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sandhyA vandanam

The version given below is followed by smArthas of Apastamba sUtram.
There are a few differences in the mantrAs for the morning, noon and evening. First
morning sandhyA is given below and there after only the variations are given separately
for mAdhyAnikam and sAyam SandhyAvandanam.
Part I sandhyAvandanam
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
Sit on a plank with a anchapatram !or t"mbler# in front, f"ll of water and a spoon or
After "ttering each of the following three mantras given below po"r a few drops of water
on yo"r right palm and drink it
# | $ # | $ # |d| $
%# achy"tAya namaha &# anantAya namaha '# govindAya namaha

"ttering the name of kesava, to"ch the right cheek with the right th"mb and
"ttering the name of || nArAyaNa to"ch the left cheek with the right th"mb.
Similarly "ttering each of the following names to"ch the part of the body indicated
below with the finger shown against each$

Name of God Finger Part of the Body
(Adhava | ring )ight eye
*ovinda |d ring +eft eye
,iShNo | -nde. )ight nose
(adh"sUdhana -nde. +eft nose
Trivikrama H +ittle )ight ear
,Amana | +ittle +eft ear
Sr-dhara | middle )ight sho"lder
/r"Sh-keSa (| middle +eft sho"lder
admanAbha V|H all 0elly b"tton
1amodara d||d all /ead

| gaNapati dhyAnam
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and north for sAyam
*ently hit the temple with the kn"ckles five times in all , once after each of the words
!marked 2# in the following sloka$
4H|4 2 2 2 H H 21
d 2 | ||
S"klA(baradhara( 2 viShN"( 2 SaSivarNa( 2 chat"rbh"3am 21
prasanna vadana(2 dhyAyet sarvavighnopaSAntaye
||'|||||: prANAyAmaha
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
To"ch the right nostril with the right th"mb and the left nostril with the right ring finger
and gently press the right th"mb to close the gap on the right nostril and inhale thro"gh
the left nostril with the following mantra$
| +|: | +||:| -||: | |: | ||: | ||: | -|||
o( bhU$ o( bh"va$ ogh"m s"va$ o( maha$ o( 3ana$ o( tapa$ ogh"m satyam
Now close both the nostrils and hold the breath with the following mantra$
| |-|l|||'| +||| |-| |||l l||| || |: ||||||
o( tatsavit"rvareNya( bhargo devasya dh-mahi 1 dhiyo yo naha prachodayAt
Now leave the right th"mb and e.hale with the following mantra$
||||| ||||-|||| |8 +|+||: -||||
om Apo 3yot-rasoam)"ta( brahma 0"r0"va$ s"varom 44
Now release both the fingers.
~ : saMkalpaha
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
5eep the left palm on the right thigh with palm facing "pwards and keep the closed right
palm over the left palm and chant the following$
||| -|||||| For prAta sandhyavandanam
||||||--||-|-l|+|||| >||||%||||| |||: -||||||l-||
mamopAtta6samasta6d"ritakShayadvArA Sr-parameSvarapr-tyartha(
prAta$ sandhyAm"pAsiShye

||||l| For mAdhyAhnikam
||||||--||-|-l|+|||| >||||%||||| ||||l l|
mamopAtta6samasta6d"ritakShayadvArA Sr-parameSwarapr-tyartha(
mAdhyAhnika( kariShye 44
-||| -|||||| For sAyam sandhyavandanam
||||||--||-|-l|+|||| >||||%||||| -||| -||||||l-||
mamopAtta6samasta6d"ritakshayadvArA Sr-parameswarapr-rtyartha( sAyam
)elease the hands.
l|| tilakaM
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and north for sAyam
Utter the following mantrA and p"t a tilak on the middle of yo"r fore head with yo"r
right ring finger wetted by the water from the anchapAtra(
H | | $ 1 om sr- keSavAya namaha 4
|H mArjanam
Utter the following mantrA and sprinkle seven times on yo"r head and the face ! once
each after marked below # with water from the t"mbler "sing yo"r right ring finger$
H | ( 8| | +||: | 3 H d | ( | H | :
| : 1 H|H ( : 3 | | : 1|

| :
o( Apo hi ShTha mayo bh"va$ tA na Ur3e dadhAtana maheraNAya
chakShase yo vaha Sivatamo rasaha tasya bhA3ayateha naha "Sat-riva
mAtaraha tasma ara( gamAma vaha
Now sprinkle water on yo"r knees7leg
1 H| H yasya kShayAya 3invatha
Now again sprinkle water on yo"r head

H | $ Apo 3anayathA cha naha

Now "tter the following mantra and sprinkle water aro"nd yo" in clockwise direction$
| HH $$ bh"rbh"vaha s"vaha

| | 1 apAm prASanam
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
Take a few drops of water on the right palm and "tter the following mantrA$
|||: -|||||| For prAta sandhyA:
| |||+|: ||

