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Evaluation of the Wave Characteristics
at the Mediterranean Coast of Israel
Dav S. Rosen and Eliezer Kit
Israel Coastal and Marine Engineering Research Institute,
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Different methods of evaluation of long-term and
extreme wave conditions were tested using wave data
gathered over an 18 yr period at Ashdod, on the
Mediterranean coast of Israel. Long-term joint density
probability of wave heights and periods estimated for
Ashdod is used to evaluate confidence domains for
different confidence coefficients. Extreme valUes
are shown to be conservatively estimated by a
Gumbell distribution, according to which the 100 yr
average-recurrence deep-water significant wave height
is about 8.70 m.
1\, all, 0,
n, "
C. ('2,C
e. exp
H, fl,
Hi, H:
11 (X, )
/I (H,)
2.7IR2R ...
i-th villue in the silmple of deep-
water significilnt wave heights
scale factor (constant)
lower limil of l-l. variable
(Weibull distribution)
upper limiting bound of the vari-
able H, (Asymplote III)
modal value of the log-normal
mean value of Ihe sample of H,
index, indicates rank of a vilriable
in a silmple of values
correlation coefficient between
data III a sample (Gumbel,
economic lifetime of "a structure
natural logarithm _...
number of lrials
number of trials al level x, of a
continuous process variale X
average number of chances 10
occur per year which ha~ a sea
state H.
Received January. 1982


PII.T - correlation coefficient of H, and
T values in a sample of wave data
p.... - correlation coefficients of X, Y
0", - standard deviation of the popula-
tion of In H values
O"y - standard deviation of the popula-
tion of In T values
6 random variable, angular coordi-
1. Introduction
The present study describes the evaluation of wave
characteristics on the Mediterranean coast of Israel
and tests different methods of analysis of existing
wave data. The basic set of wave data used here were
collected at Ashdod from 1958 by the Coast Study
Division of the Israel Ports Au thori ty. This is the
largest and most extensive set of wave data gathered
to date on the Medi terranean coast of Israel. Hence,
this set of data has been used as an almost unique
data basis for the design of coastal and marine struc-
tu res in Israel.
The safety of any coastal or marine structure,
as well as its optimal utilization, primarily depend on
the nature and reliability of the data used for its
design. Of particular importance is information on
wave characteristics at the site as its analysis allows:
a) the evaluation of the combined and marginal
probability of occurrence of wave heights, periods
and directions, which are used in the optimization
of the. functions of a structure (e.g., yearly average
number of days which a ship can safely moor or
unload at a certain berth), and
b) the evaluation of the probabilitY of occurrence
of extreme sea states, which is required for structural
design, Le. for the detennination of the safety level of
the structure.
The wave climate at a site is determined by moni-
toring the waves there for a long period. At present,
the monitoring usually -consists of wave measure-
ments performed using sophisticated instruments.
The "instrumental measurements'~-consist of 10- to
20-min intervals taken every 3 or 6 h or only dally,
ancl they usually extend over a period of, at most, a
few years. In the past, when sophisticated wave
measu ring instrumen ts were not available, the moni-
toring was carried out using simple m-ethods. The
simplest one consisted of "visual observations" and
-the quality of the data obtained depended on the
skills of the observers and their experience. A more
q (Xi)
P(X ~ x) - cumulative probability of occur-
rence of X values smaller than x
P(X ~ Xi) - cumulative probability of non-
exceedance of Xi value in I trial
P(H, ~ H;) - cumulative probability of occur-
rence of deep-water significant
wave heights smaller th3n H;
- probability density function of H;
- probability density function of T'
- joint probability density function
of H, and T values
- joint probability density of r 3nd
6 values
power of the exponent of the
asymptotic expression of the
cumulative distribution function
(see Ochi, 1978a, p. 65)
return period
r3ndom variable, radial coordi-
radial coordinate of a point in the
r, 6 plane
standard deviation of the sample
of H, values
- standard deviation of the sample
of T values
variable in the sample of wave
periods corresponding to the sam-
ple of H, values
variable wave period correspond-
ing to the H; value
mean value of the sample of T
modal value of the log-normal
probability density distribution
function of the T values
In H, value of a variable in a
mean value of the natural
logarithms of the H, values Itl H.
In T ' )
Jr;T', similar to X
reduced variate III the Gumbel
y confidence coefficient
4J(H, ~ H:) - extreme cumulative probability
function of H,
level (value) of the joint probabil-
ity density function
- 3.14159 ...
p (H" T),
p(H:, Ti)
p (r, 0)


