11 GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual

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GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!

Product Name Confidentiality level
Product Version Total ! "a#es
GS$ BSS Net%or& 'PI (Pa#in# Success Rate)
*"timi+ation $anual
(#or internal use onl$)
Pre"ared ,y
%ang &'un(ie ())**++,*)-
.&/M!0GSM Network
Per1ormance Researc' /ept2
Revie%ed ,y -ate
Revie%ed ,y -ate
A""roved ,y -ate
6uawei Tec'nologies &o2- "t72
!ll rig'ts reser8e7
3)*95,53: 6uawei &on1i7ential Page * o1 3;
GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
*2* /e1inition222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222<
*23 Recommen7e7 #ormula2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222<
*2: Signaling Proce7ure an7 Measurement Point22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;
32* 6ar7ware #ault2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222224
323 Transmission Pro=lem22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222224
32: Parameter Setting Pro=lem2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222224
329 Inter1erence Pro=lem222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222+
32, &o8erage Pro=lem2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222+
32< >plink an7 /ownlink Balance Pro=lem22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222*)
:2* !nal$sis Proce7ure2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222**
:23 Pro=lem "ocation o1 t'e Paging Success Rate an7 Optimization Met'o72222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222*3
:232* 6ar7ware an7 Transmission Pro=lems2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222*:
:2323 S/&&6s Occupie7 /ue to Paging O8erloa7 an7 6ea8$ Burst Tra11ic222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222*:
:232: Parameter &on1iguration22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222*9
:2329 Inter1erence 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222*+
:232, &o8erage22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222*+
:232< Balance Between >plink an7 /ownlink222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222223)
,2* &ase *? Paging Success Rate /rops /ue to a 6ar7ware #ault222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222233
,23 &ase 3? Paging Success Rate /rops /ue to a Transmission #ault222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222233
,2: Paging Success Rate /rops /ue to Improper Parameter &on1iguration22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222223:
,2:2* &ase :? Paging Success Rate /rops .'en t'e Pre5paging #unction Is na=le7 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222223:
,2:23 &ase 9? Paging Success Rate /rops .'en BS5P!5M#R!MS Is Set Improperl$222222222222222222222222222222222222222222223:
,2:2: &ase ,? MS &annot Respon7 to a Paging Message .'en t'e Num=er o1 Pagings on t'e N Si7e Is Set
,2:29 &ase <? BS& Paging Is !=normal .'en t'e "!& Is &on1igure7 Improperl$ 1or t'e BS&2222222222222222222222222222239
,2:2, &ase ;? Paging Success Rate Increases !1ter t'e !5inter1ace &olla=oration Paging #unction Is na=le72222223,
,29 &ase 4? Paging Success Rate /rops /ue to Poor &o8erage222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222223,
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GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
Intra/BSS Pa#in# Procedure00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
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GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
Revision Record
-ate Revision
C2an#e -escri"tion Aut2or
3))45)+5)3 @*2) /ra1t complete7 %ang
SN -ocument Aut2or -ate
* G5Gui7e to liminating Inter1erence53)),):**5
&'en Baolin 3)),5:5**
3 GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate)
Baseline Speci1ication
.u A'en 3));545*9

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GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
GS$ BSS Net%or& 'PI (Pa#in# Success Rate)
*"timi+ation $anual
'ey%ord3 paging success rate
A,stract3 T'is 7ocument pro8i7es t'e met'o7 1or optimizing t'e paging success rate2
Acronyms and a,,reviations3
Acronym and A,,reviation .ull S"ellin#
MS& Mo=ile Switc'ing &enter
BS& Base Station &ontroller
BTS Base Transcei8er Station
6"R 6ome "ocation Register
MS Mo=ile Station
IMSI International Mo=ile Station I7enti1ication &o7e
TMSI Temporar$ Mo=ile Station I7entit$
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GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
-efinition of t2e Pa#in# Success Rate
404 -efinition
T'e paging success rate is t'e ratio o1 t'e paging responses recei8e7 =$ t'e s$stem to t'e
initial paging reBuests sent =$ t'e s$stem2 It in7icates t'e paging capa=ilit$ o1 t'e s$stem2
T'e paging consists o1 t'e 8oice call paging- s'ort message paging- PSI paging- an7 Gs
paging2 #or t'e area t'at 7oes not ena=le t'e Gs inter1ace- t'e paging consists o1 onl$ t'e
8oice call paging- s'ort message paging- an7 PSI paging2
T'e wireless ser8ices are per1orme7 on t'e =asis o1 paging2 ! 'ig' paging success rate can
impro8e multiple ser8ice KPIs in t'e case o1 certain 'ar7ware capacit$2 ! 'ig' paging success
rate 'elps to impro8e user satis1action an7 to promote t'e =ran7s o1 t'e operators2 T'e paging
success rate is one o1 important KPIs relate7 to t'e network access2 It is also one o1 important
KPIs 1or t'e operators2
40 Recommended .ormula
T'e paging success rate can =e o=taine7 1rom t'e tra11ic statistics an7 7ri8e test (/T)2 I1 $ou
want to o=tain t'e paging success rate 1rom t'e tra11ic statistics- t'e paging success rate must
=e o=taine7 on t'e core network (&N) si7e2 T'e measurement o=(ect is location area2 T'e &N
7eci7es w'et'er t'e paging success rate is Buali1ie7 or not2 T'e recommen7e7 1ormula use7
1or calculating t'is KPI is as 1ollows?
Num=er o1 paging reBuest responsesCNum=er o1 paging reBuests T'e speci1ic 1ormulas are as
Paging success rate (all t'e pagings) D (Num=er o1 1irst paging responses o1 common calls on
t'e ! inter1ace E Num=er o1 repeate7 paging responses o1 common calls on t'e ! inter1ace E
Num=er o1 1irst paging responses o1 s'ort messages on t'e ! inter1ace E Num=er o1 repeate7
paging responses o1 s'ort messages on t'e ! inter1ace E Num=er o1 1irst paging responses o1
t'e Gs on t'e ! inter1ace E Num=er o1 repeate7 paging responses o1 t'e Gs on t'e ! inter1ace
E Num=er o1 1irst paging responses o1 t'e PSI on t'e ! inter1ace E Num=er o1 repeate7 paging
responses o1 t'e PSI on t'e ! inter1ace E Num=er o1 1irst paging responses on t'e Gs inter1ace
E Num=er o1 repeate7 paging responses on t'e Gs inter1ace)C(Num=er o1 1irst pagings o1
common calls on t'e ! inter1ace E Num=er o1 1irst pagings o1 s'ort messages on t'e !
inter1ace E Num=er o1 1irst pagings o1 t'e Gs on t'e ! inter1ace E Num=er o1 1irst pagings o1
t'e PSI on t'e ! inter1ace E Num=er o1 1irst pagings on t'e Gs inter1ace)
Paging success rate (MT& call access measurement)
note *
D (Num=er o1 1irst paging responses
o1 common calls on t'e ! inter1ace E Num=er o1 repeate7 paging responses o1 common calls
on t'e ! inter1ace)CNum=er o1 1irst pagings o1 common calls on t'e ! inter1ace
Paging success rate (main ser8ices)
note 3
D (Num=er o1 1irst paging responses o1 common calls
on t'e ! inter1ace E Num=er o1 repeate7 paging responses o1 common calls on t'e ! inter1ace
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GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
E Num=er o1 1irst pagings o1 s'ort messages on t'e ! inter1ace E Num=er o1 repeate7 paging
responses o1 s'ort messages on t'e ! inter1ace)C(Num=er o1 1irst pagings o1 common calls on
t'e ! inter1ace E Num=er o1 1irst pagings o1 s'ort messages on t'e ! inter1ace)
Paging success rate (paging process measurement)
note :
D (Num=er o1 1irst paging responses on
t'e ! inter1ace E Num=er o1 repeate7 pagings on t'e ! inter1ace)CNum=er o1 1irst pagings on
t'e ! inter1ace
Note *? Num=er o1 pagings in8ol8e7 in t'e MT& call access measurement consists o1 onl$ t'e num=er o1
pagings o1 common calls2 T'e num=er o1 pagings o1 s'ort messages- PSI- an7 Gs is not measure72 It in7icates
t'e success rate o1 t'e pagings initiate7 =$ t'e call2
Note 3? T'is 1ormula is use7 to calculate t'e paging success rate o1 all t'e common &S ser8ices2 It in7icates
t'e paging processing o1 8oice calls an7 s'ort message calls2 T'is 1ormula is use7 1or 7etermining w'et'er t'e
KPI reac'es t'e stan7ar7s2
Note :? T'is 1ormula is use7 to calculate t'e KPI o1 t'e MS& paging measurement correspon7ing to t'e
paging success rate2 T'is 1ormula is calculate7 accor7ing to t'e KPI measure7 on t'e OM&2
403 Si#nalin# Procedure and $easurement Point
T'e KPIs relate7 to t'e paging success rate are measure7 on t'e &N si7e2 #igure * s'ows t'e
proce7ure 1or t'e paging on t'e BSS si7e2
.i#ure 404 Intra5BSS Paging Proce7ure
Measurement points on t'e &N si7e?
!? Num=er o1 paging reBuests
B? Num=er o1 paging reBuest responses
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GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"

