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GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua

Product name Confidentiality level
GSM BSS Internal
Product version Total 30pages
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover
Success Rate !"timi#ation Manual
For internal use only
Pre"ared $y GSM&UMTS Network Performance
Researc !epartment
%ate $00%&'&$3
Reviewed $y %ate ((((&mm&))
Reviewed $y %ate ((((&mm&))
Granted $y %ate ((((&mm&))
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved

1 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
Revision Record
%ate Revision
C'an(e %escri"tion )ut'or
$00%&'&$3 0*%% !raft complete) !ong "#an
$00%&+&30 1*0 Some flowcarts are #p)ate)* !ong "#an

2 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
Handover Success Rate
By analyzing the factors that affect the Handover Success Rate H!SR" on the BSS side, this
docu#ent $rovides a #ethod of %uic&ly locating the cause of lo' H!SR or slo' handover( )n
addition, this docu#ent $rovides #easures for o$ti#izing the H!SR, thus #eeting field engineers*
'or&ing re%uire#ents for solving handover $ro+le#s( ,his docu#ent is used for o$ti#izing the
-.)s of net'or& $erfor#ance and #onitoring the net'or& %uality(
)cronyms and )$$reviations
)$$reviations *+"ansion
,MR ,)apt-.e M#lt- Rate
B//0 Broa)cast /ontrol /annel
B1R B-t 1rror Rat-o
B2 Ba) 2#al-t(
BS/ Base Stat-on /ontroller
BSI/ Base Stat-on I)ent-t( /o)e
/!U /om3-n-ng an) !-str-3#t-on Un-t
/I/ /-rc#-t I)ent-f-cat-on /o)e
04SR 0an) S#ccess Rate
5PI 5e( Performance In)e6
MR Meas#re Report
MS Mo3-le Stat-on
N1 Network 1lement
2oS 2#al-t( of Ser.-ce
R2I Ra)-o 2#al-t( In)-cat-on
T, T-m-ng ,).ance

3 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
,a$le of Contents
- Basic Princi"les................................................................................................................. /
1*1 !ef-n-t-on******************************************************************************************************************** %
1*$ Teor(*********************************************************************************************************************** %
1*3 Recommen)e) 7orm#la******************************************************************************************** %
1*' Meas#rement Po-nt*************************************************************************************************** 8
0 Influencin( 1actors.......................................................................................................... --
2 )nalysis Process and !"timi#ation Met'od..................................................................--
3*1 Process of ,nal(9-ng 0an) Pro3lems***************************************************************1$
3*1*1 General Process of :ocat-ng a 0an) Pro3lem***************************************1$
3*$ Meto)s for 4pt-m-9-ng 0an) Pro3lems***********************************************************1'
3*$*1 /lass-f-cat-on of 0an) Pro3lems************************************************************1'
3*$*$ 0ar)ware an) Transm-ss-on 7a-l#re**************************************************************1;
3*$*3 Improper !ata /onf-g#rat-on*************************************************************************1+
3*$*' /ongest-on of te Target /ell************************************************************************18
3*$*; /lock Pro3lems********************************************************************************************* $1
3*$*< Interference Pro3lems*********************************************************************************** $$
3*$*+ /o.erage Pro3lems= an) Upl-nk an) !ownl-nk Im3alance****************************$3
3*$*% 7a-le) Inter&BS/>Inter&MS/ 0an)o.ers********************************************************$'
3*$*8 ,#tomat-c Ne-g3or-ng /ell 4pt-m-9at-on******************************************************$;
3*$*10 Test-ng Tool Select-on an) Test-ng S#ggest-ons******************************************$<
3*$*11 /onf-g#rat-on S#ggest-ons for Tests on te 16-st-ng Network*********************$+
3 !"timi#ation Cases.......................................................................................................... 04
'*1 , 0an) 7a-ls Beca#se te BSI/ /annot Be !eco)e)**************************************$+
'*$ , 0an) 7a-ls Beca#se 7re?#enc( Se?#enc-ng of te MS Is !-fferent from Tat
of te BS/*********************************************************************************************************************** $+
'*3 , 0an) 7a-ls !#e to Unreasona3le Parameter /onf-g#rat-on***************************$+
'*' Te N#m3er of 7a-le) Incom-ng BS/ 0an)o.ers Increases Beca#se te 0an)
Re?#est !oes Not /onta-n /lass Mark 3************************************************************************$%
'*; ,n Incom-ng BS/ 0an) 7a-ls Beca#se te , Interface Pase 7lag Is Set
@rongl(*************************************************************************************************************************** $%
'*< Beca#se te I)le B#rst Is 1na3le)= te Interference Increases= te Rece-.-ng
2#al-t( !ecreases= an) te 04SR Becomes :ow***********************************************************$%
'*+ !-fferent 04SRs Res#lt-ng from !-fferent /a#se Val#es /onta-ne) -n te /lear
/omman) Messages Sent 3( !-fferent Sw-tces************************************************************$8
5 Information 1eed$ack...................................................................................................... 06
;*1 T1MS :og 7-les ,3o#t Pro3lem /ells**********************************************************************$8

4 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
;*$ Re?#-rements of /onf-g#rat-on !ata of te 16-st-ng Network an) Traff-c
Meas#rement 7ee)3ack************************************************************************************************** $8

5 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
7ist of ,a$les
,a$le -.-7ist of 'andover timers commonly used.............................................................-/

/ , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
7ist of 1i(ures
1i(ure -.-Si(nalin( "rocess of intra8BSC 'andover...........................................................6
1i(ure -.0Si(nalin( "rocess of inter8BSC 'andover.........................................................-9
1i(ure -.-1low c'art of locatin( a 'andover "ro$lem.......................................................-2
1i(ure -.01low c'art and timer descri"tion........................................................................-6
1i(ure 3.-1low c'art of automatic nei('$orin( cell o"timi#ation....................................0:

0 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success
Rate !"timi#ation Manual
- Basic Princi"les
-.- %efinition
Handover is an i#$ortant function in #o+ile co##unication syste#s( 1s a #eans of radio lin&
control, handover ena+les users to co##unicate continuously 'hen they traverse different cells(
,he H!SR is the ratio of the nu#+er of successful handovers to the nu#+er of handover re%uests(
,he #a2or $ur$ose of handover is to guarantee call continuity, i#$rove s$eech %uality, reduce
cross interference in the net'or&, and thus $rovide +etter services for #o+ile station 3S"
-.0 ,'eory
,he H!SR is an i#$ortant -.) of the call hold ty$e( 1ccording to the $rocesses, this -.) can +e
divided into t'o ty$es4 Handover Success Rate and Radio Handover Success Rate( 1ccording to
the relations +et'een involved net'or& ele#ents 56s", this -.) can +e divided into three ty$es4
Success Rate of )ntra-BS7 Handover, Success Rate of )nco#ing BS7 Handover, and Success Rate
of !utgoing BS7 Handover( ,he H!SR is an i#$ortant -.) assessed +y o$erators +ecause the
value of the H!SR directly affects the user e8$erience(
-.2 Recommended 1ormula
,he H!SR is o+tained through traffic #easure#ent( ,he reco##ended for#ula for calculating
this -.) is as follo's4