H | 1 ||||
||||||| ||-|| || (-||+||| 1 q|d

l7|7|| 1 |l|-|||||
|l| d 1 d( ||||||||| 7| H(|

1| (|
sUryascha mA many"scha many"patayascha many"k)"tebhyaha 1 papebhyo
rakShantAm 4 yadrAtriyA pApamAharSham manasA vAchA hastAbhyAm
padbhyAm"dareNa sisna 1 rAtrirstadaval"(pat" 4 yat ki(cha d"ritam mayi 1
idamaha( mAmamr"tayona"1s"rye 3yotiShi 3"homi svAhA
1rink the water now.
||||l| For mAdhyAhnikam
$ |l||| |

| |

| 1

( 1 ( 6

| |

d U P 6|+||| | d


s | T( -|||
Apaha p"nant" pr"thv-m pr"tiv- pUtha p"nath" mAm 1 p"nanth"
brahmanaspathihi brahma6pUta p"nat"mAm. yad"chishtam abho3yam yadvA
d"scaritam mama sarvam p"nanth" mamApo asatAm cha pratigraham svAhA
1rink the water now.
-||| -|||||| For sAyam sandhyavandanam
| $ 1 ||

H | 1 ||
|| ||-|| || (1|| 1 q|d

l7|7|| 1 ( 6
-||||| |l| d 1 d( ||||||||| c 7| H(|

1| (|
agnischa mAmany"scha many"patayascha many"k)"thebhyaha 4 apebhyo
rakShantAm 4 yadahnA pApamakarSham 4 manasA vAchA hastabhyAm 4
padbhyAm"dareNa sisnA 4 rAtristadaval"(pat" 4 yat ki(cha d"ritam mayi 4
idamaha( mAmam)"tayona" 4 satye 3yotiShi 3"homi svAhA 44
1rink the water now.
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
Sit on a plank with a anchapatram !or t"mbler# in front, f"ll of water and a spoon or
After "ttering each of the following three mantras given below po"r a few drops of water
on yo"r right palm and drink it
# | $ # | $ # |d| $
%# achy"tAya namaha &# anantAya namaha '# govindAya namaha

"ttering the name of kesava, to"ch the right cheek with the right th"mb and
"ttering the name of || nArAyaNa to"ch the left cheek with the right th"mb.
Similarly "ttering each of the following names to"ch the part of the body indicated
below with the finger shown against each$

Name of God Finger Part of the Body
(Adhava | ring )ight eye
*ovinda |d ring +eft eye
,iShNo | -nde. )ight nose
(adh"sUdhana -nde. +eft nose
Trivikrama H +ittle )ight ear
,Amana | +ittle +eft ear
Sr-dhara | middle )ight sho"lder
/r"Sh-keSa (| middle +eft sho"lder
admanAbha V|H all 0elly b"tton
1amodara d||d all /ead
|H punarmArjanam
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
Utter the following mantrA and sprinkle seven times on yo"r head and the face with
water from the t"mbler "sing yo"r right ring finger$
l|+| | |l| l|'||%|-| ||l||: | -|l+| || ||| | |'| ||l| ||l||
H | ( 8| | +||: | 3 H d | ( | H | :
| : 1 H|H ( : 3 | | : 1|

| :
dadhikrAvNNo akAriSham 3ishNoraSvasya vA3inaha 1 s"rabhi no m"khA karat
praNa Ay"gh"mshi tAriShat o( Apo hi ShTha mayo bh"va$ tA na Ur3e
dadhAtana maheraNAya chakShase yo vaha Sivatamo rasaha tasya
bhA3ayateha naha "Sat-riva mAtaraha tasma ara( gamAma vaha
Now sprinkle water on yo"r knees7leg
1 H| H yasya kShayAya 3invatha
Now again sprinkle water on yo"r head