Influencin# .actors
T'e 1actors o1 t'e Ns (suc' as t'e MS&- BS&- BTS- an7 MS)- network co8erage-
inter1erence- c'annel congestion- an7 'ar7ware ma$ in1luence t'e paging success rate2 T'e
main in1luencing 1actors are liste7 as 1ollows?

6ar7ware 1ault

Transmission pro=lem

Parameter setting pro=lem

Inter1erence pro=lem

&o8erage pro=lem

>plink an7 7ownlink =alance pro=lem

Ot'er causes
04 5ard%are .ault
.'en t'e TRF or t'e com=iner is 1ault$- t'e MS cannot per1orm paging- w'ic' lea7s to a
7ecrease in t'e paging success rate2
0 Transmission Pro,lem
T'e transmission Bualit$ o1 t'e links on t'e !=is an7 ! inter1aces is poor an7 transmission
links are unsta=le =ecause o1 8arious causes- w'ic' also lea7s to an increase in t'e paging
success rate2
03 Parameter Settin# Pro,lem
T'e parameter settings on t'e BS& si7e an7 MS& si7e ma$ in1luence t'e paging success rate2
T'e main parameters are as 1ollows?
T'e parameters relate7 to t'e paging on t'e MS& si7e are as 1ollows?
"ocation up7ate time on t'e N si7e (IMSI in8isi=le separation timer)
#irst paging mo7e
#irst paging inter8al
Secon7 paging mo7e
Secon7 paging inter8al
T'ir7 paging mo7e
T'ir7 paging inter8al
Num=er o1 paging retransmissions =$ t'e MS&
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GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"

Network5wi7e paging


"ocation up7ate optimization (MS& so1tware parameter)

&all earl$ release (MS& so1tware parameter)

Paging optimization control (MS& so1tware parameter)

T'e parameters relate7 to t'e paging on t'e BS& si7e are as 1ollows?

&&&6 &on1

R!&6 Min2!ccess "e8el


Paging Times



MS M!F Retrans

S/&&6 /$namic !llocation !llowe7

Ran7om !ccess rror T'res'ol7


R!&6 Bus$ T'res'ol7

&&&6 "oa7 T'res'ol7

!=is #low &ontrol Permitte7

!5inter1ace colla=oration paging switc' (so1tware parameter)

Paging li1ec$cle (so1tware parameter 3+)