0an) S#ccess Rate A S#ccessf#l 0an)o.ers>0an) Re?#ests

Ra)-o 0an) S#ccess Rate A S#ccessf#l 0an)o.ers>0an)

9or details, refer to the GSM BSS Network KPI (TCH Call Drop Rate) Baseline(

: , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
-.3 Measurement Point
/0,N ,/T ,/5
0an) /omman)
0an) )etect
0an) /omplete
0an) Performe)
Meas#rement Report
P0B IN74
/0,N ,/T
1i(ure -.- S-gnal-ng process of -ntra&BS/ an)

; , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
/0,N ,/T ,/5
0an) /omplete
P0B IN74
/0,N ,/T
Re?#est ,/5 0an)
/omman) 0an)
P0B IN74
/lear /omplete
1i(ure -.0 S-gnal-ng process of -nter&BS/ an)
,he #easure#ent $oints illustrated in 9igure 1(1 and 9igure 1(2 are as follo's4
11<<3easure#ent $oint of )nco#ing )nternal )nter-7ell Handover Re%uests and )nternal )ntra-
7ell Handover Re%uests
B1<<3easure#ent $oint of )nco#ing )nternal )nter-7ell Handover Res$onses )nco#ing
)nternal )nter-7ell Handovers" and )nternal )ntra-7ell Handover 7o##ands
71<<3easure#ent $oint of Successful )nco#ing )nternal )nter-7ell Handovers and Successful
)nternal )ntra-7ell Handovers
12<<)nco#ing 68ternal )nter-7ell Handover Re%uests
B2<<)nco#ing 68ternal )nter-7ell Handover Res$onses )nco#ing 68ternal )nter-7ell
72<<Successful )nco#ing 68ternal )nter-7ell Handovers
13<<!utgoing 68ternal )nter-7ell Handover Re%uests
B3<<!utgoing 68ternal )nter-7ell Handover 7o##ands !utgoing 68ternal )nter-7ell
73<<Successful !utgoing 68ternal )nter-7ell Handovers
Re$laced 'ith corres$onding #easure#ent $oints, the for#ulas for calculating different ty$es of
H!SR can +e as follo's4
Success Rate of Handover4 71=Successful )nco#ing )nternal )nter-7ell Handovers> ?73"@
11=)nco#ing )nternal )nter-7ell Handover Re%uests> ?13"

10 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
Success Rate of Radio Handover4 71 =Successful )nco#ing )nternal )nter-7ell Handovers>
?73"@B1=5u#+er of )nco#ing )nternal )nter-7ell Handover Res$onses> ?B3"
Success Rate of )ntra-BS7 Handover4 71@11
)nternal Radio Handover Success Ratio $er cell4 71@B1
Success Rate of )nco#ing BS7 Handover4 72@12
Success Rate of )nco#ing BS7 Radio Handover4 72@B2
Success Rate of !utgoing BS7 Handover4 73@13
Success Rate of !utgoing BS7 Radio Handover4 73@B3
If te BS/ te /lear /omman) message sent 3( te MS/ )#r-ng an
-nter&BS/ an) te c#rrent .ers-on )oes not co#nt t-s case as a fa-le)
an)* If a s#3scr-3er angs #p te pone )#r-ng an -ntra&BS/ an) te
c#rrent .ers-on co#nts t-s case as a fa-le) an)*
0 Influencin( 1actors
1ccording to the cases and e8$erience of the e8isting net'or&, the factors that influence the
handover include the follo'ing ty$es4

0ar)ware an) transm-ss-on fa-l#res

!ata conf-g#rat-on


/o.erage pro3lems= an) #pl-nk an) )ownl-nk -m3alance


/lock pro3lems

7a-le) -nter&BS/>-nter&MS/ an)o.ers

9or details a+out all these factors, see section 3(2A3ethods for !$ti#izing Handover .ro+le#s(A
2 )nalysis Process and !"timi#ation Met'od
,his cha$ter $rovides solutions to the $ro+le#s a+out the handover 'hen the follo'ing conditions
are all #et4

Te )ata conf-g#rat-on compl-es w-t te 3asel-ne of relate) parameters*

Tere -s no pro3lem a3o#t te eng-neer-ng ?#al-t(*

Te co.erage -s goo)*

11 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
2.- Process of )naly#in( Handover Pro$lems
Benerally, there are the follo'ing ty$es of handover $ro+le#s4

/all )rops )#e to no t-mel( occ#rrence of an)o.ers

7a-le) an)o.ers

7re?#ent Cp-ng&pongD an)o.ers

Poor )ownl-nk ?#al-t( ca#se) 3( slow an)o.ers

,hese $ro+le#s directly result in $oor e8$erience of end users, 'hich is inclined to cause
co#$laints( ,herefore, it is necessary to 'or& out a #ethod for o$ti#izing the H!SR %uic&ly or
even auto#atically to i#$rove the net'or& %uality and user e8$erience(
2.-.- General Process of 7ocatin( a Handover Pro$lem
9igure 1(1 sho's the general $rocess of locating a handover $ro+le#(

12 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
1i(ure -.- 7low cart of locat-ng a an) pro3lem

13 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
2.0 Met'ods for !"timi#in( Handover Pro$lems
Benerally, handovers occur +et'een t'o cells( ,he relationshi$ +et'een cells #ay +e4

Between )-fferent BTSs -n a BS/

In te same BTS -n a BS/

Between )-fferent BS/s

,herefore, after you &no' ho' to locate and o$ti#ize the handover $ro+le#s +et'een t'o cells,
you can solve the handover $ro+le#s in an entire net'or&(
Handover $ro+le#s #ay +e caused +y4