complex method consisted of "visual wave measure-
ments", by which the wave parameters were visually
determined by means of a graduated stick, binoculars
and a stopwatch. At Ashdod, the "visual wave mea-
surement" method was employed until 1975 and.the
"instrumen tal wave measu remen t" me thod from
1977. As visual monitoring could be performed only
during dayJigh t, the "visual measurements" were
performed less frequently Ulan the "instrumental
measurements" (only once to UHee times per day).
AI though such data seem to be very sparse, the reli-
able evaluation of the long-term com bined and
marginal probabili ty distribu tions of the wave
heights, periods and directions is feasible because of
the large number of data.
The reliable evaluation of extreme sea states (i.e.
significant wave heights witil large return periods) is
also feasible because it covers relatively many years
and a reasonably large sanlple of yearly sea-state
maxima is available.
A previous study conducted by Rosen and Vajda
(1978) indicated that tile wave climate in deep water
at Ashdod fairly well represents tile deep-water wave
climate on the Mediterranean coast of Israel. That
study was based on "visual wave measurements"
perfonned simultaneously for 25 monUls at Ashdod
(souUlern section of the coast) and at Hadera (about
100 km nortil of Ashdod). Therefore, to evaluate the
wave characteristics on the Mediterranean coast of
Israel, the raw data gatllered at Ashdod were initially
processed in such a way as to form two homogeneous
samples of data, one of daily maximum deep-water
significant wave heights, tJle oUler of yearly maxi-
mum deep-water significant wave heights. Further,
Ule Ashdod wave data are compared here wi Ul wave
data gaUlered and published by Ule U.S. Army Naval
Weatller Service Command (1970).
In Ule present study tile significant wave height
Hs refers to the deep-water significant wave height
unless oUlerwise specified.
2. Description of the Sets of Wave Data Used in the
Present Study
Raw Data
The raw data available for Ule present study can
be divided into four groups. These groups were
derived according to tile me UlOds of measu remen t
and Ule periods of data acquisition.
Group I (1958-1971). Three daily visual wave
measurements were carried ou t usually at 0600,0900
and 1200 GMT. The visually measured wave height
represented ilie height of Ule highest breaking wave
during 5 to 10 min of continuous monitoring of the
elevations of the breakers' crests above MSL datum.
These elevations were continuously determined by a
shore-based observer, using a graduated stick, who
aligned each breaker crest witJl the horizon (see
Fig. 1). The estimated height of tJle crest was later
corrected by removing Ule influence of tJle tide on
the sea level. The tide was recorded at Ashdod
hourly, using a mareograph which was installed, for
the period 1958-1965, inside Ule cooling basin of
tJle Eshkol electric power station and, since 1966,
inside Ashdod Port. FurUler, ilie maximum breaker
height was detemlined by assuming Ule highest crest
to be 75% of the total breaker heigh t. The use of this
assumption, made by the Coast Study Division of
the Israel Ports Auiliority, leads to somewhat conser-
vative values (higher waves). This has been indicated
by published data~ (Coastal Engineering Research
Center, 1977, Vol. I1, fig. 7-45, p. 7-82; Vol. Ill,
fig. C-6, p. C-35).
The corresponding' main wave direction at a water
deptJl of about 30 m was visually detemlined from a
high point on the shore using binoculars and a
compass. The wave period was obtained from visual
observation by timing 10 consecutive waves (11 well-
fonned crests) as they passed a pole located about
1 km offshore. Assuming tJlat ilie smaller waves were
probably not counted, Ule visual period is assumed
to be closer to ilie significant period, and is con-
sidered as such in ilie following text. This assumption
was supported also by tile hindcasted values for one
of tJle most severe stomis (Stiassnie, 1978).
Group 11 (1973-1975). Waves were visually
measured at Ule sanle times as in Group I, but tileir
heights were determined relative to a pole placed at
12 m water depth. Wave directions and periods were
measured in Ule same way as for Group I. It must be
stressed Ulat tilese two bodies of data are incomplete
since consecutive observations from one or more
- -. __ ._ ....L~
"),. d,' {,-z,
Fig. 1. Sketch of wave measurement method.

where N is the number of waves during the observa-

tion period: N'" 300/T.
Finally, hindcast analysis performed for one of the
heaviest recorded storms during the period covered
by Group I confirmed, in anotJler way, the deep-
where Ts '" significant wave period""" T; T '" wave
period (in seconds), visually determined by dividing
the total time during which a number of waves
passed a fixed point to the number of waves (10)
counted during tJlis period; ao '" angle between the
deep-water wave crest and the shore line (in degrees);
ab '" angle between the breaker line and the shore
Secondly, assuming tilat the short-term distribu-
tion of tlle wave heigllts behaves according to the
Rayleigh distribution, the deep-water significant wave
heights were calculated. The deep-water maximum
wave heigllt obtained was assumed to represent the
most probable highest deep-water wave during the
5-min period. Thus, using tile relationship between
tile most probable higllest Wave and the significant
wave heigh t according to Longuet-Higgins (1952,
formula 2), tJle deep-water significant wave heigllt
was obtained:
each one an equal weigllt; the duration of an observa-
tion was taken as 5 min. The choice of only tile
maximum daily wave heigllt was meant to limit tile
dependence on consecutive measurements, as the
otJler two values were obtained in tile same quarter
of tJle day.
The evaluation of the deep-water significant values
was performed in the following ways:
a) The wave heigllts of Group I" which consisted,
as mentioned in Sect. 2, of maximum breaker heights
during 5-min periods, were transformed into deep-
wa ter significant wave heigll ts preserving tile same
significant wave period in tile following way.
First, for each maximum breaker height, Hbr max'
the deep-water maximum wave' height, Ho: nlaX'
during 5 min (300 s) was determined. Since the
breaking depth was unknown, use was made of tile
empirical formula of Komar and Gauglla.rl (1972),
also taking in to accoun t the refraction coefficien t
and tile shore slope (which is about 1:80). Then this
formula became (in metric units):
Ho,", = (H~;~~/O.53 T~~) (cos a~./cos ao)12S (1)
days are often missing. Moreover, the three daily
maximum measurements cover only a quarter of a
Group III (1977, May 1978-March 1979). The
wave data included in this group refer to instrumental
wave measurements performed offshore from
Ashdod, at a depth of approximately 19 m using a
Datawell waverider. The waves were measured con-
tinuously for 10 min at 3-h intervals and were re-
corded on paper only. Evaluation of the significant
wave heights from tilese paper records was not
performed until recently. In order to preserve homo-
geneity of the sample of wave data used, tile data
of Group III were, in general, not included in tJle
statistical evaluation. However, tile wave records of
yearly maxima were processed manually. The signi-
ficant wave heights evaluated from them allowed us
to increase the size of the sample of yearly maxima
of signif1cant wave heights. The wave periods were
detennined also from the paper records, while tJle
wave directions were obtained, for this Group, at
tJle same time and in the same way as in Groups I
and 11.
Group IV. The wave data included in this group
refer to wave measurements performed WitJI the same
wave rider buoy as in Group III bu t the data were
recorded on magnetic tape and processed on a mini
computer (Nova 3) at tJle Israel Coastal and Marine
Engineering Research Institute, Technion - Israel
Institu te of Technology, Haifa, Israel. The data
consists of measurements performed at Hadera
during January-April 1978 and at Ashdod from
April 1979. The waves were measured also at 3-h
intervals as in Group Ill, but for a duration of about
20 min. These measuremen ts were used only to
obtain the yearly maxima of significant wave heights
in order to have homogeneity of tJle data, as was
explained previously. The wave direction was deter-
mined at tJle same hours and in the same manner as in
Groups I, II and Ill.
Processing of the Raw WaveData
The raw wave data used were processed in such a
way as to obtain a homogeneous sample of deep-
water significant waves. Therefore, the following
constraints were introduced: (a) only tile maximum
daily wave height was selected from the three daily
visual measurements available in Groups I and Il,
together with its respective period and direction,
and (b) differences among observers and among -
estimates of durations was neglected, so as to give
Ho,,,,", = [lln(N)]l. H,


