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GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA

Product Name Confidentiality Level

Product Version Total "# pa$e%
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time)
Optimization Manual
&or internal u%e onl'
Prepared by (an$ C)un*ie (I+, --..//0.) 1rom
t)e GSM23MTS Network
Per1orman4e Re%ear4) +ept5
Date "--67."7"8
Reviewed by Date ''''7mm799
Reviewed by Date ''''7mm799
Approved by Date ''''7mm799
Huawei Technoloies Co!" Ltd!
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
All rihts reserved
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
# $verview of the Call %etup Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&
.5. +e1inition o1 t)e Call Setup Time5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555#
.5" Re4ommen9e9 &ormula%555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555#
.5! Si$nalin$ Pro4e9ure an9 Mea%urement Point%5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555556
' (nfluencin )actors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#*
"5. Pro4e9ure Con1i$uration5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.-
"5" Parameter Settin$%55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.-
"5! Routin$5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.-
"58 :ar9ware; Tran%mi%%ion; Co<era$e; an9 Inter1eren4e5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555..
+ Analysis Process and $ptimi,ation -ethod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#'
!5. Anal'%i% Pro4e%%55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555."
!5" Pro4e%% +e%4ription555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.!
!5"5. Pro4e9ure Con1i$uration5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.!
!5"5" Parameter Settin$555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.0
!5"5! Routin$5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.6
!5"58 :ar9ware; Tran%mi%%ion; Co<era$e; an9 Inter1eren4e5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555./
. Test -ethod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'#
/ $ptimi,ation Cases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
05. on$ Call Setup Time +ue to on$ Perio9 o1 A%%i$nment Comman9 +eli<er'555555555555555555555555""
05.5. Pro=lem +e%4ription5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555""
05.5" Pro=lem Anal'%i%555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555""
05.5! Su$$e%tion an9 Summar'555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555""
05" on$ Call Setup Time +ue to Reportin$ o1 Two Cla%%mark C)an$e Me%%a$e%555555555555555555555555"!
05"5. Pro=lem +e%4ription5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555"!
05"5" Pro=lem Anal'%i%555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555"!
05"5! Su$$e%tion an9 Summar'555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555"!
05! on$ Call Setup Time +ue to Callin$ an9 Calle9 MS% 3n9er +i11erent MSC%555555555555555555555555"8
05!5. Pro=lem +e%4ription5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555"8
05!5" Pro=lem Anal'%i%555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555"8
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e ! o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
05!5! Su$$e%tion an9 Summar'555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555"8
058 on$ Call Setup Time +ue to In4on%i%ten4' in Si$nalin$ Pro4e9ure%555555555555555555555555555555555555555"8
0585. Pro=lem +e%4ription5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555"8
0585" Pro=lem Anal'%i%555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555"0
0585! Su$$e%tion an9 Summar'555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555">
0 (nformation )eedbac1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'&
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e 8 o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
Revision Reor!
Date Revision Chane Description Author
"--67."7"8 ?-5! +ra1t 4omplete95 (an$ C)un*ie
"--/7.7"- ?.5- T)i% 9o4ument i% mo9i1ie9
a44or9in$ to re<iew 4omment%5
(an$ C)un*ie
%N Document Author Date
. GSM BSS Network KPI
(Call Setup Time) Ba%eline
@u A)en "--#7-67"8
" GSM Call Setup Time
(CS) Anal'%i% Report
A)a S)uan$liu; i
Biaomen$; A)an$ i9a;
an9 @u Bai%)an
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e 0 o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup
Time) Optimization Manual
Call %etup time
T)i% 9o4ument 9e%4ri=e% t)e met)o9 o1 optimizin$ t)e 4all %etup time5
Acronyms and Abbreviations
MOC Mo=ile Ori$inate9 Call
MTC Mo=ile Terminate9 Call
PSTN Pu=li4 Swit4)e9 Telep)on' Network
TMSI Temporar' Mo=ile Station I9entit'
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e > o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
# $verview of the Call %etup Time
#!# Definition of the Call %etup Time
T)e 4all %etup time in9i4ate% t)e mean time 1rom t)e ori$inatin$ o1 a 4all =' a
%u=%4ri=er to t)e %etup o1 t)e 4all5 A lon$ 4all %etup time will %e<erel' a11e4t
t)e u%er eCperien4e5 T)ere1ore; t)e 4all %etup time i% one o1 t)e KPI% t)at
operator% are mo%t 4on4erne9 a=out5
#!' Recommended )ormulas
T)e 4all %etup time i% o=taine9 t)rou$) 9ri<e te%t%5 It re1er% to t)e time 1or an
MS to %et up an en97to7en9 4all t)rou$) ra9io network eDuipment5 T)ere are
t)ree t'pe% o1 4all %etup time,
MS to PSTN, a<era$e inter<al =etween t)e tran%mi%%ion o1 t)e C)annel
ReDue%t me%%a$e 1rom t)e MS an9 t)e MSE% re4eption o1 t)e Alertin$
me%%a$e %ent 1rom t)e MSC
MS to MS, a<era$e inter<al =etween t)e tran%mi%%ion o1 t)e C)annel
ReDue%t me%%a$e 1rom t)e 4allin$ MS an9 t)e 4allin$ MSE% re4eption o1
t)e Alertin$ me%%a$e %ent 1rom t)e MSC
PSTN to MS, a<era$e inter<al =etween MSE% re4ei<in$ o1 t)e pa$in$
me%%a$e 1rom t)e MSC an9 %en9in$ o1 t)e Alertin$ me%%a$e 1rom t)e
MS to t)e MSC
Note t)at t)e 4all %etup time i% t)e a<era$e %etup time o1 multiple %u44e%%1ul
4all%5 (ou nee9 to 4on9u4t multiple 9ialin$ te%t%5
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e # o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
#!+ %inalin Procedure and -easurement Points
)iure #!# Mea%urement point% in an MOC %etup pro4e9ure (wit) t)e earl'
a%%i$nment pro4e9ure a% an eCample)
Channel Request
Channel Requi red
Channel Acti ve
Channel Acti ve
I mmedi ate Assi gnment Command
Establ i shed
I ndi cati on
CM Servi ce Accepted
Cal l roceedi ng
Assi gnment
Request Channel Acti ve
Channel Acti ve
Assi gnment Command
Establ i shed
I ndi cati on
Assi gnment Compl ete
Assi gnment
Compl ete
Al erti ng
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e 6 o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
)iure #!' Mea%urement point% in an MTC %etup pro4e9ure (wit) t)e earl'
a%%i$nment pro4e9ure a% an eCample)
Channel Request
Channel Requi red
Channel Acti ve
Channel Acti ve
I mmedi ate Assi gnment Command
Establ i shed
I ndi cati on
CM Servi ce Accepted
Cal l Control
Assi gnment
Request Channel Acti ve
Channel Acti ve
Assi gnment Command
Establ i shed
I ndi cati on
Assi gnment Compl ete
Assi gnment
Compl ete
Al erti ng
pagi ng
agi ng Command
agi ng Requi red
In &i$ure .5. an9 &i$ure .5",