0ar)ware an) transm-ss-on fa-l#res C3a) TR"s or pro3lems a3o#t te

com3-ner of te fee)er an) antenna s(stemD

Improper )ata conf-g#rat-on

/ongest-on pro3lems

/lock pro3lems

Interference pro3lems

/o.erage pro3lems= an) #pl-nk an) )ownl-nk -m3alance

)f a lo' H!SR occurs, do as follo's4
C1D I)ent-f( te pro3lem*
C$D Tro#3lesoot te pro3lem 3ase) on te factors s#c as ar)ware= )ata
conf-g#rat-on= congest-on= clock= -nterference= an) co.erage
C3D Impro.e te 04SR accor)-ng to te a#tomat-c opt-m-9at-on of ne-g3or-ng
2.0.- Classification of Handover Pro$lems
I. Classification %escri"tion
Before analyzing the $ro+le# a+out the H!SR, deter#ine the follo'ing $oints a+out handover
C1D !ec-)e te scope of te fa-le) an)* If te low 04SR occ#rs -n all te
cells= ceck te pro3lem from s#c aspects as te an) feat#re
parameters= te , -nterface c-rc#-ts= an) te BS/ clock*
C$D If te low 04SR )oes not occ#r -n all te cells= f-n) o#t te T4P n poorest
cell* Ten= procee) w-t te follow-ng steps spec-f-c to te cell*
C3D !-st-ng#-s weter tere -s an( pro3lem -n te w-reless -nterfaces
accor)-ng to te )-fferences 3etween te 04SR an) te Ra)-o 04SR* Te
Ra)-o 04SR m#st 3e greater tan or e?#al to te 04SR* If te 04SR -s
m#c smaller tan te Ra)-o 04SR= anal(9e te pro3lems a3o#t te
terrestr-al l-nks an) te capac-t(* If te 04SR -s a l-ttle )-fferent from te
Ra)-o 04SR= cons-)er te pro3lems a3o#t te co.erage an) te
C'D 2#er( te s#ccess rates of o#tgo-ng>-ncom-ng e6ternal>-nternal -nter&cell
an)o.ers -n te an) performance meas#rement to anal(9e weter a
fa-le) o#tgo-ng or -ncom-ng an) occ#rs* ,nal(9e te performance

14 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
meas#rement of o#tgo-ng an) -ncom-ng e6ternal -nter&cell an)o.ers of te
fa#lt( cell* 7rom te performance meas#rement of o#tgo-ng e6ternal -nter&
cell an)o.ers= f-n) o#t to w-c cells te an) fa-ls* ,nal(9e co#nters
of te cells were -ncom-ng an)o.ers fa-l= s#c as te 7a-le) Incom-ng
16ternal>Incom-ng Inter&/ell 0an)o.ers CNo /annel ,.a-la3leD= te Traff-c
Vol#me on T/0= an) te /ongest-on Rat-o on T/0C,ll /annels B#s(D= to
)ec-)e weter te congest-on of te target cell ca#ses te fa-le) an)*
C;D 2#er( s#c co#nters as te TR" ,.a-la3-l-t( an) te T/0 ,.a-la3-l-t( of te
target cell to ceck weter an( )e.-ce -s fa#lt(*
C<D 2#er( rele.ant alarms to anal(9e weter an( terrestr-al l-nk )e.-ce -s fa#lt(*
II. ,raffic Measurement )nalysis
By registering and analyzing the follo'ing counters, you can decide the sco$e and the +asic cause
of a handover $ro+le#4
Cell Level
)nco#ing )nternal )nter-7ell Handover 3easure#ent
$er 7ell
!utgoing )nternal )nter-7ell Handover 3easure#ent
$er 7ell
)nco#ing 68ternal )nter-7ell Handover 3easure#ent
$er 7ell
!utgoing 68ternal )nter-7ell Handover 3easure#ent
$er 7ell
)nco#ing )nter-R1, )nter-7ell Handover
3easure#ent $er 7ell
!utgoing )nter-R1, )nter-7ell Handover
3easure#ent $er 7ell
3easure#ent of 3Rs u$on Handover )nitiation $er
7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailure 3easure#ent $er 7ell
,raffic Colu#e on ,7H
2.0.0 Hardware and ,ransmission 1ailure
Sy#$to#4 ,he alar# syste# re$orts relevant alar# infor#ation( ,o rectify a hard'are fault, clear
the alar#s a+out the hard'are failure( )f the alar#s are cleared, chec& the traffic #easure#ent
infor#ation and analyze handover counters(
1 hard'are failure #ay involve the follo'ing hard'are devices4

BTS transm-ss-on management #n-t


BTS com3-n-ng an) )-str-3#t-on #n-t

BTS fee)er an) antenna s(stem


15 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
I. Handlin( Process
C1D /eck te )ata conf-g#rat-on of te ar)ware* If none of te )ata
conf-g#rat-on of te fa#lt( cell an) -ts ne-g3or-ng cells -s cange) recentl(=
cons-)er weter te an) pro3lem -s ca#se) 3( a BTS ar)ware
)f the handover $ro+le# occurs in only one cell under the B,S, consider
'hether the $ro+le# is caused +y the hard'are failure of the cell( )f a ,RD is
da#aged, a call fails to +e handed over to this ,RD(
)f a si#ilar $ro+le# also occurs in a co-site neigh+oring cell of this cell,
consider 'hether the $ro+le# is caused +y the failure of the co##on hard'are
of the cells, for e8a#$le, the ,3E failure(
Fou can +loc& so#e ,RDs to verify the $receding $ro+le#s( )f the H!SR
returns to nor#al after a ,RD is +loc&ed, chec& 'hether this ,RD is faulty or
'hether the 7GE or the antenna related to this ,RD is faulty(
)f the u$lin& and do'nlin& signals of a ,RD are un+alanced, handover
$ro+le#s such as fre%uent handover and lo'er H!SR often occur(
C$D Trace te ,3-s -nterface= an) o3ser.e weter te s-gnal-ng of te fa#lt( cell
-s normal an) weter te #pl-nk an) )ownl-nk rece-.-ng ?#al-t( -n te
meas#re report -s goo)* 7or )eta-le) operat-ons= refer to te M900&M1800
BSS Signaling Analysis Manual*
)f the receiving level %uality of half rate or full rate channel in the #easure#ent
re$ort is $oor, the hard'are of the cell is faulty or signaling cannot interact
nor#ally due to serious interference in the cell( 1s a result, a handover $ro+le#
II. ,raffic Measurement )nalysis
III. )larm )nalysis
!+serve 'hether any alar#s 'ith the follo'ing )Gs are re$orted( )f yes, refer to the BSS Alarm
Guie to handle the alar#s(
Alarm ID and Name
4102 ,RD H1.G Hin& )nterru$t 1lar#
4104 ,RD 7onfig 3is#atch 1lar#
4108 Radio lin& critical 1lar#
4114 ,RD )nterior )@! 1lar#
41! "#D Hard'are 7ritical 1lar#
4144 ,RD CSIR alar#
41$2 ,RD co##unication alar#
4%14 61@,1 Hocal 1lar#
&28! 7GE Hevel 1 CSIR 7ritical

