53 GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establishments) Optimization Manual

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GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!

#pti!i$ation Manual
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GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of
Uplink TBF Establis!ents" #pti!i$ation
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GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink
TBF Establis!ents" #pti!i$ation Manual
(For internal use onl)"
Prepared by GSM/UMTS Network Perfor!ance
Researc 0epart!ent
Date 122345541,
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6uawei Tecnolo.ies (o78 &t'7
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GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
Re*ision Recor'
Date Version Description Author
122345541, 572 0raft co!plete' 9an. Guan.ua (I0:
122345141; 572 Mo'ifie' accor'in. to re*iew co!!ents 9an. Guan.ua (I0:
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 1 of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF
Establis!ents" #pti!i$ation Manual
Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents
Tis 'ocu!ent 'escribes ow to collect statistics of an' opti!i$e te Success Rate of Uplink
TBF Establis!ents7
Acronyms and abbreviations
Acronym and Abbreviation Full Spelling
P0(6 Packet 0ata (6annel
P(U Packet (ontrol Unit
MS Mobile Station
(=T (all =ualit) Test
KPI Ke) Perfor!ance In'e>
0T 0ri*e Test
GPRS General Packet Ra'io Ser*ice
E0GE Enance' 0ata rates for GSM E*olution
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e , of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
575 0efinition7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777773
57575 (eckin. te U! Interface7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777773
57571 (eckin. Resources77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777773
5757, Si!ultaneousl) (eckin. te U! Interface an' Resources7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777-
571 Teor) Intro'uction77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777-
175 Nu!ber of Successful Uplink TBF Establis!ents7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777752
17575 Meanin.77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777752
17571 Measure!ent Point777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777752
171 Nu!ber of Faile' Uplink TBF Establis!ents77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777751
17175 Meanin.77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777751
17171 Measure!ent Point777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777751
17, Nu!ber of Uplink TBF Establis!ent %tte!pts77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777751
17,75 Meanin.77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777751
17,71 Measure!ent Point777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777751
,75 (eckin. %bis &inks777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777753
,71 (eckin. 9eter an %ssi.n!ent Messa.e Is Sent Nor!all)7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777775-
,7175 %n I!!e'iate %ssi.n!ent Messa.e Bein. 0iscar'e' 'ue to (((6 #*erloa'77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777775-
,7171 Network Sen'in. an I!!e'iate %ssi.n!ent Re?ect Messa.e 'ue to No (annel77777777777777777777777777777777777777777715
,7, (eckin. 0ownlink U! Interface777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771<
,7< (eckin. 9eter te MS Respon's to an %ssi.n!ent (o!!an'777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771;
,7<75 #*eri. Uplink Enco'in. Mo'e777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771;
,7<71 I!proper Uplink Power (ontrol Para!eters77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771@
,7<7, MS Not %ccessin. te %ssi.ne' (annel Ti!el) 'ue to I!proper Para!eter Settin.s77777777777777777777777777777777771A
,7<7< Infor!ation Ele!ents Error in an %ssi.n!ent Messa.e77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771-
,7<7; Uplink an' 0ownlink I!balance7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777,2
,7<7@ (eckin. %ntenna Fee'er777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777,5
,7<7A (S KPIs777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777,5
<75 (ase 5 E>ten'e' %ttac 0ela) (ause' b) I!proper Settin.s of Power (ontrol Para!eters of an In'oor (ell in
(en.'u Network777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777,1
<71 (ase 1 &ow Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents (ause' b) I!proper Settin.s of FreBuenc) 6oppin.
Para!eters in te Network in ($ec Republic7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777,<
<7, (ase , &ow Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents (ause' b) I!proper (onfi.uration of TM% Factor in
te Network in 9ite Russia Network 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777,A
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e < of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e ; of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
Successul uplin! "#F establishment using one$phase access%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&'
Successul uplin! "#F establishment using single$bloc! access%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&&
Successul uplin! "#F establishment on the PACC(%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&&
)plin! "#F establishment using one$phase access%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&*
)plin! "#F establishment using single$bloc! access%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&*
)plin! "#F establishment on the PACC(%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&+
)plin! "#F establishment ,one$phase access-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&.
/verall low%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&0
12tended attach delay%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*3
Resending uplin! data%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%**
4ow transmit power o the 5S%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%**
Frame error rate on the G$Abis interace%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*6
Pac!et )plin! Assignment message%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*.
5A bitmap in an S7 &* message%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*0
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e @ of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
Attach and ping test ater ad8ustments%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*+
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e A of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF
Establis!ents" #pti!i$ation Manual
& #asic Principle
&%& Deinition
Te Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents is 'efine' 'ifferentl) for te 'ifferent
concerns of eac teleco! operator7
&%&%& Chec!ing the )m 7nterace
E*er) ti!e te network 'oes not recei*e te first uplink 'ata block fro! te !obile station
(MS" after sen'in. an assi.n!ent co!!an'8 te counter 9umber o Failed )plin! "#F
1stablishments due to 5S 9o Response is incre!ente' b) one7
Te Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents is 'efine' as follows:
Success Rate of Uplink GPRS TBF Establis!ents C 5 4 Nu!ber of Faile' Uplink GPRS
TBF Establis!ents 'ue to MS No ResponseDNu!ber of Uplink GPRS TBF Establis!ent
Success Rate of Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis!ents C 5 4 Nu!ber of Faile' Uplink EGPRS
TBF Establis!ents 'ue to MS No ResponseDNu!ber of Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis!ent