H | $ Apo 3anayathA cha naha

Now "tter the following mantra and sprinkle water aro"nd yo" in clockwise direction$
| HH $$ bh"rbh"vaha s"vaha
d| arghyapradAnam
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and west for sAyam
/old water in the palm in both the hands, "tter the following mantra
H +|+||: : 1 | |-|l|||'| +||| |-| |||l l||| || |: ||||||
om bhUrbh"vaha s"vaha 1 o( tatsavit"rvareNya( bhargo devasya dh-mahi 1
dhiyo yo naha prachodayAt
and po"r the water on the floor and repeat it three times for prAtha and sAyam sandhyA
b"t only two times for mAdhyAhnikam
||'|||||: prANAyAmaha
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
To"ch the right nostril with the right th"mb and the left nostril with the right ring finger
and gently press the right th"mb to close the gap on the right nostril and inhale thro"gh
the left nostril with the following mantra$
| +|: | +||:| -||: | |: | ||: | ||: | -|||
o( bhU$ o( bh"va$ ogh"m s"va$ o( maha$ o( 3ana$ o( tapa$ ogh"m satyam
Now close both the nostrils and hold the breath with the following mantra$
| |-|l|||'| +||| |-| |||l l||| || |: ||||||
o( tatsavit"rvareNya( bhargo devasya dh-mahi 1 dhiyo yo naha prachodayAt
Now leave the right th"mb and e.hale with the following mantra$
||||| ||||-|||| |8 +|+||: -||||
om Apo 3yot-rasoam)"ta( brahma 0"r0"va$ s"varom 44
Now release both the fingers.
|d prAyascitta argyam:
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and west for sAyam
|H|| |d| d| 1
kalAt-ta prAyaschittArtham arghyapradAna( kariShye 4
/old water in the palm in both the hands, "tter the following mantra
H +|+||: :1 | |-|l|||'| +||| |-| |||l l||| || |: ||||||
om bhUrbh"vaha s"vaha 1 o( tatsavit"rvareNya( bhargo devasya dh-mahi 1
dhiyo yo naha prachodayAt
and po"r the water on the floor
|||l+|'| AtmapradakShiNam
Utter the following mantrA as yo" take a pradahshiNa ! moving yo"rself on the spot
clockwise one ro"nd# with few drops of water in yo"r palm and po"r it
H +|+||: : 1 om bhUrbh"vas"vaha 1
| 1 dhyAnam 1
Face East for prAtha sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and NorthsAyam
Utter the following mantrA and meditate for a while that yo" and 0rahma are the same
||dc| (6( |(1 1 asAvAdityo brahma6brahmaivAhamasmi 1
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
Sit on a plank with a anchapatram !or t"mbler# in front, f"ll of water and a spoon or
After "ttering each of the following three mantras given below po"r a few drops of water
on yo"r right palm and drink it
# | $ # | $ # |d| $
%# achy"tAya namaha &# anantAya namaha '# govindAya namaha

"ttering the name of kesava, to"ch the right cheek with the right th"mb and
"ttering the name of || nArAyaNa to"ch the left cheek with the right th"mb.
Similarly "ttering each of the following names to"ch the part of the body indicated
below with the finger shown against each$

Name of God Finger Part of the Body
(Adhava | ring )ight eye
*ovinda |d ring +eft eye
,iShNo | -nde. )ight nose
(adh"sUdhana -nde. +eft nose
Trivikrama H +ittle )ight ear
,Amana | +ittle +eft ear
Sr-dhara | middle )ight sho"lder
/r"Sh-keSa (| middle +eft sho"lder
admanAbha V|H all 0elly b"tton
1amodara d||d all /ead
||||||| ||'| navagRuhAdInAM tarpaNaM
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and north for sAyam
Utter each mantrA given below and offer tarpanam ! po"r water from the palm#
|l| ||||l| Aditya( tarpayAmi 4
-||| ||||l| soma( tarpayAmi 4
| ||||l| angAraka( tarpayAmi 4
|| ||||l| | b"dha( tarpayAmi 4
|-|l| ||||l| b)"haspati( tarpayAmi 4
7|+ ||||l| S"kra( tarpayAmi 4
7||%| ||||l| SanaiSvara( tarpayAmi 4
| ||||l| rAh"( tarpayAmi 4
| ||||l| ket"( tarpayAmi 4
7|| ||||l| keSava( tarpayAmi 4
||||'| ||||l| nArAyaNa( tarpayAmi 4
|||| ||||l| mAdhava( tarpayAmi 4
||l| ||||l| govinda( tarpayAmi 4
l|'| ||||l| viShN"( tarpayAmi 4
||-|| ||||l| madh"sUdana( tarpayAmi 4
l|l|+| ||||l| trivikrama( tarpayAmi 4
|||| ||||l| vAmana( tarpayAmi 4
>||| ||||l| Sr-dhara( tarpayAmi 4
||7| ||||l| h)"Sh-keSa( tarpayAmi 4
|||+| ||||l| padmanAbha( tarpayAmi 4
||| ||||l| dAmodara( tarpayAmi 4
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
Sit on a plank with a anchapatram !or t"mbler# in front, f"ll of water and a spoon or
After "ttering each of the following three mantras given below po"r a few drops of water
on yo"r right palm and drink it
# | $ # | $ # |d| $
%# achy"tAya namaha &# anantAya namaha '# govindAya namaha