water values obtained from the visual wave measure-
ments. The results of the hindcast analysis have
shown consistently similar wave values with those
obtained from tlle measured breakers (Stiassnie,
b) The evaluation of the deepwater significant
wave heights of the other groups of data was per-
formed again using the values of tlle maximum
waves, assuming parallel straigh t con tour lines and
using refraction and shoaling coefficients presented
by Coastal Engineering Research Cen ter (1977, Vo\.
H, fig. 7-45, p. 7-82; Vo\. III, fig. C6, p. C-35).
Afterwards, tl1e transformation from deep-water
maximum wave height to deep water significant
wave height was performed as for Group I.
Samples of Wave Data
The data processed, as explained above, were
divided in two wave samples: the first one, with a
relatively large number (5168) of daily maxima of
deep-water significant waves, the second witl1 rela-
tively few values (18) containing yearly maxima of
deep-water significant wave heights and associated
periods. A third sample of wave data acquired by the
U.S. Army Naval Weather Service Command (1970)
in the eastern Mediterranean by visual observation
from ships was used for comparison with the former
one. These samples formed the basis for the statistical
analyses perfonned in the present study.
3. Evaluation of the Marginal Probability Distribution
of Significant Wave Heights and Wave Periods
In order to evaluate tl1e long-ternl cumulative proba-
bility distribution of the significant wave heights
at Ashdod, use was made of a relatively large sample
(5168 values) of daily maxima of deep-water signi-
ficant wave heights. Different authors used different
distributions to describe tl1e cumulative probability
distribu tion of significan t wave heigh ts and periods.
Such distributions include tlle exponential, Weibull,
normal and 10g-norn1a1 distribu tions. These are the
most commonly used ones and are presented below.
Exponential Distribution
This distribution has been used and advocated
by many autllOrs for tile evaluation of tile long-ternl
cumulative probability distribution of significant
wave heights. Copeiro (1978) reaches tlle conclusion
that: "the exponential function could then describe
statistically tile growth of the sea caused by wind
fields reaching tl1e observation site, originated by
differential pressure centers".
The technique is to plot log (1 - P(H s ~ /-Ps)f'
versus H~ tl1rough tile higher values of HL assuming
them to be exponentially distributed. Here: P(Hs ~
HD = cumulative probability of occurrence of deep-
water significant wave heights smaller than H~. H~ is
the i-th value in a sample of deep-water significant
wave heights. Accor'dingly, the sample of data was
plotted on semi-log paper in Fig. 2. Following Bret-
schneider and Rocheleau (1978), a straight line was
drawn through tl1e higher Hs values, using least-
squares regression, in order to obtain the exponential
distribu tion of the deep-water significan t wave
The function obtained may be expressed as:
P (l-J., ~ H:) = 1 - 12.08[10-o('RI/:] (l)
P(H, ~ H;) = 1-12.08exp[ -1.565H;] (2)
Weibull Distribution
This distribution, proposed originally by Weibull,
was suggested for application to coastal engineering
by Bretschneider (1964). In fact it is the general case
0_ Ashdod- (19'0-1971)
,,-\).5. Novy-CMedileffon.on)
Bul fil line
o '.
100 10 I O'
Fig, 2. Exponential probability distribution of deep-water significant wave heights,
5 X
o c
In{-In [P(H, t)]}
-A.Mod 11958-1975)
&-u S No"'y(MedhtrrMton)
Theorelical dillribulion