&%&%3 Chec!ing Resources
E*er) ti!e te network returns an assi.n!ent re?ect !essa.e 'ue to no resources (suc as no
cannel8 no TFI8 or no USF" after recei*in. a cannel reBuest fro! an MS8 te counter
9umber o Failed )plin! "#F 1stablishments due to 9o Channel is incre!ente' b) one7
Te Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents is 'efine' as follows:
Success Rate of Uplink GPRS TBF Establis!ents C 5 4 Nu!ber of Faile' Uplink GPRS
TBF Establis!ents 'ue to No (annelDNu!ber of Uplink GPRS TBF Establis!ent
Success Rate of Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis!ents C 5 4 Nu!ber of Faile' Uplink EGPRS
TBF Establis!ents 'ue to No (annelDNu!ber of Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis!ent
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 3 of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
&%&%* Simultaneously Chec!ing the )m 7nterace and Resources
9en te nu!ber of faile' uplink TBF establis!ents contains bot 9umber o Failed
)plin! "#F 1stablishments due to 5S 9o Response an' 9umber o Failed )plin! "#F
1stablishments due to 9o Channel: te Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents is
'efine' as follows:
Success Rate of Uplink GPRS TBF Establis!ents C Nu!ber of Successful Uplink GPRS
TBF Establis!entsDNu!ber of Uplink GPRS TBF Establis!ent %tte!pts
Success Rate of Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis!ents C Nu!ber of Successful Uplink EGPRS
TBF Establis!entsDNu!ber of Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis!ent %tte!pts
&%3 "heory 7ntroduction
Te KPI Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents reflects te access perfor!ance in te
uplink7 9en an uplink TBF fails to be establise'8 te 'ata blocks tat are not sent still e>ist
at te MS si'e7 In tis case8 te MS continues to tri..er te establis!ent of uplink TBFs in a
*er) sort ti!e7 Tus8 a sli.tl) low Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents 'oes not
affect te user e>perience7
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e - of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
3 Signaling Procedure
3%& 9umber o Successul )plin! "#F 1stablishments
3%&%& 5eaning
Tis !easure!ent counter pro*i'es te nu!ber of successful uplink TBF establis!ents in a
.ranularit) perio'7
3%&%3 5easurement Point
Te uplink TBF can be successfull) establise' in te followin. cases:
57 Successful uplink TBF establis!ent usin. one4pase access
If te BS( recei*es te uplink 'ata block on te assi.ne' cannel fro! te MS after
sen'in. te IMME0I%TE %SSIGNMENT !essa.e8 it in'icates tat te uplink TBF is
successfull) establise' usin. one4pase access7 Fi.ure 575 sows te proce'ure of
successful uplink TBF establis!ent usin. one4pase access7 E*er) ti!e te BS(
recei*es te first uplink 'ata block fro! te MS after sen'in. te IMME0I%TE
%SSIGNMENT !essa.e8 te counter Nu!ber of Successful Uplink TBF Establis!ents
is incre!ente' b) one7
Figure &%& Successful uplink TBF establis!ent usin. one4pase access
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 52 of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
17 Successful uplink TBF establis!ent usin. sin.le4block access
If te BS( recei*es te uplink 'ata block on te assi.ne' cannel fro! te MS after
sen'in. te P%(KET UP&INK %SSIGNMENT !essa.e8 it in'icates tat te uplink TBF
is successfull) establise' usin. sin.le4block access7 Fi.ure 571 sows te proce'ure of
successful uplink TBF establis!ent usin. sin.le4block access7 E*er) ti!e te BS(
recei*es te first uplink 'ata block fro! te MS after sen'in. te P%(KET UP&INK
%SSIGNMENT !essa.e8 te counter Nu!ber of Successful Uplink TBF Establis!ents
is incre!ente' b) one7
Figure &%3 Successful uplink TBF establis!ent usin. sin.le4block access
,7 Successful establis!ent of uplink TBF on te P%((6 (establis!ent of te uplink
TBF wit te 'ownlink TBF"
In te case tat te MS initiates an uplink TBF establis!ent reBuest on te P%((68 if
te BS( sen's te P%(KET UP&INK %SSIGNMENT !essa.e an' ten recei*es te
uplink 'ata block on te assi.ne' cannel fro! te MS8 it in'icates tat te uplink TBF
is successfull) establise' on te P%((67 Fi.ure 57, sows te proce'ure of successful
uplink TBF establis!ent on te P%((67 E*er) ti!e te BS( recei*es te uplink 'ata
block fro! te MS after sen'in. te P%(KET UP&INK %SSIGNMENT !essa.e8 te
counter Nu!ber of Successful Uplink TBF Establis!ents is incre!ente' b) one7
Figure &%* Successful uplink TBF establis!ent on te P%((6
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 55 of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
3%3 9umber o Failed )plin! "#F 1stablishments
3%3%& 5eaning
Tis !easure!ent counter pro*i'es te nu!ber of faile' uplink TBF establis!ents in a
.ranularit) perio'7
3%3%3 5easurement Point
Te uplink TBF establis!ent !a) fail in te followin. cases:
57 Nu!ber of faile' uplink TBF establis!ents 'ue to no cannel
0urin. te establis!ent of an uplink TBF8 te BS( recei*es a (6%NNE& RE=UEST
!essa.e (one4pase access"8 a P%(KET RES#UR(E RE=UEST !essa.e (two4pase
access"8 or a P%(KET 0#9N&INK %(KDN%(K !essa.e carr)in. (annel ReBuest
0escription reporte' b) te MS (establis!ent of te uplink TBF wit te 'ownlink
TBF"7 If te BS( fin's tat no a*ailable P0(6 can be assi.ne' to te uplink TBF or tat
te uplink TBF cannot be establise' 'ue to e>ceptional or faile' resource assi.n!ent8
te BS( sen's an IMME0I%TE REEE(T !essa.e or a P%(KET %((ESS REEE(T
!essa.e to te MS7 E*er) ti!e te BS( sen's an IMME0I%TE REEE(T !essa.e or a
P%(KET %((ESS REEE(T !essa.e8 te counter 9umber o Failed )plin! "#F
1stablishments due to 9o Channel is incre!ente' b) one7
17 Nu!ber of faile' uplink TBF establis!ents 'ue to MS no response
0urin. te establis!ent of an uplink TBF8 after sen'in. an IMME0I%TE
%SSIGNMENT !essa.e (one4pase access" or a P%(KET UP&INK %SSIGNMENT
!essa.e (two4pase access"8 te BS( starts to assi.n te *ali' USF for uplink block
sce'ulin.7 If te BS( 'etects tat a *ali' uplink 'ata block is recei*e' in te blocks
reser*e' for te MS8 te ti!er N,525 is reset7 #terwise8 te N,525 is incre!ente' b)
one an' te BS( sen's a P#&&ING RE=UEST !essa.e for te re4sce'ulin. of te
uplink blocks sent b) te MS7 If te ti!er N,525 o*erflows8 te BS( releases te uplink
TBF7 E*er) ti!e te N,525 o*erflows8 te counter 9umber o Failed )plin! "#F
1stablishments due to 5S 9o Response is incre!ente' b) one7
3%* 9umber o )plin! "#F 1stablishment Attempts
3%*%& 5eaning
Tis !easure!ent counter pro*i'es te nu!ber of uplink TBF establis!ent atte!pts in a
.ranularit) perio'7
3%*%3 5easurement Point
Te uplink TBF establis!ent atte!pt can be !a'e in te followin. cases:
57 Uplink TBF establis!ent usin. one4pase access
Te MS sen's a (6%NNE& RE=UEST !essa.e on te R%(6 to initiate a one4pase
access proce'ure8 as sown in Fi.ure 57<7 E*er) ti!e te BS( recei*es te (6%NNE&
RE=UEST !essa.e in'icatin. one4pase access8 te counter 9umber o )plin! "#F
1stablishment Attempts is incre!ente' b) one7
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 51 of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
Figure &%+ Uplink TBF establis!ent usin. one4pase access
17 Uplink TBF establis!ent usin. sin.le4block access
Te MS .enerall) establises te uplink TBF usin. te one4pase access until te BS( sen's
an IMME0I%TE %SSIGNMENT !essa.e instructin. te MS to use te sin.le4block access
proce'ure7 Te !essa.e contains te sin.le block packet assi.n!ent construction or
!ultiblock packet assi.n!ent construction7
Fi.ure 57; sows te proce'ure of uplink TBF establis!ent usin. sin.le4block access7 9en
sen'in. te IMME0I%TE %SSIGNMENT !essa.e8 te BS( reser*es te correspon'in.