"ttering the name of kesava, to"ch the right cheek with the right th"mb and
"ttering the name of || nArAyaNa to"ch the left cheek with the right th"mb.
Similarly "ttering each of the following names to"ch the part of the body indicated
below with the finger shown against each$

Name of God Finger Part of the Body
(Adhava | ring )ight eye
*ovinda |d ring +eft eye
,iShNo | -nde. )ight nose
(adh"sUdhana -nde. +eft nose
Trivikrama H +ittle )ight ear
,Amana | +ittle +eft ear
Sr-dhara | middle )ight sho"lder
/r"Sh-keSa (| middle +eft sho"lder
admanAbha V|H all 0elly b"tton
1amodara d||d all /ead
End of prAta sandhyAvandanam part -
Part II |||H : sandhyA gAyatri Japaha:
| gaNapati dhyAnam
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and north for sAyam
*ently hit the temple with the kn"ckles five times in all , once after each of the words
!marked 2# in the following sloka$
4H|4 2 2 2 H H 21
d 2 | ||
S"klA(baradhara( 2 viShN"( 2 SaSivarNa( 2 chat"rbh"3am 21
prasanna vadana(2 dhyAyet sarvavighnopaSAntaye
||'|||||: prANAyAmaha
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
To"ch the right nostril with the right th"mb and the left nostril with the right ring finger
and gently press the right th"mb to close the gap on the right nostril and inhale thro"gh
the left nostril with the following mantra$
| +|: | +||:| -||: | |: | ||: | ||: | -|||
o( bhU$ o( bh"va$ ogh"m s"va$ o( maha$ o( 3ana$ o( tapa$ ogh"m satyam
Now close both the nostrils and hold the breath with the following mantra$
| |-|l|||'| +||| |-| |||l l||| || |: ||||||
o( tatsavit"rvareNya( bhargo devasya dh-mahi 1 dhiyo yo naha prachodayAt
Now leave the right th"mb and e.hale with the following mantra$
||||| ||||-|||| |8 +|+||: -||||
om Apo 3yot-rasoam)"ta( brahma 0"r0"va$ s"varom 44
Now release both the fingers.
~ : samkalpaha
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and 8est for sAyam
5eep the left palm on the right thigh with palm facing "pwards and keep the closed right
palm over the left palm and chant the following$
|||: -|||||| For prAta sandhyAvandanam:
||||||--||-|-l|+|||| >||||%||||| |||: | || (| H

mamopAtta6samasta6d"ritakShayadvArA Sr-parameSvarapr-tyartha(
prAta$ sandhyA gAyatr- mahAmantra 3apa( kariShye

)elease the hands.
||||l| For mAdhyAhnikam
||||||--||-|-l|+|||| >||||%||||| ||( || (| H

mamopAtta6samasta6d"ritakShayadvArA Sr-parameSvarapr-tyartha(
mAdhyAhnika gAyatr- mahamantra 3apa( kariShye
)elease the hands.
-||| -|||||| For sAyam sandhyavandanam
||||||--||-|-l|+|||| >||||%||||| | | || (| H

mamopAtta6samasta6d"ritakshayadvArA Sr-parameswarapr-rtyartha( sAyam
sandhyA gAyatr- mahamantra 3apa( kariShye
)elease the hands.
5eep the fingers at the forehead and "tter the mantrA$
1 #$ (| 1 praNavasya )iShihi 0rahmA 1
5eep the fingers at the nose and "tter the mantrA$
d | || Ud$ 1 dev- gAyatr- 9handaha 1
5eep the fingers below the heart at the centre and "tter the mantrA$
|c| d | 1 paramAtma devatA 1
5eep the tip of the fingers at the forehead and "tter the mantrA$
+||l-|||||||| l|-+||--|- |l-|0-||||-|7||-|l-| 5||:
bhUrAdisaptavyAh)"t-nAm atri6bh)"g"6k"tsa6 vasiShTha6ga"tama6
kASyapa6Anggirasa )"Shaya$ 4
5eep the fingers at the nose and "tter the mantrA$
|||||-l'|-|2|-|||-|4||-|2|-|||: 7|l-|
gAyatr-6"ShNik6an"ShT"p6b)"hat-6pa(k:t-6t)"ShT"p63agatyaha 9handA(si 4
5eep the fingers at the below the heart at the centre and "tter the mantrA$
l|-|||--||||7|-|'|-s-l|%||| |||:
agni6vAy"6arka6vAg-Sa6var"Na6indra6viSvadevA devatA$ 1
||'|||||: prANAyAmaha
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
To"ch the right nostril with the right th"mb and the left nostril with the right ring finger
and gently press the right th"mb to close the gap on the right nostril and inhale thro"gh
the left nostril with the following mantra$
| +|: | +||:| -||: | |: | ||: | ||: | -|||
o( bhU$ o( bh"va$ ogh"m s"va$ o( maha$ o( 3ana$ o( tapa$ ogh"m satyam
Now close both the nostrils and hold the breath with the following mantra$
| |-|l|||'| +||| |-| |||l l||| || |: ||||||
o( tatsavit"rvareNya( bhargo devasya dh-mahi 1 dhiyo yo naha prachodayAt
Now leave the right th"mb and e.hale with the following mantra$
||||| ||||-|||| |8 +|+||: -||||
om Apo 3yot-rasoam)"ta( brahma 0"r0"va$ s"varom 44
Now release both the fingers.
|||( 1 gAyatri AvAhanam 1
!Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and 8est for sAyam
5eep the fingers at the forehead and "tter the mantrA$
|c |1, |d # $ 1
AyAtviti an"vAkasya vAmadeva )"Shihi 1
5eep the fingers at the nose and "tter the mantrA$
P Ud $1 an"ShT"p 9handaha 1
5eep the fingers at the below the heart at the centre and "tter the mantrA$
|| d | 1 gAyatr- devatA
)elease the hand and say$
|||( |$1 gAyatr- AvAhane viniyogaha 1
keep the hand in namaskar7sal"tation pose !i.e with both the palms facing and to"ching
each other and placed before the heart# and "tter the following mantrA$
|||| || || +| |8-|l||| ||||| 7-|| ||| |8 ||-| |:
AyAt" varadA dev- aksharam brahma sammitam ;
gAyatr-m chandasAm mAtedam brahma 3"shasva naha