1/ , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
&284 CD' Hevel 2 CSIR 7ritical
&2! Hevel 1 CSIR alar#
&28 Hevel 2 CSIR alar#
2.0.2 Im"ro"er %ata Confi(uration
I. Handlin( Process
Sy#$to#s4 1n 3S does not initiate any handover or fre%uently initiates handovers, 'hich affects
the H!SR(
,he handover $ara#eters control the handover decision algorith#( )f the handover $ara#eters are
set i#$ro$erly, the 3S #ay not initiate any handover or fre%uently initiates handovers( )n this
case, consider the cause fro# the follo'ing as$ects4

@eter te PBG, H! ,'res'old -n te )ata conf-g#rat-on -s set properl(

1void difficult handovers due to too great values of the handover thresholds or
fre%uent handovers due to the too s#all values( .ro$er settings can $revent
$ing-$ong handovers( 9or detailed settings of the thresholds, refer to the GSM
BSC!""" Per#orman$e Parameter Baseline (%&""R""') (C(inese)*n+lis()
%,-"( Go not set the thresholds to the values deviating greatly fro# the +aseline

@eter te parameters relate) to te an) can)-)ate cell -n te )ata

conf-g#rat-on are set properl(
1void the case that the 3S cannot +e handed over to a neigh+oring cell due to
the #issed setting of the neigh+oring cell(

@eter te an) (steres-s parameters -n te )ata conf-g#rat-on are

set properl(
1void difficult handovers due to too large values of the handover hysteresis
$ara#eters or fre%uent handovers due to too s#all values(

@eter te N an) P co#nters -n te )ata conf-g#rat-on are set properl(

1void insensitive handover decision or difficult handovers due to the too large
values of the $ara#eters, or the case that the target cell of a handover is not the
o$ti#al due to the too s#all values of the $ara#eters(
1void configuring the neigh+oring cells that share the sa#e B77H or the sa#e
BS)7 for a cell(
1+nor#al circuit identification code 7)7" circuits #ay cause failed handovers(
9or e8a#$le, the 7)7 circuit allocated through a Handover R6J #essage received +y the target
BS7 is identified in the BH!7- state in the target BS7( ,herefore, the BS7 res$onds to the 3S7
'ith a Handover 9ailure #essage 'hose cause value is Re%uested ,errestrial Resource
Enavaila+le( )n this case, chec& the statuses of the circuits at the t'o sides of the 1 interface and
ensure that the circuits are in the sa#e state(
Fou can trace the 1 interface signaling on the #aintenance console to chec& 'hether the failed

10 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
handover is caused +y the inconsistency of the circuit statuses( Go as follo's4
C1D Trace te , -nterface s-gnal-ng*
C$D 7-lter te 0an) 7a-l#re message*
C3D /eck weter te ca#se .al#e -s Re?#este) Terrestr-al Reso#rce
II. Handover timer
Ihen an a+nor#al handover occurs, $ro#$tly chec& the handover ti#er and ensure that the
handover ti#er is not less than the $reset default value(
Ta3le 1*1 l-sts te an) t-mers commonl( #se)*
,a$le -.- :-st of an) t-mers commonl( #se)
%efault &alue
T+ 10000 T-mer for sen)-ng o#tgo-ng e6ternal -nter&cell an)
re?#ests an) an) comman)s
T% 10000 T-mer for r#nn-ng o#tgo-ng e6ternal -nter&cell an)
comman)s an) an) complet-on or clearance
T3103 10000 7rom te t-me wen an -ntra&cell or -nter&cell an)
comman) -s e6ec#te) to te t-me of an -ntra&cell or
-nter&cell an) complet-on
T310; +0 !#r-ng an as(ncrono#s an) from te t-me wen
te BTS sen)s te MS a p(s-cal message to te t-me
wen te BTS te set as(ncrono#s 3alance)
mo)e CS,BMD from te MS
T31$' 3$0 !#r-ng an as(ncrono#s an) from te t-me wen
te MS sen)s te network a an) access B#rst
message to te t-me wen te MS a p(s-cal
message from te BTS
9igure 1(2 sho's the flo' chart and the descri$tion of the ti#ers(

1: , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
1i(ure -.0 7low cart an) t-mer )escr-pt-on
III. ,raffic Measurement )nalysis
I&. )larm )nalysis
2.0.3 Con(estion of t'e ,ar(et Cell
I. Handlin( Process
Sy#$to#s4 1fter an 3S initiates a handover re%uest, the handover fails +ecause no channel is
,he $ossi+le causes of cell congestion are4

Te n#m3er of #sers -n te cell soars an) e6cee)s te )es-gne) n#m3er*

Improper sett-ngs of te network opt-m-9at-on parameters ca#se re)#n)ant

#sers -n te cell*

Improper sett-ngs of te an) parameters ca#se te -ncrease of te

#sers access-ng te cell*

1; , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
1fter a handover fails +ecause congestion occurs in the target cell, $enalize the target cell to
$revent the 3S fro# retrying to +e handed over to this target cell( )t is reco##ended that Penalty
Allowed +e set to Yes(
7hec& 'hether the channel the congested cell is nor#al( )f a ,RD is faulty or a channel is
a+nor#al, rectify the relevant faults(
)f full rate channels cannot +e converted to half rate channels, it is reco##ended that you change
the channel attri+utes on the BS7/000 local #aintenance ter#inal H3,"( ,hat is, set the TCH
Rate Adjust Allow of all the ,RDs under this cell to Yes( )f the full rate channels can +e
converted to half rate channels, $ro$erly reduce the value of TCH Traffic usy Threshold!"# to
allocate half rate channels ahead of ti#e and thus increase the syste# ca$acity( )f the $receding
#ethods cannot solve the congestion $ro+le#, divide the cell or e8$and the ca$acity of the cell(
Since ca$acity e8$ansion cannot +e co#$leted in a short ti#e, you can set Channel Ty$e to % or &
to reserve channels for handovers( )n this 'ay, the failed handovers caused +y congestion can +e
reduced, and thus the H!SR i#$roves(
II. ,raffic Measurement )nalysis
C1D Reg-ster te meas#rement #n-t /annel ,ss-gnment 7a-l#re Meas#rement
per /ell* B( anal(9-ng te traff-c meas#rement= (o# can 3e fam-l-ar w-t te
n#m3er of te t-mes tat all te cannels are 3#s( or tat none of te
cannels -s conf-g#re) wen te BS/ allocates S!//0s= T/07s= or
T/00s -n te processes s#c as -mme)-ate ass-gnment= ass-gnment=
-nternal -ntra&cell an) -ncom-ng -nternal -nter&cell an) an)
-ncom-ng e6ternal -nter&cell an)*
C$D /ange rele.ant parameters for te target cell accor)-ng to te ca#se of te
fa-le) an)*
)f the failed handover is caused +y the SG77H congestion, set '(CCH (yna)ic Allocation
Allowed to Yes(
)f the failed handover is caused +y the ,7H congestion, reduce the value of the TCH Traffic
usy Threshold!"# to allocate half rates ahead of ti#e and thus relieve congestion( )n addition,
you can set Channel Ty$e to % or & to reserve channels for handovers(
'* +easure)ent Counter
1 7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailures 1ll 7hannels Busy or 7hannels Enconfigured" in )##ediate
1ssign#ent .rocedure SG77H"
2 7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailures 1ll 7hannels Busy or 7hannels Enconfigured" in )##ediate
1ssign#ent .rocedure ,7H9"
3 7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailures 1ll 7hannels Busy or 7hannels Enconfigured" in )##ediate
1ssign#ent .rocedure ,7HH"
4 7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailures 1ll 7hannels Busy or 7hannels Enconfigured" in 1ssign#ent
.rocedure ,7H9@,7HH"