ra'io resources on te 'ata ser*ice cannel for te MS to respon' wit a P%(KET
RES#UR(E RE=UEST !essa.e7
%s sown in Fi.ure 57;8 e*er) ti!e te BS( recei*es a P%(KET RES#UR(E RE=UEST
!essa.e fro! te MS8 te counter 9umber o )plin! "#F 1stablishment Attempts is
incre!ente' b) one7
Figure &%6 Uplink TBF establis!ent usin. sin.le4block access
,7 Uplink TBF establis!ent on te P%((6 (establis!ent of uplink TBF wit te
'ownlink TBF"
Te MS can reBuest te establis!ent of an uplink TBF in a 'ownlink TBF7 Te MS
sen's a P%(KET 0#9N&INK %(KDN%(K !essa.e carr)in. (annel ReBuest
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 5, of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
0escription in a 'ownlink TBF to initiate an uplink TBF establis!ent proce'ure7 Tis
!essa.e is tri..ere' b) te trans!ission reBuest of te &&( P0U at te upper la)er of
te MS7
Fi.ure 57@ sows te proce'ure tat te MS sen's a P%(KET 0#9N&INK
%(KDN%(K !essa.e carr)in. te (annel ReBuest 0escription7 E*er) ti!e te BS(
recei*es an uplink TBF establis!ent reBuest fro! te MS8 te counter 9umber o
)plin! "#F 1stablishment Attempts is incre!ente' b) one7
Figure &%. Uplink TBF establis!ent on te P%((6
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 5< of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
* Analysis and /ptimi;ation 5ethods
Te proce'ure for uplink TBF establis!ent usin. one4pase access is 'escribe' as follows:
57 %n MS sen's a (6%NNE& RE=UEST !essa.e on te R%(6 of te (((6 to initiate
an uplink TBF establis!ent reBuest7 Te (6%NNE& RE=UEST !essa.e in'icates a
one4pase access proce'ure7 Meanwile8 te MS starts te ti!er T,53@ to !onitor te
response of te network to te !essa.e7
17 %fter recei*in. te (annel ReBuest !essa.e on te R%(68 te network starts te
internal si.nalin. proce'ure7 Base' on te cause of te access reBuest an' cell attributes8
te network 'eter!ines te i!!e'iate assi.n!ent t)pe7 For te establis!ent of an
uplink TBF usin. one4pase access8 te network selects an appropriate enco'in. !o'e
for te uplink TBF an' reBuests ra'io resources for te TBF base' on te usa.e of
resources in te accesse' cell7 %fter te reBuest is appro*e'8 te network assi.ns te
correspon'in. ra'io resources to te TBF an' calculates te startin. ti!e of te TBF7 %t
te specifie' ti!e8 te network starts te uplink TBF an' !onitors te uplink R&( 'ata
blocks sent b) te MS on te assi.ne' cannel7
,7 9en te reBuest for ra'io resources is appro*e'8 te network sen's an I!!e'iate
%ssi.n!ent !essa.e on te %G(67 Te !essa.e carries te uplink packet assi.n!ent
construction assi.ne' b) te network to te MS8 inclu'in. TFI8 USF (')na!ic
assi.n!ent" or assi.n!ent bit!ap (fi>e' assi.n!ent"8 cannel enco'in. !o'e of R&(
'ata blocks8 enco'in. !o'e of uplink R&( 'ata blocks wit T&&I8 power control
para!eters8 pollin. bit8 T%I (optional"8 an' TBF Startin. Ti!e (optional"7
<7 0urin. te packet access an' before te ti!er T,53@ e>pires8 if te MS recei*es an
IMME0I%TE %SSIGNMENT !essa.e for te 'ownlink packet assi.n!ent proce'ure
on te %G(68 te MS !ust ter!inate te packet access proce'ure an' respon' to te
'ownlink assi.n!ent !essa.e base' on te 'ownlink TBF establis!ent proce'ure7 Te
MS stops sen'in. te (6%NNE& RE=UEST !essa.e an' assi.ns ra'io resources base'
on te contents carrie' in te IMME0I%TE %SSIGNMENT !essa.e7 %t te TBF
Startin. Ti!e (optional"8 te MS accesses te assi.ne' cannel7
;7 #n te assi.ne' P0(6 cannel8 te MS uses te enco'in. co'e carrie' in te
assi.n!ent !essa.e to sen' R&( 'ata blocks for pree!ption 'ecision7 Te R&( 'ata
blocks contain T&&I7
@7 If te network recei*es an R&( 'ata block on te uplink TBF8 it in'icates tat te uplink
TBF is successfull) establise'7
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 5; of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
Figure &%0 Uplink TBF establis!ent (one4pase access"
Te followin. takes te one4pase access proce'ure as an e>a!ple to 'escribe te
opti!i$ation !eto'7 Te purpose is to locate te fault) si.nalin. an' NEs base' on te
si.nalin. flows7 Fou can ceck te followin. flows step b) step: ceck te trans!ission on
te %bis interface8 ceck weter te assi.n!ent !essa.e is sent to te BTS8 ceck te U!
interface in te 'ownlink (weter te assi.n!ent !essa.e is sent to te MS"8 an' ceck
weter te MS respon's to te assi.n!ent !essa.e (weter an uplink 'ata block is sent"7
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 5@ of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
Figure &%< #*erall flow
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 5A of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
*%& Chec!ing Abis 4in!s
9en te trans!ission on te %bis interface is out of s)ncroni$ation or te trans!ission is
inter!ittent8 te establis!ent of an uplink TBF !a) fail7 Fou can calculate te fra!e error
rate on te G4%bis interface to ceck te trans!ission7 Fra!e error rate at te G4%bis
interface C (Nu!ber of Recei*e' (eck Error TR%U Fra!es G Nu!ber of Recei*e' #ut4of4
S)ncroni$ation TR%U Fra!es"D(Nu!ber of Sent +ali' TR%U Fra!es G Nu!ber of Sent
E!pt) TR%U Fra!es"7
57 In nor!al cases8 te fra!e error rate is less tan 52e4; (5D52222"7 Tat is8 eac cannel
recei*es one error fra!e e*er) four !inutes on a*era.e7 In tis case8 te Bualit) of links
is .oo'8 an' te MS can stabl) trans!it 'ata7
17 9en te Bualit) of links is poor8 te fra!e error rate is less tan 52e4< (5D5222"7 Tat is8
eac cannel recei*es one to tree error fra!es e*er) !inute on a*era.e7 In tis case8 te
burst of error fra!es causes a low rate of te MS8 lar.e trans!ission 'ela)8 an' e*en call
'rops an' network 'isconnection7
,7 9en te fra!e error rate is .reater tan 52e4<8 links are rater unstable7 In tis case8
out4of4s)ncroni$ation occurs8 an' te nu!ber of out4of4s)ncroni$ation TR%U fra!es
.reatl) rises7 Te MS can onl) perfor! ser*ices wit low trou.put reBuire!ents (for
e>a!ple8 upper4la)er si.nalin. or s!all 9%P applications" an' cannot perfor! ser*ices
wit i. trou.put reBuire!ents (for e>a!ple8 FTP"7
In practice8 lease' lines (for e>a!ple8 !icrowa*e satellite" are use' for te trans!ission8 an' a
teleco! operator cannot 'irectl) control te lines7 Terefore8 it is acceptable tat te fra!e
error rate is less tan ;D52227 If te fra!e error rate on te cannels on a cell is i. for a lon.
ti!e8 an error occurs on te trans!ission7 In tis case8 )ou nee' to ceck trans!ission lines to
i!pro*e te network7
Te relate' KPIs are liste' in te followin. table7
KP7 Cell 4evel
Fra!e error
rate at te G4
%bis interface
%bis interface !easure!ent 4H Packet %ssi.n!ent (apabilit)
Measure!ent 4H
Nu!ber of Recei*e' Nor!al TR%U Fra!es
Nu!ber of Recei*e' #ut4of4S)ncroni$ation TR%U Fra!es
Nu!ber of Recei*e' (eck Error TR%U Fra!es
Nu!ber of Sent +ali' TR%U Fra!es
Nu!ber of Sent E!pt) TR%U Fra!es
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 53 of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
Total Nu!ber of Recei*e' TR%U Fra!es C Nu!ber of Recei*e' Nor!al TR%U Fra!es G Nu!ber of
Recei*e' #ut4of4S)ncroni$ation TR%U Fra!es G Nu!ber of Recei*e' (eck Error TR%U Fra!es G
Nu!ber of Recei*e' E!pt) TR%U Fra!es7 In *ersions earlier tan +-R3(558 te Nu!ber of Recei*e'
E!pt) TR%U Fra!es is not counte'8 so te Total Nu!ber of Recei*e' TR%U Fra!es cannot be 'irectl)
calculate'7 Te Total Nu!ber of Recei*e' TR%U Fra!es soul' be eBual to te Total Nu!ber of Sent
TR%U Fra!es7 Terefore8 wen calculatin. te fra!e error rate on te G4%bis interface8 )ou can
replace te Total Nu!ber of Recei*e' TR%U Fra!es wit te Nu!ber of Sent +ali' TR%U Fra!es plus
te Nu!ber of Sent E!pt) TR%U Fra!es7 In (518 te Nu!ber of Recei*e' E!pt) TR%U Fra!es is
counte'8 so te Total Nu!ber of Recei*e' TR%U Fra!es can be 'irectl) calculate' trou. te
prece'in. for!ula7
*%3 Chec!ing =hether an Assignment 5essage 7s Sent
*%3%& An 7mmediate Assignment 5essage #eing Discarded due to
CCC( /verload
(eck weter an uplink assi.n!ent reBuest is nor!all) sent accor'in. to te Uplink
%ssi.n!ent Success Ratio7 Uplink %ssi.n!ent Success Ratio C Nu!ber of Successful Uplink
%ssi.n!entsDNu!ber of Uplink %ssi.n!ents7 If te Uplink %ssi.n!ent Success Ratio is low8
)ou nee' to ceck weter (((6 o*erloa' occurs7 9en (((6 o*erloa' occurs8 te
IMME0I%TE %SSIGNMENT !essa.e sent on te (((6 !a) be 'iscar'e'7 In tis case8 te
establis!ent of uplink TBFs fails7 (eck flow control traffic statistics to see weter (((6
o*erloa' occurs7 If (((6 o*erloa' occurs8 )ou nee' to set te CCC( 4oad "hreshold to a
lar.er *alue to a*oi' uplink TBF establis!ent failures 'ue to flow control7
In a''ition8 wen te MS freBuentl) sen's a cannel reBuest8 (((6 o*erloa' also occurs7
Terefore8 in te two4pase access proce'ure8 )ou nee' to properl) set T,5@3 to a lar.er
*alue7 Te followin. table 'escribes te !eanin. of T,5@3 an' its settin. principles:
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 5- of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
9ame 5eaning Setting Principle Value Range
T,5@3 Tis para!eter specifies
te !a>i!u! inter*al
set for te MS to wait
for te Packet Uplink
%ssi.n!ent !essa.e7
%fter te MS sen's te
Packet Resource
ReBuest or Packet
0ownlink %ckDNack
!essa.e carr)in.
