Whap-How Much Do You Know

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WHAP Summer Assignment

How Much Do You Know?

Short Answers

Answer the questions in your own words and in complete sentences.

1. What is monotheism?
2. Name two key individuals from the Renaissance.
3. What is the most important resource in the Middle East?
4. Where were the first four civilizations located?
5. Who invented paper?
6. Who invented the first alphabet?
7. Who is Martin Luther?
8. What is the Black Death? How did it spread?
9. What caused the Roman Empire to fall?
10. What is Greek fire?
11. What is anthropology and archeology?
12. Explain feudalism. Why was it important?
13. What do Zheng He, Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo have in common?
14. Whos theory was every action has an equal and opposite reaction?
15. Who was the first to use a telescope and saw mountains on the moon?
16. What is the Inquisition? What is its effect of the Church?
17. What is a tariff?
18. Explain the Columbian Exchange.
19. Who invented the steam engine?
20. Who are John Locke, Voltaire, Jean-Jacque Rousseau and the Barron de Montesquieu?
How are they important to the United States?
21. What is imperialism? Which European country becomes the country known as where the sun
never sets?
22. Who do you think is one of the most powerful leaders in history and why?
23. If you could have lunch with any historical figure; who would it be and what would be three
questions you would ask him/her at lunch?

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