20 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
5 7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailures 1ll 7hannels Busy or 7hannels Enconfigured" in )nternal
)ntra-7ell Handover .rocedure SG77H"
/ 7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailures 1ll 7hannels Busy or 7hannels Enconfigured" in )nternal
)ntra-7ell Handover .rocedure ,7H9@,7HH"
0 7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailures 1ll 7hannels Busy or 7hannels Enconfigured" in )nco#ing
)nternal )nter-7ell Handover .rocedure SG77H"
: 7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailures 1ll 7hannels Busy or 7hannels Enconfigured" in )nco#ing
)nternal )nter-7ell Handover .rocedure ,7H9@,7HH"
; 7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailures 1ll 7hannels Busy or 7hannels Enconfigured" in )nco#ing
68ternal )nter-7ell Handover .rocedure SG77H"
10 7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailures 1ll 7hannels Busy or 7hannels Enconfigured" in )nco#ing
68ternal )nter-7ell Handover .rocedure ,7H9@,7HH"
11 7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailures 1ll 7hannels Busy or 7hannels Enconfigured" SG77H"
12 7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailures 1ll 7hannels Busy or 7hannels Enconfigured" ,7H9"
13 7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailures 1ll 7hannels Busy or 7hannels Enconfigured" ,7HH"
14 7hannel 1ssign#ent 9ailures 1ll 7hannels Busy or 7hannels Enconfigured" ,7H"
III. )larm )nalysis
2.0.5 Clock Pro$lems
I. Handlin( Process
1synchronization and insta+ility of the B,S cloc& are #a2or causes of call dro$s during a
handover( ,herefore, &ee$ the B,S cloc& sta+le( !ther'ise, handovers often fail and call dro$s
occur fre%uently(
1 13 3Hz unloc&ed alar# is generated( ,he BS)7 cannot +e decoded( ,he H!SR of the
concerned cells decreases(
,he cloc& source is a+nor#al and deviation #ay occur +et'een the B,S cloc& and other B,S
cloc&s( 1s a result, 3S a+nor#alities #ay occur during handovers(
,o solve the $ro+le#s a+out the unloc&ed cloc& and a+nor#ality of the cloc& source, do as
C1D /eck alarms* Tat -s= ceck weter tere -s a $$1' 11 local alarm or
$$1< 11 remote alarm* If tere -s= follow te concerne) alarm an)l-ng
man#al to an)le te alarm* Ten= o3ser.e te 04SR*

21 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
C$D /eck te transm-ss-on l-nk clock of te BTS* Tat -s= #se a fre?#enc(
meter to test te fre?#enc( )e.-at-on of te transm-ss-on l-nk clock of te
BTS* If te fre?#enc( )e.-at-on -s greater tan or e?#al to 0*0; ppm= te
transm-ss-on l-nk clock -s a3normal= an) te 11 or te opt-cal transm-ss-on
l-nk ma( 3e fa#lt( or te clock so#rce -s fa#lt(* Rect-f( te transm-ss-on l-nk
fa#lt tro#g l-nk&3(&l-nk self&loop #nt-l te alarm an)l-ng -s complete*
C3D If te clock pro3lem -s not sol.e)= reset te BTS Cle.el&'D an) o3ser.e
alarms an) te 04SR*
C'D If te pro3lem rema-ns #nsol.e)= replace te TMU*
II. ,raffic Measurement )nalysis
III. )larm )nalysis
!+serve 'hether any alar#s 'ith the follo'ing )Gs are re$orted( )f yes, refer to the BSS Alarm
Guie to handle the alar#s(
Alarm ID and Name
41&4 ,RD #ain cloc& alar#
41&! ,RD slave cloc& alar#
4184 ,RD 7loc& 7ritical 1lar#
4%08 7loc& Reference 1+nor#al
4%2 ,3E cloc& critical alar#
4%4 3aster ,3E cloc& alar#
4%!0 133 3aintenance 1lar#
2.0.: Interference Pro$lems
I. Handlin( Process
Severe interference in the net'or& is inclined to cause the decrease in the receiving %uality( 1s a
result, interference handovers or handovers in $oor %uality increase, the $ro$ortion of the $o'er
+udget .BB," decreases, and the %uality of service JoS" of the e8isting net'or& is reduced to
so#e degree( ,hus, user e8$erience and the H!SR are affected(
7urrently, the co##on interferences are intra-fre%uency and inter-fre%uency channel
interferences, Enico# 7G31 interference, and #ass #ulti$le8ing of the 6BS3( )f the idle Burst
function is not #anually disa+led after it is ena+led, the interference of the entire net'or& rises,
the noise floor increases, and the %uality of the entire net'or& decreases, thus affecting the H!SR(
,he re#ote source signals of so#e o$tical fi+er re$eaters are inclined to cause intra-fre%uency
interference( ,herefore, during o$ti#ization, you need to chec& the fre%uency of the source signals
and the fre%uencies of the cells close to the re$eaters so that the fre%uency s$ace is over 400 &Hz(
)f there is a re$eater in the serving cell, do as follo's4