|||l-| -||l-| |||l-| +||||l-| |||| ||| ||||l-| l|%||l-| l|%|||: -|||l-| -||||:
l+|+|| |||||||||||l| -||l|||||||||l| -|-|||||||||l|
o3osi sahosi balamasi bhrA3osi devAnA( dhAma nAmAsi viSvamasi viSvAy"h"
sarvamasi sarvAy"h" abhibhUro( gAyatr-mAvAhayAmi sAvitr-mAvAhayAmi
sarasvat-mAvAhayAmi 4
5eep the fingers at the forehead and "tter the mantrA$
|| #$ +|$ 1
sAvitrayA )ishihi visvAmitraha
5eep the fingers at the nose and "tter the mantrA$
|| Ud$ 1 nich)"t gAyatr- 9handaha 1
5eep the fingers below the heart at the centre and "tter the mantrA:
| d | 1 savitA devatA1
| || (| H 1 SrI gAyatri mahA mantra japam
!Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and 8est for sAyam
9hant the following mantrA %<= times for the prAtha Sandhya , '& times for
(adhyAhnikam and >? times for the sAyam SandhyA
H +|+||: : 1 | |-|l|||'| +||| |-| |||l l||| || |: ||||||
om bhUrbh"vaha s"vaha 1 o( tatsavit"rvareNya( bhargo devasya dh-mahi 1
dhiyo yo naha prachodayAt
||'|||||: prANAyAmaha
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
To"ch the right nostril with the right th"mb and the left nostril with the right ring finger
and gently press the right th"mb to close the gap on the right nostril and inhale thro"gh
the left nostril with the following mantra$
| +|: | +||:| -||: | |: | ||: | ||: | -|||
o( bhU$ o( bh"va$ ogh"m s"va$ o( maha$ o( 3ana$ o( tapa$ ogh"m satyam
Now close both the nostrils and hold the breath with the following mantra$
| |-|l|||'| +||| |-| |||l l||| || |: ||||||
o( tatsavit"rvareNya( bhargo devasya dh-mahi 1 dhiyo yo naha prachodayAt
Now leave the right th"mb and e.hale with the following mantra$
||||| ||||-|||| |8 +|+||: -||||
om Apo 3yot-rasoam)"ta( brahma 0"r0"va$ s"varom 44
Now release both the fingers.
31| 1 upastAnam 1
!Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and 8est for sAyam
Uttering the following mantras get "p with right ring finger to"ching the floor and after
completion of mantra stand erect releasing the ring finger$
||| -|||||| For prAta sandhyAvandanam$
|1|1| 1 prataha sandhyA "pastAnam karishye
||||l4|| For mAdhyAhnikam
||( 31| 1 mAdhyAhnika "pastAnam karishye
-||| -|||||| For sAyam sandhyavandanam
| |1| 1 sAyam sandhyA "pastAnam karishye
9ommon for prAtha, (ahyahnika and Sayam SandhyA
3 d