(annel ReBuest
0escription8 T,5@3 is
starte' to wait for te
Packet Uplink
%ssi.n!ent !essa.e
fro! te network7
If te MS recei*es te
Packet Uplink
%ssi.n!ent !essa.e
before T,5@3 e>pires8
T,5@3 is reset7
#terwise8 te MS
initiates te PS access
proce'ure a.ain for four
ti!es7 If te Packet
Uplink %ssi.n!ent
!essa.e is still not
recei*e'8 te MS
assu!es tat te uplink
TBF establis!ent fails7
Ti!er set for te MS to wait for
te Packet Uplink %ssi.n!ent
If te ti!er is set to a s!aller
*alue8 te MS can 'etect te
TBF establis!ent failure
witin a sorter perio'7 If a
TBF establis!ent fails8 te
a*era.e 'ela) of packet access
is sort8 but te success rate of
TBF establis!ent in ba' ra'io
en*iron!ent 'ecreases7 In
a''ition8 te s!all ti!er *alue
increases te probabilit) of te
retrans!ission of te packet
access reBuest8 tus increasin.
te probabilit) of reassi.n!ent
b) te P(U7 Terefore8 s)ste!
resources are waste'7
If te ti!er is set to a lar.er
*alue8 te MS takes a lon.er
perio' to 'etect te TBF
establis!ent failure7 Te
a*era.e 'ela) of packet access
e>ten's in te case tat te TBF
establis!ent fails7 6owe*er8
te success rate of TBF
establis!ent in ba' ra'io
en*iron!ent increases b) a
certain a!ount7
+alue ran.e: ;22
!s4<8222 !s
0efault *alue: ;22
Te relate' KPIs are liste' in te followin. table7
Cause Cell 4evel
Uplink %ssi.n!ent
Success Ratio
PS (all Measure!ent 4H Measure!ent of packet assi.n!ent
capabilit) per BS( 4H
Nu!ber of Uplink %ssi.n!ents
Nu!ber of Successful Uplink %ssi.n!ents
Nu!ber of Uplink PS I!!e'iate %ssi.n!ents
Nu!ber of Successful Uplink PS I!!e'iate %ssi.n!ents
Nu!ber of Uplink %ssi.n!ents on P%((6
Nu!ber of Successful Uplink %ssi.n!ents on P%((6
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 12 of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
(((6 o*erloa' (all Measure!ent 4H Flow (ontrol Measure!ent per (ell 4H
P%(KET (((6 &#%0 IN0 Messa.es Sent on %bis Interface
MSG %BIS #+ER&#%0 ((((6 #+ER&#%0" Messa.es Sent on
%bis Interface
MSG 0E& IN0 Messa.es Sent on %bis Interface
*%3%3 9etwor! Sending an 7mmediate Assignment Re8ect 5essage due
to 9o Channel
(ardware Fault
6ar'ware (inclu'in. TRI" fault affects te Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents8 so
)ou nee' to ceck ar'ware first7
Fou can *iew te traffic statistics relate' to ar'ware fault to i'entif) proble!s7 Te
followin. table lists te traffic statistics relate' to ar'ware fault7
Cause #SC 4evel Cell 4evel
BS( Measure!ent 4H %ccess
!easure!ent per BS( 4H
T(6 %*ailabilit) per BS(
(onfi.ure' T(6s per BS(
%*ailable T(6s per BS(
KPI Measure!ent per (ell 4H
T(6 %*ailabilit)
%*ailable T(6s
(onfi.ure' T(6s
TRI Measure!ent per (ell 4H
Nu!ber of confi.ure' TRIs in a cell
Nu!ber of a*ailable TRIs in a cell
7nsuicient Channels
Insufficient cannels cause con.estion8 co*erin. te followin. cases:
57 Te cannels confi.ure' for a cell are insufficient8 an' PS traffic is ea*)7 In tis case8 a
cannel is !ultiple>e' b) te !a>i!u! nu!ber of MSs7 Fou nee' to a'' static cannels
an' ')na!ic cannels7 In a''ition8 )ou nee' to ceck te settin.s of PS cannel
!ana.e!ent para!eters an' set PDC( )plin! 5ultiple2 "hreshold to A2 (te
!a>i!u! *alue8 in'icatin. tat a !a>i!u! of se*en uplink TBFs can be !ultiple>e' on
a P0(6"7
17 (eck weter insufficient cannels are cause' b) te pree!ption of ')na!ic P0(6s
b) *oice ser*ices7 If te Nu!ber of Reclai!e' 0)na!ic P0(6s an' te Nu!ber of
Reclai!e' Bus) 0)na!ic P0(6s are lar.e8 it in'icates tat (S ser*ices are bus) an'
pree!pt cannels of 'ata ser*ices7 In tis case8 )ou nee' to a'' static P0(6s7 In
a''ition8 )ou can set 4evel o Preempting Dynamic Channel to Control channels
cannot be preempted7
,7 If te Success Rate of Uplink GPRS TBF Establis!ents is low 'ue no cannel8 but te
Success Rate of Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis!ents is i.8 )ou nee' to ceck weter
EGPRS 'e'icate' cannels or EGPRS preferable cannels are confi.ure'7 If EGPRS
'e'icate' cannels or EGPRS preferable cannels are confi.ure'8 GPRS cannels are
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 15 of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
insufficient7 In tis case8 )ou nee' to con*ert so!e EGPRS 'e'icate' cannels or
EGPRS preferable cannels to EGPRS or'inar) cannels8 an' set Allow 1 Down G )p
Switch to /pen7
Te relate' para!eters are 'escribe' as follows:
9ame 5eaning Setting Principle Value Range
Tresol' of
P0(6s in a
Te total nu!ber of
T(6s an' P0(6s
a*ailable in a cell is
fi>e'7 Tis para!eter
'eter!ines te proportion
of P0(6s to te total
nu!ber of T(6s an'
If tis para!eter is set to a
lar.e *alue8 tere are
e>cessi*e P0(6s an'
insufficient T(6s7 Tis
affects (S ser*ices7
If tis para!eter is set to a
s!all *alue8 tere are
insufficient P0(6s an'
e>cessi*e T(6s7 Tis
affects PS ser*ices7
+alue ran.e: 2J
0efault *alue: ;2
Tis para!eter specifies
te P0(6 uplink
!ultiple> tresol'7
Te lower te tresol' is
set8 te fewer TBFs are
establise' on a P0(68
an' tus te i.er uplink
ban'wi't is a*ailable for
eac MS7
Te i.er te tresol'
is set8 te !ore TBFs are
establise' on a P0(68
an' tus te lower uplink
ban'wi't is a*ailable for
eac MS7
Te *alue of tis
para!eter ran.es
fro! 52 to A27 If
tis para!eter is
set to 528 onl) one
TBF can be
establise' on a
P0(6K if tis
para!eter is set to
A28 up to se*en
TBFs can be
establise' on a
P0(67 Te
'efault *alue of
tis para!eter is
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 11 of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
