ is 75)*7G) T4e
initial conclusion is t4at a low !ssi+nment Success Rate (!SR) lea#s to a #ecrease in t4e
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
65 ,urt4er anal%sis s4ows t4at t4e num<er o$ $aile# assi+nments #ue to call clearin+ per$orme#
<% t4e MSC takes up :*5)BG o$ t4e total $ailures5 T4e result s4ows t4at call clearin+
per$orme# <% t4e MSC #ecreases TCA !ssi+nment Success Rate on t4e li&e network5
'5 Si+nalin+ anal%sis s4ows t4at si+nalin+ e/ceptions e/ist in t4e network5 In t4e c4annel
assi+nment proce#ure0 t4e MSC0 on recei&in+ t4e setup messa+e0 sen#s a 2isconnect messa+e
to clear t4e call <e$ore a c4annel is assi+ne#5
>5 T4e (iettel pro=ect in (ietnam a#opts t4e Auawei core network eFuipment5 T4e MSC0 on
recei&in+ t4e setup messa+e0 sen#s a 2isconnect messa+e to clear t4e call <e$ore a c4annel is
assi+ne# in $ast c4annel assi+nment proce#ure5 T4is can <e sol&e# <% settin+ t4e so$tware
parameter P):' on t4e core network5
=Prolem *ocation>
T4e workin+ mec4anism o$ Auawei core network #i$$ers $rom t4at o$ peer &en#orNs
eFuipment5 To impro&e t4e parallel processin+ capa<ilit% o$ t4e s%stem0 t4e MSC sen#s a
2isconnect messa+e to clear a call a$ter recei&in+ t4e setup messa+e an# <e$ore a c4annel is
assi+ne# to t4e call5
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
Base# on t4e actual reFuirements an# a$ter ne+otiation wit4 t4e customer0 %ou must ena<le
P):' (call clearin+ an# suspension $unction)5 To ena<le p):'0 per$orm t4e $ollowin+
P):'C T4e $ourt4 <it (OOOO OOOO OOO@ OOOO) speci$ies w4et4er t4e call clearin+ an#
suspension $unction is ena<le#5
D 7C na<lin+ t4e call clearin+ an# suspension $unction
D )C 2isa<lin+ t4e call clearin+ an# suspension $unction
ConclusionC T4e call clearin+ an# suspension $unction 4elps to impro&e t4e CSSR5 T4is
$unction0 4owe&er0 prolon+s t4e clearin+ timeP t4ere$ore0 more num<er o$ S2CCAs an# TCAs
are occupie#5 !s a result0 counters suc4 as S2CCA Con+estion rate an# TCA Con+estion
Rate ma% <e a$$ecte#5
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
6 In,ormation /eedack
I$ t4e CSSR is too low0 sen# t4e #ata #escri<e# in t4e $ollowin+ ta<le to t4e 1C2M!3GSM
Network Per$ormance Researc4 2epartment5
SN In,ormation Remarks Purpose
) So$tware
So$tware &ersions o$ t4e BSC an# BTS C4eck w4et4er t4e so$tware &ersion is
6 2ata
Con$i+uration $iles o$ t4e BSC0 in O5#at
C4eck t4e network optimization
parameters an# power con$i+uration5
' !larm
!larm in$ormation relate# to 4ar#ware0
clock0 an# transmission (sel$8c4eck)
C4eck w4et4er suc4 alarms e/ist in t4e
$ault% cell5 Suc4 alarms s4oul# <e
> Tra$$ic
QImme#iate !ssi+nment
MeasurementLQS2CCA Call 2rop
Measurement per CellLQKPI
Measurement per CellL
O<ser&e t4e tra$$ic measurement result
an# c4eck $or con+estion or
inter$erence pro<lems5
; Si+nalin+ RS" si+nalin+ tracin+ o$ $ault
occurrence time in t4e $ault% cell
Searc4 $or t4e cause o$ call setup
9 2ri&e test
O5lo+ (O5C"") $iles or O5ant $iles O<ser&e t4e #ri&e test #ata an# c4eck
$or inter$erence or co&era+e pro<lems
: Network
plannin+ #ata
n+ineerin+ parameter ta<les an# e8
Network plannin+ #ata $acilitates t4e
c4eckin+ o$ t4e +eo+rap4ical
in$ormation <% t4e N!ST!R tool5
* Optimization
T4e optimization report pro&i#es t4e
optimization pro=ects #escri<e# in t4is
manual an# implemente# on site5 T4e
report also pro&i#es t4e optimization
measures0 w4ic4 are not #escri<e# in
t4is manual <ut implemente# on site5
T4e optimization report ser&es as a
re$erence $or $uture network plannin+5
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
T4e operations #escri<e# in items ; an# 9 in t4e prece#in+ ta<le s4oul# <e per$orme#
simultaneousl%5 T4at is0 w4en per$ormin+ #ri&e tests0 %ou must trace t4e RS" si+nalin+ o$ t4e
correspon#in+ cell5 Be$ore t4e #ri&e tests0 %ou must also s%nc4ronize t4e PC time use# $or
#ri&e tests wit4 t4e BSC time5

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