I--~I-': ~k
5 10 20 30 4060 eo 90 90 98 -99
g '9"99
c---- -
_ AoItdod 11958- 1971)
,. - U.S. Navy IMediterronen)
Ho O.
60 50 'I. 20 10 5 2 I .5 .2.1
Fig. 3. Weibull probability distribution of deep-water signi-
ficant wave heights, .' .
P(H, ~ H:) (6)
1 fill = ~. exp[ - 4H-1.l~/0.88ndH 0.88, 21'_~
Normal Distribution
The use of this method is possible if the significant
wave heights are assumed to follow a Gaussian
distribu lion. By evaluating Ule mean and standard
deviation of Ule deep-water significant wave heights,
the following expression was obtained:
The resulting distribution is plotled, togeilier wiili
the actual sample data, in Fig. 4 showing relatively
poor agreement between Ule two. A slraight line may
be fitled Uuough some of Ule data (tlle higher wave
Ashdod data. An explanation for tllese results may be
Ulat Ule visual wave measurements tend to exaggerate
the wave heights while, according to Jardine (1979),
visual ship observations of significant wave heights
are very close to instrumentally measured significant
wave heigh ts.
_Fig. 4. Normal cumulative probability distribution of deep-
water significant wave heights.
i 2.0
::I 4.0
(3) ,; 30 P (X;;;; x) = 1- exp ( - (x - a)! bY
For ilie distribu tion of significan t waves ilie following
fonn is generally used:
P(H. ~ H;) = 1- exp[ -H;- Ho)/(He - He,)t]
where a , HO = ilie lower limit of the variable, b, Hc =
the scale factor and e, 'Y= the shape factor.
If a = 0 then ilie distribu tion is known as the
Frechet distribu tion. The use of iliis distribu lion has
been advocated by many authors (Battjes, 1972;
Houmb & Overvik, 1977), ilie most prominent being
the International Commission for Ule Reception of
Large Ships (1979). When the data are plotted on
Weibull paper it is expected that they will fi t a
straight line. However, to do so, a good choice of the
Ho, i.e. the lower limit of the variable, has to be made.
Thi.svalue of Ifs is found when I -P(Hs <;l-J~)= lie
and ilie straigh t line is plotted using Ule least-squares
Ochi (1978a) showed Ulat the Weibull distribution
of Ule significant wave height does not fit well the
data for small significant wave heights but fits reason-
ably well for huge significant wave heights. In order
to test wheUler Ulese findings also apply to our
sample, Ule data were plotted on Weibull paper using
these techniques to find the cumulative distribution.
These are presented in Fig. 3. As recommended by
I-Ioumb (1976) and by the In ternational Commission
for ilie Reception of Large Ships (1979) the line
drawn was fitted to the large wave heights (lis;:;" 4 111)
using Ule least-squares meiliod. From it Ule cumula-
tive distribution of deep-water significant waves
(assuming them to be Weibull distributed) was found
to be given by the expression:
P (H. ;;;;H:) = 1- exp [ - (H:/ 1.33)'29]
= 1 - exp [ - 0.692(H;)'2Q]
The Weibull probability density distribution for this
expression was plotted in Fig. 6 togeUler with Ule
histogram and oUler distribu tions.
By looking at Fig. 3 it can be seen that the sample
of data gathered by ilie V.S. Navy in the eastern
Mediterranean falls consistently below Ule Ashdod
data WiUl Ule exception of one extreme value. How-
ever, ilie plotting alignment is parallel to that of
of Ule exponen tial distribu tion, the exponen t being
raised to some power, while in the exponential
distribution the power of the exponent is l.
The general fonn of the Weibull distribution is
given by:


01 Z" 04,.56
Fig. 5. Log-normal cumulative probability distribution of
deep-water significant wave heights,
Fig. 6. Deep-water significant wave height offshore of
Ashdod: histogram and density probability distributions.
The histogram of the actual data is presented in
Fig. 5. Also shown in tilis figure is tile Weibull proba-
bility density distribution for comparison with the
findings of Ochi (1978a). He found tilat while com-
parison between curves of the cumulative distribution
function using log-normal and Weibull distributions
showed similar goodness of fit. creating the impres-
sion of a non-significant difference between them, the
LOQ normal

.. ...
{I - Ashdod (I958 -1911)
6U.S NovyC
/-""':""Thooro';COI dil1dbul'"
(based on A,hdod doh)
~ 10 20 "" ..'
p (H:) = (1/ H:' v'h-)
exp [ - !(In H: +O.093)/O.68n
! 0.70
~ 0.60
~ O.~
~ 0140
W 10
~ 06
e 8.0
.. 60
!!? ~.O
u 2.0
P(H, ~ H:) = 1 I": J...
O.68v'h- 0 H
. exp [ - WIn H +O.093)/O.68)2]dH (7)
This log-normal distribu tion was obtained from the
mean and standartl deviation of tile deep-water
significant wave heights sample, using tile metilOd
indicated by Weiss (1957) by which:
u)( = ~ln[l+(jfr] and X=lnH-k~
where X = In H, H=Hs = deepwater significant wave
height, SH = standard deviation of tile H sample.H =
mean value of H, X '" mean value of the natural loga-
rithms of H. and Ox = standard deviation of tile In (H)
values population. The resulting distribution was
plotted together with the actual data of the sample in
The data fit the theoretical line reasonably well for
probability values smaller tilan 0.98. Beyond tiut
value the fit becomes poor. However, in order to
obtain a better picture of tile fit of the data to the
theoretical distribution obtained, anotiler method of
analysis is used. It compares the density probability
function and the data histogram. Thus. tile log-
normal density probability distribu tion of tile deep-
water significant wave heights was evaluated to be
given by the expression:
Log-Normal Distribution
Darbyshire (I961) and Draper (I963) concluded
that the long-term distribution of wave heights and
wave periods can best be estimated by assuming a
Gaussian distribution of' the natural logarithm of the
wave heights or periods and that this distribu tion
applies to any wave height (period) parameter (aver-
age. significant. etc.). Ochi (1978a) concluded that
this distribu tion fits the histogram of significan t wave
heights and periods reasonably well, but fails to suit
the data for cumulative probabilities larger than 0.99.
In the present study. the sample of daily data was
used for the evaluation of the cumulative probability
distribution of the deep-water significant wave
heights. The following expression was obtained:
heights). Yet, even so, the distribution is not fitted
for values of P(H~) smaller than 0.8. Also, because
the cumulative nonnal probability function ranges
from _00 to 00. the region below zero has no physical
meaning for wave heigh ts or periods.