9ame 5eaning Setting Principle Value Range
&e*el of
&e*el of ')na!ic cannel
pree!pte' b) (S ser*ices
an' PS ser*ices7 Te
T(6DFs are ')na!ic
cannels tat can be
pree!pte'7 If tis
para!eter is set to %ll
')na!ic cannels can be
pree!pte'8 it !eans tat
te (S ser*ices can
pree!pt all ')na!ic
cannelsK if tis
para!eter is set to
(ontrol cannels cannot
be pree!pte'8 it !eans
tat te (S ser*ices can
pree!pt an) ')na!ic
cannels e>cept te
control cannelsK if tis
para!eter is set to
0)na!ic cannels
carr)in. ser*ices cannot
be pree!pte'8 it !eans
tat te (S ser*ices
cannot pree!pt te
')na!ic cannels tat
carr) ser*ices7
Generall)8 *oice ser*ices
are first .uarantee'7 In
tis case8 )ou can set tis
para!eter to %ll ')na!ic
cannels can be
For 'ata ser*ices8 )ou can
set tis para!eter to
(ontrol cannels cannot
be pree!pte' or 0)na!ic
cannels carr)in. ser*ices
cannot be pree!pte'7
+alue ran.e:
%ll ')na!ic
cannels can be
(ontrol cannels
cannot be
0)na!ic cannels
carr)in. ser*ices
cannot be
0efault *alue:
%ll ')na!ic
cannels can be
%llow E
0own G Up
If te P0(6 is
confi.ure' as an EGPRS
or'inar) cannel8 an' tis
para!eter is set to open8
uplink GPRS ser*ices
an' 'ownlink EGPRS
ser*ices can be
!ultiple>e' on te sa!e
cannel7 #terwise8
uplink GPRS ser*ices
an' 'ownlink EGPRS
ser*ices cannot be
!ultiple>e' on te sa!e
9en cannels are
insufficient8 )ou can set
tis para!eter to #pen to
i!pro*e te Success Rate
of GPRS Uplink TBF
Establis!ents7 Tis8
owe*er8 !a) affect te
EGPRS 'ownloa' rate7
0efault *alue:
Te relate' KPIs are liste' in te followin. table7
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 1, of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
Cause Cell 4evel
PS (annel Measure!ent 4H P0(6 resource capabilit) !easure!ent 4H
Nu!ber of T(6 to P0T(6 (on*ersion %tte!pts
Nu!ber of Successful T(6 to P0T(6 (on*ersions
Nu!ber of Reclai!e' 0)na!ic P0(6s
Nu!ber of Reclai!e' Bus) 0)na!ic P0(6s
PS (all Measure!ent 4H Uplink GPRS TBF Establis an' Release
(apabilit) Measure!ent per (ell 4H
Nu!ber of Uplink GPRS TBF Establis!ent %tte!pts
Nu!ber of Successful Uplink GPRS TBF Establis!ents
Nu!ber of Faile' Uplink GPRS TBF Establis!ents 'ue to No (annel
%*era.e Nu!ber of (oncurrent Uplink GPRS TBFs
PS (all Measure!ent 4H Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis an' Release
(apabilit) Measure!ent per (ell 4H
Nu!ber of Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis!ent %tte!pts
Nu!ber of Successful Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis!ents
Nu!ber of Faile' Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis!ents 'ue to No
%*era.e Nu!ber of (oncurrent Uplink EGPRS TBFs
*%* Chec!ing Downlin! )m 7nterace
If te Bualit) on te U! interface is poor8 te MS cannot recei*e an uplink assi.n!ent
!essa.e7 In tis case8 )ou can use 5easurement o numbers o <PSK>51A9>#1P
variants an' 5easurement o numbers o G5SK>51A9>#1P variants to *iew BEP
'istribution8 or use special test software (for e>a!ple8 TEMS" to perfor! (=T an' ceck te
Bualit) on te U! interface7
If stron. interference e>ists on te U! interface8 )ou can can.e te carrier freBuencies to
i!pro*e te Bualit) on te air interface7
Te relate' KPIs are liste' in te followin. table7
KP7 Cell 4evel
=ualit) of 'ownlink
air interface
PS (all Measure!ent 4H
Measure!ent of nu!bers of 3PSKLME%NLBEP *ariants
Measure!ent of nu!bers of GMSKLME%NLBEP *ariants
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 1< of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
*%+ Chec!ing =hether the 5S Responds to an Assignment
Fou can ceck te counter 9umber o Failed )plin! "#F 1stablishments due to 5S 9o
Response to 'eter!ine weter te failure to establis an uplink TBF is cause' b) no
response fro! te MS7 9en te MS 'oes not respon' to an uplink assi.n!ent !essa.e8
possible causes are as follows:
57 #*eri. uplink enco'in. !o'e
17 I!proper uplink power control para!eters
,7 I!proper settin.s of oter para!eters
<7 (ell error
;7 Uplink an' 'ownlink i!balance
@7 %ntenna fee'er error
Te relate' KPIs are liste' in te followin. table7
Cause Cell 4evel
No response
fro! MS
PS (all Measure!ent 4H Uplink GPRS TBF Establis an' Release
(apabilit) Measure!ent per (ell 4H
Nu!ber of Uplink GPRS TBF Establis!ent %tte!pts
Nu!ber of Successful Uplink GPRS TBF Establis!ents
Nu!ber of Faile' Uplink GPRS TBF Establis!ents 'ue to MS No
Nu!ber of Faile' Uplink GPRS TBF Establis!ents 'ue to No (annel
PS (all Measure!ent 4H Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis an' Release
(apabilit) Measure!ent per (ell 4H
Nu!ber of Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis!ent %tte!pts
Nu!ber of Successful Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis!ents
Nu!ber of Faile' Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis!ents 'ue to MS No
Nu!ber of Faile' Uplink EGPRS TBF Establis!ents 'ue to No
*%+%& /verhigh )plin! 1ncoding 5ode
Uplink enco'in. is i!properl) a'?uste'8 an' uplink enco'in. is still a'?uste' base' on
'ownlink enco'in.7 If interference e>ists on te uplink or te le*el of uplink is poor an'
uplink enco'in. is i!properl) a'?uste'8 uplink 'ata cannot be nor!all) sent7 Fou can ceck
te le*el on te uplink wit reference to te counter uplink an' 'ownlink balance8 an' ceck
te interference on te uplink wit reference to te counter Analy;ed 5easurement o
7ntererence #and7 In te case tat te uplink enco'in. is a'?uste' base' on te enco'in.
