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Professional Development Plan

This form should be filled out each year by faculty and submitted to their Dean for pre-approval of professional activities. Submitted again to Dean
with implementation plan attached when activity is complete. Portions of this plan will be annually updated and the purpose (s) will be used to (1)
satisfy professional-technical certification () increment movement and!or (") evaluation.
Name Margo Toner Date 2013-14
#rowth $rea
(Self-assessment, peer/student
observation, administrator evaluation)
(Name of course, conference,
workshop, seminar, project,
certification, etc.)
%easurable &utcomes
(Specific performance indicators in **http//www.wa-!"#s/!rofessional$tech/!%&'-&%$SS.pdf
pa(es ))-)*. or others as a(reed to between facult+
member and administrator.) ,ttach summar+-- Sect
-...*/ 0ar(ained ,(ree.
See above
()-1 )
2aintain current knowled(e of technolo(+ in
the field
3niversit+ of 2innesota -th ,nnual
4ral !atholo(+ 'nstitute for 5ducators
'-* 6ul+ 7-)) )
2odif+ instructional material and methods
based on student and industr+ assessments
and feedback
,"5, 8e(ional ,llied "ental
,ccreditation 9orkshop
"-. 6ul+ *)-** )
5mplo+ee Si(nature "ate Number of &ompleted
Supervisor Si(nature
Supervisor Si(nature
(,nnual 3pdated !lan)
** 't is the emplo+ee:s responsibilit+ to ensure that the ;uman 8esources office receives a si(ned cop+ of the completed !"! b+ ,u(ust ) to satisf+ increment advancement criteria.

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