22 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
C1D /oose Cell Software Parameters E %irectly Ma(nifier Site 1la(*
C$D Select <es*
,o solve interference $ro+le#s, do as follo's4
C1D 7-n) o#t te cell or te fre?#enc( were large -nterference e6-sts tro#g
)r-.e tests*
C$D 4pt-m-9e te ra)-o fre?#enc( CR7D 3( te follow-ng reg#lar meansF
& 1d2ust the tilt angle of the antenna(
& Re$lace the fre%uency(
& 7hange the trans#it $o'er and the coverage area of the cell(
Fou can also register the #easure#ent results of interference fringes +y au8iliary #eans to
esti#ate do'nlin& interferences(
9or #ore details a+out the solutions of interference $ro+le#s, refer to the GSM Inter#eren$e
Anal.sis Guie(
II. ,raffic Measurement )nalysis
III. )larm )nalysis
2.0.4 Covera(e Pro$lems= and >"link and %ownlink Im$alance
I. Handlin( Process
Sy#$to#s of signal coverage $ro+le#s4 ,he H!SR is lo'( 7all dro$s occur fre%uently( ,here are
noises and #etallic rings during conversations( ,he voice %uality and the user e8$erience are $oor(
,here are three ty$es of signal coverage $ro+le#s4

:ow 04SR ca#se) 3( cross co.erage

Ho' values of the fringe thresholds, the large B,S $o'er, and an i#$ro$er tilt
angle cause cross coverage, thus for#ing intra-fre%uency interference and
affecting the H!SR(

7a-le) an)o.ers ca#se) 3( -slan) effects

9or e8a#$le, the coverage area of the serving cell is #uch larger than that of its
neigh+oring cells, and the neigh+oring relation +et'een the serving cell and the
neigh+oring cells of its neigh+oring cells is not configured( )n this case, failed
handovers easily occur at the fringe of the serving cell(

:oopoles forme) )#e to weak co.erage

,his section does not descri+e it in detail(
,o solve signal coverage $ro+le#s, do as follo's4
C1D 7-n) o#t te co.erage pro3lems -n te e6-st-ng network tro#g )r-.e test
reports of network opt-m-9at-on*
C$D 4pt-m-9e te R7*

23 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
,he lo' H!SR caused +y u$lin& and do'nlin& i#+alance generally occurs 'hen u$lin& signals
are 'ea&( 9or e8a#$le, there are $ro+le#s in the hard'are such as the 7GE co#+iner, the u$lin&
channel loss is large, the u$lin& signals are 'ea&, and the success rate of inco#ing e8ternal inter-
cell handover is lo'( ,his lo' H!SR is generally caused +y data $ro+le#s such as 7B) errors in
the cell descri$tion data ta+le, lac& of #easure#ent fre%uencies in B1 list 1 and B1 list 2, or intra-
fre%uency and inter-fre%uency interferences", coverage dead zones in high traffic, or 3S access
difficulties due to 'ea& u$lin& signals( ,o test and analyze the lo' H!SR caused +y u$lin& and
do'nlin& i#+alance, do as follo's4
C1D /eck weter te ar)ware an) ma-ntenance 3oar)s of te rele.ant cell
are -n te normal state= an) weter tere are an( alarms a3o#t ar)ware
fa-l#res an) te stan)-ng wa.e rat-o CS@RD* Refres te cannel stat#s an)
ceck weter te T/0s can 3e normall( occ#p-e)*
C$D ,fter ar)ware an) cannel pro3lems are sol.e)= ceck te an) )ata
conf-g#rat-on an) ens#re tat te an) )ata compl-es w-t te
parameter 3asel-ne*
C3D Reg-ster te traff-c meas#rement res#lts of cell&le.el an)o.ers* /eck
weter te 04SR 3etween some cells -s alwa(s low*
1" 3a&e a field test for the cells 'here the H!SR is al'ays lo'( ,hat is,
$erfor# a s'itchover and loc& the #ain B77H to act as the calling and
called $arties res$ectively( ,hen decide the u$lin& and do'nlin& $ro+le#s
2" )f the u$lin& loss is large, it is reco##ended that you re$lace the co#+iner
to carry out an o+servation and a test(
7overage $ro+le#s and u$lin& and do'nlin& i#+alance are solved through R9 o$ti#ization( 9or
detailed analysis, refer to the GSM BSS Network KPI (Co/era+e Pro0lems) 1ptimi2ation Manual
II. ,raffic Measurement )nalysis
Register the #easure#ent unit E$lin&-and-Go'nlin& Balance 3easure#ent $er ,RD a+out the
cells 'here the H!SR is lo'( 7ollect the u$lin& and do'nlin& +alance cases and carry out
III. )larm )nalysis
2.0./ 1ailed Inter8BSC?Inter8MSC Handovers
I. Handlin( Process
Sy#$to#s4 )nter-BS7 or inter-3S7 handovers fail(
,he $ossi+le causes are that4

Te )ata of te cells rele.ant to -nter&MS/ an)o.ers -s set wrongl(*

Te )ata of te cells rele.ant to te -nter&BS/ an)o.ers -s set wrongl(*


24 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua

Te MS/ an) te BS/ a.e )-fferent #n)erstan)-ngs of , -nterface

an) s-gnal-ng* ,s a res#lt= te cooperat-on at te , -nterface fa-ls*

Te clocks 3etween BS/s are not s(ncrono#s*

,o solve this $ro+le#, do as follo's4
C1D /eck weter te MS/ )ata rele.ant to te cells were an)o.ers fa-l -s
set correctl(= for e6ample= te /GIs an) te off-ce )-rect-on of te cells* If
an( )ata -s set -ncorrectl(= correct -t an) o3ser.e weter an)o.ers
C$D /eck weter te ne-g3or-ng cells of te so#rce an) te )est-nat-on BS/
are set correctl(* If tere -s an( a3normal-t(= correct -t an) o3ser.e weter
an)o.ers s#ccee)*
C3D Trace , -nterface s-gnal-ng* /eck weter tere -s an( a3normal-t( -n te
s-gnal-ng cooperat-on of te an) process 3etween te so#rce BS/ an)
te MS/= an) 3etween te MS/ an) te )est-nat-on BS/* 7or e6ample=
ceck weter s#c a process tat te MS/ a3normall( releases a
an) e6-sts* If tere -s an( a3normal process= f-n) o#t te ca#se an)
o3ser.e weter an)o.ers s#ccee) after s#c a pro3lem -s sol.e)* 7or
)eta-le) s-gnal-ng anal(s-s= refer to te M900&M1800 BSS Signaling
Analysis Manual*
C'D /eck weter te so#rce an) te )est-nat-on BS/s rele.ant to an)o.ers
are locke) w-t te clock of te #pper&le.el MS/* If not= f-n) o#t te ca#se
tat te clock cannot 3e locke)* 43ser.e weter an)o.ers s#ccee) after
t-s pro3lem -s sol.e)*
II. ,raffic Measurement )nalysis
III. )larm )nalysis
2.0.6 )utomatic Nei('$orin( Cell !"timi#ation
7urrently, auto#atic neigh+oring cell o$ti#ization is the +est #ethod for o$ti#izing the H!SR(
,he #ethod has +een fully verified in the ne' functions of the 3,5 $ro2ect( ,his o$ti#ization
#ethod is to choose o$ti#al neigh+oring cells for the serving cell through #any ti#es*
neigh+oring cell selection and tailor( ,his #ethod can #a&e the serving cell have neigh+oring cells
#ore close to the traffic #odel, thus avoiding failed handovers and call dro$s due to forced
configuration of neigh+oring cells according to geogra$hical locations(
,he $re#ise of auto#atic neigh+oring cell o$ti#ization is to e8clude o+2ective factors such as
hard'are $ro+le#s, cross coverage, and u$lin& and do'nlin& i#+alance( 1fter that, #a&e it clear
to 'hich neigh+oring cell the success rate of handovers fro# the serving cell is lo'er, and then
o$ti#ize this neigh+oring cell( ,he o$ti#ization #ethod includes t'o ty$es4 $ara#eter ad2ust#ent
and neigh+oring cell ad2ust#ent(

