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How to Improve Swap DCR

:in swap project,after swap there were some cells with worse dcr,in order
to improve this kpi,We summarized these aspects and gave some suggestions:
1 Hardware problem
1.1 check the alarm and histor alarm,normally it can lead to call drops due to
Equipment Failure.
1.! reset the site"f there are some call drops due to Equipment Failure without
alarm,may!e there are something wrong with our "#$ software.reset the site with level %
during night.if also not ok,get the help from "$& guy.
1.# check the $S$R o% the site through ''(,if the value of )$W* is !igger than
+.,,may!e there are something wrong with feeder,#'-,or antenna and so on.let site
enginner go to this site with site master for testing the )$W*.

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! C&'' C()*I+,R-.I()
!.1 /ower con%iguration,For our swap project,we should keep the same power with
!efore..ur tr/ default power as !elow,we can adjust the power type,power level and
power finetune of tr/ to keep the same with alcatel0s #.&.
GRFU 1TRX 12w3%4d"m
GRFU 2TRX %2w3%5d"m
GRFU TRX 67w3%%.8d"m
GRFU !TRX 62w3%8d"m
GRFU "TRX +6w3%2.1d"m
GRFU #TRX +2w3%2d"m
$RFU %&& %,W3%5.,d"m
$RFU 1*&& %2W3%5d"m
!.! Send Receive 0ode checking"for different tr/ configuration,there are different values
of send receive mode.according to the configuration as !elow,pls correct it.
S./0 R.c.i1. 230.
9ou!le Feeder:+#;<6*;=
$ingle Feeder:+#;<6*;=
1 $RFU
9ou!le Feeder:6#;<6*;=
2 $RFU 'P(T)
$ingle Feeder:+#;<6*;=

2 , 6

!.# )eighbors Relationship,we can use >astar to check the neigh!ors,especially
missing neigh!ors.
!.1 *re2uenc HS) 0-I( and so on.

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8 9-#- &.>F?@*-#.>
#.1 Coverage /arameters
-!out this kind pro!lem,firstly we can collect the 'easurement from '6222:
Number of MRs based on TA per TRX
Radio Link ai!ure Measuremen" per TRX
Radio Link ai!ure Measuremen" based on TA per TRX
Re#ei$e %ua!i"& Measuremen" per TRX
T'( Re#ei$e Le$e! Measuremen" per TRX
T'(( Re#ei$e Le$e! Measuremen" per TRX
)p!ink-and-*o+n!ink ,a!an#e Measuremen" per TRX
-fter we anlyzed the report,we can know a!out the *eceive Auality,(evel,#- and so on.if
the #- is !ig for coverage plan,we should control the coverage.parameters we can adjust
as !elow:
a. R-CH 0in.-ccess 'evel3dbm4,default value is B++,,recommended value B+24.
!. Random -ccess &rror .hreshold, default value is +12, recommended value 662
c. R5'&67-CC&SS70I), default value is 1, recommended value +2.
d. otherwise,we can adjust downtilt and power to control the coverage.

4 , 6

#.! Inter%erence /arameters
-!out this kind of pro!lem,we can collect the 'easurement from '6222:
Radio Link ai!ure Measuremen" per TRX
Re#ei$e %ua!i"& Measuremen" per TRX
T'( Re#ei$e Le$e! Measuremen" per TRX
T'(( Re#ei$e Le$e! Measuremen" per TRX
-.M 'e!! "o -.M 'e!! /u"0oin0 (ando$er Measuremen"
1n"erferen#e ,and Measuremen" per TRX
-fter anlysis,if there are high receive level with !ad quality,a lot of quality handovers and
interference !and are !igger than 8,there may!e interference,we can adjusted the
parameters as !elow:
a. Radio 'ink .imeout3S-CCH period 3189ms44 this parameter is a!out downlink,
default value is +5, recommended value ,6
!. S-CCH 0ulti:*rames3S-CCH period 3189ms44 this parameter is a!out uplink, default
value is +1, recommended value 85.
c. .!99 *-CCH;*3<ms4 default value is ,2,recommended value 12.
d. .!99 *-CCH;H3<ms4 default value is ,2,recommended value 12.
e. )!99 o% *-CCH;Hal% rate, default value is 64,recommended value ,2.
f. )!99 o% *-CCH;*ull rate, default value is 8%,recommended value ,2.
g. if there is strong interference through monitoring channel interference !and,we need
eliminate it.
8.8 Candover Darameters
-!out this kind of pro!lem,we can collect the 'easurement from '6222:
1n#omin0 1n"erna! 1n"er-'e!! (ando$er Measuremen" per 'e!!
/u"0oin0 1n"erna! 1n"er-'e!! (ando$er Measuremen" per 'e!!
1n#omin0 23"erna! 1n"er-'e!! (ando$er Measuremen" per 'e!!
/u"0oin0 23"erna! 1n"er-'e!! (ando$er Measuremen" per 'e!!
-.M 'e!! "o -.M 'e!! /u"0oin0 (ando$er Measuremen"
-fter anlysis,if there is !ad hsr !etween 6 neigh!ors,and also &ell .utgoing Candover
Fail *econn Fail happens,we need adjust some handover parameters as !elow:
a. &dge H( ,' R57'&6 .hreshold,default value is +2,recommended value +,.
!. &dge H( D' R57'&6 .hreshold,default value is +4,recommended value 6,.
c. 0in D' /ower on H( Candidate Cell,default value is +2,recommended value 2.
d. 0in ,/ /ower on H( Candidate Cell"default value is +2,recommended value 2.
e. 0in Interval %or Consecutive H(s,default value is %,recommended value 6.
f. 0in Interval %or &merg.H(s"default value is %,recommended value 6.
g. *ilter 'ength %or .CH 'evel,default value is 5,recommended value 8.

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h. *ilter 'ength %or .CH =ual,default value is 5,recommended value 8.
i. D' =ual. .hreshold,default value is ,,,recommended value %2.
j. ,' =ual. .hreshold"default value is ,,,recommended value %2.
k. 0R./reprocessing, default value is EE$,recommended value >..
-!out the values of parameters,just recommended,you can decide to choose according
to actual situation, detailed meaning of these parameters,you can get it from ('# help

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