A i% t)e time w)en t)e MS %en9% a C)annel ReDue%t me%%a$e5

B i% t)e time w)en t)e MS re4ei<e% t)e Alertin$ me%%a$e 1rom t)e MSC5

C i% t)e time w)en t)e MS re4ei<e% a pa$in$ me%%a$e5

+ i% t)e time w)en t)e MS %en9% an Alertin$ me%%a$e5

In t)e te%t% o1 MS7to7MS or MS7to7PSTN 4all%; t)e 4all %etup time i% eDual to
B minu% AF in t)e te%t% o1 PSTN7to7MS 4all%; t)e 4all %etup time i% eDual to +
minu% C5
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e / o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
' (nfluencin )actors
'!# Procedure Confiuration
T)e %etup o1 eit)er an MOC or an MTC in<ol<e% man' pro4e9ure% %u4) a%
aut)enti4ation an9 4ip)erin$ mo9e %ettin$ an9 relate% to multiple NE% %u4) a%
t)e MSC; BSC; BTS; an9 MS5 T)ere1ore; t)e 4on1i$uration o1 t)e 4all
pro4e9ure% 9ire4tl' 9etermine% t)e len$t) o1 t)e 4all %etup time5
'!' Parameter %ettins
T)e 4all %etup time i% relate9 to t)e entire pro4e9ure o1 an MOC or MTC; an9
t)ere1ore; man' parameter% 4an a11e4t t)e 4all %etup time5
T)e 1ollowin$ are %ome eCample%,
5se (mm6Ass Retransmit Parameter
-a7 Delay of (mm6Ass Retransmit an9 -a7 Transmit Times of
Pre7pa$in$ 1un4tion; w)i4) i% %et on t)e MSC
(mmediate Assinment $pt!
8C%C; w)i4) mean% earl' 4la%%mark %en9in$ 4ontrol
Allow Reassin
ate a%%i$nment 1un4tion; w)i4) i% %et on t)e MSC
A%%i$nment 4omman9 optimization
)orce 9ueue (n Assinment
'!+ Routin
T)e network eDuipment o1 9i11erent manu1a4turer% <arie%5 T)ere1ore; in t)e
4a%e o1 interworkin$ =etween eDuipment o1 9i11erent manu1a4turer% or 4)an$e
in routin$; anal'%i% an9 )an9lin$ %)oul9 =e per1orme9; on t)e =a%i% o1 9ri<e
te%t re%ult%5
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e .- o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
'!. Hardware" Transmission" Coverae" and
A pro=lem in )ar9ware; tran%mi%%ion; 4o<era$e; or inter1eren4e ma' re%ult in
an in4rea%e in t)e 4all %etup time5
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e .. o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
+ Analysis Process and $ptimi,ation
+!# Analysis Process
)iure #!# Anal'%i% pro4e%%
Call setup time
too lon#
Collet t$e test
Is it !ue to a pro%lem
in parameter settin#s&
Is it !ue to a
pro%lem in routin#&
'nal(ze t$e pro%lem
%ase! on t$e si#nalin#
an! !ata on"i#uration
an! take proper measures
Is t$e pro%lem
Is it !ue to a pro%lem in
proe!ure on"i#uration&
Optimize t$e proe!ure
on"i#uration an! t$en
veri"( t$e optimization
'!+ust t$e parameter
settin#s an! t$en
veri"( t$e a!+ustment
Is it !ue to a pro%lem in
$ar!ware, transmission,
overa#e, or
Solve t$e pro%lem
aor!in# to t$e relate!
optimization manual
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e ." o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
+!' Process Description
+!'!# Procedure Confiuration
+urin$ t)e %etup o1 a 4all; %ome pro4e9ure% are optional; %u4) a%
aut)enti4ation; 4ip)erin$ mo9e %ettin$; an9 TMSI reallo4ation; an9
in9epen9ent o1 ea4) ot)er5 T)ere1ore; 1leCi=le 4on1i$uration o1 t)e pro4e9ure%
a44or9in$ to operator%E reDuirement% i% appli4a=le5
On t)e eCi%tin$ network%; 4ip)erin$ i% $enerall' ena=le9; an9 aut)enti4ation
an9 TMSI reallo4ation are ena=le9 on a proportion (t)at i%; .-G to "-G) o1
&or a !G %u=%4ri=er; 9urin$ t)e aut)enti4ation w)en t)e mo=ile a44e%%e% a
GSM network; t)e MSC %en9% an aut)enti4ation me%%a$e to t)e mo=ile5 T)e
me%%a$e 4ontain% t)e RAN+; A3TN; an9 RES; an9 i% lon$er t)an "! ='te%5
T)ere1ore; t)e AP+m nee9% to 9i<i9e t)e me%%a$e into two an9 9eli<er t)em
T)u%; in a GSM network; a !G %u=%4ri=er reDuire% "8- m% to ">- m% more
t)an a "G %u=%4ri=er in term% o1 t)e 4all %etup time5
In a99ition; w)en t)e BSC a%%i$n% an AMR 4)annel; t)e A%%i$nment
Comman9 me%%a$e will =e lon$er t)an "! ='te% i1 t)e 1reDuen4' )oppin$ MA
i% too lon$5 T)i% re%ult% in "8- m% to ">- m% more in t)e 4all %etup time5
Cipherin -ode %ettin
+urin$ t)e %etup o1 an MOC; i1 t)e 4ip)erin$ mo9e %ettin$ pro4e9ure i% not
per1orme9; t)e MS 9oe% not %en9 a Setup me%%a$e until it re4ei<e% a CM
Ser<i4e A44epte9 me%%a$e 1rom t)e MSCF i1 4ip)erin$ i% to =e ena=le9;
)owe<er; t)e MS 4an %en9 a Setup me%%a$e imme9iatel' a1ter t)e 4ip)erin$
mo9e %ettin$ pro4e9ure i% per1orme95
T)ere1ore; 1or an MOC; t)e 4all %etup time in t)e 4a%e o1 4ip)erin$ ena=le9 i%
$enerall' onl' "0- m% to !-- m% lon$er t)an t)e 4all %etup time in t)e 4a%e o1
4ip)erin$ not ena=le95 T)i% i% =e4au%e t)e MS %en9% one more me%%a$e (t)at