Fig. 7. Wave period at Ashdod. histogram and log-normal
density probability distribution.
I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
.. ----
- 1-1-
- --
I- ..
. -- -- ---
- -
-- .- -
~m -
- -
... 1-- -- '-
- --
.- ... - --- -
-1- -
- -.. _-
-- ------
_. -I-.
_.1-- -
- - .. -_.-
C!~ 1- ..
~ 0.10
en 0
where X = In Ifs. Y = In T, p Xy = correlation coeffi.
cient of X, Y values.
PXY = In(p~ITV(e"!-1)(e"~-1)-1- 1)
where PUT = correlation coefficient of lis, T values.
Since similar results were found for the Ashdod
data as presented above, Ule same expression was
used in Ulis work to describe the long-term joint
probability density distribution of wave heights and
wave periods. Thus, confidence domains for different
confidence coefficients r were calculated using a
numerical integration method and the results were
plotted in Fig. 8. The confidence domain is defined
here as Ule area enclosed by the contour curve. This
is Ule intersection 'of -the joint probability density
function with a plane parallel to the (H, T) plane at a
certain level A of Ule joint probability density. The
confidence coefficient r is defined as the cumulative
probability of the corresponding domain.
In order to find the confidence domains for
different confidence coefficients, the relationship
between the confidence coefficient r/ and the corre-
sponding values of the joint probability density A
must be found, Le.
. exp{ - (1/2X1- p~y). [((x -'7;)/0-.)2 (11)
- 2pxy . (( J( - x)/ 0-. ) . ((y -Y)/o-y) -1- (Y - 'Y)/o-y )2]) .
Marginal Probability Distribution of the Wave Periods
The sample of visual wave periods (corresponding
to Ule maximum daily significant wave heights) was
used to evaluate the log-normal probability density
function using Eq. (8). It was based on the work of
Ochi (l978a) who obtained a good fit also between
Ule long-term histogram of Ule wave periods and the
long-term log-normal probability density of the wave
periods. The resulting expression is, given by:
p(T') = 1/(T' \/2;)exp[ - H(ln T' - I.G7)/O,JOSn
where Y = In Ti, Ti is the visually determined wave
period corresponding to Ht Y = 1.67, and 0y =
Equation (10) was plotted together with the
histogram in Fig. 7. The comparison shows a good
fit of the log-normal distribution with the histogram.
This indicates that a log-normal distribution may be
used to describe the long-term probability density
distribu lion of the wave periods offshore of Ashdod.
. 1
p(H" T) = r;---z
H, . T 0-.o-y27T V 1- PXY
comparison among plots of the histogram and Ule
probability density, Weibull and log-normal functions
accentuate Ule difference between the two distri-
butions. From Fig. 6 it can be seen that Ule Weibull
distribution fits the histogram less well for small
significant wave heights, but much better for the large
ones. The relatively good fit of the log-normal distri-
bution to the histogram indicates that this (Iog-
normal) distribu lion can be used to estimate the long-
teml probability density distribution of significant
wave heigh ts, and the Weibull distribution can be
used to evaluate extreme values.
4. Joint Probability Distribution of Deep-Water
Significant Wave Heights and Wave Periods, Con-
fidence Domains and Confidence Coefficients
As mentioned before, Ochi (l978a) found that log-
normal probability density functions describe the
histograms of Ule significant wave heights and wave
periods reasonably well. Hence, he suggested ex-
pressing Ule joint density probability function of the
significant wave heights and wave periods in the
following manner:


In order to show tile differences, we also used Ochi's
metJlOd and we found tile contour curves, which are
presented in Fig. 9. However, for different points on
a certain contour curve, as defined by Ochi, the
results obtained give different values of tile joint
per, e) = p[r2. fl(e) + Ne)]
where f(8) is any function of (J, does the con tour
curve, as defined by Ochi (1978a)1 become identical
witil tile contour curve of constant joint probability
density. However, the function per, e) cannot be
represented in the form of expression (18) in this case
becausep(r, e) is given by the expression:
It may be proved tileoretically that only in tile case
where H*, T* are tile modal values, Le.
H* = exp(X); T* = exp(Y)
[(r/8)= )(r,8)
i [(r,8)dr
y=[(A) and A=p(H:,T')
where tile functions fer, e) and fer I e) are tile joint
density probability and tile conditional density
probability, and r,e may be found from tile expres-
Fig. 8. Domains of significant wave height and period for
various confidence coefficients.
According to the definition of 'Y, the relationship
'Y = f(A) may be calculated by numerical integration
of the join t density probability (HL Ti) on a con-
fidence domain which may be found for different
values of A. After tile relationship 'Y = f(A) is cal
culated, tile corresponding values of A for different
values of 'Y are found by interpolation of tile above
men tioned expression. These values of A allowed us
to find the curves enclosing the confidence domains
corresponding to different 'Y values.
Ochi (1978a) used anotiler me tilOd, which was
based on tile assumption tilat all points on a certain
contour, which encloses tile confidence domain,
may be found by the following expression:
~ .
i 1
~ .
~ '
H, = H* + r cos 1.1; T = T* + r sin 1.1 (16)
Fig. 9. Domains of significant wave height and period for
various confidence coefficients as defined by Ochl (1978aJ.