06 Interference Pro,lem
T'e intra5network an7 inter5network inter1erence ma$ in1luence t'e access success rate o1 t'e
s$stem2 In t'is case- t'e paging response o1 t'e s$stem is 7irectl$ in1luence7- t'us 7ecreasing
t'e paging success rate2
#or more in1ormation a=out 'ow to trou=les'oot t'e inter1erence pro=lem- see t'e G-Guide to
Eliminating Interference - 20050311-A-1.02
07 Covera#e Pro,lem
T'e co8erage pro=lems t'at in1luence t'e paging success rate are as 1ollows?
*2 /iscontinuous co8erage (wit' =lin7 areas)
In compleH terrains suc' as mountainsi7es- t'e ra7io propagation en8ironment is compleH- t'e
signals are =locke7 an7 t'us t'e transmission is 7iscontinuous2 !s a result- t'e MS cannot
respon7 to t'e paging2
32 Poor in7oor co8erage
T'e 7ensel$ 7istri=ute7 =uil7ings an7 t'ick walls cause great signal attenuation- great
penetration loss- an7 low in7oor signal le8el2 !s a result- t'e MS cannot respon7 to t'e
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GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
:2 &ross co8erage (isolate7 BTS)
T'e cross co8erage occurs in t'e ser8ing cell =ecause o1 8arious causes suc' as 'ig' power
an7 antenna azimut' angle2 !s a result- t'e MS can recei8e t'e 7ownlink signal =ut t'e BTS
cannot recei8e t'e correspon7ing message sent =$ t'e MS- w'ic' lea7s to a 7ecrease in t'e
paging success rate2
08 9"lin& and -o%nlin& Balance Pro,lem
I1 t'e transmit power o1 t'e BTS is 'ig' or t'e tower mounte7 ampli1ier (TM!)- BTS
ampli1ier- an7 antenna inter1ace are 1ault$- t'e 7i11erence =etween t'e uplink an7 t'e 7ownlink
le8els are great2 !s a result- t'e access success rate o1 t'e MS ma$ occur at t'e e7ge o1 t'e
BTS co8erage area2
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GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
Analysis Procedure for t2e Pa#in# Success
Rate and *"timi+ation $et2od
304 Analysis Procedure
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GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
30 Pro,lem Location of t2e Pa#in# Success Rate and
*"timi+ation $et2od
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GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
3004 5ard%are and Transmission Pro,lems
.'en t'e TRF or com=iner is 1ault$- t'e sen7ing o1 t'e paging reBuest or t'e assignment
1ails2 In t'is case- t'e paging success rate 7ecreases2
%ou can c'eck 1or t'e 'ar7ware 1aults =$ 8iewing BTS alarms or 8iewing t'e status o1 t'e
'ar7ware on t'e "MT2 T'e 1ollowing ta=le lists main BS& alarms2
Alarm I- Alarm Name
*))) "!P/ OM" #ault
33)9 TRF &ommunication !larm
99*9 TRF @S.R !larm
:<)< /R> 6ar7ware !larm
IRelate7 &asesJ IRelate7 &asesJ
T'e counters relate7 to t'e 'ar7ware 1ault are as 1ollows (t'e 1ollowing parameters are =ase7
on BS&<)))@+))R))4B)94)?
Cause BSC/level Counter Cell/level Counter
KBS& MeasurementL5JK!ccess
Measurement per BS&L5J
S/&&6 !8aila=ilit$ per BS&
&on1igure7 S/&&6s per BS&
!8aila=le S/&&6s per BS&
KKPI Measurement per &ellL5J
S/&&6 !8aila=ilit$
!8aila=le S/&&6s
&on1igure7 S/&&6s
300 S-CC5s *ccu"ied -ue to Pa#in# *verload and 5eavy Burst
.'en t'e "!&s are 7i8i7e7 improperl$- t'e parameters are con1igure7 incorrectl$- or t'ere is
'ea8$ =urst tra11ic- t'e paging o8erloa7 ma$ occur2 In t'is case- t'e paging success rate
*2 .'en t'e "!&s are 7i8i7e7 improperl$ an7 large5scale location up7ates are per1orme7-
t'e P&6 o8erloa7 ma$ occur2
32 .'en some cell parameters (suc' as MBSG!GGB"KSGRSM- MBS5P!5M#R!MSM- an7
MMS M!F RetransM) are set improperl$- P&6s ma$ =e insu11icient2 .'en t'ere are
man$ paging messages- t'e cell reports an o8erloa7 message to t'e BS&2 In t'is case-
P&6 o8erloa7 occurs2
:2 .'en t'ere is 'ea8$ =urst tra11ic (1or eHample- assem=lies)- paging o8erloa7 occurs2
liminate t'e paging o8erloa7 accor7ing to generation causes2 I1 t'e paging o8erloa7
persists 1or a long perio7- a7(ust t'e parameter con1iguration2 I1 t'e paging o8erloa7 is
cause7 =$ t'e 'ea8$ =urst tra11ic- eliminates t'e paging o8erloa7 a1ter t'e tra11ic
T'e counters relate7 to paging o8erloa7 are as 1ollows?
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GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
Cause BSC/level Counter Cell/level Counter
KPaging MeasurementL5JK! Inter1ace Paging
!):))? MS&5Initiate7 Paging ReBuests 1or
&S Ser8ice
!):)*? SGSN5Initiate7 Paging ReBuests 1or
&S Ser8ice
!):*? SGSN5Initiate7 Paging ReBuests 1or
PS Ser8ice
!):3? /eli8ere7 Paging Messages to BTS
1or &S Ser8ice
KPaging MeasurementL5JKMeasurement o1
/iscar7e7 Paging Messages 7ue to O8erloa7
per "!P/L
K&all MeasurementL5JK&alls /iscar7e7 7ue to
O8erloa7 per "!P/L
K&all MeasurementL5
JK#low &ontrol
Measurement per &ellL
":*44"? Paging Messages
/iscar7e7 1rom t'e P&6
":*44M? MaHimum
Seizure Ratio o1 P&6
Paging Nueue
3003 Parameter Confi#uration
I1 some parameters are set improperl$ on t'e BS& si7e an7 MS& si7e- t'e paging success rate
ma$ 7ecrease2 speciall$- t'e paging polic$ on t'e MS& si7e greatl$ a11ects t'e paging
success rate2 %ou can c'eck t'e pro=lem causes t'roug' t'e 1ollowing parameters2
Paging5relate7 parameters on t'e MS& si7e
*2 "ocation up7ate time on t'e N si7e (IMSI in8isi=le separation timer)
T'e 8alue o1 t'is parameter must =e greater t'an t'e 8alue o1 T:3*32 Ot'erwise- w'en
t'e MS ser8es as a calle7 part$ on a normal network- $ou are prompte7 t'at t'e
su=scri=er $ou 7iale7 is powere7 o112
32 #irst paging mo7e
To impro8e t'e paging capa=ilit$ o1 t'e s$stem an7 impro8e t'e P&6 usage- t'e TMSI is
use7 1or t'e 1irst paging an7 t'e IMSI is use7 1or t'e last paging in normal cases2 In
a77ition- t'e IMSI5=ase7 paging can =e 7one w'en some TMSIs are incorrect
temporaril$2 T'ere1ore- t'e IMSI is man7ator$ 1or paging an7 it must =e also carrie7 in
t'e TMSI5=ase7 paging2 T'e TMSI5=ase7 paging sa8es resources =ut 7oes not re7uce t'e
num=er o1 pagings2 One P&6 can page onl$ two IMSIs at t'e same time- =ut can page
1our TMSIs at t'e same time- w'ic' is consi7ere7 as t'e capacit$ eHpansion o1 one P&62
:2 #irst paging inter8al
I1 t'e inter8al is set a small 8alue or a large 8alue- t'e paging success rate ma$ 7ecrease2
I1 t'e paging inter8al is set to a small 8alue an7 t'e MS& 7oes not recei8e a paging
response wit'in t'e speci1ie7 num=er o1 pagings- t'e MS& consi7ers t'at t'e paging 1ails
an7 t'e paging message s'oul7 =e cleare72 8en i1 t'e paging response is recei8e7 later-
t'e MS& still sen7s a &"!RG&OMM!N/ message to clear t'e ra7io c'annel on t'e
calle7 MS si7e =ecause t'e paging message is cleare72 T'e paging inter8al must =e
properl$ relate7 to t'e paging response time on t'e BSS si7e2 In t'is wa$- t'e paging
success rate can =e increase72
92 Secon7 paging mo7e
T'e IMSI is use7 1or t'e paging in normal cases2 Because t'e TMSI sent =$ t'e s$stem
cannot =e i7enti1ie7 =$ t'e MS- at least one IMSI paging must =e set to en'ance t'e
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GSM BSS Network KPI (Paging Success Rate) Optimization Manual INTRN!"
paging relia=ilit$2
,2 Secon7 paging inter8al
<2 T'ir7 paging mo7e
;2 T'ir7 paging inter8al
42 Num=er o1 paging retransmissions =$ t'e MS&
I1 t'e capacit$ o1 a location area is large- $ou are a78ise7 to set t'e num=er o1 paging
retransmissions to a small 8alue2 I1 t'e num=er o1 paging retransmissions is set to a large
8alue- t'e paging o8erloa7 ma$ occur2
+2 Network5wi7e paging
I1 t'e MS roams to a new location area =ut 7oes not initiate a location up7ate reBuest in
