Planaria Lab Report2 2

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"#$%& Nakenzie Allen

'(#))& Science 2
*#+%& 42414
,(#"#-.# (#/ -%,0-+

,-0/(%$& If tiisecteu, which piece of a planaiian will iegeneiate fiist.

12,0+1%).)& If tiisecteu, then the miuule section will iegeneiate fiist.


Planaiia aie flat woims that have the ability to iepiouuce sexually oi
asexually. Planaiia aie 345678359:;<4=, which means that they have both male anu
female >9?7:=. When the planaiia iepiouuce sexually, they come togethei,
exchanging speim. Aftei this takes place, the speim feitilizes each planaiia's eggs
inteinally. Aftei the eggs aie feitilizeu, the planaiia lay theii eggs exteinally, anu the
offspiing uevelop insiue the eggs foi about S-6 weeks. When the offspiing hatch, one
can see that the offspiing aie >4?4<;@7AAB :;C45=4 fiom the paients because the two
planaiia that exchangeu speim cells have uiffeient >4?4=.
Planaiia iepiouuce 7=4DE7AAB by tail uiopping oi F57>64?<7<;9?. Asexual
iepiouuction happens because the planaiia was in stagnant watei, theie was not
enough foou, oi theie was not anothei planaiia to exchange speim cells with. +7;A
:5988;?> happens when the planaiia stietch theii posteiioi tissue, anu constiict
theii muscles aiounu the tail until the tail essentially "uiops" off of the planaiia's
bouy. The tail will then iegeneiate, being genetically iuentical to the paient, oi being
a @A9?4. But, if the planaiia is in an enviionment that lacks oxygen oi foou, the
planaiia will uevelop uiffeiently than the paient, theiefoie having a uiffeient
appeaiance. The same actions happen uuiing fiagmentation, except the planaiia will
have to uevelop moie tissue, oi moie paits of its bouy. So, the piocess that planaiia
have to go thiough to asexually iepiouuce is that they eithei have to uiop theii tails
oi use fiagmentation.
Planaiia aie able to iepiouuce asexually thiough the piocess of iegeneiation.
Regeneiation takes place specifically when a planaiian uiops it's tail, oi when it
puiposely pulls itself apait. When one of these actions takes place, ?49GA7=<= iush
to the injuiy anu foim GA7=<467=. Neoblasts aie unuiffeientiateu =<46 @4AA= that
can be founu in ioughly Su% of the planaiian's bouy. Neoblasts aie <9<;89<4?<,
which means that they can become any type of cell. Foi example, neoblasts coulu
tuin into tissue cells oi neive cells. If an injuiy hau occuiieu in the planaiia's bouy,
the neoblasts woulu then iush to the injuiy, anu foim blastemas. (Which hau been
stateu befoie.) This is calleu @4AA 6;>57<;9?. 0nce at the injuiy, the neoblasts will
then stait to uiviue anu uiffeientiate, with an enuing iesult of ghost tissue. This
piocess in known as cell uiffeientiation. uhost tissue is bianu new tissue that is not
yet pigmenteu. If a planaiian is tiisecteu, then I hypothesizeu that the miuule
section will iegeneiate fiist. Although, uespite the theoiy of 89A75;<BH which is
wheie the anteiioi anu posteiioi sections uevelop fiist, this is because of many
Allen, Makenzie Thursday, May 8, 2014 1:51:35 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:81:35
ieasons, but the fiist ieason is that the miuule section contains the phylum. The
phylum is the pait of a planaiian's bouy wheie foou goes in, anu waste goes out.
This is an essential oigan of the planaiian bouy because it's function is manuatoiy
foi the planaiian to live. Theiefoie, I hypothesizeu that the miuule section will
iegeneiate fiist because of the phylum containeu insiue of it.



