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In the following multiple choice questions, circle the correct answer.
1. Parameters are
a. numerical characteristics of a sample
b. numerical characteristics of a population
c. the averages taken from a sample
d. numerical characteristics of either a sample or a population
Answer: b
2. ampling distribution of ! is the
a. probabilit" distribution of the sample mean
b. probabilit" distribution of the sample proportion
c. mean of the sample
d. mean of the population
Answer: a
#. A simple random sample of 1$$ observations was taken from a large population.
%he sample mean and the standard deviation were determined to be &$ and 12
respectivel". %he standard error of the mean is
a. 1.2$
b. $.12
c. &.$$
d. $.&$
Answer: a
'. A population has a standard deviation of 1(. If a sample of si)e (' is selected
from this population, what is the probabilit" that the sample mean will be within 2
of the population mean*
a. $.(&2(
b. $.#'1#
c. +$.(&2(
d. ince the mean is not given, there is no answer to this question.
Answer: a
,. %he probabilit" distribution of all possible values of the sample proportion
a. probabilit" densit" function of
b. sampling distribution of !
c. same as
, since it considers all possible values of the sample proportion
2 -hapter even
d. sampling distribution of
Answer: d
(. -onvenience sampling is an e!ample of
a. probabilistic sampling
b. stratified sampling
c. nonprobabilistic sampling
d. cluster sampling
Answer: c
.. /hich of the following is an e!ample of nonprobabilistic sampling*
a. simple random sampling
b. stratified simple random sampling
c. cluster sampling
d. 0udgment sampling
Answer: d
&. tratified random sampling is a method of selecting a sample in which
a. the sample is first divided into strata, and then random samples are taken from
each stratum
b. various strata are selected from the sample
c. the population is first divided into strata, and then random samples are drawn
from each stratum
d. 1one of these alternatives is correct.
Answer: c
2. A population consists of ,$$ elements. /e want to draw a simple random sample
of ,$ elements from this population. 3n the first selection, the probabilit" of an
element being selected is
a. $.1$$
b. $.$1$
c. $.$$1
d. $.$$2
Answer: d
1$. %he closer the sample mean is to the population mean,
a. the larger the sampling error
b. the smaller the sampling error
c. the sampling error equals 1
d. 1one of these alternatives is correct.
Answer: b
11. ince the sample si)e is alwa"s smaller than the si)e of the population, the sample
a. must alwa"s be smaller than the population mean
b. must be larger than the population mean
c. must be equal to the population mean
d. can be smaller, larger, or equal to the population mean
ampling and ampling 4istributions #
Answer: d
12. As the sample si)e increases, the
a. standard deviation of the population decreases
b. population mean increases
c. standard error of the mean decreases
d. standard error of the mean increases
Answer: c
1#. A simple random sample from an infinite population is a sample selected such that
a. each element is selected independentl" and from the same population
b. each element has a $., probabilit" of being selected
c. each element has a probabilit" of at least $., of being selected
d. the probabilit" of being selected changes
Answer: a
1'. In point estimation
a. data from the population is used to estimate the population parameter
b. data from the sample is used to estimate the population parameter
c. data from the sample is used to estimate the sample statistic
d. the mean of the population equals the mean of the sample
Answer: b
1,. %he sample statistic s is the point estimator of
c. !
Answer: b
1(. %he sample mean is the point estimator of
c. !
Answer: a
1.. If we consider the simple random sampling process as an e!periment, the sample
mean is
a. alwa"s )ero
b. alwa"s smaller than the population mean
c. a random variable
d. e!actl" equal to the population mean
Answer: c
1&. %he probabilit" distribution of the sample mean is called the
a. central probabilit" distribution
' -hapter even
b. sampling distribution of the mean
c. random variation
d. standard error
Answer: b
12. %he e!pected value of the random variable ! is
a. the standard error
b. the sample si)e
c. the si)e of the population
d. 1one of these alternatives is correct.