time (t'e pro=a=ilit$ o1 t'is case is low)- a network5wi7e paging reBuest can =e initiate7
to increase t'e paging success rate2 .'en t'e network5wi7e paging reBuest is initiate7-
t'e paging tra11ic 8olume on t'e BSS si7e is greatl$ increase72 In t'is case- t'e P&6 ma$
=e congeste72 %ou are not a78ise7 to ena=le t'e network5wi7e paging 1unction 1or a
location area wit' large capacit$2 I1 t'e 1unction is ena=le7- t'e BTS an7 BS& &P> ma$
=e o8erloa7e72 In t'is case- a large num=er o1 paging messages are 7iscar7e7 an7 t'e
paging success rate s'arpl$ 7ecreases2 #or a location area wit' small capacit$- 'owe8er-
$ou can ena=le t'e network5wi7e paging 1unction to increase t'e paging success rate2 I1
t'e co8erage is poor an7 t'e paging loa7 on t'e BSS si7e is low- $ou can ena=le t'e
1unction 1or t'e last paging2 IRelate7 &asesJ
*)2 Pre5paging
Pre5paging is a network 1unction2 .'en t'e 6"R attempts to o=tain a roaming num=er
1rom t'e @MS& Ser8er- t'e @MS& Ser8er initiates a paging proce7ure to t'e calle7 MS
an7 t'en returns t'e roaming num=er to t'e 6"R =e1ore t'e GMS& Ser8er initiates a call
setup reBuest to t'e @MS& Ser8er2 In t'is wa$- w'en t'e @MS& Ser8er recei8es t'e call
setup reBuest 1rom t'e GMS& Ser8er- t'e ra7io connection =etween t'e @MS& Ser8er
an7 t'e MS is alrea7$ esta=lis'e72
! pre5paging reBuest is initiate7 w'en a roaming num=er is o=taine72 T'us- t'e s$stem
can know w'et'er t'e calle7 MS can =e page7 =e1ore allocating t'e roaming num=er2
T'is 'elps to a8oi7 t'e access 1ailure o1 t'e calle7 MS w'en t'e GMS& ser8er is
connecte7 to t'e @MS& ser8er accor7ing to t'e roaming num=er2 In t'is wa$- t'e
network resources can =e sa8e72 In a77ition- =e1ore t'e pre5paging- i1 t'e 7ata restoration
is reBuire7- $ou can restore t'e 7ata2 In t'is wa$- t'e e11icienc$ o1 incoming calls can =e
/uring t'e pre5paging- 'owe8er- t'e seizure 7uration o1 t'e S/&&6 is increase72 I1 t'e
con1iguration is improper- t'e congestion ma$ occur- an7 t'us t'e paging success rate
7ecreases2 IRelate7 &asesJ
**2 "ocation up7ate optimization (MS& so1tware parameter)
P**))2Bit*2 .'en t'e MS per1orms location up7ates an7 pagings- t'is parameter is use7
to control w'et'er to optimize pagings2 T'at is- t'e location up7ate is per1orme7 an7
t'en t'e paging is per1orme7 in a new location area a1ter t'e location up7ate succee7s2 I1
t'e location up7ate 1ails or a 1ollow5on reBuest is initiate7- a paging 1ailure message is
returne72 !1ter t'e 1unction is ena=le7- t'e MS can per1orm location up7ates an7 pagings
at t'e same time2 In t'is wa$- t'e paging success rate can =e increase72
)? to optimize t'e paging2
*? not to optimize t'e paging2 T'e 7e1ault 8alue is *2
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*32 &all earl$ release (MS& so1tware parameter)
P*<<2Bit*,2 T'is parameter speci1ies w'et'er to measure P!GING RSP messages
w'en t'e MS is release7 earl$2 I1 t'e 1unction is ena=le7 an7 t'e calling MS is release7
earl$- t'e num=er o1 paging responses increases2 T'us- t'e paging success rate can =e
)? to ena=le t'e 1unction2
*? to 7isa=le t'e 1unction2 T'e 7e1ault 8alue is *2
*:2 Paging optimization control (MS& so1tware parameter)
P*<92BIT42 I1 no paging response is recei8e7 1rom an MS- t'e num=er o1 pagings is
controlle7 =$ t'is parameter w'en t'e MS is calle7 neHt time2 .'en t'e MS can =e
page7- t'e num=er o1 pagings is restore7 to t'e original 8alue2 I1 t'e 1unction is ena=le7
=ut t'e MS cannot =e page7- t'e num=er o1 pagings 7ecreases2
)? to use t'e num=er con1igure7 in t'e paging control ta=le2
*? to use t'e num=er con1igure7 in t'e paging control ta=le minus *2 I1 t'e num=er
con1igure7 in t'e paging control ta=le is *- t'e num=er o1 pagings is *2
T'e 7e1ault 8alue is *2
Paging5relate7 parameter on t'e BS& si7e?
*92 &&&6 &on1
T'e &&&6 nee7s to =e properl$ con1igure7 on t'e =asis o1 t'e num=er o1 c'annels in a
cell an7 t'e paging capa=ilit$ o1 t'e location area2 T'e con1iguration o1 t'e parameter
7etermines t'e num=er o1 P&6s in a cell2
T'e &&&6 can =e con1igure7 on TS) o1 &) (B&&6E&&&6 can =e con1igure7 in t'is
case)2 In a77ition- t'e &&&6 con1iguration can =e use7 to eHten7 t'ree com=ination sets
on TS3- TS9- an7 TS<2 T'e con1iguration inclu7es all com=inations on TS) eHcept t'e
S&6 an7 #&&62
T'e &&&6 con1iguration is represente7 =$ &&&6G&ON#2 T'e 8alue must =e consistent
wit' t'e actual con1iguration o1 t'e &&&62 T'e 1ollowing ta=le lists t'e &&&6G&ON#
co7es an7 t'eir meanings2
&&&65&ON# co7es
CCC5/C*N. $eanin# Num,er of CCC5 Bloc&s in *ne
BCC5 $ulti/.rame
))) One p'$sical c'annel is use7 1or t'e &&&6 =ut
not com=ine7 wit' t'e S/&&62
))* One p'$sical c'annel is use7 1or t'e &&&6 an7
com=ine7 wit' t'e S/&&62
)*) Two p'$sical c'annels are use7 1or t'e &&&6 =ut
not com=ine7 wit' t'e S/&&62
*)) T'ree p'$sical c'annels are use7 1or t'e &&&6
=ut not com=ine7 wit' t'e S/&&62
**) #our p'$sical c'annels are use7 1or t'e &&&6 =ut
not com=ine7 wit' t'e S/&&62
*,2 R!&6 Min2!ccess "e8el
T'is parameter in7icates t'e le8el t'res'ol7 1or t'e ran7om access o1 t'e MS2 I1 t'e le8el
o1 t'e recei8e7 R!&6 =urst pulse is smaller t'an t'e minimum access le8el o1 t'e
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R!&6- t'e BTS regar7s t'e access as an in8ali7 access an7 7oes not 7eco7e t'e access
reBuest2 I1 t'e le8el o1 t'e recei8e7 ran7om access =urst timeslot is greater t'an t'e
minimum access le8el o1 t'e R!&6- t'e BTS regar7s t'e access reBuest 1rom t'e
timeslot as a 8ali7 reBuest- an7 t'en 7etermines w'et'er t'e R!&6 access is 8ali7 =ase7
on t'e 8alue o1 Random Access Error T2res2old2
*<2 RF"@G!&&SSGMIN
T'is parameter in7icates t'e minimum RF le8el reBuire7 w'en t'e MS accesses t'e
BSS2 I1 t'is parameter is set to a small 8alue- t'e le8el o1 t'e access signal is low an7
t'us man$ MSs attempt to resi7e in t'e cell2 In t'is case- t'e cell ma$ =e o8erloa7e7 an7
t'e call 7rops ma$ occur2 T'ere1ore- $ou must properl$ set t'e parameter =ase7 on t'e
=alance =etween uplink an7 7ownlink2
*;2 Paging Times
T'e paging retransmission 1unction is a77e7 to t'e BTS si7e to impro8e t'e paging
success rate an7 paging e11icienc$2 I1 t'e 1unction is ena=le7 an7 t'e transmission Bualit$
o1 t'e ra7io link is poor occasionall$- t'e MS can still recei8e paging comman7s2 I1 t'e
transmission Bualit$ o1 t'e ra7io link is poor continuousl$- $ou can ena=le t'e paging
retransmission 1unction on t'e MS& si7e to ensure t'at t'e MS correctl$ recei8es paging
comman7s2 In a77ition- w'en t'e paging retransmission 1unction is ena=le7 on t'e BTS
si7e- t'e num=er o1 paging retransmissions on t'e MS& si7e is 7ecrease72 In t'is case-
t'e signaling loa7 on t'e network si7e is 7ecrease7 to a certain eHtent2
T'is parameter in7icates w'et'er t'e BTS retransmits a paging message2 T'e num=er o1
paging retransmissions is 7etermine7 =$ t'e parameter an7 t'e num=er o1 pagings
con1igure7 on t'e MS& si7e2 T'e total num=er o1 pagings is approHimate to t'e num=er
o1 pagings on t'e BTS si7e multiplie7 =$ t'e num=er o1 pagings on t'e MS& si7e2
T'is parameter in7icates t'e num=er o1 &&&6 message =locks reser8e7 1or t'e !G&62
!1ter t'e &&&6 con1iguration is complete- t'e parameter re1lects t'e proportion o1
!G&6s an7 P&6s on t'e &&&62 T'e setting o1 t'is parameter a11ects t'e MS paging
response time an7 s$stem ser8ice per1ormance2
*+2 BS5P!5M#R!MS
T'is parameter in7icates t'e num=er o1 multi51rames as a c$cle o1 t'e paging su=5
c'annel2 !ctuall$- t'e parameter 7etermines t'e num=er o1 paging su=5c'annels into