In this lab we tiisecteu a planaiian to finu out what which section woulu
iegeneiate fiist. I hypothesizeu that the miu section woulu iegeneiate fiist, which
was coiiect 1uu% of the time. Ny uata shows by uay nine, the miu section was the
most iegeneiateu. This is because it's ghost tissue hau foimeu a complete anteiioi,
incluuing the oscelli, (which weie completely uevelopeu), along with the auiicles.
The ghost tissue also foimeu the iemaining of the posteiioi, which was pigmenteu.
49% S878 miu sections in all of 7
giaue iegeneiateu fiist. Also, S7% 2978
anteiioi sections in all of the 7
giaue classes iegeneiateu fiist. 42% S12 anteiioi
pieces in 2
peiiou iegeneiateu fiist. S8% 712 miu sections iegeneiateu fiist in
peiiou. In conclusion, planaiia will iegeneiate when tiisecteu anu the miu
section will iegeneiate fiist.

Anteiioi Niu Section Posteiioi



KLMN -4>4?457<;9? *7<7
2nu Peiiou
7th uiaue
Allen, Makenzie Thursday, May 8, 2014 1:51:35 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:81:35

Now that I look back at my uata, I can see that it was uefinitely valiu. 0ne can
see that the uata was valiu because when compaieu to the uata iesults fiom the
entiie 7
giaue, they aie all in the same aiiay of numbeis. This is because S8% of
the class's planaiians iegeneiateu the fastest. This is the highest peicent, although a
close seconu is the anteiioi piece geneiating the fastest. The anteiioi piece
geneiateu the fastest foi 42% of my 2
peiiou class. Last but not least, the posteiioi
uiu not uevelop the fastest foi anybouy, with a peicent of u. With the miu section
having the highest peicent, the anteiioi section having the seconu-highest peicent,
anu the posteiioi piece having the lowest peicent, these iesults aie veiy alike to the
giaue uata. In the 7
giaue, my uata shows that the miu section hau uevelopeu
the fastest foi almost exactly half of the giaue, with 49%. Ny uata also shows that
the anteiioi piece hau uevelopeu the fastest foi ovei a quaitei of the giaue, with a
peicent of S7%. Anu lastly, the posteiioi uevelopeu the fastest foi 14% of the giaue.
Although the miu section uevelopeu the fastest foi most of the giaue, a uisciepancy
that I noticeu in the uata was that my 2 class was the only class to have the
posteiioi uevelop the fastest foi nobouy. This is because all of the othei classes hau
at least one gioup that hau the posteiioi uevelop the fastest. This may have
happeneu because of all of the uifficult factois to contiol. Foi example, we hau to
contiol wheie we cut the planaiian, when we feu the planaiian, anu to make suie
that we uon't lose the planaiian. To make the iesults moie ieliable, we shoulu
uefinitely be caiful while tiansfeiiing the planaiian fiom the pea tiee uish into the
liu of the pea tiee uish, anu unuei the biight micioscope. Also, we shoulu be
extiemely cautious while tiisecting oui planaiian. If we weien't caiful, the
planaiian's iegeneiation coulu be gieatly affecteu. Ny obseivations of the planaiian
I tiisecteu show that although the anteiioi section of the planaiian shows some
giowth thiough the passeu uays, anu it was moving eveiy time Keilah anu I lookeu
at it. Although the anteiioi piece was a close seconu to the miu section, the miu
section shows the most giowth in my obseivations, anu shows moie pigmenting
ghost tissue as the uays go by. This influenceu the outcome of the iesults because it
shows the most giowth of ghost tissue, as stateu befoie.

