Meeting Minutes

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Meeting Date: <mm/dd/yyyy>
Meeting Location: <Location>
Approval: <Date or 'DRAFT'>
[If not yet approved c!ange t!e approval date to "Draft#$
Recorded %y: &&' ()L* Team
<)ro+ect ,ame> Meeting Date <mm/dd/yyyy>
Notes to the Author
[This document is a template of a Meeting Minutes document for a project. The template includes
instructions to the author, boilerplate text, and fields that should be replaced with the values specific to
the project.
Blue italicized text enclosed in square bracets ![text"# provides instructions to the document
author, or describes the intent, assumptions and context for content included in this document.
Blue italicized text enclosed in angle bracets !$text%# indicates a field that should be replaced
with information specific to a particular project.
Text and tables in blac are provided as boilerplate examples of wording and formats that ma& be
used or modified as appropriate to a specific project. These are offered onl& as suggestions to
assist in developing project documents' the& are not mandator& formats.
When using this template, the following steps are reommen!e!"
1. (eplace all text enclosed in angle bracets !e.g., $)roject *ame%# with the correct field
document values. These angle bracets appear in both the bod& of the document and in headers
and footers. To customize fields in Microsoft +ord !which displa& a gra& bacground when
selected# select ,ile-%)roperties-%.ummar& and fill in the appropriate fields within the .ummar&
and /ustom tabs.
0fter clicing 12 to close the dialog box, update all fields throughout the document selecting
3dit%.elect 0ll !or /trl-0# and pressing ,4. 1r &ou can update each field individuall& b& clicing
on it and pressing ,4.
These actions must be done separatel& for an& fields contained with the document5s 6eader and
2. Modif& boilerplate text as appropriate for the specific project.
3. To add an& new sections to the document, ensure that the appropriate header and bod& text
st&les are maintained. .t&les used for the .ection 6eadings are 6eading 7, 6eading 8 and
6eading 9. .t&le used for boilerplate text is Bod& Text.
Before submission of the first draft of this document, delete this instruction section :*otes to the
0uthor; and all instructions to the author throughout the entire document."
Meeting Min-te. Template /v0123 )age 4 of 5
<)ro+ect ,ame> Meeting Date <mm/dd/yyyy>

[The usual list of attendees should be detailed here. 0n& guests can be added. <roups with
representatives from multiple organizations !=epartments, 1perating =ivisions, Bureaus, etc.# should
detail which organization eah attendee represents. 0ttendance should be mared as &es, for those
attending in person, no for those absent, and phone for those attending b& teleconference or other
remote method."
*onference Room:
*onference Line:
6e7 Addre..:
Meeting 'c!ed-le 'tart: <&&:MM>
Meeting Act-al 'tart: <&&:MM>
Meeting 'cri7e: <,ame>
<Agenda Item 1>
o <,ote. on di.c-..ion>
<Agenda Item 2>
o <,ote. on di.c-..ion>
<Agenda Item 3>
o <,ote. on di.c-..ion>
<And so fot!">
[3xactl& method of note taing on discussion can var& from one recorder to another. Most important is
capturing the essence of the conversation. Major points raised, and b& whom, should be recorded
faithfull&, although there is no need to capture them word for word. >f the agenda is handled out of order,
re-arrange the agenda items to indicate the order in which the& were actuall& handled."
Meeting 'c!ed-le (nd: <&&:MM>
Meeting Act-al (nd: <&&:MM>
Meeting Min-te. Template /v0123 )age 8 of 5
Name T$t%e Ogan$&at$on 'esent
<,ame> <Title> <9)DI:/%-rea-/(T*> <;/,/)!one>
<)ro+ect ,ame> Meeting Date <mm/dd/yyyy>
A)t$on Ass$gned To Dead%$ne
<Action Item> <A..ignee> <mm/dd/yy>
[=ocument an& decisions made during the meeting
De)$s$on 1
De)$s$on 2
,e<t Meeting: <Location> <Date> <Time>
Meeting Min-te. Template /v0123 )age 5 of 5

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