w'ic' t'e P&6 in a cell is 7i8i7e72 IRelate7 &asesJ
3)2 MS M!F Retrans
T'is parameter in7icates t'e maHimum num=er o1 retransmissions o1 t'e &'annel
ReBuest message in an imme7iate assignment proce7ure2 !1ter initiating t'e imme7iate
assignment proce7ure- t'e MS keeps monitoring B&&6s an7 all &&&6 messages in its
&&&6 group2 I1 no Imme7iate !ssignment message or Imme7iate !ssignment Hten7
message is recei8e7- t'e MS retransmits t'e &'annel ReBuest message perio7icall$2
3*2 S/&&6 /$namic !llocation !llowe7
T'e S/&&6 7$namic allocation 1unction can =e ena=le7 to a77 t'e num=er o1 a8aila=le
S/&&6s2 .'en t'e num=er o1 MSs in a cell increases s'arpl$ an7 man$ MSs cannot
access t'e network 7ue to t'e 1ailure to reBuest S/&&6s- T&6s (inclu7ing T&6s an7
7$namic P/&6s as T&6s) are con8erte7 to S/&&6s to ensure t'at most MSs access t'e
network2 T'e 7$namic a7(ustment o1 S/&&6s can increase t'e s$stem capacit$2
332 Ran7om !ccess rror T'res'ol7
T'e s$stem c'ecks w'et'er t'e recei8e7 signal is a ran7om access signal 1rom t'e MS
=ase7 on t'e relati8it$ o1 t'e training seBuence co7e (TS&) (9* =its)2 In a77ition- t'e T!
8alue can =e calculate7 at t'e same time2 I1 t'is parameter is set to a small 8alue- t'e
allowa=le error eHtent 1or a ran7om access signal is 'ig' an7 t'e ran7om access o1 t'e
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MS is eas$2 T'e error reporting rate- 'owe8er- is 'ig'2 I1 t'is parameter is set to a large
8alue- t'e error reporting rate o1 t'e MS is low2 T'e normal access reBuest- 'owe8er-
cannot =e reporte72
3:2 T:3*3
T'is parameter in7icates t'e perio7 w'en t'e MS per1orms location up7ates2 Generall$-
t'e T:3*3 8alues o1 all t'e cells are t'e same in a location area2 Ot'erwise- t'e implicit
s'ut7own ma$ occur2
392 R!&6 Bus$ T'res'ol7
T'is parameter in7icates t'e le8el t'res'ol7 1or MS ran7om access w'en t'e R!&6 is
=us$2 I1 t'e le8el o1 t'e recei8e7 ran7om access =urst timeslot is greater t'an t'e
t'res'ol7- t'e BTS regar7s t'e timeslot as a =us$ timeslot2
3,2 &&&6 "oa7 T'res'ol7
T'is parameter in7icates t'at t'e BTS noti1ies t'e BS& o1 t'e loa7 on t'e &&&6
timeslot2 T'e loa7 re1ers to t'e access reBuests on t'e R!&6 an7 all t'e messages (suc'
as t'e paging an7 PS imme7iate assignment) on t'e P&62 #or 7etails- see t'e protocol
)4,42 I1 t'e loa7 on t'e &&&6 timeslot eHcee7s t'e 8alue speci1ie7 =$ t'is parameter-
t'e BTS sen7s a &&&6 o8erloa7 message to t'e BS& at regular inter8als2 T'e inter8al
1or sen7ing t'e o8erloa7 message is t'e 8alue speci1ie7 =$ CCC5 Load Indication
3<2 !=is #low &ontrol Permitte7
T'is parameter in7icates w'et'er t'e !=is 1low control is allowe72 T'e 1low control
1unction is use7 1or t'e call management2 .'en t'e s$stem is congeste7- some ser8ices
are re(ecte7 or t'e ser8ice reBuest time is prolonge7 to re7uce t'e s$stem loa72 T'e !=is
1low control 1unction is use7 to re7uce t'e s$stem loa7 1rom t'e !=is tra11ic2 I1 t'is
parameter is set to a small 8alue- t'e BTS reports an R!&6 o8erloa7 message to t'e
BS&2 In t'is case- t'e BS& starts t'e 1low control 1or a cell- t'at is- t'e minimum RF
le8el o1 t'e MS in t'e s$stem message is increase7 to re7uce t'e R!&6 access2 I1 t'is
parameter is set to a large 8alue- t'e BTS reports an o8erloa7 message to t'e BS& onl$
w'en man$ MSs access t'e network an7 t'e s$stem resources are insu11icient2 In t'is
case- t'e s$stem ma$ =e 1ault$2
3;2 !5inter1ace colla=oration paging switc' (so1tware parameter)
T'is parameter in7icates w'et'er &S paging messages can =e recei8e7 on t'e ! inter1ace
w'en t'e MS per1orms GPRS ser8ices2
I1 t'e switc' is turne7 o11 an7 t'e MS per1orms GPRS ser8ices- t'e MS cannot ser8e as a
calle7 part$ 1or paging response2
I1 t'e switc' is turne7 on an7 t'e MS per1orms GPRS ser8ices- t'e MS can ser8e as a
calle7 part$2 (Note? T'e 1unction is supporte7 onl$ in t'e BS&<)))@+))R))4 an7 later
8ersions an7 in =uilt5in P&> mo7e2) IRelate7 &asesJ
342 Paging li1ec$cle (so1tware parameter 3+)
T'is parameter 7etermines t'e waiting time o1 paging messages in t'e P&6 Bueue2 I1 t'e
MS& transmits a paging reBuest =ut 7oes not recei8e a paging response a1ter t'e
speci1ie7 inter8al- t'e MS& retransmits t'e paging reBuest2 T'e retransmission inter8al
can =e con1igure7 on t'e MS& si7e2 T'ere1ore- i1 a paging reBuest message is not
transmitte7 to t'e MS wit'in t'e retransmission inter8al on t'e BTS si7e an7 no response
is returne7 1rom t'e MS&- t'e paging message is retransmitte7 on t'e MS& si7e2 I1 t'e
=u11ering time o1 a paging reBuest in t'e P&6 Bueue eHcee7s t'e paging li1ec$cle- t'e
paging reBuest is not transmitte7 on t'e >m inter1ace2 In t'is wa$- t'e 8ali7 paging
reBuests can =e transmitte7 in time to ensure t'e 8ali7it$ o1 paging reBuest messages
transmitte7 on t'e >m inter1ace2 T'e 8alue o1 t'e parameter must =e smaller t'an or
eBual to t'e paging inter8al on t'e MS& si7e2 Ot'erwise- t'e paging success rate
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3006 Interference
.'en t'e intra5network or inter5network inter1erence occurs- t'e >m Bualit$ is poor2 T'us-
t'e MS cannot recei8e a paging message or t'e BTS cannot recei8e a paging response 1rom
t'e MS2 In t'is case- t'e paging success rate 7ecreases2
%ou can o=tain t'e uplink inter1erence in1ormation t'roug' t'e 7istri=ution o1 inter1erence
=an7s in t'e tra11ic statistics2 I1 inter1erence =an7s : to , are 1oun7- it in7icates t'at t'e serious
uplink inter1erence occurs2 %ou can o=tain t'e 7ownlink inter1erence in1ormation t'roug' t'e
/T or RF Bualit$ counter2
#or t'e 7etails a=out inter1erence c'eck- see t'e G-Guide to Eliminating the Interference2
T'e 1ollowing ta=le lists t'e tra11ic measurement counters relate7 to t'e inter1erence2
Cause Cell/level Counter TR:/level Counter
Inter1erence KMR MeasurementL5J
KInter1erence Ban7 Measurement per
>plinkC7ownlink Inter1erence
In7ication Messages (T&6)
Mean Num=er o1 T&6#sCT&66s in
Inter1erence Ban7 *
Mean Num=er o1 T&6#sCT&66s in
Inter1erence Ban7 3
Mean Num=er o1 T&6#sCT&66s in
Inter1erence Ban7 :
Mean Num=er o1 T&6#sCT&66s in
Inter1erence Ban7 9
Mean Num=er o1 T&6#sCT&66s in
Inter1erence Ban7 ,
KMR MeasurementL5J
KRecei8e Nualit$ Measurement per
3007 Covera#e
%ou can c'eck t'e co8erage t'roug' t'e out7oor /T an7 in7oor 7ialing test2 I1 t'e 7ownlink
RF le8el is small (smaller t'an O*)) 7Bm)- t'e 1ollowing cases ma$ occur? (*) T'e MS
cannot access t'e networkP (3) T'e Bualit$ is poorP (:) No neig'=oring cell is a8aila=le 1or t'e
'an7o8er 1or a long timeP (9) T'e le8el Bualit$ is poor2 I1 an$ o1 t'e prece7ing cases occurs- it
in7icates t'at t'e co8erage is poor2
.'en t'e co8erage o1 a cell is poor- t'e call 7rop rate on t'e T&6 is 'ig'- t'e 'an7o8er
success rate is low- an7 more 'an7o8ers are per1orme7 7ue to t'e signal strengt'2 %ou can
c'eck w'et'er t'e co8erage o1 a cell is poor =$ 8iewing t'e tra11ic measurement counters2 T'e
1ollowing ta=le lists t'e relate7 tra11ic measurement counters2
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Cause Cell/level Counter TR:/level Counter
&o8erage K&all MeasurementL5J KOutgoing
Internal Inter5&ell 6an7o8er Measurement per
Outgoing Internal Inter5&ell 6an7o8er
ReBuests (>plinkC/ownlink Strengt')
K&all MeasurementL5J KOutgoing
Hternal Inter5&ell 6an7o8er Measurement per
Outgoing Hternal Inter5&ell 6an7o8er
ReBuests (>plink Strengt')
Outgoing Hternal Inter5&ell 6an7o8er
ReBuests (/ownlink Strengt')
KMR MeasurementL5J
KT&6# Recei8e "e8el Measurement per
KMR MeasurementL5J
KT&66 Recei8e "e8el Measurement per