i%; t)e Cip)erin$ Mo9e Complete me%%a$e) to t)e network in t)e 4a%e o1
4ip)erin$ ena=le95
T-%( Reallocation
T)e TMSI i% reallo4ate9 a44or9in$ to t)e %ettin$% on t)e network %i9e a1ter
ea4) operation or %e<eral operation% on t)e air inter1a4e; %u4) a% a 4all or a
lo4ation up9ate5
Classmar1 8n<uiry
T)e Core Network (CN) 4an o=tain t)e MSE% in1ormation a=out t)eir
multi=an9 an9 multi%lot 4apa=ilitie% t)rou$) t)e 4la%%mark enDuir' pro4e9ure5
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e .! o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
At t)e BSS; t)e 4ell7oriente9 parameter 8C%C i% %et5 T)e BSS %en9% t)e
parameter t)rou$) t)e %'%tem in1ormation t'pe !5 On4e an MS a44e%%e% t)e
network; t)e MS report% Cla%%mark!5 A44or9in$ to t)e proto4ol; t)i% mu%t =e
implemente9 at MS% t)at %upport multi=an9; multi%lot; an9 ?oi4e Group Call
Ser<i4e (?GCS)5
In pra4ti4e; 4ompetitor% $enerall' 9o not ena=le 4la%%mark enDuir' in t)eir
CN% =ut u%e ECSC5 T)u%; t)e AP+m %i$nalin$ intera4tion on t)e air
inter1a4e i% re9u4e9; an9 t)e 4all %etup time i% %)ortene95 :uawei; )owe<er;
ena=le% 4la%%mark enDuir' in all it% CN% =' 9e1ault5 In a99ition; t)e 4la%%mark
enDuir' i% not u%er74on1i$ura=le5 It 4an =e 4ontrolle9 =' t)e relate9 re%er<e9
%o1tware parameter onl'5
T)ere1ore; w)en ECSC i% ena=le9 at =ot) 4ompetitorE% BSS an9 :uawei BSS;
:uawei CN re%ult% in at lea%t "8- m% more t)an 4ompetitorE% CN in term% o1
t)e 4all %etup time5 &or %pe4i1i4 4a%e%; %ee %e4tion% 05"Hon$ Call Setup Time
+ue to Reportin$ o1 Two Cla%%mark C)an$e Me%%a$e%H an9 058Hon$ Call
Setup Time +ue to In4on%i%ten4' in Si$nalin$ Pro4e9ure%5H
$ptimi,ation on ( frames at the LAPDm
Be1ore t)e optimization; :uawei BTS 9oe% not %upport t)e 1un4tion o1
9ownlink I 1rame% a4knowle9$in$ uplink I 1rame% at t)e AP+m5 T)at i%;
a1ter re4ei<in$ an uplink I 1rame 1rom an MS; t)e BTS imme9iatel' %en9% an
RR re%pon%e me%%a$e to t)e MS5 +urin$ t)i% pro4e%%; i1 t)e BTS re4ei<e% a
9ownlink I 1rame 1rom t)e BSC; t)e BTS )a% to po%tpone t)e 9eli<er' o1 t)e
9ownlink I 1rame; t)at i%; t)e BTS %en9% t)e 9ownlink I 1rame in t)e neCt
9eli<er' perio95 T)u%; t)e 9ela' in4rea%e%5 T)i% pro=lem 4an =e %ol<e9 a1ter
t)e up$ra9e5
@it) t)e optimization; t)e BTS 4an a4knowle9$e uplink I 1rame% =' 9ownlink
I 1rame%5 T)at i%; a1ter re4ei<in$ an uplink I 1rame 1rom an MS; t)e BTS 9oe%
not %en9 an RR 1rame imme9iatel'5 In%tea9; t)e BTS wait% a perio9 o1 time
an9 4)e4k% w)et)er it re4ei<e% a 9ownlink I 1rame5 I1 t)e BTS re4ei<e% a
9ownlink I 1rame 9urin$ t)i% perio9; it a4knowle9$e% t)e uplink 1rame =' t)e
9ownlink I 1rame5 T)u%; t)e 9ela' i% 9e4rea%e9 =' one 9eli<er' perio95
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e .8 o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
&i$ure .5. %)ow% t)e e11e4t o1 t)e optimization5
)iure #!# Optimization on I 1rame% at t)e AP+m
T)e optimization 4an =e a4)ie<e9 =' BTS up$ra9e onl'5 It i% in4orporate9 into
?!--R--6C..B!!# o1 t)e BTS5 +urin$ t)e optimization on t)e 4all %etup
time on %ite; t)e optimization on I 1rame% 4an =e 4on%i9ere95
+!'!' Parameter %ettin
T)e main parameter% t)at a11e4t t)e 4all %etup time are a% 1ollow%,
T)i% parameter %pe4i1ie% t)e num=er o1 multi71rame% u%e9 a% a unit o1 t)e
pa$in$ %u=74)annel5
I1 t)i% parameter i% %et to a )i$) <alue; t)e a<era$e pa$in$ 9ela' i% $reat5
T)u%; t)e MS7to7MS 4all %etup time an9 t)e PSTN7to7MS 4all %etup time
are prolon$e95
5se (mm6Ass Retransmit Parameter
I1 t)i% parameter i% %et to =es; t)e BSC %en9% t)e imme9iate a%%i$nment
retran%mi%%ion parameter to t)e BTS5 Ot)erwi%e; t)e BSC 9oe% not %en9
t)e imme9iate a%%i$nment retran%mi%%ion parameter to t)e BTS5
T)e imme9iate a%%i$nment retran%mi%%ion 1un4tion 4an )elp in4rea%e t)e
4all 4ompletion rate o1 MS% =ut ma' in4rea%e t)e a44e%% 9ela' o1 MS%
an9 t)e loa9 o1 t)e BSC5
It i% re4ommen9e9 t)at t)i% 1un4tion =e 9i%a=le95
-a7 Delay of (mm6Ass Retransmit an9 -a7 Transmit Times of
T)e%e two parameter% %pe4i1' t)e maCimum 9ela' o1 t)e imme9iate
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e .0 o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
a%%i$nment retran%mi%%ion an9 t)e maCimum num=er o1 imme9iate
a%%i$nment retran%mi%%ion% re%pe4ti<el'5
@)en t)e network Dualit' i% poor; an imme9iate a%%i$nment me%%a$e
ma' nee9 to =e retran%mitte95 I1 t)e%e parameter% are %et to )i$) <alue%;
t)e a<era$e 4all %etup time ma' =e prolon$e95