where ao, al are the constants obtained by best fit
to the data using linear regression:
where y is tenned the reduced variate and is generally
given by the expression:
y = (H;- all)/al (21)
a) Yearly Maxima
Asymptote I. This distribution expresses the
cumulative probability that an extreme sea state Hs
will be less than or equal to a given extreme sea state
H~ by the formula:
I,' ,L~
3 ~
---- --
Atyrnp10lt I ~ .
(bo., fitGumboll L"'"
- -
- '-- A'Y"'Ctol' t -
j.....o I be.1 fif of poin1')
... -- --- --- ---
... ,.
.- " - Yeorty rnQJlimo(AJhdod)
k ____
- -
-- -- -
5 5 10 '0 'lO 60 00 90 95 ~ll9999
where HI is
constan ts.
a) fit to actual data:
H; = - 0.8287[ -1nl <P(H, ~ H:)]J + 4.8876; (23)
K' = 0.9553
b) fit by tJle Gumbel metJlOd:
H; = - 0.8478 In[ -In[<I)(H, ~ H;)]] +4.8793; (24)
K' = 1.000
These relationships are shown in Fig. 10 and, from the
figure, it can be seen that tJle Gumbel solution gives
somewhat larger values tJlan tJle otJler curve for large
re tu rn periods.
Asymptote Ill. This distribution, originally men-
tioned by Fisher and Tippet (1928) and later by
Gumbel (1958), was also proposed by Borgman
(J 975) and needs to be given more attention, because
it is meant to represent situations in which the vari-
ables are limited by some upper boundary. Its expres-
sion is given by: .
11 for H;> H,
<I>(H, ~ H;) =
exp[ - c(H,- H;Yl for H:~ HI
tile upper limiting bound and c, rare
where K = correlation coefficient.
When the correlation coefficient K is taken as 1 it
is known as the Gumbel fit method. Accordingly, the
data of yearly maxima was fitted to an Asymptote I
distribu tion, using both the Gumbel solution and
least-squares regression to the actual data. The
resulting expressions are:
(20) <P(H, ~H~)=exp[-exp(-y)l
5. Evaluation of Extreme Sea States
Methods of Evaluation
The data acquired at Ashdod were used for the
evaluation of extreme sea states using three ap-
a) Evaluation on the basis of the yearly maxima of
the deep-water significant wave heights using extreme
probability functions (Asymptote I, Asymptote Ill,
and log-nomlal).
b) Evaluation on the basis of the whole set of daily
maxima of deep-water significant wave heights and
the yearly average number of occurrences of sea
states using the Copeiro method.
c) Evaluation on the basis of the whole set of daily
maxima of deep-water significant wave heights,
assuming the long-term cumulative probability
distribution (exponential, Weibull, log-normal) to also
describe extreme sea states and assuming that the
return period expressed in years can be obtained
by transfonning it from return period expressed in
probabili ty density. Thus, the area enclosed in a such-
defined contour curve does not represent the con-
fidence domain according to its usual definition.
The evaluation of the contour curves was carried
up to confidence coefficients of 0.999, although the
log-normal probability functions fitted the histo-
grams reasonably well for cumulative probabilities of
about 0.99. The evaluation beyond this value was
done because it was assumed that the correlation
coefficent between the wave heights and periods
remains the same even for rare values, and because it
may give some estimate of the range of values for
such rare conditions.
all = y - Ka , H.; a, = uy/u" .. K (22)
Fill. 10. Asymptote I - distribution of extreme deepwater
significant wave heights.
.7~ _
2 0 o 50 Xl !500
~ .
!SO 00 9095 99 99.0 99.
~ 1.2
~ ~
~ 9
'" 0
; 7
5 ~
l'l 2
In order to estimate a limiting value of the largest
possible deep-water significant wave height at the
Mediterranean coast of Israel, use was made of the
deep-wa ter wave forecasting curves developed by
Bretschneider taking the largest fetch at Ashdod
(2300 km) and a wind speed of 100 knots. The
resulting value obtained was a wave height of 36 m.
In order to examine the sensitivity of the results
for extreme sea states to Ule limiting values, other
limiting values of I? m, 20 m and 1000 m were also
used to find the best-fit line to the data using least-
squares regression. The resul ting distribu tions were as
b) Copeiro Method
Copeiro (1978) proposed a me thod by ~hich the
Quite surprisingly, the fit to Ule actual data is quite
good. Values for representative return periods are
presented in Table 1 and in Fig. 13 WiUl oUler
distribu lions.
(H;, and B are in meters)
Further, according to his findings, the most suitable
distribution for P(Hs';;; m) is tJle exponential distri-
bution, while the WeibuU distribution is less suitable
and the log-normal is unsuitable due to its poor fit
to extreme values. According to tJle method de-
scribed above, an evaluation of the n(Jfs) function
was done on the basis of the available data concerning
tJle yearly average durations of sea states at Ashdod.
The data was plotted in FIg. 12 and from it the
function obtained, assuming linear dependence, was
11 (H,)= 69H, +34 (H, is in meters) (33)
For significant wave heights, Copeiro found that
tJle n(Hs) function was satisfied by the empirical
linear rela tionship:
n(H,) = A (H;- B)
statistically dependent events of a physical con-
tinuous process are transfonned in a sample of
discrete events with statistical independence, and
showed tJle application of the method for the evalua-
tion of extreme significant wave heights. According
to it, each sea state (variate Hs) is assigned an average
duration per year and the total average number of
occurrences of a sea state (Hs) thus becomes a
function of Ule sea state itself. Therefore - while for
a sample of discrete events tJle probability 1>(x ';;;x/)
that an event will not be exceeded in 11 trials is given
by <I:> (x ';;;x/) = [P(x ';;;x/)ln, where P(x ';;;x/) is tJle
probability of non-exceedance in one trial - for a
continuous evolution. process the number of trials
n is a function of x itself, Le.n = n(x) and tJlen
Fig. 11. Log-normal distribution of extreme deep-water
significant wave heights.
In(36 - H;) = 0.0271 'In[ -In[<I>(H, ~ H;)]J
+ 3.4373
In(1000 -1I;) = 0.000833
'In[ - In[<I>(H, ~ H;)]J + 6.90286
In(15 - H;) = 0.0872 In[ -In[<I>(H:. ~ H;)]J
+ 2.3113 (26)
In(20 - H;) = 0.057, 1~(H, ~ H:)J] + 2.7144
Since each dist.ribu lion requires a different plotting
scale in order to be plotted on Weibull paper, they
were not plotted together on Weibull paper. However,
the results for different return periods [1/<v(Jis)l are
presented in Table 1 and in Fig. 13 togeUler with
results for identical 1> using Asymptote I and oUler
Log-normal. The use of this distribution for the
evaluation of extreme values was originally proposed
by Weiss (1957). It is presented here for comparative
reasons with oUler distributions. The log-normal
distribution obtained (also using Eq. (8 is shown
together WitJl the actual data in Fig. 11 and its
expression is given by:


Afterwards, using the exponential and Weibull
distributions previously obtained in Sec. 4, extreme
values were evaluated on the basis of the Copeiro
method, i.e.
(~(H, ~ H:) = [1- exp( - O.692H:)I2')J(~QII:+Jd)
using the Weibull function and
~(H, ~ H:) = [l-12.08cxp( -1.565H:)](fiQ//:+3d)
using the exponen tial function.
It should be mentioned here Ulat the return period
is already expressed in years and not in days, due to
the way n (Hs) was obtained.
The results are presented in Table J for com-
parison wiUl the other methods of evaluation of
extreme values. They are also presented in Fig. 13.
"-Bosed00 Ashdod data
100 200 ~oo
Fig. 12. Yearly average number of exceedences of sea state
TABLE 1. Extreme Values of Deep-Water Significant Wave
Heights Offshore of Ashdod 85 a Function of Return Period
and Method of Evaluation
, dr
A oO
.1''''' probability fUIlCllo".1
AI,""pl0" I
"_,,"pt&ll III
(,.or .J
8.11 '" IIorlll.1
" pfMPI'1
~\ '11'",
Hl2O Ht. '58", ~IOOOIJl
~,I ~ S .19 S. ~5 '.22 5.2:0 & ,I' S,Z4

I ,. e .11, ,. "" "" t.l5 . 0&

, .T9 6.1 ! 6.11 "" '.J'4 '.T& . et
T 40 T., & T.ZI 1.n 1.;'0 T .34 1.4
" Il TU T.1l 1,01 ,11 1.44
,rt t .70 '25 ','9 '.84 .... T .10
'.!., .1. . 6" .... '.01 .1' I.'"
9.96 I.e, , .01 'IT .e. 9. .'"
10 I' 10.0" t.15 . 1 1.71 10.01 '.liT
10.7" 10.11 ..... .., 10.2:1 10. It' ....
,... ,..
,I dol' abloi"ltI ., _hOM "... il'\"r ol.
_. ____ (~ 0' la",
"rift praboblli')' . fuPlC'\OfI' )
[.tropolalloll 'rt",fOf"""9
,.. rthHfl
I"., ,I
11 ' [.,., ,,'10' '11I','''''11
41,,,. '1",. 41.". 41_tr. IU.f,.
S.l' I." 11.'0 8.14 &.70 8.U

".05 .0 6." . 511

. S
".20 . 1t1 e . " 1.'0 1.01 1.'9
".H .,.21 1.2:1 1.IU ., ...
4.111 T.1' 1.'1 '.17 1.11
".11 1".1 '.10 '.1' I.' !I '.8'
'.14 ' . 11 '.12: '.00
'.1 '.01 '.10 '.45
'.55 '.20 '.18 . e7
...,., '.10 10.21. 10.00


....)'mp1o 1 ljumb.l)
Atyor(l'ott I Mtl '"
Coptlro luPMlf1liol)
Atymptott III IH''''';,- 36rn)
tQPtlro (W,lbull)
Lont; 1trm - W,ibull
normol- 1 maxima
00 411 000
Averoge return period [yeOfs]
Fig. 13. Evaluation of extreme sea states by dlHerent methods.


