Daftar Vegetables Vocabulary Tentang Nama Sayuran Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Daftar Vegetables Vocabulary tentang Nama Sayuran dalam

Bahasa Inggris
Lettuce = selada
Cabbage = kubis, kol
Celery = daun seledri
Corn = jagung
Cauliflower = kembang kol
Broccoli = brokoli
Spinach = bayam
Asparagus = asparagus
Eggplant = terong
Zucchini (squash) = sayuran Zucchini
Acorn squash = labu biji
Butternut squash = labu butternaut
Pea = kacang polong
String bean / green bean = buncis hijau
Lima bean = buncis Lima
Black bean = buncis hitam
Kidney bean = kacang merah
Brussels sprout = kacang tauge
Cucumber = mentimun
Tomato = tomat
Carrot = wortel
Radish = lobak
Mushroom = jamur
Artichoke = sayur artikok
Potato = kentang
Sweet potato = ubi manis
Yam = ubi rambat
Green pepper = cabai hijau
Red pepper = cabai merah
Beet = sayuran bit
Onion = bawang
Scallion / green onion =brambang
Red onion = bawang merah
Pearl onion = bawang putih
Turnip = lobak cina
Parsnip = sejenis wortel
Bamboo shoots = rebung bamboo
Basil = daun kemangi, selasih
Beans = buncis
Chad = sejenis sayur bit berdaun lebar
Cress = sejenis seledri
Dandelion greens = sayuran dandelion
Fennel = adas
Garlic = bawang putih
Ginger = jahe
Gourd = labu manis
Hot chile pepper = cabai pedas
Kale = sayuran hijau sejenis kangkung atau bayam
Kohlrabi = sejenis kol
Leek = bawang perai
Lentils = miju-miju
Maize = maizena
Okra = kacang okra
Olive = buah zaitun
Parsley = daun peterseli, daun sup
Pickle = acar, asinan
Pumpkin = labu besar
Rhubarb = sejenis kelembak
Scallion = sejenis brambang
Seaweed = rumut laut
Soybean = kacang kedelai
Sprout = kecambang, tauge
Salsify = sejenis akar tanaman yang bisa dimakan
Squash = labu air
Taro = talas, keladi
Tuber = akar umbi
Wasabi = wasabi
Chestnut = barangan, kastanye
Daftar Vegetables Vocabulary tentang Nama Sayuran dalam
Bahasa Inggris
Lettuce = selada
Cabbage = kubis, kol
Celery = daun seledri
Corn = jagung
Cauliflower = kembang kol
Broccoli = brokoli
Spinach = bayam
Asparagus = asparagus
Eggplant = terong
Zucchini (squash) = sayuran Zucchini
Acorn squash = labu biji
Butternut squash = labu butternaut
Pea = kacang polong
String bean / green bean = buncis hijau
Lima bean = buncis Lima
Black bean = buncis hitam
Kidney bean = kacang merah
Brussels sprout = kacang tauge
Cucumber = mentimun
Tomato = tomat
Carrot = wortel
Radish = lobak
Mushroom = jamur
Artichoke = sayur artikok
Potato = kentang
Sweet potato = ubi manis
Yam = ubi rambat
Green pepper = cabai hijau
Red pepper = cabai merah
Beet = sayuran bit
Onion = bawang
Scallion / green onion =brambang
Red onion = bawang merah
Pearl onion = bawang putih
Turnip = lobak cina
Parsnip = sejenis wortel
Bamboo shoots = rebung bamboo
Basil = daun kemangi, selasih
Beans = buncis
Chad = sejenis sayur bit berdaun lebar
Cress = sejenis seledri
Dandelion greens = sayuran dandelion
Fennel = adas
Garlic = bawang putih
Ginger = jahe
Gourd = labu manis
Hot chile pepper = cabai pedas
Kale = sayuran hijau sejenis kangkung atau bayam
Kohlrabi = sejenis kol
Leek = bawang perai
Lentils = miju-miju
Maize = maizena
Okra = kacang okra
Olive = buah zaitun
Parsley = daun peterseli, daun sup
Pickle = acar, asinan
Pumpkin = labu besar
Rhubarb = sejenis kelembak
Scallion = sejenis brambang
Seaweed = rumut laut
Soybean = kacang kedelai
Sprout = kecambang, tauge
Salsify = sejenis akar tanaman yang bisa dimakan
Squash = labu air
Taro = talas, keladi
Tuber = akar umbi
Wasabi = wasabi
Chestnut = barangan, kastanye

noun adveb verb adj
Decision Decide Decisive Decisively
Finale Finalist Finalize Final
Management Manager Manage Managerial
Maintenance Maintainer Maintain Maintainable
Interpretation Interpreter Interpret Interpretive














Adjective Adverb verb noun
1 Hard Hard Harden Hardness
2 Beautiful Beautifully Beautify Beauty
3 Final Finally Last Finalist
4 Complete Completely Complete Completeness
5 High Highly High Highness
Adjective Verb Adverb Noun
Good Be Good Goodly Goodness
Short Be Short Shortly Shortness
Mad Be Mad Madly Madness
Loud Be loud Loudly Loudness
Quiet Be Quiet Quietly Quietness

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