Pre7pa$in$ 1un4tion
T)i% parameter i% %et on t)e MSC5
I I1 t)e pre7pa$in$ 1un4tion i% ena=le9; t)e MSC pa$e% t)e 4alle9 part'
a% %oon a% t)e MSC re4ei<e% t)e Setup me%%a$e 1rom t)e 4allin$
I I1 t)i% 1un4tion i% not ena=le9; t)e MSC pa$e% t)e 4alle9 part' a% %oon
a% t)e MSC %en9% t)e Call Pro4ee9in$ me%%a$e5
T)ere1ore; 1or MS7to7MS 4all%; t)e 4all %etup time 4an =e %)ortene9 i1 t)e
pre7pa$in$ 1un4tion i% ena=le95
It i% re4ommen9e9 t)at t)i% 1un4tion =e ena=le95

(mmediate Assinment $pt!

T)e 4)annel a4ti<ation an9 imme9iate a%%i$nment 4omman9% are %ent at
t)e %ame time to a44elerate t)e %i$nalin$ pro4e%%in$; t)u% impro<in$ t)e
re%pon%e %pee9 o1 t)e network5
It i% re4ommen9e9 t)at t)i% 1un4tion =e ena=le95

T)i% parameter %pe4i1ie% w)et)er t)e MS% in a 4ell u%e earl' 4la%%mark
I I1 t)i% parameter i% %et to =es; a1ter a %u44e%%1ul imme9iate
a%%i$nment; t)e MS %en9% a99itional 4la%%mark in1ormation to t)e
network a% earl' a% po%%i=le5
I &or 9ual7=an9 MS%; i1 t)i% parameter i% %et to No; t)e MSC %en9% a
Cla%%mark ReDue%t me%%a$e a1ter t)e MS report% an E%ta=li%)
In9i4ation me%%a$e5 T)e MS t)en report% t)e Cla%%mark 3p9ate
me%%a$e5 T)e a44e%% 9ela' o1 t)e MS i% a11e4te95

Allow Reassin
I1 t)i% parameter i% %et to =es; t)e BSC initiate% a rea%%i$nment w)en
re4ei<in$ an a%%i$nment 1ailure me%%a$e o<er t)e 3m inter1a4e5 T)i%
)elp% in4rea%e t)e 4all 4ompletion rate an9 impro<e t)e JoS o1 t)e
network5 T)e %u44e%%1ul rea%%i$nment; )owe<er; re%ult% in an in4rea%e in
t)e a44e%% 9ela' o1 MS% an9 t)e loa9 o1 t)e BSC5
It i% re4ommen9e9 t)at t)i% 1un4tion =e 9i%a=le95

ate a%%i$nment pro4e9ure

T)i% parameter i% %et on t)e MSC5 @it) t)e late a%%i$nment 1un4tion; t)e
a%%i$nment 4omman9 i% %ent a1ter alertin$5 T)i% 4an %)orten t)e 4all
%etup time5 In t)e late a%%i$nment pro4e9ure; )owe<er; t)e re4eption o1
t)e Alertin$ me%%a$e 9oe% not ne4e%%aril' in9i4ate t)e e%ta=li%)ment o1 a
4all5 T)ere1ore; t)e 4all %etup time i% not mea%ure9 in t)e late a%%i$nment
It i% re4ommen9e9 t)at t)i% 1un4tion =e 9i%a=le95