.'en t'e co8erage is poor- $ou can a7(ust t'e antenna tilt- increase t'e transmit power- a77 a
repeater- or c'ange t'e com=ination mo7e to sol8e t'e co8erage pro=lem2 #or t'e 7etails a=out
t'e solution- see t'e GSM BSS Netor! "#I $Netor! %o&erage' ()timi*ation Manual2
IRelate7 &asesJ
3008 Balance Bet%een 9"lin& and -o%nlin&
I1 t'e im=alance =etween uplink an7 7ownlink occurs- t'e MS at t'e e7ge o1 a cell cannot
access t'e network2 In t'is case- t'e paging success rate 7ecreases2 I1 t'e 7ownlink Bualit$ is
poor- t'e MS cannot recei8e a Paging message2 I1 t'e uplink Bualit$ is poor- t'e BTS cannot
recei8e a Paging Response message 1rom t'e MS2 %ou can c'eck w'et'er t'e im=alance
=etween uplink an7 7ownlink occurs in a cell t'roug' t'e counters relate7 to t'e =alance
=etween uplink an7 7ownlink2
Cause Cell/level Counter TR:/level Counter
>plink an7
KMR MeasurementL5J
K>plink5an75/ownlink Balance
Measurement per TRFL5J

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6 Test $et2ods
T'e paging success rate is a tra11ic measurement counter2 %ou can o=tain t'e counter t'roug'
tra11ic measurement or /T2 Because t'e /T 7ata sample is limite7- t'e paging success rate
o=taine7 t'roug' t'e /T 'as a large error2 T'e special /T eBuipment is reBuire7 in t'e /T2
/uring t'e /T- $ou can o=ser8e t'e network counters o1 t'e ser8ing cell an7 neig'=oring cells
suc' as t'e le8el- inter1erence- an7 uplinkC7ownlink Bualit$ an7 sa8e t'e /T signaling 1ile t'at
is use7 to i7enti1$ t'e causes 1or no paging response2 &onsi7ering t'e limite7 /T 7ata sample-
$ou are not a78ise7 to o=tain t'e paging success rate t'roug' t'e /T met'o72 I1 t'e /T is
reBuire7- a s'ort call must =e ma7e in t'e /T2
.'en t'e =lin7 areas an7 limite7 1reBuenc$ resources cause co5c'annel or a7(acent5c'annel
inter1erence- repeater inter1erence- or cross co8erage- no paging response occurs2 T'e cause o1
no paging response s'oul7 =e i7enti1ie7 accor7ing to t'e actual situation2
T'e paging success rate is s'own =$ t'e tra11ic measurement 7ata on t'e MS& si7e2 I1 t'e
paging 7ata on t'e MS& si7e cannot =e eHtracte7 in real time- $ou can eHtract t'e tra11ic
measurement 7ata on t'e BS& si7e to linearl$ in7icate t'e c'ange tren7 o1 t'e paging success
rates on t'e MS& si7e2 T'e proce7ure is as 1ollows?
Htract t'e tra11ic measurement counters on t'e BS& si7e2 *2 Measure t'e counter M!::)?
/eli8ere7 Paging Messages 1or &S Ser8iceM in Pa#in# $easurement- an7 t'en sum t'e
counters measure7 in 39 'ours in a cell2 T'e sum 7etermines t'e num=er o1 paging messages
7eli8ere7 =$ t'e BS& (inclu7ing t'e 1irst paging messages an7 secon7 paging messages)2
32 Measure t'e counter M!:):)&? &all Setup In7ications (MT&) (S/&&6)M in Immediate
Assi#nment $easurement "er Cell in Call $easurement- an7 t'en sum t'e counters
measure7 in 39 'ours in a cell2 T'e sum 7etermines t'e num=er o1 paging response messages
recei8e7 =$ t'e BS& (inclu7ing t'e 1irst paging response messages an7 secon7 paging
response messages)2
%ou can calculate t'e paging success rate on t'e BS& si7e t'roug' t'e two counters2 !s t'e
num=er o1 1irst paging response messages cannot =e 7istinguis'e7 1rom t'e num=er o1 secon7
paging response messages on t'e BS& si7e- t'e paging success rate cannot =e s'own
correctl$2 T'e c'anges in t'e paging success rate- 'owe8er- can =e s'own in7irectl$2
T'ere1ore- $ou can o=tain t'e c'ange tren7 o1 t'e paging success rate w'en t'e paging 7ata on
t'e MS& si7e is una8aila=le2
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7 Cases for *"timi+ation of t2e Pa#in# Success
704 Case 43 Pa#in# Success Rate -ro"s -ue to a 5ard%are
-escri"tion3 T'e paging success rate in a site is low (*4R to 3,R)- ot'er counters are
normal- an7 no alarm is reporte7 to t'e alarm console2
Analysis and solution3 !ccor7ing to t'e c'eck result- t'e power ampli1ier in sector 3 o1 BTS
* is 1ault$2 T'us- no signal output 1rom sector 3 is a8aila=le2 Because +)R o1 MSs in t'e site
are locate7 in sector 3- most MSs can use onl$ t'e e7ge signals o1 t'e a7(acent sector (sector
)) 1or communication instea7 o1 t'e signals o1 sector 32 .'en t'e num=er o1 MSs increases-
t'e signal Bualit$ is poor2 In t'is case- t'e paging success rate 7ecreases2 !1ter t'e power
ampli1ier is replace7- t'e pro=lem is sol8e72
70 Case 3 Pa#in# Success Rate -ro"s -ue to a Transmission
-escri"tion3 T'e site t$pe is S9C9C9- an7 two />s an7 6uawei MS& are con1igure72
!ccor7ing to t'e tra11ic measurement result- t'e num=er o1 P&6 &SCPS o8erloa7s on t'e !=is
inter1ace is 9;< in a time segment2 In t'is case- t'e paging success rate 7ecreases2
Analysis and solution3 .'en t'e transmission link is 7isconnecte7 1reBuentl$- some
messages are 7iscar7e7 7ue to t'e B&&6 ai7ing an7 switc'=ack2 !1ter recei8ing s$stem
message :- t'e non5B&&6 TRF recei8es a large num=er o1 paging messages2 In t'is case- t'e
o8erloa7 message is reporte7 w'en t'e messages cannot =e 7eli8ere7 an7 t'e o8erloa7
7etection con7itions are met2 !s s'own in t'e BTS logs- t'e ai7ing o1 t'ree TRFs occurs 7ue
to t'e transmission 1ault2 !ccor7ing to t'e signaling tracing result- t'e non5B&&6 TRF* an7
TRF: report t'e o8erloa7 message2
!1ter t'e transmission 1ault is recti1ie7- t'e pro=lem is sol8e72 Note t'at t'e pro=lem is
alrea7$ sol8e7 in t'e BSS o1 t'e latest 8ersion2
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703 Pa#in# Success Rate -ro"s -ue to Im"ro"er Parameter
70304 Case 33 Pa#in# Success Rate -ro"s ;2en t2e Pre/"a#in#
.unction Is Ena,led
-escri"tion3 .'en t'e pre5paging 1unction is ena=le7- t'e alarm relate7 to S/&&6
congestion is generate7 w'en t'e BS& is =us$2
Analysis and solution3 !ccor7ing to t'e anal$sis o1 t'e paging proce7ure on t'e BSS si7e-
t'e BS& 7eli8ers a paging message t'roug' t'e P&62 !1ter t'e MS respon7s to t'e paging
message- t'e BS& allocates an S/&&6 to t'e MS2 T'e MS t'en reports t'e paging response
message t'roug' t'e S/&&6 an7 seizes t'e S/&&62 !1ter t'e BS& allocates t'e T&6 to t'e
MS an7 t'e MS is 'an7e7 o8er 1rom t'e S/&&6 to t'e T&6- t'e MS releases t'e seize7
S/&&62 !ccor7ing to t'e 1iel7 1ee7=ack- t'e pre5paging 1unction is ena=le7- an7 t'e MS
in7epen7entl$ seizes an S/&&6 a1ter t'e paging response is recei8e72 Generall$- t'e
MS&C@"R allocates t'e roaming num=er- anal$zes t'e num=er- an7 selects t'e route a1ter t'e
paging response is recei8e72 Because t'e pre5paging reBuest is initiate7 earl$- t'e S/&&6 is
