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Name ________________________________ Project ___________________________________

Standards Description of
Application to Project
Evidence Date
1. Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative
thinking, construct knowledge,
and develop innovative products
and processes using technology.

apply existing knowledge to
generate new ideas, products,
or processes.

create original works as a
means of personal or group

use models and simulations
to explore complex systems
and issues.

identify trends and forecast

I created a website about an issue
that is a big problem today in
society for men and women of all
My website covers
Anorexia, Bulimia,
and Obesity.

2. Communication and
Collaboration Students use
digital media and environments
to communicate and work
collaboratively, including at a
distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the
learning of others. Students:

a. interact, collaborate, and
publish with peers, experts,
or others employing a variety
of digital environments and

b. communicate information
and ideas effectively to
multiple audiences using a
variety of media and formats.

I interacted and collaborated with
both of my social media teachers,
the health teacher, both nurses,
and a guidance counselor about
what should be included in the
I got feedback
about adding
more things about
boys with eating
disorders. I did
more research
and realized how
many men
actually struggle
with an eating


c. develop cultural
understanding and global
awareness by engaging with
learners of other cultures.

d. contribute to project teams to
produce original works or
solve problems.

3. Research and Information
Fluency Students apply digital
tools to gather, evaluate, and use
information. Students:

a. plan strategies to guide

b. locate, organize, analyze,
evaluate, synthesize, and
ethically use information
from a variety of sources and

c. evaluate and select
information sources and
digital tools based on the
appropriateness to specific

d. process data and report

For the website, I had to do more
research than I originally thought
necessary to find all the
information on anorexia, bulimia,
and obesity. I had to plan how to
paraphrase everything and
organize the different categories in
a flattering format.
I went on more
websites than I
could count to
find all the
information for
each category. I
also had to find
videos and news
articles to reflect
on and share.

4. Critical Thinking, Problem
Solving, and Decision Making
Students use critical thinking
skills to plan and conduct
research, manage projects, solve
problems, and make informed
decisions using appropriate
digital tools and resources.

a. identify and define authentic
problems and significant
questions for investigation.
There is only a fraction of all the
information about Anorexia,
Bulimia, and Obesity on my
website. I had to make some
decisions on what and what not to
There is so much
information on all
three of the
topics. I posted
what I decided
was the most
important and
most useful.


b. plan and manage activities to
develop a solution or
complete a project.

c. collect and analyze data to
identify solutions and/or
make informed decisions.

d. use multiple processes and
diverse perspectives to
explore alternative solutions.

5. Digital Citizenship Students
understand human, cultural, and
societal issues related to
technology and practice legal
and ethical behavior. Students:

a. advocate and practice safe,
legal, and responsible use of
information and technology.

b. exhibit a positive attitude
toward using technology that
supports collaboration,
learning, and productivity.

c. demonstrate personal
responsibility for lifelong

d. exhibit leadership for digital

I cited where I got all the
information on the website even
though I paraphrased everything.
I cited the
information so
others know
where I got it
from and so I

6. Technology Operations and
Concepts Students demonstrate
a sound understanding of
technology concepts, systems,
and operations. Students:


understand and use
technology systems.

I didnt waste any time creating the
website or gathering information
and understood how to manage all
the applications that I used.
I didnt waste any
time creating the
website because
of the limited time
I had to complete
it. The
applications I used
for the website
were very easy to
manage and were
very self


select and use applications
effectively and productively.

troubleshoot systems and

transfer current knowledge to
learning of new technologies.


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