A%%i$nment 4omman9 optimization

"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e .> o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
I1 1reDuen4' )oppin$ i% ena=le9 at :uawei BTS; t)e AR&CN% in t)e
a%%i$nment 4omman9 are 9eli<ere9 in t)e 1orm o1 CAKMA =' 9e1ault;
w)i4) ma' re%ult in t)e a%%i$nment 4omman9 lon$er t)an "! ='te%5
T)en; t)e me%%a$e i% 9i<i9e9 into two I 1rame% at t)e AP+m; w)i4) are
9eli<ere9 %eparatel'5 T)u%; t)e 9ela' i% in4rea%e9 =' a=out "!- m%
=e4au%e o1 t)e a99ition o1 a 9eli<er' perio95
To %)orten t)e 4all %etup time; t)e AR&CN% 4an =e 9eli<ere9 in t)e 1orm
o1 1reDuen4' li%t %o t)at t)e a%%i$nment 4omman9 4an =e 9eli<ere9 in one
I 1rame5
On li<e network%; t)e 1reDuen4' li%t mo9e i% re4ommen9e95 &i$ure .5.
9e%4ri=e% )ow to %et t)i% parameter5
)iure #!# Settin$ o1 t)e a%%i$nment 4omman9 optimization parameter
Decrease in
the Delay
Bit . o1 t)e 4ell7
oriente9 re%er<e9
parameter . i% .;
t)at i%; t)e
parameter <alue i%
Bit . o1 t)e 4ell7
oriente9 re%er<e9
parameter . i% -;
t)at i%; t)e
parameter <alue i%
Bit " o1 re%er<e9
parameter . i% -; t)at
i%; t)e parameter <alue
i% >00"/5
&reDuen4' li%t
wit) t)e
<aria=le =it map
4o9in$ %4)eme
"-- m%
Bit " o1 re%er<e9
parameter . i% .; t)at
i%; t)e parameter <alue
i% >00!!5
&reDuen4' li%t
wit) t)e =it map
- 4o9in$
T)e a%%i$nment 4omman9 optimization i% in4orporate9 into BSC>---
?/--R--6C..B.>6SP.. an9 later relea%e%5
&or %pe4i1i4 4a%e%; %ee 4)apter 0HOptimization Ca%e%5H
)orce 9ueue (n Assinment
I @)en t)i% parameter i% %et to =es; t)e BSC put% an a%%i$nment
reDue%t me%%a$e into t)e a%%i$nment reDue%t me%%a$e Dueue i1 no
TC: i% a<aila=le 1or a%%i$nment; or t)e BSC a%%i$n% a TC: to t)e
MS i1 t)e TC: i% a<aila=le 1or a%%i$nment5
I I1 t)i% parameter i% %et to No; t)e <alue o1 Dueuin$ allowe9 in9i4ator
in t)e a%%i$nment reDue%t me%%a$e i% -; w)i4) mean% t)at t)e
a%%i$nment reDue%t me%%a$e 4annot =e put into t)e a%%i$nment reDue%t
me%%a$e Dueue5 T)en; t)e 4)annel reDue%t i% re*e4te9 w)en no TC: i%
a<aila=le 1or a%%i$nment5
T)e 9e1ault <alue o1 t)i% parameter i% No5
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e .# o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA

T)i% parameter %pe4i1ie% t)e len$t) o1 t)e timer t)at i% %tarte9 to wait 1or
a 4)annel reDue%te9 =' an a%%i$nment reDue%t me%%a$e5 @)en t)e BSC
re4ei<e% an a%%i$nment reDue%t =ut no 4)annel i% a<aila=le 1or
a%%i$nment; t)e BSC %tart% t)e Dueuin$ pro4e9ure an9 t)i% timer5 I1 t)e
4)annel reDue%t i% a44epte9 =e1ore t)e timer eCpire%; t)e timer %top%5 I1
t)e timer eCpire%; t)e 4)annel a%%i$nment 1ail%5
@)en Dueuin$ i% ena=le9; a )i$) <alue o1 t)i% parameter 9ire4tl' lea9% to
a lon$ 4all %etup time5
+!'!+ Routin
On li<e network%; w)en %wappin$ i% per1orme9; t)e BSC an9 MSC are re7
9eplo'e9 an9 t)u% t)e 4all routin$ 4)an$e%5 T)ere1ore; t)e %etup time o1 inter7
MSC 4all% i% a11e4te95 In t)i% 4a%e; te%t% %)oul9 =e 4on9u4te9; an9 t)e anal'%i%
%)oul9 =e per1orme9 on t)e =a%i% o1 t)e te%t re%ult% o=taine9 =e1ore an9 a1ter
t)e %wappin$5
&or a %pe4i1i4 4a%e; %ee %e4tion 05!Hon$ Call Setup Time +ue to Callin$ an9
Calle9 MS% 3n9er +i11erent MSC%5H
&i$ure .5" li%t% t)e eCample <alue% o1 9ela' 9urin$ an MS7to7MS 4all ma9e in
t)e la=5 On li<e network%; t)e 9ela' <alue% are relate9 to t)e a4tual %ituation%5
T)e 9ata in &i$ure .5" i% pro<i9e9 onl' 1or re1eren4e5
)iure #!' ECample <alue% o1 9ela' 9urin$ an MS7to7MS 4all ma9e in t)e la=
%inalin of an $utoin -%4to4-% Call :Authentication" Cipherin"
and T-%( Reallocation 8nabled" >hereas Classmar1 8n<uiry Disabled;
Relative Delay
:5nit? s;
C)annel ReDue%t (3) 7L Imme9iate A%%i$nment (+) --5-0-
Imme9iate A%%i$nment (+) 7L SABM7CM+ (3) --5.!"
SABM7CM+ (3) 7L Aut)enti4ation ReDue%t (+) --5#-6
Aut)enti4ation ReDue%t (+) 7L Aut)enti4ation Re%pon%e (3) --5."0
Aut)enti4ation Re%pon%e (3) 7L Cip)erin$ Mo9e Comman9 (+) --50>8
Cip)erin$ Mo9e Comman9 (+) 7L Cip)erin$ Mo9e Complete (3) --5---
Cip)erin$ Mo9e Complete (3) 7L Setup (+) --5--0
Setup (3) 7L TMSI Reallo4ation Comman9 (+) --5806
TMSI Reallo4ation Comman9 (+) 7L TMSI Reallo4ation Complete (3) --5--.
TMSI Reallo4ation Complete (3) 7L Call Pro4ee9in$ (+) --58>>
Call Pro4ee9in$ (+) 7L A%%i$nment Comman9 (+) --58>>
A%%i$nment Comman9 (+) 7L A%%i$nment Complete (3) --5-..
A%%i$nment Complete (3) 7L SABM7CM+ (3) --5-!/
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e .6 o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
%inalin of an $utoin -%4to4-% Call :Authentication" Cipherin"
and T-%( Reallocation 8nabled" >hereas Classmar1 8n<uiry Disabled;
Relative Delay
:5nit? s;
SABM7CM+ (3) 7L Alertin$ (+) -85#/#
Total 9ela' -#56""
T)e <er%ion% o1 NE% u%e9 in t)e te%t are a% 1ollow%,