25 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
,he $rocess of auto#atic neigh+oring cell o$ti#ization is as follo's4
C1D ,ccor)-ng to geograp-cal locat-ons= set as man( ne-g3or-ng cells as
poss-3le for te ser.-ng cell* Te #pper l-m-t -s 3$*
C$D Reg-ster te meas#rement #n-t GSM /ell to GSM /ell 4#tgo-ng 0an)
Meas#rement= w-c per-o) -s 1; m-n#tes*
C3D 43ser.e te traff-c meas#rement res#lts* 16cl#)e te cells tat meet an( of
te follow-ng con)-t-ons from te ne-g3or-ng cellsF

Te 04SR -s lower tan 30G*

Te call )rop rate -s -ger tan %0G*

Te an)o.ers are relat-.el( fewer accor)-ng to te traff-c= for e6ample=

a3o#t 30 an)o.ers o#r*
C'D ,fter a ne-g3or-ng cell -s e6cl#)e)= re&a)) a new ne-g3or-ng cell
accor)-ng to te t-m-ng a).ance CT,D pr-nc-ple from small to large= an)
repeat te prece)-ng steps*
9igure 4(1 sho's the $rocess of auto#atic neigh+oring o$ti#ization(
1nter a ne-g3or-ng cell l-st
CT, -s l-m-te)D
Set te per-o) an)
te tresol)s of te 04SR=
an) t-mes= an) call )rops
16cl#)e -rreg#lar ne-g3or-ng
Up)ate te l-st of ne-g3or-ng


1i(ure 3.- 7low cart of a#tomat-c ne-g3or-ng cell opt-m-9at-on
,he ,1 is li#ited to si8 ti#es as #any as the average distance +et'een sites( Go not consider the
cells 'ith the ,1 +eyond this threshold( Fou can fle8i+ly set the lo'er li#it of the H!SR and the
fe'er li#it of handover ti#es(
2.0.-9 ,estin( ,ool Selection and ,estin( Su((estions
Benerally, choose the industry-acce$ted and large-scale used ,63S as the testing tool( 9or the
cells 'here the H!SR is lo', you need to carry out drive tests( )n drive tests, the actual #ove
#odes and ha+its of ter#inal users can +e si#ulated( ,herefore, drive tests $lay an i#$ortant role
in neigh+oring cell o$ti#ization( Grive tests can avoid such ris&s as fe' handovers or lo' H!SR
caused +y the addition of i#$ro$er neigh+oring cells only according to geogra$hical location

2/ , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
distri+ution on a #a$( Hay stress on and analyze any handover a+nor#ality during a drive test(
1ny of these a+nor#alities #ay +e a cause of lo' H!SR(
2.0.-- Confi(uration Su((estions for ,ests on t'e *+istin( Network
,o configure the e8isting net'or& according to different scenarios, refer to the GSM BSC!"""
Per#orman$e Parameter Baseline (%&""R""') (C(inese)*n+lis() %,-"( )n the case of the lo'
H!SR, focus on chec&ing the data configuration greatly different fro# the $ara#eter +aseline(
3 !"timi#ation Cases
3.- ) Handover 1ails Because t'e BSIC Cannot Be
Guring a drive test in an office, it is found that an 3S cannot decode the BS)7 of a neigh+oring
cell( 1s a result, the 3S cannot initiate a handover even 'hen the 3S detects good levels of the
neigh+oring cell(
1fter analysis, it is learned that the .,77H $oints to a 'rong #e#ory zone( 1s a result, so#e
3Ss #isunderstand that this channel is an 977H, thus fail to synchronize the S7H and fail to
decode the BS)7( ,his $roduct $ro+le# #ust +e solved through version u$grade(
3.0 ) Handover 1ails Because 1re@uency Se@uencin( of
t'e MS Is %ifferent from ,'at of t'e BSC
)n an office, field engineers chec& the ,63S drive test file and find that the cells of the #ain
B77H at the 6BS3 cannot +e handed over to the .BS3( )t is chec&ed that the rule of se%uencing
fre%uencies at the 3S side is different fro# that at the BS7 side( Ihen the serving cell is at the
6BS3 and is configured 'ith 1,:00 neigh+oring cells, the 3S sorts the 6BS3 first and then the
1,:00 neigh+oring cells, 'hereas the BS7 does in the contrary order( ,hus, the different se%uences
of neigh+oring cells at the BS7 and 3S sides cause a failed handover(
,o #itigate such a $ro+le#, disa+le the ,ay of A (elivery -$ti)i.ed(
3.2 ) Handover 1ails %ue to >nreasona$le Parameter
)t is found in an office of BS7/000C;R: that no +ad %uality BJ" handover can occur( )t is
chec&ed that the /nter0cell H- Hysteresis of the serving cell is set to 12( ,he result of chec&ing
codes sho's that the level of the serving cell is e%ual to a value increased +y /3 grades if /nter0
cell H- Hysteresis is set to 12 'hen 3 H- +argin is set to the default value( ,hus, the
calculated level of the serving cell is al'ays larger than the level of any neigh+oring cell( 1s a
result, the handover cannot +e initiated(
,o solve such a $ro+le#, increase the value of 3 H- +argin to %&4(