d H

1 | (

| H 7| U d

"ttame Sikhare devi bhUmyAm parvatamUrdhani
brAhmanebhyo hyan"gyanam gach9ha devi yathAs"kham
-|| ||||| s urya prArthanA
!Face East for prAtha sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and 8est for sAyam
5eep the hands folded in the pose of saying Namaskaram and "tter the following
||| -|||||| For prAta SandhyA
|| l||-| ||'||||: >||| |-| -|||l-||
-|| l||>||-|||
l||| |||| ||||l| ||||| l||| ||| |l||||| ||| l||: 2|l|l|||l+||0 -||||
| |||l|| | -| l|| ||| -| ||-||| |-| |l| l7|+|l| ||| | || |
|||| |||| ||| | 7|||l||| | ||
om mitrasya charShaN-dhr"taha sravo devasya sAnasim; satyam
chitrasravastamam mitro 3anAn yAtayati pra3Anan mitro dAdhAra
p)"tiv-m"ta dhyAm4 mitra k)"shT-ranimiSha abhichashte satyAya havya(
gh)"tavadvidhema;; pra sa mitra marto ast" prayasvAn yasta Aditya SikShati
vratena ; na hanyate na 3-yate tvoto nainamh"m ho aSnotyantito na dUrAt
-||l+||||| samaShya!ivAdanam
Facing east say | $ sandhyayai namaha
Facing so"th say | $ savitryai namaha
Facing west say | $ gAyatryai Namaha
Facing north say 1c $ sarasvatyai namaha
Face east and "tter $
| | d || $ 1
sarvAbyo devatAbyo namaha 1
|s|| || | $
kamo akArSh-n many"rakArSh-t namo namaha 1
||||l| For mAdhyAhnikam
| -||| |-|| |||||| l||7||||| || | l'|||-|l||| ||| || ||l| +||||
l||7|| | ||-||l |7||| ||l||| | ||| -||||| ||l||||
|| ||||-| | |l| ||: *7| l|%||| -||| l|| ||||| ||||
|+| 1 |'|-|||: |||u||| |l||| |l+| -|| |||-|-||%|
|+||l| |-||7+|| |7|| 7|77|| |||| 7|77||

||| 7|77|| |||| 7|77|| +|||| 7|77|| >|'|||| 7|77||
||||| 7|77|||||||-||| 7|77|| ||4| -|| *7| 1
A satyena ra3asA vartamAno niveSayannam)"ta( martya( cha 4 hiraNyayena
savitA rathenA devo yAti bh"vanA vipaSyan "dvaya( tamasapari paSyanto
3yotir"ttaram 44 deva( devatrA s"ryamaganma 3yotir"ttamam "d"tyam
3Atavedasa( deva( vahanti ketava$ 1 dd)"Se viSvAya sUryam chitra(
devAnAm "dagAdan-ka( chakSh"r mitrasya var"NasyAgne$ 1 A aprA dyAvA
p)"thiv- antharikShagh"m sUrya AtmA 3agatastasth"ShaScha 1
tachchakSh"rdevahitam p"rastAch9h"kram"chcharat 1 paSyema SaradaSSata(
3eevema SaradaSSata( nandAma SaradaSSata( modAma SaradaSSata(
bhavAma SaradaSSatagh"m Sr)"N"vAma SaradaSSata( prabravAma
SaradaSSatama3-tAsyAma SaradaSSata(. 3yokcha sUrya( dd)"Se
See the s"n and say the following mantras@
3d |( |s | H|H|1 | | H| ||l||+|:

| | 1
ya "dagAn mahatornavan vibrA3amAnaha sarirasya madhyAth sa mA
vr"shabho lohitAkShaha sUryo vipaschin manasA p"nAth"
-||l+||||| samaShya!ivAdanam
Facing east say | sandhyayai namaha
Facing so"th say | $ sAvitrayai namaha
Facing west say | $ gAyatriyai namaha
Facing north say 1c $ sarasvatyai namaha
Face east and "tter $
| | d || $ 1
sarvAbyo devatAbhyo namaha 1
||s|| || | $
kamo akArSh-n many"rakArSh-t namo namaha 1
-||| -|||||| For sAyam sandhyA : Fac" #"st
s| | |'| >||| |||| | || ||||-||| ||| ||l| |8'||
||||-||7||-| |||||| l|l+|: |||| |'| |||7|-| || | ||: |||||:
|ll7 | l|7|| ||| || |'| ||| l||||l-| |l||l|