Answer: d
2$. %he standard deviation of all possible ! values is called the
a. standard error of proportion
b. standard error of the mean
c. mean deviation
d. central variation
Answer: b
21. A population has a mean of ., and a standard deviation of &. A random sample of
&$$ is selected. %he e!pected value of ! is
a. &
b. .,
c. &$$
d. 1one of these alternatives is correct.
Answer: b
22. As the sample si)e becomes larger, the sampling distribution of the sample mean
approaches a
a. binomial distribution
b. Poisson distribution
c. normal distribution
d. chi+square distribution
Answer: c
2#. /henever the population has a normal probabilit" distribution, the sampling
distribution of ! is a normal probabilit" distribution for
a. onl" large sample si)es
b. onl" small sample si)es
c. an" sample si)e
d. onl" samples of si)e thirt" or greater
Answer: c
2'. %he sampling error is the
a. same as the standard error of the mean
b. difference between the value of the sample mean and the value of the
population mean
c. error caused b" selecting a bad sample
ampling and ampling 4istributions ,
d. standard deviation multiplied b" the sample si)e
Answer: b
2,. /hich of the following is considered to be a more efficient estimator*
a. sample median
b. sample mode
c. sample mean
d. an" measure of central location
Answer: c
2(. /hich of the following is5are6 point estimator5s6*
c. s
Answer: c
2.. A population characteristic, such as a population mean, is called
a. a statistic
b. a parameter
c. a sample
d. the mean deviation
Answer: b
2&. A propert" of a point estimator that occurs whenever larger sample si)es tend to
provide point estimates closer to the population parameter is known as
a. efficienc"
b. unbiased sampling
c. consistenc"
d. relative estimation
Answer: c
22. A sample statistic, such as a sample mean, is known as
a. a statistic
b. a parameter
c. the mean deviation
d. the central limit theorem
Answer: a
#$. %he standard deviation of a point estimator is called the
a. standard deviation
b. standard error
c. point estimator
d. variance of estimation
Answer: b
#1. A single numerical value used as an estimate of a population parameter is known
( -hapter even
a. a parameter
b. a population parameter
c. a mean estimator
d. a point estimate
Answer: d
#2. A theorem that allows us to use the normal probabilit" distribution to appro!imate
the sampling distribution of sample means and sample proportions whenever the
sample si)e is large is known as the
a. appro!imation theorem
b. normal probabilit" theorem
c. central limit theorem
d. central normalit" theorem
Answer: c
##. A propert" of a point estimator that occurs whenever the e!pected value of the
point estimator is equal to the population parameter it estimates is known as
a. consistenc"
b. the e!pected value
c. the estimator
d. unbiasedness
Answer: d
#'. A simple random sample of si)e n from an infinite population of si)e 1 is to be
selected. 7ach possible sample should have
a. the same probabilit" of being selected
b. a probabilit" of 18n of being selected
c. a probabilit" of 181 of being selected
d. a probabilit" of 18n of being selected
Answer: a
#,. 9or a population with an" distribution, the form of the sampling distribution of the
sample mean is
a. sometimes normal for all sample si)es
b. sometimes normal for large sample si)es
c. alwa"s normal for all sample si)es
d. alwa"s normal for large sample si)es
Answer: d
#(. A simple random sample of 2& observations was taken from a large population.
%he sample mean equaled ,$. 9ift" is a
a. population parameter
b. biased estimate of the population mean
c. sample parameter
d. point estimate
Answer: d
ampling and ampling 4istributions .
#.. A sample of 2' observations is taken from a population that has 1,$ elements.
%he sampling distribution of ! is
a. appro!imatel" normal because ! is alwa"s appro!imatel" normall" distributed
b. appro!imatel" normal because the sample si)e is large in comparison to the
population si)e
c. appro!imatel" normal because of the central limit theorem
d. normal if the population is normall" distributed
Answer: d
#&. A sample of 22 observations is taken from an infinite population. %he sampling
distribution of ! is appro!imatel"
a. normal because ! is alwa"s appro!imatel" normall" distributed
b. normal because the sample si)e is small in comparison to the population si)e
c. normal because of the central limit theorem
d. 1one of these alternatives is correct.