CN, G/MSC/- MSO&TB!---?.--R--!

BSC, ?/--R--6C-.B-0.

BTS, ?!5-!R--"5"--..-.0
+!'!. Hardware" Transmission" Coverae" and (nterference
I1 a TRB or 4om=iner i% 1ault' or i1 an R& 4a=le i% in4orre4tl' 4onne4te9;
%eizin$ t)e S+CC: or TC: =e4ome% 9i11i4ult; an9 t)u% t)e 4all %etup time
&ault% %u4) a% poor tran%mi%%ion Dualit'; in%ta=ilit' o1 tran%port link%;
in%u11i4ien4' o1 re%our4e%; or =it error% on t)e A=i% an9 A inter1a4e% ma' lea9
to an in4rea%e in t)e error rate on t)e link%; w)i4) re%ult% in more me%%a$e
retran%mi%%ion% =etween %wit4)e%5 T)u%; t)e me%%a$e tran%1er 9ela' in4rea%e%
an9 4on$e%tion ma' o44ur on t)e link%5 In %e<ere 4a%e%; route% 4)an$e
1reDuentl'; w)i4) lea9% to in%ta=ilit' an9 4on$e%tion on t)e link%5 I1 t)e
pre4e9in$ pro=lem o44ur% 9urin$ 4all %etup; t)e 4all %etup time in4rea%e%5
T)e pro=lem 4an =e i9enti1ie9 1rom tra11i4 %tati%ti4%5 &i$ure .5! li%t% t)e
tran%mi%%ion7relate9 alarm% at t)e BSC5
)iure #!+ Tran%mi%%ion7relate9 alarm% at t)e BSC
Alarm (D Alarm Name
.--- AP+ OM &ault
.."#- AP+ Alarm
.."#6 E. o4al Alarm
.."6- E. Remote Alarm
"--6. o%% o1 E.MT. Si$nal% (OS)
"--6" o%% o1 E.MT. &rame% (O&)
Co<era$e or inter1eren4e pro=lem% 4an =e i9enti1ie9 1rom t)e tra11i4 %tati%ti4%
or KPI%5 &or eCample; t)e inter1eren4e in1ormation 4an =e o=taine9 on t)e
=a%i% o1 t)e inter1eren4e =an9 9i%tri=ution in t)e tra11i4 mea%urement re%ult%5 I1
a lar$e proportion o1 inter1eren4e le<el% =elon$ to inter1eren4e =an9% !N0; 'ou
4an in1er t)at t)ere i% %tron$ inter1eren4e in t)e uplink5 To o=tain t)e 9ownlink
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e ./ o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
inter1eren4e in1ormation; 'ou 4an per1orm 9ri<e te%t% or anal'ze t)e tra11i4
mea%urement re%ult% t)at are relate9 to re4ei<e Dualit'5 Stron$ inter1eren4e
a11e4t% t)e 4all 9rop rate on TC:; t)e TC: a%%i$nment %u44e%% rate; an9 t)e
S+CC: %etup %u44e%% rate; t)u% a11e4tin$ t)e 4all %etup time5
T)e inter1eren4e elimination 4an =e 4la%%i1ie9 into intra7network inter1eren4e
elimination an9 inter7network inter1eren4e elimination5 &or 9etail% a=out
inter1eren4e elimination; %ee t)e G-Guide to Eliminating Interference5
I1 a 4o<era$e pro=lem eCi%t%; 'ou 4an %ol<e t)e pro=lem =' u%in$ t)e met)o9%
%u4) a% a9*u%tin$ t)e tilt o1 t)e antenna; in4rea%in$ t)e tran%mit power; a99in$
repeater%; an9 4)an$in$ t)e 4om=inin$ mo9e5 &or 9etail%; %ee t)e GSM BSS
Network Performance KPI (Coverage) !timi"ation Manual5
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e "- o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
. Test -ethod
T)e 4all %etup time i% one o1 9ri<e te%t KPI%5 It 4an =e o=taine9 1rom t)e
re%ult% o1 4all Dualit' te%t% or 9ri<e te%t% 1or 4all% =etween MS% or =etween MS
an9 PSTN5
T)e met)o9 i% to per1orm a %)ort MOC te%t5 +urin$ t)e te%t; t)e inter<al
=etween two 4all% i% 0%; ea4) 4all la%t% .-%; an9 t)e inter<al =etween a 4all
1ailure an9 t)e neCt 4all attempt i% !-%5 T)e re4ommen9e9 num=er o1 4all%
9urin$ t)e te%t i% .--5 T)e num=er o1 4all% 4an =e 4)an$e9 a% reDuire95 +urin$
t)e te%t; t)e %i$nalin$ on t)e 3m an9 A inter1a4e% nee9% to =e tra4e95
I1 a <alue o1 4all %etup time i% a=normal; anal'ze t)e %i$nalin$ to 4)e4k
w)et)er t)e a=normal <alue i% 9ue to 1ailure o1 t)e 1ir%t pa$in$5 I1 t)e
a=normal <alue i% 9ue to 1ailure o1 t)e 1ir%t pa$in$; 9o not take t)i% <alue into
mea%urement o1 t)e 4all %etup time5 Ot)erwi%e; take t)i% <alue into t)e
mea%urement5 C)e4k t)e %i$nalin$ on t)e A inter1a4e5 I1 t)e MSC %en9% two