|l| |'| | ||l+|| ||||%|||l-| l||| ||| ||| |||l|| ||
|-|-|||-|| | |l|: l|||-|| |ll|| |l| || || -|||| || l| -||| ||
l|| l7|l|| |||| | -||| |'| l|||-|:
ima( me var"Na Sr"dh- havamadhyA cha m)"1aya 4 tvAmavasy"rAcha 44
tatvA yAmi brahmaNA vandamAnastadASAste ya3amAno havirbhi$ 4
ahe1amAno var"Neha bodhy"r"Sah"m mA na Ay"$ pramoSh-$ 44
yachchiAddhi te viSo yathA pradeva var"Na vratam 4 min-masi
dhyavidhyavi 44
yat ki(chedam var"Na daivye 3anebhidroha( man"ShyAScharAmasi 4 achitt-
yattava dharmA y"yopima mA nastasmAdenaso deva r-riSha$ 44 kitavAso
yadririp"rna d-vi yadvA ghA satyam"ta yanna vidma 4 sarvA tA viShya Sithireva
devAthA te syAma var"Na priyAsa$ 44
-||l+||||| samaShya!ivAdanam
Facing east say | sandhyayai namaha
Facing so"th say | $ sAvitrayai namaha
Facing west say | $ gAyatriyai namaha
Facing north say 1c $ sarasvatyai namaha
Face 8est and "tter $
| | d || $ 1
sarvAbyo devatAbhyo namaha 1
|s|| || | $
kamo akArSh-n many"rakArSh-t namo namaha 1
||-|: Namaskaram:
!Face East for prAtha sandhyAvandanam, north for madhyahnikam and 8est for sAyam
The mantra will change from person to person depending "pon his name, gothra and
s"tra. 8ith vaisvAmitra, Agahmarshana and ka"sika as the three rishis - am giving below
the mantra for Apastamba sUtra and ka"sika gotra with name lakshminarayanan.
1epending "pon oneBs variables the corresponding words need to be replaced. The
variables are given in bracket for easy s"bstit"tion as applicable to each individ"al.
|l+|||| ( |%||l||, ||||'|, |l7|,) ||| | |||l|| (|l7|) |||:
(||-||) -||: (||:) 7|||||||| (|+||||||'|) 7|| |||| l-| +||:
AbhivAdaye ! vaiSwAmitra, AghamarShaNa, ka"Sika,# trayArSheya
pravarAnvita !ka"Sika# gotra$ !Apasta(ba# sUtra$ !ya3"$# SAkhAdhyAy-
!lakShm-nArAyaNa# Sarma nAmAha( asmi bho$
l|||-||| / digd"vatA$vandanam
For prAta sandhyA and mAdhyAhnikam start from east and finish with north and for
sAyam sandhya start from west and finish with so"th
Face east and say ||| l7| ||: prAchyai diSe nama$ 4
Face so"th and say l+|'||| l7| ||: dakShiNAyai diSe nama$ 4
Face west and say |||| l7| ||: prat-chyai diSe nama$ 4
Face north and say || l7| ||: "d-cyai diSe nama$ 4
Face east for prAta snadhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and west for sAyam
keep the palms together and fingers pointing away from yo"
%# direct the fingers to top and say ||| ||: UrdhvAya namaha
&# direct the fingers to floor and say ||| ||: adharAya namaha
'# direct the fingers to top and say |l+||| ||: antarikShAya namaha
?# direct the fingers to floor and say +|| ||: bhUmyai namaha
C# direct the fingers to top and say |8'| ||: brahmaNe namaha
># direct the fingers to floor and say l|'|| ||: viShNave namaha
||||| yamavandanam
Face so"th and chant the mantras $
|||| ||: |||| |||||| ||| ||||| |
||-|||| |||| -||+||-+|||| |
|||| ||| ||||| ||l0|
|||| l|||| l|||||| | ||:
l|||||| | ||: | || sl|
yamAya namaha 4 yamAya dharmarA3Aya m)"tyave chAntakAya cha 4
vaivasvatAya kAlAya sarvabhUta6kShayAya cha 44
a"d"(barAya dadhnAya n-lAya parameShThine 4
v)"kodarAya chitrAya chitrag"ptAya vai namaha 44
chitrag"ptAya vai namaha o( nama iti 44
l|%|| ||||| viSvar%pa prArthanA
Face north and chant the following mantra$
5| -|| | |8 || '|-l||7| || l|||+| l|%|||| | ||| ||:
l|%|||| | ||: || || sl|
)"tah"m satya( para( brahma p"r"Sha( k)"ShNa6pi(ga+am 4
Urdhvareta( virUpAkSha( viSvarUpAya vai namo namaha 44
viSvarUpAya vai nama$ om nama iti 4
-||||||'|-||| s%ryanArAyaNa$vandanam
!Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and 8est for sAyam
5eep folded hands in Namaskaram pose and pray to S"rya 0hagavAn with the following$
||: -|l|| ||-|+|| |||-|-|l| l-|l|-||7|-||
||||||| l||'|||-||l'| l|ll|-||||'|-7||||
||: -|| -|l|||'|-||||| ||||'|: -|l-|||-||--|l|l|2:
|||| ||||| l|| || l'||||-||-7||-|+:
7||-|+-||||'| ||l|||||| ||l| |'||+| +| || 7|'|||||
||7||| |l|| ||| ||| |7l| -|||| -|||-||-|: 7|| |l| |7l|
>|| 7|| |l| |7|| || sl|
nama$ savitre 3agadeka6chakSh"She 3agat6prasUti sthiti6nASa6hetave
tray-mayAya trig"NAtma6dhAriNe viri(chi6nArAyaNa6Sa(karAtmane 44
dhyeya$ sadA savit)"maN1ala6madhyavart- nArAyaNaha sarasi3Asana6
sa(niviShTaha 4
keyUravAn makarak"n1alavAn kir-T- hAr- hiraNmayavap"6rdh)"ta6Sa(kha6
chakraha 44
Sa(kha6chakra6gadApANe dwArakAnilayAchy"ta 4 govinda p"N1ar-kAkSha
rakSha mA( SaraNAgatam 44
AkASAt patita( toya( yathA gach9hati sAgaram 4 sarvadeva namaskAra$
keSava( prati gach9hati 44
Sr- keSava( prati gach9hatyo( nama iti 44
||-|: Namaskaram:
!Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam, north for madhyahnikam and 8est for sAyam
The mantra will change from person to person depending "pon his name, gothra and
s"tra. 8ith vaisvAmitra, Agahmarshana and ka"sika as the three rishis - am giving below
the mantra for Apastamba sUtra and ka"sika gotra with name lakshminarayanan.
1epending "pon oneBs variables the corresponding words need to be replaced. The
variables are given in bracket for easy s"bstit"tion as applicable to each individ"al.
|l+|||| ( |%||l||, ||||'|, |l7|,) ||| | |||l|| (|l7|) |||:
(||-||) -||: (||:) 7|||||||| (|+||||||'|) 7|| |||| l-| +||:
A&hivAday" ' vaiS#Amitra( AghamarShaNa( kauSika() trayArSh"ya
pravarAnvita 'kauSika) gotra: 'ApastaM&a) s%tra: 'yaju:) SAkhAdhyAyI
'lakShmInArAyaNa) Sarma nAmAhaM asmi &ho:
-|||'|| samarpaNam
!Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
sit down and take a few drops of water in the right palm and chant the following$
||| |||| ||-|l|||
|7||||| || ||: -|+|||||
|l| |u| -|| |-|
||||'|||l| -|||||l|
kAyena vAchA manasendriyairvA
b"ddhyAtmanA vA prak)"te svabhAvAt 4
karomi yadyat sakala( parasmai
nArAyaNAyeti samarpayAmi 44
Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
Sit on a plank with a anchapatram !or t"mbler# in front, f"ll of water and a spoon or
After "ttering each of the following three mantras given below po"r a few drops of water
on yo"r right palm and drink it
# | $ # | $ # |d| $
%# achy"tAya namaha &# anantAya namaha '# govindAya namaha