Answer: c
#2. A sample of 2, observations is taken from an infinite population. %he sampling
distribution of
a. not normal since n < #$
b. appro!imatel" normal because
is alwa"s normall" distributed
c. appro!imatel" normal if np , and n51+P6 ,
d. appro!imatel" normal if np > #$ and n51+P6 > #$
Answer: c
'$. A point estimator will be unbiased if the
a. e!pected value of the point estimator equals the value of the population
b. sample si)e is greater than #$ or np , and n51+p6 ,
c. sampling distribution is normall" distributed
d. value of the population parameter is known
Answer: a
'1. A finite population correction factor is needed in computing the standard deviation
of the sampling distribution of sample means
a. whenever the population is infinite
b. whenever the sample si)e is more than ,: of the population si)e
c. whenever the sample si)e is less than ,: of the population si)e
d. %he correction factor is not necessar" if the population has a normal
Answer: b
'2. 4oubling the si)e of the sample will
a. reduce the standard error of the mean to one+half its current value
b. reduce the standard error of the mean to appro!imatel" .$: of its current
c. have no effect on the standard error of the mean
& -hapter even
d. double the standard error of the mean
Answer: b
'#. %he fact that the sampling distribution of sample means can be appro!imated b" a
normal probabilit" distribution whenever the sample si)e is large is based on the
a. central limit theorem
b. fact that we have tables of areas for the normal distribution
c. assumption that the population has a normal distribution
d. 1one of these alternatives is correct.
Answer: a
''. As the sample si)e increases, the variabilit" among the sample means
a. increases
b. decreases
c. remains the same
d. depends upon the specific population being sampled
Answer: b
',. As a rule of thumb, the sampling distribution of the sample proportions can be
appro!imated b" a normal probabilit" distribution whenever
a. np ,
b. n51 + p6 , and n #$
c. n #$ and 51 + p6 ; $.,
d. 1one of these alternatives is correct.
Answer: b
'(. <andom samples of si)e 1. are taken from a population that has 2$$ elements, a
mean of #(, and a standard deviation of &. /hich of the following best describes
the form of the sampling distribution of the sample mean for this situation*
a. appro!imatel" normal because the sample si)e is small relative to the
population si)e
b. appro!imatel" normal because of the central limit theorem
c. e!actl" normal
d. 1one of these alternatives is correct.
Answer: d
'.. %he sampling distribution of the sample means
a. is the probabilit" distribution showing all possible values of the sample mean
b. is used as a point estimator of the population mean
c. is an unbiased estimator
d. shows the distribution of all possible values of
Answer: a
'&. =iven two unbiased point estimators of the same population parameter, the point
estimator with the smaller variance is said to have
a. smaller relative efficienc"
b. greater relative efficienc"
ampling and ampling 4istributions 2
c. smaller consistenc"
d. larger consistenc"
Answer: b
'2. -luster sampling is
a. a nonprobabilit" sampling method
b. the same as convenience sampling
c. a probabilit" sampling method
d. 1one of these alternatives is correct.
Answer: c
,$. %he purpose of statistical inference is to provide information about the
a. sample based upon information contained in the population
b. population based upon information contained in the sample
c. population based upon information contained in the population
d. mean of the sample based upon the mean of the population
Answer: b
,1. %he standard deviation of a sample of 1$$ elements taken from a ver" large
population is determined to be ($. %he variance of the population
a. can not be larger than ($
b. can not be larger than #($$
c. must be at least 1$$
d. can be an" value
Answer: d
,2. In computing the standard error of the mean, the finite population correction
factor is used when
a. 18n > $.$,
b. 18n $.$,
c. n81 > $.$,
d. n81 #$
Answer: c
1$ -hapter even
1. A population of 1,$$$ students spends an average of ?1$.,$ a da" on dinner. %he
standard deviation of the e!penditure is ?#. A simple random sample of ('
students is taken.