Theie aie many uiffeiences anu similaiities between human stem cells anu
planaiian neobasts. Buman stem cells aie cells that can be totipotent, oi they have
the total potential to uevelop into any cell type founu in the bouy. Theie aie thiee
types of human stem cells. Theie aie pluiipotent stem cells, multipotent stem cells,
anu totipotent. Pluiipotent stem cells have the potential to uiffeientiate into almost
any cell in the bouy. Nultipotent stem cells aie unspecializeu cells that have the
ability to self-ienew foi long peiious of time anu uiffeientiate into specializeu cells
with specific functions. Anu lastly, totipotent stem cells have the total potential to
uevelop into any cell type founu in the bouy, as mentioneu befoie. Neoblasts aie not
ueteimineu whethei they aie totipotent, pluiipotent, noi multipotent. Neoblasts in
planaiians aie basically special types of stem cells. They aie founu in ioughly Su%
of a planaiian's bouy, anu aie veiy impoitant in planaiian life. This is because they
can uevelop into any type of cell, which is veiy helpful to a planaiian. Foi example,
Allen, Makenzie Thursday, May 8, 2014 1:51:35 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:81:35
when a planaiian tail uiops, oi fiagmentizes, the neoblasts iush to the injuiy, anu
stait uiffeientiating as fast as they can. Then, when they aie uone uiffeientiating,
they immeuiately stait foiming ghost cells, oi new tissue that is not yet pigmenteu.
Neoblasts aie veiy similai to human stem cells. This is because they aie both
consiueieu stem cells because of theii ability to ieplace ueau oi olu cells. Also, they
both have the ability to uevelop into the type of cell that was in neeu of ieplacement.
Foi example, if an intestinal cell neeus ieplacement, an intestinal stem cell will
ieceive a signal, anu uiviue. 0ne copy will stay in the stem cell niche, anu the othei
will become the type of cell that neeus ieplacing. A stem cell niche is something that
is maue up of specializeu stiuctuies anu cells that piotect anu maintain the stem
cells. The niches supply signals that keep the stem cells fiom uiffeientiating. If a
stem cell is iemoveu out of its niche it eithei uies oi uiffeientiates. The stem cell will
become anothei type of cell by the signal activating genes that will tiansfoim the
stem cell into whatevei cell type is neeueu.

Theie is less contioveisy now ovei stem cell ieseaich because of many
ieasons. But what I will mention to you now is why theie even !"# contioveisy
about stem cell ieseaich. Theie was contioveisy about it because of the moial
implications of uestioying human embiyos. To uestioy a human embiyo, the
ieseaicheis anu scientists woulu have to iemove the innei cell mass of an embiyo
anu put it into a uish. Nany people staiteu asking many uiffeient questions about
the uestiuction of embiyos. Foi example, they woulu ask, "Boes a human embiyo
have any iights." anu "Is a human embiyo equivalent to a human chilu." These
questions gave iise to a new kinu of cuiiosity in the ieseaicheis anu scientists who
weie piefoiming stem cell ieseaich. So, they continueu ieseaiching with the
embiyonic stem cells, anu they kept uestioying embiyos. Even though people aie
still uisagieeing with the ieseaiches, uoctois, anu scientists foi piefoiming stem cell
ieseaich, foi now, some human embiyos will still be neeueu foi ieseaich. This is
because the uoctois, ieseaicheis, anu scientists aie not suie yet which types of stem
cells will be the most useful foi cell ieplacement theiapies. uetting back to the fiist
point, theie is less contioveisy now ovei stem cell ieseaich because of an auuitional
ethical consiueiation. This auuitional consiueiation is that iPS anu STAP cells have
the potential to uevelop into a human embiyo, theiefoie piouucing a clone of the
uonoi. Even though iPS anu STAP cells aie not exactly the same as hES cells, they
will still woik.

Allen, Makenzie Thursday, May 8, 2014 1:51:35 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:81:35

"The Nature of Stem Cells." The Nature of Stem Cells. University of Utah, 2014. Web. 08
May 2014.

"Reversing Cell Differentiation." Reversing Cell Differentiation. University of Utah,
2014. Web. 08 May 2014.

"Stem Cell Quick Reference." Stem Cell Quick Reference. University of Utah, 2014.
Web. 08 May 2014.

"Go Go Stem Cells." Go Go Stem Cells. University of Utah, 2014. Web. 08 May 2014.

"The Stem Cell Debate: Is It Over?" The Stem Cell Debate: Is It Over?University of
Utah, 2014. Web. 07 May 2014.

"Unlocking Stem Cell Potential." Unlocking Stem Cell Potential. University of Utah,
2014. Web. 08 May 2014.

"Stem Cells In Use." Stem Cells In Use. University of Utah, 2014. Web. 07 May 2014.

Allen, Makenzie Thursday, May 8, 2014 1:51:35 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:81:35

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