"ttering the name of kesava, to"ch the right cheek with the right th"mb and
"ttering the name of || nArAyaNa to"ch the left cheek with the right th"mb.
Similarly "ttering each of the following names to"ch the part of the body indicated
below with the finger shown against each$

Name of God Finger Part of the Body
(Adhava | ring )ight eye
*ovinda |d ring +eft eye
,iShNo | -nde. )ight nose
(adh"sUdhana -nde. +eft nose
Trivikrama H +ittle )ight ear
,Amana | +ittle +eft ear
Sr-dhara | middle )ight sho"lder
/r"Sh-keSa (| middle +eft sho"lder
admanAbha V|H all 0elly b"tton
1amodara d||d all /ead
||-||| ||+|'|| japasthAna prokShaNam
!Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North for sAyam
Take a few drops of water in the hand and sprinkle it with the following mantras on the
area where yo" were seated while doing the sandhyAvandanam$
u| || |-|l||: ||||| -||||: -||+||| |||||-||
l|%||l| | -|l||-l||l| || -|| |7 || |-||
adhyA no devasavita$ 4 pra3Avat sAv-$ sa"bhagam 4
parAd"Shvapnyah"ms"va 44
viSvAni deva savita6d"ritAni parAs"va 4
yadbhadra( tanma As"va 44
To"ch the sprinkled water on the floor with the right ring finger and p"t the water mark
on yo"r forehead.
|8||'| & rahmArpaNam
!Face East for prAta sandhyAvandanam and mAdhyAhnikam and North sAyam
o"r some water "ttering the mantra$
| || -|| |8||'||-| o( tat sat brahmArpaNamast" 1
roof reading was done by Sri. )amas"bramania Sastrigal and ,enkatesa ,AdhyAr both
of ("mbai.
The end of part -- and
End of prAta7mAdhyahnikam7sAyam sandhyAvandanam

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