e!plo)e' on te 'ownlink (in te superuser !o'e8 coose Conigure #SC Attributes H
Sotware Parameter H Support 1GPRS uplin! 5CS Dynamic Ad8ust an' ceck te
Bualit) of 'ownlink si.nals in 'l ack"8 )ou can coose to 'ecrease tree le*els (in te
superuser !o'e8 coose Conigure #SC Attributes H Sotware Parameter H DSP Control
"able 3 an' set bit ; to 5"7 In a''ition8 )ou nee' to ceck )plin! Deault 5CS "ype an'
5a2imum Value o 9*&'&8 as sown in te followin. table7
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 1; of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
9ame 5eaning Setting Principle Value Range
M(S T)pe
Tis para!eter specifies te
'efault M(S t)pe use' on te
If te 'efault
M(S t)pe is set to
a lar.e *alue8 te
MS access fails7 If
te 'efault M(S
t)pe is set to a
s!all *alue8 te
uplink rate of
s!all ser*ices is
+alue ran.e:
0efault *alue:
+alue of
Tis para!eter specifies te
!a>i!u! *alue of N,5257
In uplink ')na!ic assi.n!ent
!o'e8 !ultiple MSs can sare
one uplink cannel if te
'ownlink 'ata blocks carr) te
USF *alue7
%fter te network starts to assi.n
a USF *alue to te uplink TBF
(uplink TBF is establise'"8 te
N,525 is initiate'7 Te network
reser*es te R&( uplink blocks
!appin. to eac USF *alue for
te uplink 'ata sent fro! te MS7
If te network recei*es *ali'
uplink 'ata blocks fro! te MS8
te network resets N,525K
oterwise8 N,525 increases b) 57
9en tis counter o*erflows8 te
current uplink TBF is release'
If tis para!eter
is set to a lower
*alue8 te
tolerance of te
network to uplink
errors 'ecreases
an' te
probabilit) of
abnor!al TBF
releases increases7
If tis para!eter
is set to a i.er
*alue8 te network
still assi.ns uplink
resources to an
MS e*en tou. it
'oes not recei*e
correct MS 'ata
blocks because of
MS acti*ities7
network resources
are waste'7
+alue ran.e: 3J,2
0efault *alue: 12
In *ersions earlier tan +-R3(558 te uplink enco'in. !o'e is a'?uste' base' on te enco'in. !o'e on
te 'ownlink an' te a'?ustin. is i!proper7 (urrentl)8 te opti!i$e' uplink &%DIR al.orit! is
incorporate' into te (51 *ersion7
*%+%3 7mproper )plin! Power Control Parameters
If uplink power control para!eters are set i!properl)8 te output power of te MS is too
s!all7 In tis case8 te network cannot 'eco'e uplink 'ata blocks7 Te relate' para!eters are
'escribe' as follows:
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 1@ of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
9ame 5eaning Setting Principle Value Range
Tis para!eter is use' for te
open loop power control7
Te MS uses te %lpa
para!eter to calculate te
output power of te uplink
P0(68 na!el)8 P(67
9en te MS uses GPRS
')na!ic power control8 tis
para!eter 'eter!ines te
re'uce' le*el of te MS
trans!it power !appin. to te
pat loss7
If tis para!eter is
set to a lower
*alue8 te output
power of te MS
increasesK if tis
para!eter is set to
a i.er *alue8 te
output power of
te MS 'ecreases7
+alue ran.e: 2J
0efault *alue: 572
Initial Power
Initial power le*el7
Tis para!eter 'eter!ines te
e>pecte' recei*e si.nal stren.t
on te BTS wen te MS uses
te GPRS ')na!ic power
Tis para!eter !ainl) affects
te output power of te MS7
If tis para!eter is
set to a lower
*alue8 te output
power of te MS
increasesK if tis
para!eter is set to
a i.er *alue8 te
output power of
te MS 'ecreases7
+alue ran.e: 2J
0efault *alue: 5<
Te output power of te MS is 'efine' as follows:
P(6 C !in(2 J (6 J M (( G <3"8 PM%I"
9en Nis 58 te for!ula is si!plifie' as follows:
P(6 C !in(2 J (6 J ( J <38 PM%I"
In a GSM-22 network8 2 is ,- 'B!K (6 is te *alue of G%MM%K ( is a !easure!ent *alue of te
le*el of a 'ownlink cannel (in a fi>e'4point test8 ( is basicall) eBual to te recei*e le*el"7
If power control is reBuire'8 tat is8 a power less tan PM%I is use' for trans!ission8
2 J (6 J ( J <3 O PM%I
If ( H 2 J (6 J <3 J PM%I8 an' power control is starte'8 J@@ 'B is obtaine' b) 'efault *alues7
%ccor'in. to te 'ri*e test8 te opti!al recei*e le*el of 6uawei cells is about J@2 'B!7 Terefore8 it is
proper tat te prece'in. 'efault *alues are set for power control para!eters7
*%+%* 5S 9ot Accessing the Assigned Channel "imely due to 7mproper
Parameter Settings
9en te startin. ti!e of TBF at te network si'e is inconsistent wit tat at te MS si'e8 te
establis!ent of an uplink TBF !a) fail7
Terefore8 )ou nee' to ensure tat te startin. ti!e of TBF at te network si'e cannot be
earlier tan tat at te MS si'e7 #terwise8 te MS !isses te uplink ra'io block assi.ne' b)
te network8 an' te Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents is affecte'7 Te relate'
para!eters are 'escribe' as follows:
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 1A of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
9ame 5eaning Setting Principle Value Range
0ela) Blocks of
Uplink I!!e'iate
%ssi.n!ent (internal
software para!eter"
In te one4pase
access proce'ure8 after
sen'in. an I!!e'iate
%ssi.n!ent !essa.e8
te network uses te
para!eter to calculate
te startin. ti!e of an
uplink TBF7 %tC te
startin. ti!e8 te
network starts te
uplink TBF an'
assi.ns ra'io block
resources to te TBF7
Te para!eter
specifies te startin.
ti!e of an uplink TBF
at te network si'e7
If te para!eter is set
to a lar.e *alue8 te
TBF is starte' too
slowl) at te network
si'e7 If te para!eter
is set to a s!all *alue8
te TBF startin. ti!e
at te network si'e is
earlier tan tat at te
MS si'e7 In tis case8
te MS 'oes not
access te assi.ne'
cannel ti!el) for
!onitorin. an'
!isses te uplink
ra'io block assi.ne'
b) te network7
Terefore8 te access
perfor!ance beco!es
Te 'uration is
calculate' base'
on te perio' of
a sin.le ra'io
block7 Te *alue
5 in'icates te
'uration of one
ra'io block8 tat
is8 12 !s7 Te
'efault *alue is
0ela) Blocks of
Uplink Sin.le Block
%ssi.n!ent (internal
software para!eter"
In te two4pase
access proce'ure8 te
network uses te
para!eter to calculate
te sce'ulin. ti!e of
a sin.le block
assi.ne' to te MS7 %t
te specifie' startin.
ti!e8 te network
assi.ns a ra'io block
to te MS at te
location of te fra!e
nu!ber for te MS to
sen' an uplink access
resource reBuest7
Te network also uses
te para!eter to
calculate te TBF
Startin. Ti!e assi.ne'
to te MS to notif) te
MS of te ti!e to
access te assi.ne'
cannel7 Meanwile8
te network sen's a
Packet Resource
ReBuest !essa.e
(two4pase access" at
te location of te
Te para!eter
specifies te ti!e
wen te MS sen's a
Packet Resource
ReBuest !essa.e
(two4pase access"7
If te para!eter is set
to a lar.e *alue8 te
MS sen's a two4
pase access reBuest
later7 If te para!eter
is set to a s!all *alue8
te network sen's te
TBF Startin. Ti!e
earlier7 In tis case8
te MS 'oes not
access te assi.ne'
cannel ti!el) an'
!isses a sin.le uplink
ra'io block assi.ne'
b) te network7
Terefore8 two4pase
access fails7
Te 'uration is
calculate' base'
on te perio' of
a sin.le ra'io
block7 Te *alue
5 in'icates te
'uration of one
ra'io block8 tat
is8 12 !s7 Te
'efault *alue is
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 13 of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
9ame 5eaning Setting Principle Value Range
fra!e nu!ber TBF
Startin. Ti!e7
MS Reaction Ti!e
for Uplink
(internal software
In te two4pase
access proce'ure8 after
recei*in. a Packet
Resource ReBuest
!essa.e fro! te MS8
te network uses te
para!eter to calculate
te startin. ti!e of an
uplink TBF7 %t te
specifie' startin. ti!e8
te network starts te
uplink TBF an'
assi.ns ra'io block
resources to te TBF7
Te network also uses
te para!eter to
calculate te TBF
Startin. Ti!e assi.ne'
to te MS to notif) te
MS of te ti!e to
access te assi.ne'
Te para!eter
specifies te startin.