a. /hat are the e!pected value, standard deviation, and shape of the sampling
distribution of the sample mean*
b. /hat is the probabilit" that these (' students will spend a combined total of
more than ?.1,.21*
c. /hat is the probabilit" that these (' students will spend a combined total
between ?.$#.,2 and ?.2&.',*
a. 1$., $.#(# normal
b. $.$#1'
c. $.$.2'
2. A simple random sample of ( recent graduates revealed the following information
about their weekl" incomes.
Graduates Weekly I!"#e
A ?2,$
@ 2.$
- 2&,
4 2'$
7 2,,
9 22$
a. /hat is the e!pected value of the average weekl" income of all the recent
b. /hat is the e!pected value of the standard deviation for the population*
a. ?2(,
b. ?2$
#. %he life e!pectanc" in the Anited tates is ., with a standard deviation of . "ears.
A random sample of '2 individuals is selected.
a. /hat is the probabilit" that the sample mean will be larger than .. "ears*
b. /hat is the probabilit" that the sample mean will be less than .2.. "ears*
c. /hat is the probabilit" that the sample mean will be between .#., and .(
d. /hat is the probabilit" that the sample mean will be between .2 and .' "ears*
e. /hat is the probabilit" that the sample mean will be larger than .#.'( "ears*
ampling and ampling 4istributions 11
a. $.$22&
b. $.$1$.
c. $...',
d. $.1,.#
e. $.2#&2
'. A simple random sample of & emplo"ees of a corporation provided the following
7mplo"ee 1 2 # ' , ( . &
Age 2, #2 2( '$ ,$ ,' 22 2#
=ender B B B B 9 B B 9
a. 4etermine the point estimate for the average age of all emplo"ees.
b. /hat is the point estimate for the standard deviation of the population*
c. 4etermine a point estimate for the proportion of all emplo"ees who are female.
a. #'
b. 12.,.
c. $.2,
,. @elow "ou are given the values obtained from a random sample of ' observations
taken from an infinite population.
#2 #' #, #2
a. 9ind a point estimate for . Is this an unbiased estimate of * 7!plain.
b. 9ind a point estimate for
. Is this an unbiased estimate of
* 7!plain.
c. 9ind a point estimate for .
d. /hat can be said about the sampling distribution of ! * @e sure to discuss the
e!pected value, the standard deviation, and the shape of the sampling
distribution of ! .
a. #,C DesC 756 ;
b. &.((.C DesC 75s
6 ;
c. 2.2''
d. 75 ! 6 ; , the standard deviation ;
8n, and the sampling distribution of ! is
normall" distributed if the population is normall" distributed.
(. %he following information gives the number of da"s absent from work for a
population of , workers at a small factor".
W"rker Nu#$er "% Days A$set
12 -hapter even
A ,
@ .
- 1
4 '
7 &
a. 9ind the mean and the standard deviation for the population.
b. amples of si)e 2 will be drawn from the population. Ase the answers in part a
to calculate the e!pected value and the standard deviation of the sampling
distribution of the sample mean.
c. 9ind all the samples of 2 workers that can be e!tracted from this population.