20 , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
3.3 ,'e Num$er of 1ailed Incomin( BSC Handovers
Increases Because t'e Handover Re@uest %oes Not
Contain Class Mark 2
)n a cell at the BS7 +oundary, the fre%uency of the #ain B77H is configured as the .BS3 and
that of the other ,RDs is configured as the 6BS3( Sy#$to#s4 ,he nu#+er of failed inco#ing
BS7 handovers increases( ,he cause value is 5o 1vaila+le 7hannel( ,he BS7/000 decides the
fre%uency su$$orting ca$a+ility of an accessing 3S according to class #ar& 3( )f there is no class
#ar& 3, the BS7 considers that the 3S su$$orts only the fre%uency of the #ain B77H( )f the
Handover Re%uest does not contain class #ar& 3 and the fre%uency of the other ,RDs in the cell is
different fro# that of the #ain B77H, accessing 3Ss are all allocated to the #ain B77H( ,his
causes congestion and thus handovers fail( 1fter the fre%uency of the other ,RDs is changed to the
.BS3, the nu#+er of failed inco#ing BS7 handovers caused +y no availa+le channel decreases
to 0( ,he $ro+le# is #itigated( 1ccording to the $rotocol, ho'ever, class #ar& 2 also has a field
for identifying 'hether an 3S su$$orts the 6BS3 or the RBS3 inca$a+le of identifying the
G7S1:00"( Such a $ro+le# often occurs +ecause so#e 3S7s carry only class #ar& 2 in the
Handover Re%uest or +ecause an 3S in a cell 'ith the 6BS3 ena+led does not re$ort class #ar&
,o solve such a $ro+le#, u$grade the soft'are version(
3.5 )n Incomin( BSC Handover 1ails Because t'e )
Interface P'ase 1la( Is Set Aron(ly
Guring an inco#ing BS7 handover, after the BS7 returns a Handover Re%uest 1c& #essage to the
3S7, the 3S7 returns a 7lear 7o##and i##ediately to clear call resources( ,he clearance cause
is 6%ui$#ent 9ailure( ,he syste# res$onds to the 3S7 'ith a Handover Re%uest 1c& #essage
containing the s$eech version )6 only 'hen the A /nterface Tag in the BS7 attri+utes is
5'+6Phase6&7 and the BS7 soft'are $ara#eter '$eech8er 'end Flag /n Ho Re9 Ac: is set to
Yes( Since the A /nterface Tag in the data configuration is 5'+6Phase6&, the Handover Re%uest
1c& #essage does not contain the s$eech version )6( ,herefore, the 3S7 considers that this
#essage is illegal and sends a 7lear 7o##and(
,o #itigate such a $ro+le#, set the A /nterface Tag in the BS7 attri+utes to 5'+6Phase6&7 and
the BS7 soft'are $ara#eter '$eech8er 'end Flag /n Ho Re9 Ac: to Yes(
3.: Because t'e Idle Burst Is *na$led= t'e Interference
Increases= t'e Receivin( Buality %ecreases= and t'e
H!SR Becomes 7ow
1fter an office is cut over, the drive test results sho' that the net'or& %uality decreases o+viously
+y a+out 3K to 4K( 1fter it is confir#ed that the $ro+le# is not caused +y the $ro+le#s a+out the
hard'are, fre%uency $lanning, or cross engineering, it is found that the H!SR of the net'or& is
2K to 3K lo'er than that the original net'or& and other -.)s are nor#al(
1fter analysis, it is found that the idle +urst function is ena+led for testing( ,his function cannot

2: , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
auto#atically +e disa+led( 1s a result, idle ti#eslots of ,RDs are trans#itted at full $o'er, the
interference increases, the +it error ratio B6R" rises, and the receiving %uality decreases(
3anually disa+le the idle +urst function( ,he air interface %uality of the entire net'or& i#$roves
effectively( ,he H!SR increases +y 2K on the 'hole, al#ost the sa#e as that of the original
3.4 %ifferent H!SRs Resultin( from %ifferent Cause
&alues Contained in t'e Clear Command Messa(es Sent
$y %ifferent Switc'es
,here are #ulti$le BS7s in office L( So#e BS7s are connected to 5ortel s'itches and so#e are
connected to 6ricsson s'itches( ,he 'hole H!SR of the BS7s connected to 6ricsson s'itches is
2K to 3K lo'er than that of the BS7s connected to 5ortel s'itches(
,he result of the analysis on traffic #easure#ent sho's that the 'hole nu#+er of 9ailed )nco#ing
68ternal )nter-7ell Handovers !thers" of the BS7s connected to 6ricsson s'itches is very great
'hereas the counter value of the BS7s connected to 5ortel s'itches is 0( 1s defined in the
$rotocol, a 7lear 7o##and sent +y the 3S7 can contain four cause values4

08F /all /ontrol

0BF 0an) S#ccess

0,F Ra)-o Interface 7a-l#re= Re.erse to ol) /annel

01F Ra)-o Interface 7a-l#re

9or the failed handovers caused +y 3S7 clearance, the 7lear 7o##and #essages sent +y
6ricsson s'itches contain the cause values of 01 and 01, 'hereas those sent +y 5ortel s'itches
contain the cause value of 0;( 5ortel s'itches do not send #essages in accordance 'ith the
$rotocol( Ender 5ortel s'itches, the failed handovers caused +y 3S7 clearance are not collected
into the statistics( 1s a result, the H!SR of 5ortel s'itches is higher(
5 Information 1eed$ack
5.- ,*MS 7o( 1iles )$out Pro$lem Cells
7ell infor#ation ta+les of ,63S tests are re%uired to +e $rovided in log files( ,he ta+les #ust +e
in the for#at of ;.cel(
5.0 Re@uirements of Confi(uration %ata of t'e *+istin(
Network and ,raffic Measurement 1eed$ack
,he latest data configuration and engineering $ara#eter list are re%uired( ,he feed+ac& of traffic
#easure#ent counters is re%uired for consecutive t'o days( ,he follo'ing ta+le lists the counter
Call Dr() *ea+,remen- )er Cell

2; , 30
GSM BSS Network KPI (Handover Success Rate) Optimization Manua
In.(m/n0 In-ernal In-er1Cell 2and(ver *ea+,remen- )er
3,-0(/n0 In-ernal In-er1Cell 2and(ver *ea+,remen- )er
In.(m/n0 45-ernal In-er1Cell 2and(ver *ea+,remen- )er
3,-0(/n0 45-ernal In-er1Cell 2and(ver *ea+,remen- )er
In.(m/n0 In-er1#A" In-er1Cell 2and(ver *ea+,remen- )er
3,-0(/n0 In-er1#A" In-er1Cell 2and(ver *ea+,remen- )er
*ea+,remen- (6 *#+ ,)(n 2and(ver In/-/a-/(n )er Cell
C7annel A++/0nmen- 8a/l,re *ea+,remen- )er Cell

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