ti!e of an uplink TBF
at te network si'e7
If te para!eter is set
to a lar.e *alue8 te
TBF is starte' too
slowl) at te network
si'e7 If te para!eter
is set to a s!all *alue8
te TBF startin. ti!e
at te network si'e is
earlier tan tat at te
MS si'e7 In tis case8
te MS 'oes not
access te assi.ne'
cannel ti!el) for
!onitorin.8 an'
!isses te uplink
ra'io block assi.ne'
b) te network7
Terefore8 te access
perfor!ance beco!es
Te 'uration is
calculate' base'
on te perio' of
a sin.le ra'io
block7 Te *alue
5 in'icates te
'uration of one
ra'io block8 tat
is8 12 !s7 Te
'efault *alue is
*%+%+ Information Elements 1rror in an Assignment 5essage
(eck weter te ke) cells in an assi.n!ent !essa.e are incorrect7 Te ke) cells in*ol*e
freBuenc) oppin. para!eters an' uplink power control para!eters7
%s for te freBuenc) oppin. para!eters:
(eck weter GPRS 5obile Allocation in a SI 5, !essa.e an' FreBuenc) Para!eters in an
uplink assi.n!ent !essa.e are consistent wit tose in 'ata confi.uration7
%s for te uplink power control para!eters:
(eck weter %lpa para!eter an' G%MM% in !essa.es I!!e'iate %ssi.n!ent8 Packet
Uplink %ckDNack8 Packet Uplink %ssi.n!ent8 an' Packet Ti!eslot Reconfi.ure are consistent
wit tose in 'ata confi.uration7
%bout freBuenc) oppin. para!eters:
Te Fre?uency Parameters in te uplink assi.n!ent !essa.e in'icates weter te MS ?oins in
freBuenc) oppin. an' te co'in. sce!e of te F6 freBuencies7 ARFC9 in'icates no freBuenc)
oppin.K 7ndirect encoding in'icates te in'irect co'in. of F6 freBuenciesK Direct encoding &
in'icates 'irect co'in. 5 of F6 freBuenciesK Direct encoding 3 in'icates 'irect co'in. 1 of F6
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e 1- of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
O FreBuenc) Para!eters IE H ::C
O "SC : bit (," H
P 22 O ARFC9 : bit (52" H
Q 25 O 7ndirect encoding : O In'irect enco'in. struct H H
Q 52 O Direct encoding & : O 0irect enco'in. 5 struct H H
Q 55 O Direct encoding 3 : O 0irect enco'in. 1 struct H H R K
O In'irect enco'in. struct H ::C
O 5A7/ : bit (@" H
O 5A>9)5#1R : bit (<" H
P 2 Q 5 O C(A9G1>5ARK>& : bit (1" H
P 2 Q 5 O C(A9G1>5ARK>3 : bit (1" H R R K
O 0irect enco'in. 5 struct H ::C
O 5A7/ : bit (@" H
O GPRS 5obile Allocation : O GPRS Mobile %llocation IE H H K
O 0irect enco'in. 1 struct H ::C
O 5A7/ : bit (@" H
O (S9 : bit (@" H
O 4ength o 5A Fre?uency 4ist contents : bit (<" H
O 5A Fre?uency 4ist contents : octet (*al(&en.t of M% FreBuenc) &ist contents" G ," H K
7ndirect encoding: Te infor!ation use' b) te MS is obtaine' fro! !essa.es PSI 18 PSI 5,8 SI 5,8 or
an earlier assi.n!ent !essa.e7 Terefore8 )ou soul'8 base' on M%LNUMBER ceck weter
freBuenc) oppin. para!eters in te s)ste! !essa.es or assi.n!ent !essa.e are consistent wit tose
in 'ata confi.uration7
M%LNUMBER C 2J5, sall be use' to reference a GPRS !obile allocation recei*e' in a PSI1 !essa.eK
M%LNUMBER C 5< sall be use' to reference a GPRS !obile allocation recei*e' in a SI5, or PSI5,
M%LNUMBER C 5; sall be use' to reference a GPRS !obile allocation recei*e' in a pre*ious
assi.n!ent !essa.e usin. te 'irect enco'in.7
Direct encoding &: Te MS uses te freBuenc) oppin. in'e> infor!ation in'icate' b) te para!eter
GPRS 5obile Allocation in s)ste! !essa.es7
Direct encoding 3: Te MS 'irectl) uses te freBuenc) oppin. infor!ation in an assi.n!ent !essa.e7
Te infor!ation inclu'es M%I#8 6SN8 &en.t of M% FreBuenc) &ist contents8 an' M% FreBuenc) &ist
*%+%6 )plin! and Downlin! 7mbalance
9en uplink an' 'ownlink i!balance occurs8 uplink or 'ownlink si.nals cannot be recei*e'
at te cell e'.e7 In tis case8 te establis!ent of an uplink TBF fails7
To ceck weter uplink an' 'ownlink i!balance occurs8 )ou soul' ceck te consistenc)
between te trans!it power of te BTS an' tat on te earlier network8 te trans!it power8
te co!ponents tat affect uplinkD'ownlink recei*e le*el8 inclu'in. te TM%8 BTS a!plifier8
an' antenna port7 For 'etails8 see te GSM BSS Network KPI (Uplink and Downlink Balance)
Optimization Manual.
If uplink an' 'ownlink are i!balance'8 te followin. cases !a) occur: Te 'ifference
between te !ean uplink recei*e le*el an' te !ean 'ownlink recei*e le*el is .reatK te
uplink an' 'ownlink balance le*el is i.K bot te i!!e'iate assi.n!ent success rate an'
te assi.n!ent success rate are low7 Te relate' counters are liste' in te followin. table7
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e ,2 of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
Cause Cell 4evel "R@ 4evel
uplink an'
(all Measure!ent 4H %ssi.n!ent
Measure!ent 4H
T(6 %ssi.n!ent Success Ratio
Success Rate of (all Establis!ent
(all Measure!ent 4H I!!e'iate
%ssi.n!ent Measure!ent 4H
I!!e'iate %ssi.n!ent Success
MR Measure!ent 4H
Uplink4an'40ownlink Balance
MR Measure!ent 4H
T(6F Recei*e &e*el Measure!ent
MR Measure!ent 4H
T(66 Recei*e &e*el Measure!ent
*%+%. Chec!ing Antenna Feeder
9en te antenna fee'er is fault) or para!eters (for e>a!ple8 TM% factor" are i!properl)
confi.ure'8 te Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents is low7 In a''ition8 an antenna
fee'er fault !a) cause uplink an' 'ownlink i!balance7 Terefore8 )ou can use te traffic
statistics relate' to uplink an' 'ownlink balance to ceck weter te antenna fee'er is fault)7
*%+%0 CS KP7s
9en (S para!eters are i!properl) confi.ure'8 PS KPIs are affecte'7 In tis case8 te
Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents is low7 Terefore8 )ou soul' ceck te (S KPIs8
!ainl) te call 'rop rate8 con.estion rate8 assi.n!ent success rate8 uplink an' 'ownlink
balance8 an' success rate of call establis!ent7
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e ,5 of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
+ Cases
+%& Case & 12tended Attach Delay Caused by 7mproper
Settings o Power Control Parameters o an 7ndoor Cell in
Chengdu 9etwor!