-hoose the samples without replacement.
d. -ompute the sample mean ! for each of the samples in Part c.
e. =raph the sample means with the values of ! on the hori)ontal a!is and the
corresponding relative frequenc" on the vertical a!is.
a. ,C 2.''2
b. ,C 1.,
c. A@, A-, A4, A7, @-, @4, @7, -4, -7, 47
d. (, #, '.,, (.,, ', ,.,, ..,, 2.,, '.,, (
.. B1B -orporation gives each of its emplo"ees an aptitude test. %he scores on the
test are normall" distributed with a mean of ., and a standard deviation of 1,. A
simple random sample of 2, is taken from a population of ,$$.
a. /hat are the e!pected value, the standard deviation, and the shape of the
sampling distribution of ! *
b. /hat is the probabilit" that the average aptitude test in the sample will be
between .$.1' and &2.1'*
c. /hat is the probabilit" that the average aptitude test in the sample will be
greater than &2.(&*
d. /hat is the probabilit" that the average aptitude test in the sample will be less
than .&.(2*
e. 9ind a value, -, such that P5
-6 ; .$1,.
a. .,C #C normal
b. $.2#&.
c. $.$$,2
d. $.&2$.
e. &1.,1
&. %he average lifetime of a light bulb is #,$$$ hours with a standard deviation of (2(
hours. A simple random sample of #( bulbs is taken.
a. /hat are the e!pected value, standard deviation, and shape of the sampling
distribution of ! *
ampling and ampling 4istributions 1#
b. /hat is the probabilit" that the average life in the sample will be between
2,(.$.,( and 2,&$2..( hours*
c. /hat is the probabilit" that the average life in the sample will be greater than
#,212.2' hours*
d. /hat is the probabilit" that the average life in the sample will be less than
#,1&$.2( hours*
a. #,$$$C 11(C normal
b. $.$'&2
c. $.$22'
d. $.2'$(
2. Bichael is running for president. %he proportion of voters who favor Bichael is
$.&. A simple random sample of 1$$ voters is taken.
a. /hat are the e!pected value, standard deviation, and shape of the sampling
distribution of
b. /hat is the probabilit" that the number of voters in the sample who will not
favor Bichael will be between 2( and #$*
c. /hat is the probabilit" that the number of voters in the sample who will not
favor Bichael will be more than 1(*
a. $.&C $.$'C normal
b. $.$($(
c. $.&'1#
1$. A random sample of nine telephone calls in an office provided the following
Call Nu#$er 'I M&utes( Ty)e "% Call
1 # local
2 & long distance
# ' local
' # local
, , long distance
( ( local
. # local
& , local
2 & local
a. 4etermine the point estimate for the average duration of all calls.
b. /hat is the point estimate for the standard deviation of the population*
c. 4etermine the standard error of the mean.
d. /hat is the point estimate for the proportion of all calls that were long
1' -hapter even
e. 4etermine the standard error of proportion.
a. ,
b. 2
c. $.(.
d. $.222
e. $.1#&
11. -onsider a population of five weights identical in appearance but weighing 1, #, ,,
., and 2 ounces.
a. 4etermine the mean and the variance of the population.
b. ampling without replacement from the above population with a sample si)e of
2 produces ten possible samples. Asing the ten sample mean values, determine
the mean of the population and the variance of
c. -ompute the standard error of the mean.
a. , and &
b. , and #
c. 1..#2
12. A department store has determined that 2,: of all their sales are credit sales. A
random sample of ., sales is selected.
a /hat is the probabilit" that the sample proportion will be greater than $.#'*
b. /hat is the probabilit" that the sample proportion will be between $.12( and
c. /hat is the probabilit" that the sample proportion will be less than $.2,*
d. /hat is the probabilit" that the sample proportion will be less than $.1$*
a. $.$#,2
b. $.&'11
c. $.,
d. $.$$1'
1#. A bank has kept records of the checking balances of its customers and determined
that the average dail" balance of its customers is ?#$$ with a standard deviation of
?'&. A random sample of 1'' checking accounts is selected.
a. /hat is the probabilit" that the sample mean will be more than ?#$(.($*
b. /hat is the probabilit" that the sample mean will be less than ?#$&*
c. /hat is the probabilit" that the sample mean will be between ?#$2 and ?#$&*
d. /hat is the probabilit" that the sample mean will be at least ?22(*
ampling and ampling 4istributions 1,
a. $.$'2,
b. $.2..2
c. $.2&,.
d. $.&'1#

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