For a more comprehensive explanation the reader is
referre'd to ~n article by Borgman (1963).
7. Conclusions
It was found in regard to the long-term wave charac-
teristics in deep water at the Mediterranean coast of
Israel that the lorig-tenn joint and marginal density
probability fUllctions of the significant wave heights
and associated periods cart be reasonably evaluated
assuming log-nomlal distribu tions. However, rare
values of significant wave height are estimated better
assuming a Weibull distribution.
in our case). The plots of the data sample on Weibull,
semiJog (exponential), normal and log-normal paper
did not pennit fitting a straight line through all the
data. A reasonably well-fitted straight line could
be drawn through the data on wave heigh ts larger
than 4 m when Weibull or exponential distributions
were assumed, using Ule method of least-squares
regression. The plots of the distribu tion using normal
and log-normal functions do not fit well the data for
larger wave heights (which seem to lie on a straight
line) because they were built using all the data.
The evaluation of extreme deep-water significant
wave heights was tested by employing three methods
of calculation. The use of the sample of yearly
maxima of deep-water significant wave heights which
are assumed independent is somewhat handicapped
by the relatively small size of the sample. As pointed
ou t by Borgman (1975), extrapolations beyond twice
the sample size are in fact of low reliability. The use
of Asymptote III seems more reasonable for the
description of a physical process which may be
assumed to be limited 'by an upper bound. As seen
from Table J and Fig. 13, the results for different
limi ting values of the upper wave-heigh t bound
indicate clearly that the Asymptote I is in fact the
limiting case of AsymptQte Ill.
The average return p'eriod R (years) represents the
average time intervaJ between the occurrences of
deep-water wave heights larger thati lis. When design-
ing a structure to last a lifetime L (years) we must be
concerned with the occurrence of wave heights,
which have only a small chance of occurrence,
defined as a small risk value r of being exceeded
during the lifetime L of the structure. Thus, tile
extreme wave height to be used for the design of a
structure is given by:
c) The Long-Term Cumulative Probability
As explained before, the usual size of the sample
of data of yearly maxima is relatively too small to
allow a reliable estimate of extreme values (WiUl large
re tu rn periods). It was also explained why a sample
of data taken at constant short time intervals prevents
its use for Ule estimate of extreme values. On the
oUler hand, because the latter sample contains a large
quantity of data, it seemed of interest to compare the
extreme values obtained by Ule other methods with
the values obtained on Ule basis of the whole sample
of data taken at short time intervals using the long-
term cumulative probability distribution. This was
done by transform ing the average re tu rn period
expressed originally as a number of short time inter-
vals in two years, by dividing the number of constant
time in tervals included in a year.
Thus, the long-term cumulative probability func-
tions obtained in Sec. 3, assuming exponential,
Weibull, normal and log-normal distribu tions, were
used to evaluate extreme values. The results are
presented in Table I and in Fig. 13 for comparison
with the other meUlOds.
6. Discussion
The wave data gathered at Ashdod were used to
evaluate the wave characteristics along the Mediter-
ranean coast of Israel. The analysis did not include
wave directions, but was aimed at evaluating the long-
term join t and marginal cumula tive probabili ties of
the deepwa ter signiflcan t wave heigh ts and visually
observed wave periods, on the one hand, and the
evaluation of extreme deep-water significant wave
heigh ts, on the other hand.
According to a comparison be tween the values of
significant waves evaluated from usual wave measure-
ments and hindcasted significant wave heights for a
major storm, it was conclu ded in a previous study by
Stiassnie (1978) Ulat the wave data evaluated from
visual wave measurements, as used here, were suffici-
ently reliable. Regarding the wave periods, his study
indicated that the visual wave periods were close to
the significant wave periods, al though the study
covered only one storm with mostly high waves
(> 2 m). For smaller waves it is not clear if this
applies as well, bu t using the same assumption con-
servative values are obtained.
The data used in the present study were composed
of the whole sample of visual wave measurements
taken at constant short time intervals (daily maxima
R(years) = l-(l-r)'l'


For the evaluation of extreme sea slales, the
relatively simple method proposed by Gumbel for
the use of Asymptote I gives il an advantage over lhe
other ones. Furthermore, the Gumbel melhod gives
the largest values and in fact is lhe upper bound for
the extreme-values distribu lions. However, its use is
possible only for samples WiUl sizes larger than 10.
When such samples are not available, and Ule wave
data cover only a few years, the method proposed by
Copeiro, using the Weibull probability funclion,
seems to give good estima tes of ex treme wave he igb Is.
The confidence domains of joint probability of
occurrence of deepwater significant wave heighls and
periods can be used to find lhe cri lical wave period
values associa ted wi tb a given design signi ficanl wave
height and confined by a certain confidence inlerval.
The authors wish to express their gralitute to Mr. D.
Divon, Head of Ule Coasts Survey Division of lhe
Israel Ports Au thorily, for providing most of the raw
data used in Ule present study. Thanks are also
expressed to Prof. M. Diskin, Director of the Israel
Coastal and Marine Engineering Research Insitute, for
providing financial support, and for his useful remarks
concerning the manuscript. Also, we would like 10
express our gratitude to Prof. M.L. Vajda, Or. M.
Sliassnie and Or. E. Naheer, Israel Coastal and Marine
Engineering Research Institute, for their valuable
comments and for reviewing the manuscript.
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