In te (=T of an in'oor cell in (en.'u network8 te 'ela) of an attac is e>ten'e' or te
attac fails8 as sown in te followin. fi.ure7
Figure &%& E>ten'e' attac 'ela)
%ccor'in. to te anal)sis of MS si.nalin.8 wen establisin. an uplink TBF8 te MS alwa)s
resen's uplink 'ata blocks but 'oes not recei*e an) acknowle'.e!ent !essa.e fro! te
network7 In tis case8 N,525 o*erflows8 an' te establis!ent of te uplink TBF fails7 In
a''ition8 te trans!it power of te MS is *er) low7 Terefore8 it is possible tat i!proper
settin.s of te uplink power control para!eter of te MS cause a low trans!it power7 In tis
case8 te network cannot recei*e an) uplink 'ata block fro! te MS8 an' te establis!ent of
te uplink TBF fails8 tus causin. an e>ten'e' 'ela) of te attac7
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e ,1 of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
Figure &%3 Resen'in. uplink 'ata
Figure &%* &ow trans!it power of te MS
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e ,, of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
%ccor'in. to te prece'in. anal)sis8 te cause of an e>ten'e' 'ela) is tat te uplink 'ata
block is not sent to te network nor!all)7 Te possible causes of failure to sen' te uplink
'ata block are as follows: (5" low uplink powerK (1" o*eri. uplink enco'in. !o'e7
%ccor'in. to te possible causes8 )ou can !ake te followin. a'?ust!ents: (5" lower te
*alue of te G%MM% para!eter to raise te uplink powerK (1" 'ecrease tree le*els for te
uplink enco'in. !o'e base' on te 'ownlink enco'in. !o'e7
0urin. te (=T after te prece'in. a'?ust!ents8 perfor! 122 nu!ber of ti!es of attac an'
pin. operations7 %ll operations succee' an' no e>ten'e' 'ela) appears7 Table 575 lists relate'
test 'ata7
"able &%& %ttac an' pin. test after a'?ust!ents
Attach "est Ping "est
%*era.e ti!e (s" Success rate (S" %*era.e 'ela) (s" Success rate (S"
57,- 52272S 575, 52272S
+%3 Case 3 4ow Success Rate o )plin! "#F 1stablishments
Caused by 7mproper Settings o Fre?uency (opping
Parameters in the 9etwor! in C;ech Republic
%ccor'in. to te fiel' fee'back8 te Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents in te
network in ($ec Republic sarpl) falls since No*7 <8 an' te proportion of abnor!al TBF
releases ten's to rise7
57 Te fra!e error rate on te G4%bis interface is nor!al7
Fra!e error rate at te G4%bis interface C (Nu!ber of Recei*e' (eck Error TR%U
Fra!es G Nu!ber of Recei*e' #ut4of4S)ncroni$ation TR%U Fra!es"D(Nu!ber of Sent
+ali' TR%U Fra!es G Nu!ber of Sent E!pt) TR%U Fra!es"7 %ccor'in. to te anal)sis
of te fra!e error rates at te G4%bis interface before an' after No*7 <8 te fra!e error
rates are nor!al an' 'o not fluctuate7
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e ,< of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
Figure &%& Fra!e error rate on te G4%bis interface
0. 00000000
0. 00200000
0. 00400000
0. 00600000
0. 00800000
0. 01000000
0. 01200000
0. 01400000
17 Te MS 'oes not respon' to an assi.n!ent co!!an'7
%ccor'in. to te anal)sis of TEMS si.nalin.8 te MS recei*es te Packet Uplink
%ssi.n!ent !essa.e but 'oes not sen' an uplink 'ata block7 Terefore8 no response
fro! te MS causes a low Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents7
,7 9en te freBuenc) oppin. infor!ation is incorrect8 te MS 'oes not respon' to an
uplink assi.n!ent co!!an'7
%ccor'in. to te anal)sis of te freBuenc) oppin. infor!ation in te assi.n!ent
co!!an'8 5A number is &+7
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e ,; of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
Figure &%3 Packet Uplink %ssi.n!ent !essa.e
%ccor'in. to te protocol8 te GPRS Mobile %llocation in an SI 5, !essa.e 'efines te
freBuenc) ban' infor!ation of freBuenc) oppin.7 Te freBuenc) oppin. infor!ation in te
SI 5, !essa.e8 owe*er8 is null8 wic is inconsistent wit tat in 'ata confi.uration7
Terefore8 a 'efect in pro'uct i!ple!entation causes incorrect freBuenc) oppin.
infor!ation in te s)ste! !essa.e7 In tis case8 te establis!ent of te uplink TBF fails7
(onfi.ure te cannel on a freBuenc) tat 'oes not ?oin in freBuenc) oppin.7 Ten8 te
Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents is nor!al7
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e ,@ of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
Figure &%* M% bit!ap in an SI 5, !essa.e
6uawei reco!!en's tat )ou 'isable freBuenc) oppin.7 Te fault will be rectifie' in later
+%* Case * 4ow Success Rate o )plin! "#F 1stablishments
Caused by 7mproper Coniguration o "5A Factor in the
9etwor! in =hite Russia 9etwor!
In te MTS network swappin. in 9ite Russia8 te Success Rate of Uplink TBF
Establis!ents after te network swappin. is onl) about A2S in te entire network8 wereas
te Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents before te network swappin. is -2S7
57 Te fra!e error rate on te G4%bis interface is nor!al7
%ccor'in. to te trans!ission traffic statistics on te G4%bis interface8 te fra!e error
rate on te G4%bis interface on certain cells reaces about ,S8 wic8 to so!e e>tent8
affects te Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents7 6owe*er8 tis is not te !ain
cause8 an' tus te 'ecrease in te Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents is not
cause' b) te trans!ission Bualit)7
17 (((6 o*erloa' 'oes not occur7
%ccor'in. to te anal)sis of te traffic !easure!ent counters CCC( /V1R4/AD
79D7CA"7/9 an' D141"1 79D7CA"7/98 tese counters are i. onl) in certain
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e ,A of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
cells7 Tou. te i. *alues of tese two counters !a) affect te Success Rate of
Uplink TBF Establis!ents8 tis is not te !ain causeK terefore8 te 'ecrease in te
Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents is not cause' b) te abnor!al sen'in. of an
i!!e'iate assi.n!ent co!!an' b) te BTS7
,7 Te Bualit) of te 'ownlink U! interface is .oo'7
%ccor'in. to te anal)sis of te counters 5easurement o numbers o
<PSK>51A9>#1P variants an' 5easurement o numbers o G5SK>51A9>#1P
variants8 te interference occurs onl) in certain cells8 an' te Bualit) of te 'ownlink
U! interface is .oo'7 Terefore8 te 'ecrease in te Success Rate of Uplink TBF
Establis!ents is not cause' b) te poor Bualit) of te 'ownlink U! interface (te BTS
sen's an assi.n!ent co!!an' but te MS 'oes not recei*e te co!!an' 'ue to te poor
Bualit) on te U! interface"7
<7 Te MS 'oes not respon' to an assi.n!ent co!!an'7
%ccor'in. to te prece'in. anal)sis8 te MS recei*es an assi.n!ent co!!an' but 'oes
not respon' to te assi.n!ent co!!an'7 Tat is8 te MS 'oes not sen' an uplink 'ata
block or te uplink 'ata block is lost7 In tis case8 te Success Rate of Uplink TBF
Establis!ents is low7
%ccor'in. to te ceck of te uplink enco'in. !o'e8 uplink power control para!eters8
oter internal para!eters tat affect MS access8 an' cell contents in te assi.n!ent
!essa.e8 no error is foun'7
%ccor'in. to (S traffic statistics8 te success rate of (S i!!e'iate assi.n!ent is also
low8 an' uplink an' 'ownlink are i!balance'7 Tese are cause' b) te U! interface
access proble!s7
%ccor'in. to te ceck of te antenna fee'er an' its para!eter settin.s8 i!proper
confi.uration of TM% factor causes low uplink power8 tus affectin. te sen'in. of
uplink 'ata blocks7 Now8 te cause is i'entifie'7
Fou can !o'if) te confi.uration of TM% factor to sol*e te proble!7
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e ,3 of ,-
GSM BSS Network PS KPI (Success Rate of Uplink TBF Establis!ents"
#pti!i$ation Manual
6 Feedbac!
Te on4site en.ineers !ust pro*i'e te followin. infor!ation for troublesootin.:
57 Traffic !easure!ent counters
Function "ype 5easurement "ype
0SP Measure!ent 0SP (PU Perfor!ance Measure!ent
%bis interface
TR%U link !easure!ent
PTR%U Measure!ent
PS (all Measure!ent Measure!ent of packet assi.n!ent capabilit) per BS(
Uplink GPRS TBF establis an' release capabilit) !easure!ent
Uplink EGPRS TBF establis an' release capabilit)
P0(6 resource capabilit) !easure!ent
Perfor!ance !easure!ent of P0(6 e>tre!es
0ownlink GPRS TBF establis an' release capabilit)
0ownlink EGPRS TBF establis an' release capabilit)
PS (annel
(ell ra'io cannel capabilit) !easure!ent
P0(6 resource capabilit) !easure!ent
17 Trace' si.nalin. o*er te U! an' Gb interfaces at te P(U si'e
,7 +ersions of te BTS an' BS(
<7 0ata confi.uration7
125<42;41, 6uawei Tecnolo.ies Proprietar) Pa.e ,- of ,-

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