Pa$in$ me%%a$e% 1or one 4all; 'ou 4an in1er t)at t)e 1ir%t pa$in$ 1or t)e 4all
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e ". o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
/ $ptimi,ation Cases
/!# Lon Call %etup Time Due to Lon Period of
Assinment Command Delivery
/!#!# Problem Description
A1ter %wappin$ o1 Eri4%%on eDuipment 1or :uawei eDuipment at a %ite; t)e 4all
%etup time =e4ame lon$er5 It wa% 1oun9 t)at t)e 9eli<er' o1 an a%%i$nment
4omman9 1rom :uawei eDuipment took two or t)ree perio9% w)erea% t)at
1rom Eri4%%on eDuipment $enerall' took onl' one perio95
/!#!' Problem Analysis
In 1reDuen4' )oppin$ mo9e; t)e BSC>--- 4urrentl' 9eli<er% t)e AR&CN% in
CAKMA 1orm t)rou$) t)e a%%i$nment 4omman95 CA u%e% t)e T? 1ormat an9
it% len$t) i% 1iCe9l' .# ='te%; an9 MA u%e% t)e T? 1ormat an9 it% len$t) i% !N
.- ='te%5 I1 an AMR 4)annel i% to =e a%%i$ne9 (4o9e9 in T? 1ormat in t)e
4omman9); t)e len$t) o1 t)e a%%i$nment 4omman9 in4rea%e% =' 8N6 ='te%5
T)u%; t)e a%%i$nment 4omman9 i% lon$er t)an "! ='te%5 T)ere1ore; at t)e
AP+m; t)e a%%i$nment 4omman9 i% 9i<i9e9 1or 9eli<er'5 Be1ore t)e
%wappin$; )owe<er; t)e AR&CN% are 9eli<ere9 in t)e 1orm o1 1reDuen4' li%t;
w)i4) u%e% t)e T? 1ormat; an9 t)ere1ore in mo%t 4a%e%; t)e a%%i$nment
4omman9 4an =e 9eli<ere9 wit) one 1rame5
/!#!+ %uestion and %ummary
@)en %ettin$ t)e a%%i$nment 4omman9 optimization parameter; w)i4) i%
a<aila=le onl' w)en 1reDuen4' )oppin$ i% ena=le9 in a 4ell; at t)e BSC; note
I1 t)i% parameter i% %et to CA@-A; t)e ori$inal :uawei AR&CN 9eli<er'
1orm i% retaine95
I1 t)i% parameter i% %et to )re<uency List; t)e 4o9e9 AR&CN% 1or
1reDuen4' )oppin$ will =e 9eli<ere9 in t)e 1orm o1 1reDuen4' li%t5
T)ere1ore; t)e a%%i$nment 4omman9 will =e 9eli<ere9 in one perio9; t)u%
%)ortenin$ t)e 4all %etup time5
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e "" o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
/!' Lon Call %etup Time Due to Reportin of Two
Classmar1 Chane -essaes
/!'!# Problem Description
A1ter %wappin$ 1or :uawei eDuipment at a %ite; t)e 4all %etup time =e4ame
/!'!' Problem Analysis
@)en :uawei CN i% u%e9; an a99itional Cla%%mark C)an$e me%%a$e i%
reporte9 9urin$ t)e 4all %etup pro4e9ure i1 8C%C i% %et to =es5 T)e rea%on i%
t)at t)e 4la%%mark enDuir' pro4e9ure i% ena=le9 =' 9e1ault in :uawei CN5
&i$ure .5. %)ow% t)e 9i11eren4e in t)e %i$nalin$ pro4e9ure =e1ore an9 a1ter t)e
)iure #!# Cla%%mark enDuir' pro4e9ure ena=le9 a1ter t)e %wappin$
/!'!+ %uestion and %ummary
To a<oi9 t)e pre4e9in$ pro=lem; %et 8C%C to =es an9 C- 5pdate $ptimi,e
Type to '; or 4oor9inate wit) t)e CN to 9i%a=le 4la%%mark enDuir' at t)e CN5
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e "! o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
/!+ Lon Call %etup Time Due to Callin and Called
-%s 5nder Different -%Cs
/!+!# Problem Description
A1ter %wappin$ o1 %ome BSC in 4ountr' R; t)e 9ri<e te%t re%ult% in9i4ate9 t)at
t)e 4all %etup time wa% a=out !;--- m% lon$er t)an t)at =e1ore t)e %wappin$5
T)e 4all %etup time i% one o1 t)e a44eptan4e 4)e4k item% o1 t)e pro*e4t5 It
re1er% to t)e 9ela' =etween %en9in$ o1 t)e C)annel ReDue%t me%%a$e an9
re4eption o1 t)e Alertin$ me%%a$e5
/!+!' Problem Analysis
A% in9i4ate9 =' t)e parameter 4)e4k re%ult; t)e parameter% in t)e network are
in)erite9 1rom t)e pre<iou% network5 T)ere1ore; t)e parameter% relate9 to t)e
4all %etup time remain un4)an$e95
A% in9i4ate9 =' t)e 4all %i$nalin$ on t)e TEMS; t)e 9uration o1 t)e 4ip)erin$