alwa$s seize7 7uring t'e inter8al2 In a normal paging proce7ure- 'owe8er- a paging message
is 7eli8ere7 a1ter t'e roaming num=er is allocate7 an7 t'e num=er anal$sis an7 route selection
are per1orme72 In t'is case- t'e time o1 seizing t'e S/&&6 is s'orter t'an t'at w'en t'e pre5
paging 1unction is ena=le72 !1ter t'e pre5paging 1unction is 7isa=le7- t'e S/&&6 congestion
pro=lem on t'e BS& si7e is sol8e72
7030 Case 63 Pa#in# Success Rate -ro"s ;2en BS/PA/$.RA$S Is
Set Im"ro"erly
-escri"tion3 T'e paging o8erloa7 occurs in some sites in Russia- an7 t'e paging success rate
Analysis and solution3 !ccor7ing to t'e anal$sis- t'e 8alue o1 t'e parameter
BS<PA<$.R$S in t'e sites is 8 or !2 !1ter t'e 8alue is set to - t'e o8erloa7 7oes not occur
an7 t'e paging success rate increases2
T'e BS<PA<$.R$S parameter in7icates t'e num=er o1 multi51rames as a c$cle o1 t'e
paging su=5c'annel2 !ctuall$- t'e parameter 7etermines t'e num=er o1 paging su=5c'annels
into w'ic' t'e P&6 in a cell is 7i8i7e72
I1 t'e B&&6 is con1igure7- t'e num=er o1 paging su=5c'annels D (+ 5 BSGB"KSGRS) H
BSGB"KSGRS in7icates t'e num=er o1 =locks reser8e7 1or imme7iate assignment2
!ccor7ing to t'e prece7ing 1ormula- i1 t'e 8alue o1 BSGP!GM#RMS is large- t'e num=er o1
paging su=5c'annels is large2 T'e 8alue o1 BSGP!GM#RMS ranges 1rom 3 to +2
T'e paging 7eli8er$ proce7ure on t'e BTS si7e is as 1ollows? T'e paging message 1rom t'e
BS& is store7 in t'e paging Bueue 1or =u11ering- an7 t'e paging message in t'e =u11er o1 t'e
BTS is 7eli8ere7 on t'e paging su=5c'annel (>m inter1ace)2
.'en t'e paging messages in t'e =u11er o1 t'e BTS o8er1low- t'e paging o8erloa7 message is
reporte72 T'e 1actors t'at a11ect t'e paging capacit$ (o8er1low) are as 1ollows?
*2 Bu11ering capacit$ o1 t'e paging Bueue2
32 /eli8er$ e11icienc$ o1 t'e >m inter1ace2
#or t'e 7eli8er$ e11icienc$ o1 t'e >m inter1ace- t'e num=er o1 paging messages carrie7
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in a paging =lock is 1iHe72 T'us- w'en t'e 8alue o1 BSGP!GM#RMS is small- t'e
num=er o1 paging su=5c'annels in a cell is small2 T'at is- t'e num=er o1 MSs on eac'
paging su=5c'annel is large an7 t'e pro=a=ilit$ o1 1ull$ loa7e7 messages on t'e >m
inter1ace is 'ig'2 In a77ition- w'en t'e 8alue o1 BSGP!GM#RMS is small- t'e 7eli8er$
perio7 o1 a paging group is s'ort2 T'at is- t'e 7ela$ 1or t'e paging message waiting 1or
7eli8er$ is s'ort2 I1 t'e =u11er o1 t'e paging Bueue is not o8erloa7e7 an7 t'e 8alue o1
BSGP!GM#RMS is set to a small 8alue- t'e e11icienc$ o1 t'e >m inter1ace is 'ig'2
In practice- $ou nee7 to mo7i1$ t'e parameter an7 ot'er paging5relate7 parameters to
optimize t'e paging per1ormance2
70303 Case 73 $S Cannot Res"ond to a Pa#in# $essa#e ;2en t2e
Num,er of Pa#in#s on t2e N Side Is Set Im"ro"erly
-escri"tion3 In a local network- t'e @MS& is connecte7 to t'e M+)) an7 M*4)) BSSs2 T'e
M*4)) BSS is pro8i7e7 1or t'e capacit$ eHpansion in p'ase II2 To re7uce t'e loa7 on t'e BS&
si7e- we c'ange t'e num=er o1 pagings on t'e @MS& 1rom , to 32 !1ter t'e 7ata is c'ange7-
t'e MS in t'e M*4)) BSS can ser8e as t'e calling part$ =ut not t'e calle7 part$2
Analysis and solution3 .'en t'e num=er o1 pagings on t'e @MS& is set to ,- $ou can set t'e
pagings 1or a single location area or t'e entire network2 Generall$- t'e 1irst 1our pagings are
set 1or a single location area an7 t'e last paging is set 1or t'e entire network2 !s t'e MS can
ser8e as t'e calle7 part$- it in7icates t'at t'e MS can =e page7 in t'e 1i8e pagings2 T'e
possi=le cause is as 1ollows? T'e pre8ious pagings are not sent to a correct BS&- =ut t'e last
network5wi7e paging is sent to all t'e BS&s2 In t'is case- t'e MS can =e page72
!ccor7ing to t'e 7ata c'eck result- no 7estination signaling point o1 t'e BS& is set in t'e
location area 7ata o1 t'e M*4))2 #or t'e paging in a single location area- t'e paging message
is 7eli8ere7 to t'e BS& signaling point correspon7ing to t'e location area2 I1 no signaling
point is set- t'e MS& cannot 7eli8er a paging message to t'e BS&2 #or t'e paging in t'e entire
network- t'e paging message is 7eli8ere7 to eac' BS& in t'e BS& ta=le2 !1ter t'e BS&
signaling point correspon7ing to t'e location area is set- t'e MS can =e page7 in t'e 1irst
paging proce7ure2 Now- t'e pro=lem is sol8e72
70306 Case 83 BSC Pa#in# Is A,normal ;2en t2e LAC Is Confi#ured
Im"ro"erly for t2e BSC
-escri"tion3 !1ter t'e BS&<))) is cut o8er in an o11ice- t'e num=er o1 &S paging reBuests
processe7 =$ t'e BS& rises s'arpl$2 T'e BS& is con1igure7 wit' more t'an :) BTSs- an7 t'e
num=er o1 pagings in =us$ 'ours reac'es a=out *))-)))2
Analysis and solution3 T'e pro=lem can =e anal$ze7 in t'e 1ollowing aspects? paging polic$
o1 t'e MS&- paging mec'anism on t'e BS& si7e- signaling congestion- an7 more t'an one
location area o1 6uawei BS&2
&'eck t'e 7ata con1iguration on t'e BS& si7e- an7 1in7 t'at t'e BTSs controlle7 =$ t'e BS&
=elong to an "!&2 Trace t'e messages on t'e ! inter1ace- an7 1in7 t'at t'e paging message
carries t'e "!& o1 t'e BS& an7 t'e "!& o1 anot'er BS&2 !sk t'e MS& engineer to c'eck
7ata- an7 1in7 t'at more BTS 7ata (t'e "!& o1 anot'er BS&) is con1igure7 in t'e BS&2 !1ter
asking t'e engineering super8isor- 1in7 t'at t'e BTS 7ata is test 7ata =e1ore t'e cuto8er2 !1ter
t'e cuto8er- t'e BS& super8isor 7eletes t'e BTS 7ata wit'out noti1$ing t'e MS& engineer o1
t'e rele8ant in1ormation2 In t'is case- t'e MS& sen7s more paging messages to t'e BS& (t'e
MS& sen7s a paging message =ase7 on t'e "!&)2
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70307 Case 13 Pa#in# Success Rate Increases After t2e A/interface
Colla,oration Pa#in# .unction Is Ena,led
-escri"tion3 !1ter a pro(ect is relocate7- t'e paging success rate in some location areas
Analysis and solution3 !1ter t'e pro(ect is relocate7- all t'e original parameters are use7 =ut
t'e location areas c'ange2 !nal$ze t'e tra11ic measurement counters on t'e MS& si7e an7
BS& si7e- an7 1in7 t'at t'e paging success rate on t'e B si7e 7ecreases2
!7(ust ot'er parameters- an7 1in7 t'at t'e paging success rate is not impro8e72 !ccor7ing to
t'e tra11ic statistics- PS tra11ic in t'e entire tra11ic reac'es a certain proportion2 !1ter ena=ling
t'e !5inter1ace colla=oration paging 1unction- t'e paging success rate in t'e entire network
increases =$ *R- as s'own in t'e 1ollowing 1igure2

