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=>A@3%$& If tiisecteu, which piece of a planaiian will iegeneiate fiist.

BC=A8B%4?4& If tiisecteu, then the miu-section will iegeneiate fiist.

Planaiia aie flatwoiks that iepiouuce sexually. Flatwoims contain all gonaus
fiom both a male anu female specimen. This allows all planaiia to lay eggs. They
iepiouuce by exchanging speim thiough a genital poie in theii miusection. This
speim then feitilizes the eggs in the flatwoims' ovaiies. Flatwoims then lay theii
eggs exteiioily. When hatching, thiough sexual iepiouuction, the offspiing will
have genetic uiveisity.

When conuitions aie less than iueal, planaiia can iepiouuce asexually. Since
flatwoims have the gonaus of both male anu female specimens, they can use theii
own speim to feitilize theii own eggs. This piocess usually happens when theie aie
no othei flatwoims to mate with. Thiough this piocess, the offspiing will be
genetically the same as the paient, but might be a uiffeient size. The othei way of
asexual iepiouuction flatwoims is tail uiopping also known as fiagmentation. This
is when the flatwoim attaches its tail to a suiface then swims away until it iips off.
The planaiia then iegeneiates anu foims two new bouies that aie cloneu.

Planaiia iepiouuce asexually thiough geneiation. Su% of flatwoim's cells aie
neoblasts. These neoblasts oi stem cells aie totipotent anu can become any cell like
a skin cell. When a planaiia chooses to iepiouuce by tail uiopping, the neoblasts
move to the sight of the wounu, anu foim a blastema. A blastema is a clustei of
neoblasts befoie the neoblasts become uiffeientiateu. The neoblasts in the blastema
then get the signal to stait uiffeientiating themselves, anu they begin to iegeneiate
the missing pait of the flatwoim. If a flatwoim weie to be tiisecteu, the miusection
woulu iepiouuce fully the quickest foi two ieasons. The miusection contains the
phaiynx that flatwoims eat fiom, so they woulu be able to get nutiients, which is
essential foi giowth. Also the miusection contains most of the moie auvanceu
inteinal bouy paits, so it woulu be easiei foi it to giow the iest of the bouy because
the iest of the bouy hau simplei pieces.

NGK Friday, May 23, 2014 10:20:08 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:0a:1d

In this lab we tiisecteu a planaiian. I hypothesizeu that the planaiians miu-
section woulu iegeneiate the fastest. Ny uata shows by uay 9 the miu-section hau
fully pigmenteu ghost cells anu it was also the laigest. It hau all the essential bouy
paits such as the ocellus anu the phaiynx. The othei bouy paits weie close behinu,
but they lackeu full pigmentation. 49% S8 of 78 miu-section pieces in the 7
iegeneiateu the fastest. This uata is similai to S
peiious finuing of S4% 7 of 1S
miu-section pieces geneiateu the fastest. In conclusion, planaiia will iegeneiate
when tiisecteu anu the miu-section will iegeneiate the fastest.

Theie aie many factois that coulu have changeu the iate of iegeneiation foi
the planaiia. Some of the pieces coulu have a uiffeient tempeiatuie when they weie
stoieu in the cabinet, which coulu have leu to a stunt of giowth. Also some planaiia
coulu have a gieatei exposuie to light, which can also leau to a uiffeience in giowth.
I believe that my iesults weie not valiu because it is almost impossible to keep all
the factois the same foi the planaiia. Even just a little uiffeient tieatment of one to
the othei can make a huge uiffeience in the iegeneiation piocess. The factois that
weie haiu to contiol was the way that we hanuleu the planaiia, the tempeiatuie
that each planaiia liveu in, anu the exposuie to light of each planaiia. To help keep
the planaiia fiom being hanuleu uiffeiently, I think that they shoulun't be
tiansfeiieu fiom the bottom uish to the top uish eveiy time we hau to look at them
unuei the micioscope. To keep the tempeiatuie the same foi each of the planaiia I
think that the uish shoulu be smallei, so the planaiia aie closei togethei. I also think
that this solution woulu also help the light exposuie pioblem.
Anteiioi Niu-Section Posteiioi




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Siu peiiou
7th uiaue
NGK Friday, May 23, 2014 10:20:08 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:0a:1d
The main uiffeience between neoblasts in planaiia anu human stem cells is
that neoblasts aie always totipotent, when human stem cells aie only totipotent in
the eaily life stage anu then become pluiipotent, then multipotent. The neoblasts
function as a way to iegeneiate the planaiia when fiagmentation anu tail uiopping
happen, while human stem cells aie theie to ieplace othei cells that uie. Theie aie
also a few similaiities between the two. Neoblasts always gathei at the wounu to
cieate a blastema weie ghost tissues aie maue anu woulu latei iegeneiate into a
pigmenteu bouy pait the planaiia lost. Buman stem cells act in the same mannei by
getting a signal fiom a neuion to go to the spot weie the stem cells aie uying anu
becoming uiffeientiateu.
The contioveisy staiteu when scientists in 1998 staiteu using human
embiyos in the bone maiiow to tiansplant into othei paits of the bouy. The
contioveisy was that these scientists weie taking all of the necessaiy stem cells
fiom the embiyo anu weie essentially killing it because it lackeu the pluiipotent
cells. The upsiue to this was all of the potential that the human embiyonic stem
(BES) cells hau to cuie life-thieatening uiseases. In 2uu6, sceintists finally
uiscoveieu a way to coax human stem cells into acting like embiyonic stem cells.
This has cieateu a lack of neeu foi human embiyos foi stem cell ieseaich. Although,
scientists have founu a way to coax human stem cells BES cells aie still neeueu
because the coaxeu human stem cells still wont act exactly the same as an BES cell.
Anothei pioblem is that IPS (inuuceu pluiipotent stem cells) anu STAP (stimulus-
tiiggeieu acquisition of pluiipotency) if useu, may tuin into the cloning of an
embiyo anu can leau to a lack of genetic uiveisity.

NGK Friday, May 23, 2014 10:20:08 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:0a:1d

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