mo9e %ettin$ pro4e9ure a1ter t)e %wappin$ i% t)e %ame a% t)at =e1ore t)e
Compare9 wit) t)e %i$nalin$ me%%a$e% =e1ore t)e %wappin$; t)e %i$nalin$
me%%a$e% a1ter t)e %wappin$ in4lu9e anot)er two Pro$re%% me%%a$e%; w)i4)
are pre%ent =etween t)e A%%i$nment Complete me%%a$e an9 t)e Conne4t
me%%a$e5 T)e 9e%4ription in t)e pro$re%% me%%a$e% i% HCall i% not en97to7en9
PMNMIS+N; 1urt)er 4all pro$re%% in1ormation ma' =e a<aila=le in7=an95H A%
in9i4ate9 =' me%%a$e% tra4e9 at t)e CN; a1ter t)e %wappin$; t)ou$) t)e 4alle9
num=er un9er t)e te%t i% t)e %ame a% t)at =e1ore t)e %wappin$; t)e te%t 4all i%
an inter7MSC one5 T)at i% =e4au%e t)e 4allin$ MS i% 4ontrolle9 =' :uawei
MSC w)erea% t)e 4alle9 num=er remain% un9er it% ori$inal MSC5
/!+!+ %uestion and %ummary
+urin$ t)e 9ri<e te%t on %ite a1ter t)e %wappin$; t)e 4alle9 num=er wa% t)e
%ame a% t)at =e1ore t)e %wappin$; =ut t)e 1a4t t)at t)e 4allin$ MS an9 t)e
4alle9 num=er were un9er 9i11erent MSC% wa% not noti4e95 T)ere1ore; w)en
4)e4kin$ 4on%i%ten4' =etween te%t 4on9ition% =e1ore an9 a1ter %wappin$; pa'
attention to %u4) )i99en 4)an$e%5
/!. Lon Call %etup Time Due to (nconsistency in
%inalin Procedures
/!.!# Problem Description
A1ter %wappin$ 1or :uawei eDuipment at a %ite; t)e 4all %etup time =e4ame
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e "8 o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
/!.!' Problem Analysis
T)e 4ompari%on =etween t)e 4all %etup %i$nalin$ pro4e9ure% =e1ore %wappin$
an9 t)o%e a1ter %wappin$ %)oul9 =e per1orme95 I1 t)e 4all %etup a1ter %wappin$
in4lu9e% more pro4e9ure% t)an t)at =e1ore %wappin$; remo<e t)em5 Take t)e
GP %wappin$ in Ben$al a% an eCample5 &i$ure .5. %)ow% t)e 9i11eren4e
=etween t)e %i$nalin$ pro4e9ure% =e1ore an9 a1ter t)e %wappin$5
)iure #!# GPRS %u%pen%ion pro4e9ure ena=le9 a1ter t)e %wappin$
A% %)own in &i$ure .5.; t)e 9i11eren4e =etween t)e %i$nalin$ pro4e9ure% wa%
t)e pre%en4e o1 a GPRS %u%pen%ion pro4e9ure in t)e te%t a1ter t)e %wappin$5
T)e pre%en4e o1 t)i% pro4e9ure i% relate9 to w)et)er t)e MS in t)e te%t )a%
per1orme9 GPRS atta4)5
A44or9in$ to !GPP TS 885.-6; a% %)own in &i$ure .5"; t)e MS %en9% a GPRS
Su%pen%ion ReDue%t me%%a$e to %u%pen9 PS %er<i4e%; re$ar9le%% o1 w)et)er
t)e MS )a% an' PS %er<i4e in pro$re%%5
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e "0 o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
)iure #!' GPRS %u%pen%ion pro4e9ure 9e%4ri=e9 in t)e proto4ol
/!.!+ %uestion and %ummary
&or CS 4all %etup time te%t; t)e GPRS %u%pen%ion pro4e9ure %)oul9 =e
remo<e95 To remo<e t)i% pro4e9ure; 4)an$e t)e relate9 %ettin$ o1 t)e mo=ile5
T)e 1ollowin$ are two eCample%,
On a NOKIA N#! mo=ile; %et Tools L %ettins L Connection L Pac1et
data L Pac1et data conn L >hen needed5
On a Son' Eri4%%on K#/- mo=ile; %et %ettins L Connectivity L Data
communication L Preferred service L C% only5
T)e GPRS %u%pen%ion pro4e9ure i% alwa'% pre%ent in t)e te%t a1ter %wappin$5
I1 t)i% pro4e9ure i% not or %el9om pre%ent in t)e te%t =e1ore %wappin$; t)i%
pro4e9ure 4an =e remo<e9 to re9u4e t)e 9ela'5
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e "> o1 "#
GSM BSS Network KPI (Call Setup Time) Optimization Manual INTERNA
0 (nformation )eedbac1
T)e 1ollowin$ in1ormation i% reDuire9,
+ata 4on1i$uration 1ile in 59at 1ormat
o$ 1ile% an9 4ompari%on 9ata o=taine9 1rom 9ri<e te%t%
Settin$% on t)e MSC; %u4) a% pre7pa$in$ an9 late a%%i$nment
"-.8707"! :uawei Proprietar' an9 Con1i9ential Pa$e "# o1 "#

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