706 Case !3 Pa#in# Success Rate -ro"s -ue to Poor Covera#e
-escri"tion3 !1ter a GSM network is eHpan7e7- t'e su=scri=ers complain t'at t'e calle7
part$ is out o1 t'e ser8ice area2 .'en t'e signal Bualit$ is goo7 an7 t'e MS is calle7- t'e
calling part$ 'ears a prompt tone MT'e su=scri=er $ou 7iale7 is unreac'a=le- please re7ial
Analysis and solution3 T'e pro=lem is cause7 =$ t'e 1ollowing two cases? (*) T'e prompt
tone is reporte7 incorrectl$- 1or eHample- t'e prompt tone is reporte7 w'en t'e MS is powere7
o11 or in call state2 T'e error is cause7 =$ t'e a=normal NSS processing2 (3) T'e prompt tone
is reporte7 w'en t'e calle7 MS 7oes not respon7 to a paging message 7uring t'e imme7iate
assignment2 T'e imme7iate assignment process is containe7 in t'e 1ollowing proce7ures? (*)
T'e MS ser8es as a calle7 part$P (3) T'e MS respon7s to a paging messageP (:) T'e MS
per1orms a location up7ate2 &urrentl$- t'e s$stem cannot eliminate t'e collision =etween t'e
paging an7 t'e imme7iate assignment2 %ou can re7uce t'e pro=a=ilit$ o1 t'e collision onl$ =$
properl$ setting parameters- 1or eHample- prolongs t'e location up7ates time in a location area
wit' goo7 network co8erage or increases t'e num=er o1 pagings2
In a77ition- t'e pro=lem ma$ =e cause7 w'en t'e MS cannot access t'e network normall$2
T'e causes are as 1ollows?
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!2 .'en t'e 7ownlink signal Bualit$ is poor- t'e MS 7oes not recei8e a paging message2
B2 .'en t'e uplink signal Bualit$ is poor or t'e access signals colli7e- t'e network 7oes not
recei8e a paging response 1rom t'e MS2
In t'is case- t'ere are man$ t'ree5TRF cells an7 t'e antenna s$stem is con1igure7 wit' man$
S&>s2 Because t'e insertion loss o1 t'e S&> is : 7B to 9 7B 'ig'er t'an t'at o1 t'e &/> an7
t'e power le8el is 'ig' in t'e original 7ata con1iguration- t'e co8erage in some areas is poor2
!1ter t'e TRF power le8el o1 t'e S&> is 7ecrease7 =$ two le8els (t'e static power is
increase7 =$ 9 7B)- t'e co8erage in some cells is impro8e7 greatl$2 In t'is case- t'e paging
success rate increases2
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8 Information .eed,ac&
.'en t'e paging success rate 7ecreases- $ou nee7 to report t'e 1ollowing 7ata 1or t'e pro=lem
anal$sis an7 location?
*2 MS& so1tware 8ersion an7 8en7or in1ormation- BS& so1tware 8ersion- an7 BTS so1tware
32 Paging polic$ an7 paging measurement counters on t'e MS& si7e? use7 to o=tain t'e
7ata con1iguration on t'e N si7e an7 t'e c'ange tren7 o1 paging success rates
:2 S27at 1iles? use7 to o=tain t'e parameter con1iguration on t'e BSS si7e
92 Signaling? signaling messages trace7 on t'e 1ault$ BTS
,2 Tra11ic measurement? tra11ic measurement counters relate7 to paging
<2 !larm in1ormation? use7 to c'eck w'et'er t'e 'ar7ware or transmission link is 1ault$
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